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(回答先: 英国の原発増加と核廃棄物処理問題[Independent] 投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2005 年 5 月 15 日 16:19:32)
英核燃会社:核物質30年間放置 貯蔵プールに溶け出す [毎日新聞]【日本向けでもデータを捏造した会社】
投稿者 あっしら 日時 2004 年 12 月 12 日 14:33:44
投稿者 ネオファイト 日時 2004 年 12 月 16 日 11:44:03
Huge radioactive leak closes Thorp nuclear plant
Paul Brown, environment correspondent
Monday May 9, 2005
The Guardian
Nuclear plant closed after radioactive flood
18:32 09 May 2005
NewScientist.com news service
Paul Marks
Close nuclear leak plant for good, says Sellafield
Thorp reprocessing should never be restarted - boss
Oliver Morgan, industrial editor
Sunday May 15, 2005
The Observer
The owner of the Sellafield site in Cumbria, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, wants its main reprocessing facility to shut forever following a leak of highly radioactive liquefied nuclear fuel containing plutonium and uranium.
The move would bring an early end to the UK's reprocessing programme, which was conceived in the Sixties to provide plutonium for Britain's nuclear deterrent while recycling uranium for civil energy needs.
In any event, the leak of some 20 tonnes of uranium and plutonium fuel, dissolved in nitric acid, will keep the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (Thorp) shut for months.
But senior sources at the NDA, the government body set up to dismantle radioactive facilities at 20 sites across the UK, now believes that keeping the plant shut is the most economical option, and also one that would remove reprocessing - which has always attracted controversy - from the debate over building new nuclear stations which many believe the government is keen to initiate.
'The view is that Thorp should never restart,' said a senior source.
Officials indicate that, even when operational, the plant does not make money. Thorp's figures are not split out in the NDA's plan for 2005-6. However, the published figures show that, of a total budget of £2.2 billion, the NDA receives some £1.08bn from the commercial operations it inherited from British Nuclear Fuels. Of this, it expects to get £635.1 million from reprocessing and transporting nuclear material around the world.
A large proportion of this figure will be from Thorp's activities - reprocessing spent fuel from British Energy's nuclear power stations, along with contracts from Japan, Germany and other overseas customers. But the NDA also incurs huge costs from Sellafield, forecast to be £727.4m over 2005-6. Also, up to three new storage facilities for separated plutonium and uranium are needed, at a cost of nearly £200m each.
Meanwhile the NDA official said: 'The government is starting to think about new stations. The view is that it would be impossible to argue that there should be a new generation [of facilities] that relies on reprocessing.'
Closing Thorp would reduce the time it takes to run down the massive stockpile of 'highly active liquid' - spent nuclear fuel containing uranium and plutonium - by four and a half years. Nuclear regulators have insisted on the backlog being dealt with by 2015. And closure of Thorp would drastically reduce emissions into the Irish Sea, a continuing source of tension with the Irish government.
NDA chief executive Ian Roxburgh told The Observer that a decision on closure would be up to the government. He added: 'The NDA must produce by the autumn its plans for the 20 sites it operates, including Sellafield. The latest incident had clearly brought that forward.'
Meanwhile, sources at British Energy have indicated that the privatised nuclear operator wants to run any new nuclear power stations, but is not keen to take a major investment stake in any projects. There are doubts over whether private investors have the appetite to finance and build a new generation of reactors, given the volatility of energy markets.
The sources believe the operation of new plants should be kept separate from ownership and financing.
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