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投稿者 World Watcher 日時 2005 年 8 月 21 日 23:17:56
カナダの情報誌グローバル・リサーチGlobal Reserch.caへの寄稿者でオタワ大学経済学教授のミシェル・チョスドウスキMichel Chossudovsky氏に対する、ADLとブナイ・ブリスによる言論弾圧は、「ホロコースト産業」の著者ノーマン・フィンケルシュタイン氏に対する迫害同様に、決して見過ごされてはならないものだと思います。
ここに、戦争板でもご紹介しましたが、「ユダヤ粛清リスト」とも言うべき、「Self-Hating and/or Israel Threatening List(自虐的そして/または反イスラエル的人物リスト)」があります。
Self-Hating and/or Israel Threatening List
Masada 2000.org
このHPを作っているMasada 2000.orgは狂信的シオニスト・ユダヤとみえて、おそらくADLと並ぶブナイ・ブリスの下部組織であろうと思われます。マサダは古代ユダヤ王国がローマ帝国に対して反乱を起こした際に最後までユダヤ人が立てこもって西暦73年についに崩壊した砦の名前で、シオニストが現代イスラエルを作る際の象徴として用いられたものです。
Finkelstein, Norman G. Holocaust denier and author of "The Holocaust Industry," who once famously asked, "If all these people survived the Holocaust, who actually died?" [So, besides being a Holocaust denier, he's also a heartless bastard!] Further, he claimed that the Holocaust is being used by racist Jews to justify their presence in Palestine and to oppress Arabs. He agrees that the use of the Holocaust as "extortion" to extract money from Germans and others is a crime and, according to Finkelstein, just more proof of the fact that Jews care for nothing but money. Israel is not immune from his castigation either. In a December 200l speech in Beirut, Lebanon, Finkelstein compared Israeli behavior to "Nazi practices" during World War II. Finkelstein refers to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis as the "Six Million" in quotation marks, and says that nearly every Holocaust survivor is a fraud, a thief and a liar. (Finkelstein's own parents are Holocaust survivors and Finkelstein has long tried to capitalize on this as a way to legitimize his own anti-Semitism.)
Finkelstein is almost universally regarded as a Jewish traitor and anti-Semite, and at the very least a fraud and pseudo-scholar. Commentary Magazine's Gabriel Schoenfeld has labeled Finkelstein's views as crackpot ideas, some of them mirrored almost verbatim in the propaganda put out by neo-Nazis around the world.. "Fink's" books do not sell in America, but they are best-sellers among the growing number of neo-Nazis in Germany. Finkelstein has been endorsed by anti-Semites of all stripes, including Israeli Jewish anti-Semites like Neve Gordon from Ben Gurion University
Has this capo EVER said a kind word about the Israel or the Jewish people? Sadly, we know of none. Even if Norman Finkelstein did not really exist, we'd have to invent him as a Poster Yehudon [Jew Boy] caricature of the Self-Hating Israel-Threatening Jew.
Chomsky, Noam Professor of Linguistics at M.I.T whose sorry life has been filled with dissent, anarchism, Marxism, anti-Americanism and a visceral hatred for the Land of Israel. He's also had a prolonged and varied collaboration with the neo-Nazi movement. He once wrote, "I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust." In other words, Chomsky is a thoroughly despicable human being. For more on this pathetic Jew, click Here.
彼は以前からネオコン・ブッシュ政権への攻撃を激しく行っており、チョムスキーとは異なり「9・11自作自演説」についてのオピニオン・リーダーの一人でもあります。当然のことながらロンドン7・7に関してもWorld Watcherさんが紹介されているように、
7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
Fictional 7/7 "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's subway