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(回答先: イスラエル人ジャズ奏者がドイツ国内で「ホロコーストはでっちあげ」と発言 投稿者 はちまき伍長 日時 2005 年 12 月 16 日 20:16:36)
いやー、お恥ずかしい。以下の拙稿ではGilad Atzmonを「アツマン」と書いてしまっていました。
投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2005 年 11 月 16 日 22:20:26
Israeli People's Most common Mistakes
Gilad Atzmon 22.8.03
2. To believe that the creation of the state of Israel was an outcome of the
First, some enlightening quotes:
"A Jew brought up among Germans may assume German custom, German words. He
may be wholly imbued with that German fluid but the nucleus of his spiritual
structure will always remain Jewish, because his blood, his body, his
physicalracial type are Jewish." (Vladimir Jabotinsky, 'A Letter on
Autonomy', 1904. Jabotinsky is the ideological mentor of the Israeli right
"I too, like Hitler, believe in the power of the blood idea." (Chaim
Nachman Bialik, The Present Hour, 1934. Bialik is the official Israeli
national poet.)
"Had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist." (Adolf Eichmann,
1955, published in Life magazine in 1960. Eichmann, an SS officer in charge
of the 'Jewish problem', made this remark in reference to his visit to
Palestine in 1937.
Along the years, Israeli people have adopted a bizarre view of their own
Zionist historical narrative. Somehow they have decided that their militant
and nationalistic colonial venture is actually a post-Shoah 'peace-seeking
movement'. In the early days of Israel this manipulative notion was found to
be very effective in generating western support, probably as a result of
feelings of guilt among western people. Since the Lebanese war in 1982
opinion in the west has shifted. More and more people acknowledge that it is
the Palestinians who are actually 'Hitler's last victims'. While the western
world is slowly but surely waking up to the ongoing inhuman Israeli crimes,
Israelis still believe in their fabricated self-image. Israelis are
convinced that the Jewish state was created after the Holocaust to secure a
safe haven for Jews in case of repeated disaster. This misconception is the
direct consequence of the misreading of crucial historical events. Israel is
the fruit of Zionism and the Zionist ideology was well established before
Hitler was born.
Moreover, there is good reason to believe that Hitler developed some of his
anti-Semitic arguments after reading early Zionist texts. From Ber Borochov
he could learn how socially abnormal the Jews were ('The socio-economic
structure of the Jewish people differs radically from that of other nations.
Ours is an anomalous, abnormal structure' Ber Borochov, 1897, published in
Moshe Cohen (ed.), Nationalism and the Class Struggle: A Marxian Approach to
the Jewish Problem, 1937). From Jabotinsky he could learn how crucial blood
purity was. The quotes cited above suggest that Zionism and Nazism are very
similar in spirit (both are nationalistic movements inspired by concepts of
racial purity). One thing, however, is clear: Zionism pre-dates Nazism.
On the other hand, if we decide to go along with the Israeli self-deception
which regards Israel as the outcome of the Holocaust, we should address the
fact that Zionists have always been more than enthusiastic about
anti-Semitism. In Zionist eyes it is anti-Semitism that will push Jews to
their 'homeland'. Accordingly, the Zionists realized from the very beginning
that Nazi Germany presented a great opportunity for Zionism. While before
the war Zionist organizations collaborated with the Nazis transferring
German Jewish wealth to Palestine, during the war, when the scale of the
disaster had already been revealed, very little was done by Zionists around
the world to help their brothers and sisters in Europe. One particular
incident should be mentioned here. Towards the end of World War II Adolf
Eichmann (on behalf of Heinrich Himmler) offered Rezso Kasztner, a Zionist
Hungarian leader, the freedom of up to one million Jews in return for 10,000
trucks. Surprisingly enough, this offer was ignored by the Zionist
organizations that had realized by then that the annihilation of European
Jewry would help generate enough support among the nations for the future
establishment of the Jewish state. Apparently, the Nazi offer was reduced to
a single train and just 600 devoted Zionist Hungarian Jews. Clearly, the
Zionists were interested in saving neither assimilated nor Orthodox Jews.
Sadly enough, we must admit that, at least tactically, the Zionists were
proved right: the liquidation of European Jewry indeed generated great
support for the Zionist cause that led eventually to the establishment of
the Jewish state. Nonetheless, if we do adopt this line of thinking, we must
regard the Zionist leaders as partly responsible for the liquidation of
European Jewry.