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The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
September 24, 2005
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
There should be a POISON symbol over the doors of our universities, cinemas and art galleries. There should be a similar warning on our TV, music and videos.
In the 1920's, leaders of the Communist International decided that Western society was too strong to conquer. It was necessary to weaken it by subverting its cultural institutions--family, education, religion, art, mass media and government.
They have largely succeeded. While maintaining these institutions in their familiar format, they have subtly changed the content. It's like lacing a bottle of aspirin with arsenic. The purpose is to gradually poison, paralyse and eventually destroy us.
We are noticing that our political and cultural leaders are mostly cowards, dupes, traitors, crooks, opportunists and impostors rewarded by how much harm they can do.
Our failure to combat Communism is due to a misunderstanding of its real nature. We imagine it is a discredited movement, once based in the USSR and China devoted to social justice, equality and public ownership. Millions of idealists, including myself, were duped.
In fact, Communism is an international phenomenon that invaded Russia and China. It is the creation of a satanic cult (the Illuminati) formed in 1776 by international bankers. It is designed to put all the world's wealth in their hands, and eventually to reduce and enslave the human race. The 5-pointed Red Star of Communism is also the symbol of Satan-worship. A demonic virus, Communism has morphed into countless forms (such as fe-manism) and is hoodwinking more people than ever.
Western Civilization is built on Christianity, the premise that God is real, in fact the ultimate and only permanent Reality, a spiritual one. Through man's Divine soul, the ordinary individual can discern the Divine Will without mediation from a worldly authority. This is why the bankers hate Christianity.
God is the Truth, Love, Beauty and Goodness to which we aspire. This moral order precludes a small clique monopolizing the world's wealth. So the bankers set out to destroy our belief in a Divine Order by promoting Darwinism, Existentialism etc. They promote war, depression and terror so we will demand their "antidote": the New World Order.
In his brilliant essay, "The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness" Michael Minnichino describes how most of the fashionable intellectual and artistic movements in the 20th century, still in vogue today, were actually inspired by thinkers who were Commintern (Communist International) agents financed by the central bankers. Some of them actually worked for Soviet Intelligence right into the 1960's.
He writes: "The task [of the Frankfurt School] was first to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" ...and second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new barbarism." ...The purpose of modern art, literature and music must be to destroy the uplifting potential of art, literature and music..."
Funds came from "various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services..."
This subversive movement "represents almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends which now plague our universities." They are associated with Post Modernism, Feminism, Cultural Studies, Deconstructionism, Semiotics, etc.
Their net effect is to divorce us from truth, social cohesion and our cultural heritage. They assert that reality is unknowable and that writers and artists are in fact depicting themselves. For example, postmodernist Hayden White writes, "historical narratives are verbal fictions, the contents of which are more invented than found...truth and reality are primarily authoritarian weapons of our times." In other words, we cannot know what happened in the past (which is exactly what they want.)
Postmodernism is part of the authoritarian agenda. Similarly the Frankfurt School championed the notion that "authoritarianism" is caused by religion, male leadership, marriage and family, when these things actually uphold society.
Universities are enemy territory and professors usually are obstacles to genuine learning.
The same applies to the mass media, which the central bankers own and control. We imagine that books, movies and music are commercially or artistically motivated. This is not true. Elite brainwashers discovered they can sell almost anything as long as it is hyped and adheres to a familiar format. Thus the hidden agenda of entertainment is social engineering, satanism, sexual depravity and violence.
Musician Wes Penre says stars are selected not for talent but because they advance the elite agenda. He writes:
Their task is to demoralize our youth, to create a society where no one is able to think for themselves (contrary to what the pop culture is trying to teach us about the "rebellious" rock music). The Art Industry creates "Icons" with degrading and Satanic messages, who are supposed to take the place of God. The musicians are also often acting degraded and high or low on drugs, so their fans start acting the same. The purpose is to create apathy and decay. Quite a few artists also put subliminal backward messages in their music, like Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, The Eagles, and more....
Many musicians die young due to "drug overdoses" because they tried to buck the agenda.
This also explains the obsession with romance in popular music. Love and sex are intended to distract us from everything else.
Increasingly, there is a lesbian message in popular music. For example, the Dixie Chicks scorn men and celebrate female independence. In one song, women self righteously murder a man who gave his wife a black eye. Young women sing these songs and identify.
A friend noticed his Dixie Chick-singing girlfriend has been psychologically neutered. She thinks becoming a wife and mother will cramp her style. He is dumping her.
I went to the movies last night. Three-out-of-four previews mentioned homosexuality. "North Country" with Charlese Theron is pure anti-male propaganda. Single mother gets a job in a mine but is not accepted as an equal by her male co-workers. After one rapes her, she has to take the company to court to get justice. How many times have we seen this kind of thing?
I once met a woman who works as a railroad diesel mechanic. She said her male co-workers treat her like gold. It wouldn't do to tell her story, would it?
Ever wonder why there hasn't been a movie about real American heroes like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh (Post The Spirit of St. Louis) Louis McFadden and Whittaker Chambers? They opposed the banker agenda.
Just as we need healthy food and exercise, our mind and soul needs truth and beauty. We need to see life portrayed honestly, with the real forces identified. Instead, we are deliberately deceived and degraded by a small financial elite with a diabolical plan. White stallions (our souls) are fed a diet of sawdust.
Whether it's school or mass media, we are bombarded with propaganda designed to produce alienation and dysfunction. We must protect ourselves from this poison before it is too late.
The good news is that modern culture, based on the premise there is no inherent purpose or positive design in human life, has been exposed as a long-term Illuminati psy-op designed to demoralize us. It will fail.
(For More on the Illuminati program.)
Comments for "The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture"
Robert said (September 30, 2005):
Hey Henry, what's up? Excellent website you have here. I am currently attending University of Massachusetts. Your website has been like a secret weapon that I have used on agenda driven teachers that I have. I wish you taught at my school. I would enjoy seeing you on some of these phony news shows. i.e. Oreilly factor Hannity & Colmes.etc. I have question that I would like to ask you. Do you believe in this Peak oil story, or do you believe that it is abiotic, and Mother Earth produces it naturally? I am starting to believe the latter, but still am not sure. Any response would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work!
I have no expertise on oil but I expect the whole shortage is fabricated. What are you studying? Did you read "How University Betrays Students?" http://www.savethemales.ca/000561.html
John said (September 29, 2005):
I don't understand why certain e-mailers are accusing you of making "no connection ever" between communism and Jews.
Your piece "Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony" shows very clearly that a Jewish elite, including the Warburg interests, financed both the Communists and the Nazis.
This has been known for decades, and had already been shown in the seventies by the scholarship of Antony Sutton.
As for the banking elites, some call them "Khazars," some call them "pseudo-Jews" like Robert Wilton, or "apostate Jews" like the radio priest Fr. Coughlin. Whatever we call it, this sinister group has on its hands the blood of the victims of both Nazism and communism.
We have been warned by angry Aryans: "never trust a Jew." Yet nobody is being asked to trust you; the issue is whether you have proven your assertions. I believe you have, at least regarding the identities of the international bankers who have done the most harm.
Bob said (September 27, 2005):
Dear Henry -
I think you will agree that the speed with which we are being killied, both morally and physically, has been accelerated:
--world-wide release of laboratory created deadly viruses
--world-wide poisoning of the food supply with chemicals such as aspartame
--world-wide mass killing events:
# Asian tsunami (100,000+) - Note: the investigator, Joe Vialls, who revealed this as a "mad-made" event, died recently in a mysterious manner
# World Trade Center: 3,000+
# NO: 10,000+ - actual deaths concealed - NOTE: the paperwork for Haliburton to clean up NO was ready before the destructive event
--expansion of mind-altering drug distribution
--ever deeper degradation by the entertainment industry
--intentional destruction of the European, Canadian and US societies by unrestrained immigration of hostile outsiders
--steady establishment of a fascist-oligarchy in the US
--preparation for permanent martial law under FEMA throughout the US following a prepared event, such as the predicted devastating earthquake in California or gigantic volcanic eruption in Yellowstone Park (either triggered by scalar technology - see Tom Bearden)
--an obvious US government agenda to steadily grind down the quality of life in general and destroy the middle class in particular, all to be accelerated by a planned melding of the Canadian, Mexican and South American economies.
I agree with you that the PROTOCOLS are genuine (yes, I've carefully read them), and I believe that both Gentile and Jewish elites have combined in a shared effort to bring them to what can be seen as a current fruition.
Now for an observation I have not seen elsewhere. It seems obvious to me that the Elite Establishment has revealed its utter contempt for other US citizens by its illegal elevation to the presidency of a man absolutely morally corrupt (including many overnight stays by a professional homosexual escort in his White House apartment), an alcoholic (recently fallen off the wagon), a man of such low intelligence that insiders report he does not understand some of his own speeches, and a man with a volatile foul temper who is feared by his staff. Obviously, Bush was installed to hasten the destruction of the US. His masters must be pleased. However, now that he appears to be going completely out of control on booze, I predict some "event" will soon remove him from office. Good news if Cheney goes with him. Very bad news if he doesn't. Stay alert
Michael Haupt said (September 26, 2005):
Dear Henry,
Spot on as usual.
The question I don't see answered these days is "So what do we do
about the fraud imposed on us?"
You've said, "Just as we need healthy food and exercise, our mind and
soul needs truth and beauty. We need to see life portrayed honestly,
with the real forces identified."
I would go further to say that we need to take back control of our
minds. As Goethe said, "There are none so enslaved as those who
believe they are free."
But the simple question is "How?"
Where do we find truth and beauty for our mind and soul?
In complete humility, may I present my simple attempt at providing
mental food and exercise designed to free enslaved minds. There's no
charge, and your readers may benefit - thousands have already:
All the best,
Michael Haupt
www.ThreeWorldWars.com (An Introduction to Conspiratorial History)
www.UltFreedom.com (How to Live a Fulfilled, Free Life)
www.POYL.com (How to Find the Purpose of Your Life)
Judy said (September 26, 2005):
Thank you very much for your excellent treatise on communist kulture poison, posted at www.rense.com. This article clearly exposes the firmly entrenched planks of the manifesto, nailed securely to the basement bulwarks of modernism and the university fraud matrix. Your article exposes the roots of the cause, as the cursed sons of darkness, the sons of Belial, do the bidding of their father the devil. Bob Whitaker wrote an excellent book, "Why Johnny Can't Think", exposing the complete fraud of the "Professor Priesthood" cabal as it exists in the state university system of higher education. www.whitakeronline.org
However, you have gone beyond his work to clearly show the very roots of the problem in all state education, one of the key cornerstone ingredients(ten planks) to the satanic poison kulture institution. You have in this writing piece a "job well done"!
Richard, said (September 26, 2005):
Henry, "funds came from the American Jewish Committee" Why? Who are the majority of communists throughout history? You make no connection ever between communism and Jews? You mock Edgar Steele for an indirect comment about your son.
You have a gift to write and a good intellect on a host of subjects and I realize you have to be careful when writing about Jews in particular. But at some point if you're honest and a serious person on what's going on our country you have to have balls to say the unsayable.....
I know you might be kicked out of Etherzone like the Birdman or that girl ( I forget her name) who started rubbing the jewish angle on Etherzone. They got canned pretty quick. Don't be afraid to be canned for sighting truthful things. Richard
If I thought it was strictly a Jewish phenomenon I would say so, but the run-of-the-mill Jews like me are being used as a scapegoat for an alliance of Jewish finance and non-Jewish dynastic families, the Black nobility, American aristocracy etc.
Do you actually care to pinpoint the perpetrators or do you just want a convenient target?
Steve said (September 26, 2005):
I’ve been enjoying your articles for about 6 months now. I think that you have correctly hit the target of the world’s problems by naming central banking as the source of all misery. But is Christianity really the answer? I am highly skeptical of any religion being ‘real’. If Christianity was so great, why didn’t the Jews go for it? They had the best vantage point from which to judge it. The story of Christ is really only another myth that is based on astrology, which you would know if you had spent any time researching religion. 12 disciples, 12 months in the year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, Jesus in the Temple at 12 years old. The miracles are nothing more than regurgitated stories of Hercules completing his tasks and other, earlier nomadic godmen, doing their ‘work’. Behold, my father’s mansion has many houses. That’s right! Twelve of them: Virgo, Taurus, Leo… Why do you think that Jesus was born of a virgin? Because at that time, the sun rose in the sign of Virgo, therefore the Sun/Son was ‘born of a Virgin’, Mother Earth. And by the way, Jesus wasn’t the only one to work miracles and claim to be the way to God. Don’t forget about Bhudda, another miracle worker and claimer of diety (the Path to Enlightenment).
I am not advocating Christianity but the underlying truth which I try to describe in terms of spiritual ideals. I identify with Christ's Sermon on the Mount but Truth is Truth and can be expressed in many ways.
Douglas said (September 26, 2005):
Dear Dr. Makow, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your most informative and well written aricles appearing on rense.com. I have just read "The Frauldulent Basis of Modern Kulture" and I think this is one of the most clear and concise aricles ever on this disturbing subject. Daily I am confronted with the dispair and frustration of being a traditional ,white, middle age divorced man who has seen firsthand the horible results of this plague unleashed upon us. For the first 12 years of our marraige, we had a solid and happy marraige, then without warning my wife changed. She was greatly influenced by her "best friend" who was giving her the latest editions of Cosmoplotain edited at ther time by Helen Gurly Brown. suddeny I lost all relavence or influence with my wife, who had taken up with a young alcoholic drug using man, who worked at a diferent job every six months.
She destroyed our family, and her life, almost impoverished me with her "legal advice "from her girlfrineds and predator lawyers. Now the children are grown , and have turned out better than I could have hoped for, but somehow, I know, I am not nearly as influential in their live as I should be. I don't want to bemoan my personal sitution, but because, I was raised as a critical thinker, (small one room prairie school house) I can see what has, and continues to happen in all aspects of our daily lives. The smut that enters our homes everyday on cable tv, would not have been allowed in "adult" movies when I was young. Our elected representitives demonstrate, that it is not how you play the game, but whether you win or lose that is important. Industrial and business leaders, have no shame, and only look as far as the next quarter. Young people now only use first names (rarely are they Chrsitian or Biblical), the family name is considered irrelavent. I have given up on restarting my life with the Canadian - American women in the available pool. I now have a wonderful bride from Colombia, who is traditional, has utmost respect for family, fears God, and desires that I head our family. I feel I have been given a new lease on life. Thank God for honest and articulate people such as yourself Dr. Makow, I will forward your article to my adult children. I am 56 years of age, and own and oporate my grain and cattle ranch in Saskatchewan.