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英国の大学教員組織について私は全く知りません。日教組大学部のようなものとは違うような印象です。いずれにせよ、AUTと名乗るこの組織が、5月26日、Councilを開催し、 イスラエルの2(または3)の大学を名指して、「パレスチナ人への差別等イスラエルの国策に手を貸してきたことを理由にボイコットする(学術交流をたつ、学生を受け入れないなど)」との動議を提案します。これが論議されるのか、そもそも動議が受け付けられるのかも予断を許さぬ情勢のようです(前回の書き込み)。イスラエルの大学はこれに抗議して裁判に訴えると警告しています。
以下はこのガーディアン記事の最後のパラグラフです。そこには"The taboo has been shattered at last. とあります。タブーだったんですね。動議提出者は、「南アでの人種錆悦とイスラエルのどこが違えのだ?、南アの差別ではボイコットしたではないか?」と主張してきたのです。前回の書き込みではこの動議への賛否両論を紹介しました。学問の場に政治を持ち込むべきではないといった動議反対論がありました。
However, Omar Barghouti, a founder of the Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said: "The taboo has been shattered at last. From now on it will be acceptable to compare Israel's apartheid system to its South African predecessor."
Israeli threat to sue union over college boycott
Matthew Taylor, education correspondent
Thursday May 12, 2005
The Guardian
The dispute between Israeli universities and UK academics intensified yesterday after it emerged that a leading lecturers' union was facing legal action from Haifa University.
Last month the Association of University Teachers voted to sever links with Haifa in a wider boycott of Israeli academia, claiming the university had victimised staff who spoke out against Israel's policies in the occupied territories.
The decision led to an angry backlash in the UK and around the world, and last night Haifa University issued the AUT with a legal warning claiming the allegations were untrue and defamatory.
"The AUT has, both by the assistance it gave to the resolution's sponsors and by its publication of the resolution on its website, defamed the university of Haifa," stated the solicitor's letter. "Our client [Haifa University] is entitled to seek damages, a retraction and an undertaking against further publication of the defamations."
The threat of legal action comes just weeks before the union's council meets to reconsider the decision at a special AUT council in London. The meeting was called following a campaign by lecturers opposing the boycott.
Jon Pike, a senior lecturer in philosophy at the Open University, said he did not want his union to be sued but that Haifa had every right to defend itself. "The facts of the case were not made clear at the annual conference in Eastbourne, and it is important that AUT members are informed of the details before they vote at the special council later this month," he said.
Dr Pike, who organised the anti-boycott campaign, said he was confident members would vote against a ban. "I hope and expect that we will be able to overturn the boycott decision at the special council; already Oxford, Cambridge and Warwick branches have come out in support."
But Sue Blackwell, a lecturer at Birmingham University, who co-wrote the original motion, accused Haifa of "nit-picking". She said: "I have no reason to believe that anything in the motion is untrue. I think the fact that the media and universities in Israel have reacted in such a hysterical way shows we have hit a nerve."
She said the Birmingham AUT branch was discussing further motions in relation to Haifa's role in the occupied territories which, if passed, would be put before this month's special conference.
"These are not the only accusations and this is not the end of the matter," she said.
Last night an AUT spokesman confirmed receipt of the letter from Haifa's solicitors. In the document Haifa rebuts the allegations, which suggested the university victimised a staff member who criticised the Israeli government's role in the occupied territories.
It also claims that it did not have a chance to respond to the allegations before the motion was put to conference and that the debate was "perfunctory ... [and] held at a time that made it impossible for Jews to attend".
At the annual conference the AUT voted narrowly in favour of a boycott of a second university, Bar-Ilan - accused of links with a college in the disputed settlement of Ariel - as well as a boycott of Haifa. Both colleges have denied the allegations.
Members also voted in favour of further investigation into a boycott against a third college, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The decision caused widespread anger. The Board of Deputies of British Jews described the vote as "blinkered, irresponsible and dangerous" and the deputy Israeli ambassador to London, Zvi Ravner, said he was amazed and disturbed.
However, Omar Barghouti, a founder of the Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said: "The taboo has been shattered at last. From now on it will be acceptable to compare Israel's apartheid system to its South African predecessor."
The AUT special council takes place in London on May 26.