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Rev. Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
By Robert Parry
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the
conservative Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's
communist leaders in the early 1990s when the hard-line government
needed foreign currency to finance its weapons programs, according to
U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency documents.
The payments included a $3 million “birthday present” to current
communist leader Kim Jong Il and offshore payments amounting to “several
tens of million dollars” to the previous communist dictator, Kim Il
Sung, the partially declassified documents said.
Moon apparently was seeking a business foothold in North Korea. But the
transactions also raise legal questions for Moon and could cast a shadow
on George W. Bush’s presidential campaign, given the Bush family’s
longstanding financial and political ties to Moon and his organization.
Besides making alleged payments to North Korea’s communist leaders, the
80-year-old founder of the South Korean-based Unification Church has
funneled large sums of money, possibly millions of dollars as well, to
former President George H.W. Bush.
One well-placed former leader of Moon’s Unification Church told me that
the total earmarked for former President Bush was $10 million. The
father of the Republican nominee has declined to say how much Moon’s
organization actually paid him for speeches and other services in Asia,
the United States and South America.
At one Moon-sponsored speech in Argentina in 1996, Bush declared, “I
want to salute Reverend Moon,” whom Bush praised as “the man with the
Bush made these speeches at a time when Moon was expressing intensely
anti-American views. In his own speeches, Moon termed the United States
“Satan’s harvest” and claimed that American women descended from a “line
of prostitutes.”
During this year’s presidential campaign, Moon’s Washington Times has
attacked the Clinton-Gore administration for failing to take more
aggressive steps to defend against North Korea’s missile program. The
newspaper called the administration’s decisions an “abdication of
responsibility for national security.”
A Helping Hand
Yet, in the 1990s when North Korea was scrambling for the resources to
develop missiles and other advanced weaponry, Moon was among a small
group of outside businessmen quietly investing in North Korea.
Moon’s activities attracted the attention of the Defense Intelligence
Agency, which is responsible for monitoring potential military threats
to the United States.
Though historically an ardent anticommunist, Moon nego tiated a business
deal in 1991 with Kim Il Sung, the longtime communist leader, the DIA
documents said.
The deal called for construction of a hotel complex in Pyongyang as well
as a new Holy Land at the site of Moon's birth in North Korea, one
document said. The DIA said the deal sprang from a face-to-face meeting
between Moon and Kim Il Sung in North Korea from Nov. 30 to Dec. 8,
“These talks took place secretly, without the knowledge of the South
Korean government,” the DIA wrote on Feb. 2, 1994. “In the original deal
with Kim [Il Sung], Moon paid several tens of million dollars as a
down-payment into an overseas account,” the DIA said in a cable dated
Aug. 14, 1994.
The DIA said Moon's organization also delivered money to Kim Il Sung's
son and successor, Kim Jong Il.
“In 1993, the Unification Church sold a piece of property located in
Pennsylvania,” the DIA reported on Sept. 9, 1994. “The profit on the
sale, approximately $3 million was sent through a bank in China to the
Hong Kong branch of the KS [South Korean] company ‘Samsung Group.’ The
money was later presented to Kim Jung Il [Kim Jong Il] as a birthday
After Kim Il Sung's death in 1994 and his succession by his son, Kim
Jong Il, Moon dispatched his longtime aide, Bo Hi Pak, to ensure that
the business deals were still on track with Kim Jong Il “and his
coterie,” the DIA reported.
“If necessary, Moon authorized Pak to deposit a second payment for Kim
Jong Il,” the DIA wrote.
The DIA declined to elaborate on the documents that it released to me
under a Freedom of Information Act request. “As for the documents you
have, you have to draw your own conclusions,” said DIA spokesman, U.S.
Navy Capt. Michael Stainbrook.
Page 2: Moon's Right Hand Man
■韓日海底トンネル? 水面下の超大型プロジェクト
17〜18日、ソウル・シェラトンウォーカーヒルホテルでは、一般人なら誰も注目しない専門学術行事が開かれる。 韓国土木学会が主管する「アジア7カ国土木工学大会」だ。
しかしこの大会にかける日本側の期待は非常に大きい。500余人の土木学者、技術者で構成される日本の非営利機構(NPO)「日韓トンネル研究会」に所属した、数十人の会員が訪韓する。 彼らは会場に別途のブースまで設置、数年間にわたり準備してきた資料を韓国語版に作成し、韓国側の出席者およそ400人に配る計画だ。
テーマは「韓日海底トンネル」。 釜山(プサン)または巨済島(コジェド)から日本の対馬を通って九州の唐津に続く200〜230キロの海底トンネルを掘り、韓国と日本をつなぐ線路(または道路)を建設しようという構想だ。
このトンネルの長さは、英国〜フランス間のドーバー海峡を横切るユーロトンネル(約50キロ)の4倍で、建設費は62兆〜104兆ウォン(およそ6兆〜10兆円)と推算されている。 首都移転費用(45兆ウォン)を大きく上回る超大型プロジェクトだが、韓国ではまだ馴染みが薄い。
しかしこうした発言はすべて、韓日首脳会談など日本人と会った席で出てきた。 多分に外交的と取れる発言で、実際に力を注ぐ政策として推進されたことはない。 必要性の主張と同じぐらい、反対の世論も大きいからだ。
崔知英(チェ・ジヨン)記者 東京=金玄基(キム・ヒョンギ)特派員 第二のオウムテロは日韓トンネルを使い使用される?
2004.08.16 19:23:16