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2005/9/27(火) 01:40
外国人記者クラブ:Osaka Diary by Kristen McQuillin (2003/9/29)
問題の核心はこうだ。本来、辻元の秘書に支払われるべき金が、日本赤軍に横流しされていたのかどうか? 現時点では、赤軍資金問題を取り上げる地元大阪のメディアは非常に少ない。しかし捜査がこの方面に伸びていることは明らかだ。さらに驚くべきことに、重信房子との関係についても疑惑が持ち上がっている。重信は(日本赤軍が解散される直前の)元日本赤軍リーダーで、現在は刑務所にいる。重信は数十年にわたり国際指名手配を受けていたが、3年前に大阪府警によって逮捕された。重信が逮捕されたのは大阪府の高槻市だが、なんと偶然なことに辻元の選挙区なのである。
真相はどうなのか? 辻元は重信、北川、赤軍シンパに操られた傀儡(かいらい)にすぎず、圧力をかけられて秘書給与を赤軍活動資金に横流ししていたのだろうか? 重信の逮捕によって、辻元の政治生命は封印されてしまったのか? 辻元が逮捕されたのは、重信への刑事訴追が行き詰まっていたためなのか? それとも、すべての疑惑は、辻元に濡れ衣を着せようという政敵が、無関係な一連の事件をつなぎ合わせ、さもありそうな話としてリークしているだけのことなのか? 今後の数ヵ月でこれらの疑問が氷解することを期待したい。しかしながら、舞台は日本の政界である。ここをむいたら涙目で絶対に耐えられない、というギリギリの線になるまで、複雑なタマネギの皮はそう簡単に剥げ落ちそうにない。それまでは疑惑と憶測が飛び交うことになるのかもしれない。
■上記の「Osaka Diary」を原文で読みたい方はこちら。
Osaka Diary: Tales from the Wild, Wild West
Posted by Kristen McQuillin on Sep 29, 2003
Kiyomi Tsujimoto, part II
Like layers of an onion, the secrets surrounding former SDP Diet member Kiyomi Tsujimoto, who was arrested in July, are slowly being peeled back. To begin with, Tsujimoto has long had connections with a man named Akira Kitagawa, whom she met while a student at Waseda University and who Tsujimoto's enemies claim is the person responsible for getting her into politics.
Kitagawa is the head of the Daisansho publishing company. He is also a former leader of the Japanese Red Army who allegedly planned a number of terrorist activities in Europe. In 1975, he was extradited back to Japan. Tsujimoto joined Daisansho as a senior executive in 1988 and resigned in 1996, after winning a seat in the Diet. But she did not severe her relations completely. Daisansho published no less than six books written by Tsujimoto on her experiences in the Diet.
The key question now is: Was some of the money that was supposed to pay Tsujimoto's secretary funneled to the Japanese Red Army? As of this writing, only a few local media in Osaka are suggesting that might be the case. But it's clear this is the direction the investigation is taking. More startling, there are unanswered questions about possible connections between Tsujimoto and Fusako Shigenobu, the ex-leader of a Japanese Red Army faction who is now in jail. When Osaka police caught Shigenobu a few years ago, she had been an international fugitive for decades. She was nabbed in an Osaka prefectural town called Takatsuki, which just happens to be where Tsujimoto is from.
During the investigation into Shigenobu's activities, police seized documents from an organization that she helped found. The documents mentioned a citizen's group named "Hope for the 21st Century" and called for this group to strengthen its political influence with the Social Democratic Party. At the time, a spokesman for Hope denied any organizational link with Shigenobu's group. The SDP did not deny the police report, but did not specifically address the issue. Further investigations into Hope for the 21st Century led to the discovery of a sub-group called "Shimin no Han," which Osaka police believe was the real brains behind the first group.
When Shigenobu was caught, she was in the company of two men, both of whom were arrested for aiding and abetting her. Local media reported one of the men, Mamoru Yoshida, testified he was a member of Shimin no Han. Police allege he is a Red Army sympathizer, but are not sure if he is a member of the Red Army itself.
Yoshida worked at a Takatsuki-area hospital, Koai Hospital. He reportedly told police that he supported Kiyomi Tsujimoto's election campaign by passing out pamphlets and brochures at his workplace, while local tabloid media have suggested he was a member of her local support group.
So what really happened? Was Tsujimoto a political dupe controlled by Shigenobu, Kitagawa and a few Japanese Red Army sympathizers who pressured her to fund their activities with her secretary's money? Was her political fate sealed after the arrest of Fusako Shigenobu, and did her arrest come about because the prosecution's case against Shigenobu is reportedly stalled? Or, are all of the allegations just a series of trumped-up coincidences or half-truths leaked to the media in an attempt by Tsujimoto's enemies to railroad her? In the coming months, answers to these questions will hopefully be found. But this is Japanese politics we're talking about, a very complex onion whose layers get peeled back only until it becomes clear that any more peeling would result in too many tears, leaving the public to wonder and speculate on what might be.
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