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Second nuclear plant shut down
Decision devastates southern German town, encourages environmental minister
13. Mai 2005 F.A.Z. Weekly.
To some, the occasion resembled a funeral. To others, a champagne celebration.
The occasion on Wednesday was the permanent shutdown of a nuclear power plant in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg. The plant, in operation since 1969, was taken off line as part of a groundbreaking agreement to abandon nuclear energy that the national government reached in 2000. Under the plan, all 19 German nuclear power plants are to be shut down by 2020. The plant in Obrigheim was the second shut down.
The shutoff was a cause for celebration among the Greens, the junior coalition partner in Berlin that was the driving force behind the 2000 agreement.
”The shutdown of the nuclear power plant in Obrigheim brings another section of the energy turnaround into view,” Environmental Minister Jürgen Trittin said.
The goal is to switch to a form of energy that is more ”environmentally friendly and safe,” said Trittin, a member of the Greens. ”The future belongs to … energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies,” he said.
In Obrigheim, the mood at the plant's control room resembled a funeral, said the town's mayor, Roland Lauer.
”From an economic point of view, the end of the nuclear power plant is a catastrophe,” Lauer said. He said the economically weak region would lose about 400 people who worked at the plant and about 400 people who worked in supply companies and gastronomy. And these losses will cut tax revenues by about €2 million ($2.5 million), he said.
The country's leading opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union, rejects the shutdown agreement and is considering whether it would allow the 17 remaining plants to stay in operation if it were elected in 2006. ”Within the Union, there is a wide consensus that the operating times of the nuclear power plants should be extended,” said Peter Pazio-rek, a member of parliament. But he said he did not want to debate the possibility of building new plants.
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