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11月1日付のアメリカ唯一の”全国紙”「USA Today」によれば、ブッシュ大統領は、4人に1人のアメリカ人に鳥インフルエンザ用のワクチンが行き渡るように備蓄を進め、その業界への支援をするために、71億ドルの緊急予算を拠出することを表明したそうだ。
世界最大の製薬会社トップ5にどこが名前を連ねているか? どこが、誰がもうけるか。誰でもわかる事だ。
Posted 11/1/2005 7:51 AM Updated 11/1/2005 5:09 PM
Bush outlines $7.1 billion strategy to fight flu
By Steve Sternberg and Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY
BETHESDA, Md. — President Bush on Tuesday unveiled a $7.1 billion emergency plan to prepare for an influenza pandemic, including sweeping proposals to stockpile enough antiviral drugs for one of every four Americans and to rebuild the U.S. vaccine industry.
President Bush speaks at the National Institutes of Health on Tuesday.
By Ron Edmonds, AP
In a speech to doctors, scientists and members of Congress at the National Institutes of Health, the president declared that no deadly flu outbreak, such as those in 1918, 1957 and 1968, is imminent. But early preparation is necessary, he said, because "at some point, we are likely to face another pandemic. (Related video: Bush speech)
"In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics," Bush said. "Viruses from birds contributed to all of them."
A flu strain called H5N1 has infected poultry flocks in 16 countries in Asia and Europe. At least 200 million birds have either died or been destroyed in a so-far fruitless effort to stop the virus from spreading.
The latest outbreak of the virus so far has infected 121 people and killed 62 since late 2003, but doctors fear that it may mutate, allowing it to easily spread from person to person and causing a pandemic.
The president's plan, called a "National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza," acknowledges the federal government can't provide blanket protection against a virus as deadly as the 1918 flu, which killed at least a half-million Americans and 20 million worldwide. It calls for a "system of plans at all levels of government and in all sectors outside of government" to prepare for a global pandemic.
The plan calls for a $250 million expansion of the early-warning network now in place in the USA and abroad. The network is intended to sound the alarm in the event of an outbreak.
It also calls for enhanced surveillance and border controls to prevent travelers and "potentially infected products" from spreading deadly diseases.
Bush also asked Congress to enact liability protections for vaccine makers. The number of U.S. vaccine manufacturers has declined sharply because the industry has been hit with a flood of lawsuits, he said.
Public health experts agreed. "That is absolutely a key issue," said Robert Webster of St. Jude Children's Research Center, who made a prototype vaccine against H5N1 flu. "Maybe this bird flu will never happen, but this country has got to be able to make its own vaccines."
Kim Elliott of the non-profit advocacy group Trust for America's Health praised the plan, but she said it shortchanges states by providing just $100 million for pandemic planning and only a 25% subsidy for the 31 million doses of antiviral drugs that the administration expects states to buy to help protect the population. That provision would cost states about $500 million, she said.
"In a national emergency, where you live shouldn't govern whether or not you get treatment," Elliott said. "It shouldn't depend on the governor's budget."
Benedetto reported from Betheda, Sternberg from McLean, Va.
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