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(回答先: ジム・キース名の本(邦訳版) 投稿者 ウソ捏造工場 日時 2005 年 10 月 20 日 20:18:39)
Customers who searched for Jim Keith ultimately chose:
1. Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History -- by Jim Keith (Editor); Paperback (Rate it)
Buy new: $18.66 -- Used & new from: $8.42
2. Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3 -- by Jim Keith; Paperback (Rate it)
Buy new: $10.17 -- Used & new from: $9.38
3. Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness -- by Jim Keith; Paperback (Rate it)
Buy new: $11.53 -- Used & new from: $9.24
All 35598 results for Jim Keith
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1. Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness
by Jim Keith (Paperback - August 2003)
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Other Editions: Paperback | See all (2)
Usually ships in 3 to 5 weeks
List Price: $16.95
Buy new: $11.53
Used & new from $9.24
2. The Octopus: The Secret Government and Death of Danny Casolaro
by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith
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Other Editions: Hardcover
Usually ships within 1-2 business days
Used & new from $14.99
3. Saucers of the Illuminati
by Kenn Thomas (Foreword), Jim Keith (Paperback - April 2004)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $12.95
Buy new: $9.71
Used & new from $7.97
4. Black Helicopters II : The End Game Strategy
by Jim Keith (Paperback - January 1, 1998)
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Used & new from $4.95
5. Casebook on the Men in Black
by Jim Keith (Paperback - May 1, 1997)
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Used & new from $4.89
6. Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3
by Jim Keith (Paperback - May 10, 2005)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $14.95
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7. Casebook on Alternative 3: Ufo'S, Secret Societies and World Control
by Jim Keith
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Used & new from $6.83
8. Black Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order
by Jim Keith
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Other Editions: Paperback
Usually ships within 1-2 business days
Used & new from $3.02
9. Gemstone File
by Jim Keith
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days
Used & new from $6.49
10. The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro
by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith (Paperback - November 2003)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $15.00
Buy new: $10.20
Used & new from $9.22
11. Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History
by Jim Keith (Editor) (Paperback - July 1993)
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Other Editions: Paperback
Usually ships within 1-2 business days
Used & new from $8.42
12. The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro
by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith (Paperback - November 2003)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
List Price: $15.00
Buy new: $10.20
Used & new from $9.22
The Octopus: The Secret Government and Death of Danny Casolaro (Hardcover)
by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith
(9 customer reviews)
Availability: Available from these sellers.
22 used & new available from $14.99
Product Details
Hardcover: 182 pages
Publisher: Feral House; 1st ed edition (December, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN: 0922915393
Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6.8 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds.
Average Customer Review: based on 9 reviews. (Write a review.)
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #228,009 in Books
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Customer Reviews
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Damn good read..., February 2, 2003
Reviewer: "bstsllrs" (watch over yer shoulder) - See all my reviews
...i've read numerous conspiracy books, watched the videos, et. cetera, but i dare say this is one of the better!!! certainly, a must read for any conspiracy bluff! go get 'em, tiger.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
One of the better..., February 2, 2003
Reviewer: "bstsllrs" (watch over yer shoulder) - See all my reviews
...i've read numerous conspiracy books, but this one is certainly one of the better. very well written. ... good read.
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
The Murder of a Hero, June 4, 2001
Reviewer: Jonathan Schaper (London, Ontario Canada) - See all my reviews
Danny Casolaro was a relatively wealthy individual who decided he wanted to become a writer. He already had a few articles published in various magazines when he first learned about the PROMIS software. Basically, PROMIS is a database program with amazing flexibility and statistical abilities and can also be used to predict future trends, submarine locations, etc. This software was developed by private individuals with some help in funding by the U.S. Department of Justice. However, the government decided to [take] the program instead of paying for it and began to market it as their own. This information is widely known and well-accepted and much documentation of this exists (including a successful lawsuit by the software developers that was later overturned on the flimsiest of grounds through the interference of the powers that be). However, when Casolaro set out to write an article about the robbery of the PROMIS program by the government, potentially to sell it to a computer magazine, the deeper he dug, the more sinister things became.
First of all, he learned that the DOJ had a backdoor added into the program so that the U.S. could access the files of whoever they sold the PROMIS program to, including the governments of Israel and Canada. This led to further revelations and meetings with various informants that further revealed a complex web of deceit leading down some surprising avenues. Casolaro now changed his plans to writing a novel, perhaps even presenting it as fiction in order to avoid scaring off publishers. But before this happened, Casolaro was found dead from what was an obviously staged suicide and many of his notes disappeared.
This very well documented book (that also verifies and is verfied by information published elsewhere) chronicles Casolaro's story, citing many excellent sources, including court records and affidavits. It also attempts to recover and recount some of the information about the conspiracy Casolaro began to call "the Octopus" because of its many, long-reaching tendrils. While it is not always clear Casolaro was on the right track (Casolaro himself often took note of what information seemed manufactured to mislead and discredit him), it is clear he was onto something big given his subsequent murder and its sloppy coverup.
Casolaro might have led a comfortable life as a mediocre writer publishing the occassional article, but because of his sense of justice and the need he felt to uncover the truth, he was ruthlessly murdered. This book is a wonderful epitaph to two courageous men (including co-author Keith who mysteriously died from knee surgery).
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25 of 28 people found the following review helpful:
A Frightening Indictment, September 28, 1999
Reviewer: A reader
Kenn and Jim's magnum opus. (RIP, beloved friend to humankind.) This book is as scary as they come, and stranger than fiction. As a conspiracy writer, I found myself shaking while reading it. THEY are real, and THEY can do and have done horrifying things. The Octopus is the Matrix vivified.
This book is especially important for anyone who still naively believes "there are no conspiracies." The word "conspiracy" means "to breathe together." Only two people are needed to make a conspiracy, and this book will leave you breathless.
Danny Casolaro is a heroic figure who bravely and, perhaps, foolhardily attempted to foil the Octopus, whose tendons reach into the most intimate parts of all our lives. He should never be forgotten. Thank goodness for the valiant likes of Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith for telling his story. Movie studios should be clamoring for this highly untold story - but they are no doubt part of the Octopus. Danny, Kenn and Jim should be lauded for their audacity and courage in bringing forth this treacherous tale of murder and mayhem. Such valor is akin to that of Gary Webb in his expose of CIA drug-dealing.
Carry on, fellow warriors for truth.
Acharya S; Archaeologist, Historian, Mythologist, Linguist; Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece; Associate Director, Institute for Historical Accuracy; Director, Center of the Research and Study of Theology; Author, "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold"
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22 of 24 people found the following review helpful:
JIM KEITH, HONORED FRIEND, 1949-1999, September 10, 1999
Reviewer: A reader
Jim Keith died after knee surgery on September 8, 1999. He was a dear friend of mine and an important person to the world. The loss is immeasurable. He was not just the co-author of The Octopus, but a dharma combatant who demonstrated time and again that the world is far more multi-dimensional, far more interesting, than the pablum that usually passes for news, information and normal discourse. Unfortunately, it is also far more dangerous.
Rumor has it that Jim may have been killed because he mentioned the name of the physician who declared Diana was pregnant at the time of her death. I have long noted the connections between Diana's death and the Octopus. Diana was the subject of Jim's last column for Nitro News, which has been linked via the web site of my magazine, Steamshovel Press, for the past couple of weeks. Nitro News has not been accessible since Jim's death, although I reached it just before receiving word of his passing.
This rumor may be nonsense. Casolaro may have committed suicide. It is the way of the Octopus. It exists but it doesn't exist. These are blood clots or suicides or non-suspicious homicides or real accidents. They just happen to cluster coincidentally around a certain set of facts or a certain perception of an organized conspiracy.
And if Jim Keith did not die as a result of a conspiracy, then I'm sure he would want us to make it look that way!
I hope all will remember Jim Keith for his good humor and for his fearlessness. He wrote what he knew and he let the chips fall where they might. He lived on the edge, where I usually tried to catch up with him. I hope he taught me enough about the place to keep up the work to which we were both committed.
Thank you again. Remember Jim!
Kenn Thomas
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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
The Truth is Out There!, June 20, 1999
Reviewer: David Goldenberg (Roswell, Ga USA) - See all my reviews
You know the saying, If I tell you, I have to kill you!
Danny fell into this trap. There is a whole underworld out there that the ordinary Joe & Jane are totally clueless about. This book clues you in. If you read this book you may be have to be .........!!!!!!!!!!!
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