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@ ゼロックス社はCIAの訓練の場であったこと。さらに冷戦時代に西側情報を東に わたしていた。
A 91年にゼロックスがコンピューター業界と開発していたのはブラックホールテク ノロジーという国内環視ネットワークシステムであり、その一部はアラバマの空軍 基地にあり、そのプロジェクトに関わっていたオフィサーはオクラホマシティ爆破 の2日前にアラバマの航空機爆破によって暗殺された。
B 日本の大企業がクリントン政権下の「日米貿易戦争」時代にアメリカでスパイ活動 をしていた。(松下、三菱)
C オクラホマシティー爆破事件を起こした特殊部隊にはMCAユニバーサルを経由し て日本政府の金が動いていた。
D オクラホマシティ爆破の起きたアメリカ時間の4月19日は日本で4月20日であ り、サリン事件(3月20日)の丁度1ヶ月後であり、この作戦に日本政府が報復 として資金を出した。これに直接関わるのはモンデール駐日大使とカンター。
E オクラホマシティ爆破はBlue Death(青い死)と呼ばれる作戦であるムラービルデ ィングを爆破したものと同じ武器が使われた。
F サリン事件を起こしたのはアメリカのCIA。日米間の摩擦が原因。このときのC IAは父ブッシュの強い影響下にあった。クリントンは起きたことをすべて知って いた。
Debra von Trapp Interviewed by Sherman Skolnick
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Well, as I understand... Well, the point is, you have been a high-level Technical expert, sort of on the cutting edge of high technology. Am I correct?
Yes. As an outside consultant to Xerox Corporation, I was selecting foreign management for a division called Shugart back in the early '80s in Germany, when I discovered that the Shugart division of Xerox was, in fact, bringing disk drives -- which were manufactured by Matsushita in Japan -- they were manufactured there, brought into Sunnyvale, California, labeled for Shugart, and then sent to the Shugart Munich facility in Germany, where, after having been received under Cocomm(?) freight documents (which were legally forwarded in the U.S.), the freight documents were then changed to show that they were forwarded to destinations at Olivetti, Italy and a company in France (which were legal trading partners of the U.S.) when, in fact, the sales records were being changed and ultimately destroyed by the Shugart employees -- allegedly, for tax evasion purposes. But, in fact, the [disk] drives were being put on trucks and sent into the East Bloc, to an entity called IsoTempex(sp?); they were selling to the KGB.
So in other words, this was early in the '80s, when it was really quite unlawful for American companies to be sending hard disk drives to the Eastern Bloc, am I correct?
That's correct. And at the same time, Xerox Corporation was, in fact, conducting CIA training camp at its Leesburg, Virginia facility.
So some of the big companies in America have been into East-West espionage.
Yes. In fact, Aldrich Ames was the chief of Russian counter- intelligence at the time. And "Rick" Ames and a director of operations at Xerox/CIA (which was Daniel Starkey), he and Ames and a few senior officials, both at Xerox and the CIA, were pocketing the cash out of that operation.
Yes. And that's derivative of the fact that Robert Goetzman, when he approached me on behalf of Xerox in 1991 to dissuade me, by threat, to get out of court with them, he did not identify himself as FBI. He introduced himself as being from the Executive Office of the President, under Mr. Bush. And ultimately, [he] persuaded me, by threat, as a trade-off to not having my son killed, to cooperate with them in introductions to CEOs and chairmen within the computer industry to be able to view their, what we would know as their "black hole technology", which was technology and development that was very advanced, that was not released to the public and was well-ahead of the government developments in various projects, in many cases. And that introduction, and that project that we were on, was actually a national network surveillance project that was partially based out of an Air Force base in Alabama, and was related to the officers from the Air Force that were in the downed aircraft in Alabama, two days before the Oklahoma...
Yeah. In other words, a day-and-a-half before, on Monday, April 17th, 1995, there was a high-level military group on a military
Lear Jet, that crashed -- apparently... Well, the story in the press said that they were on their way from Andrews Air Force
Base to San Antonio. But, apparently, the plane blew up, or something happened to it, as they were over Alabama.
Yes. Because the same, the Special Ops team that was under Goetzman, contracted by he and his team, and paid for with Japanese government funds through MCA Universal and administered through the Embassy of Japan, in Washington... Some members of a Special Ops team out of Alabama are responsible -- both for the downing of that craft, and for taking down the Oklahoma federal building.
I know exactly who did it. What had happened was, I, along with Robert Goetzman, an FBI employee, Peter Stanley, a CIA employee named Wes Thomas, out of New York, a DIA employee named Jim Cofield, who is a banking communications software transfer specialist out of Washington, D.C.... This team of people, when Bush lost the election, we transitioned from the project we were on, to being paid (although *I* was never paid -- they were paid) by the Japanese government through the Embassy of Japan in Washington to set up a surveillance operation on the Clinton administration. And essentially what we did was, we arranged to have a CIA employee that was left at the White House, in an office administration, named Dale Helm, issue all of the Clinton administration's purchase orders out of the Executive Office to all of their front companies. Robert Goetzman had Joint System Support, Ltd. Peter Stanley had ValCom(?). Jim Cofield had UniTech(sp?) and Kayjax(?) Engineering in Washington, D.C. And Wes Thomas used his [unclear] PR firm [unclear] Karen Thomas, who operates in the computer industry, Thomas & Associates. And all of those entities, together, processed, procured, and delivered the software and the hardware under the first purchase orders issued out of the administration
Right. We spent about 4-and-a-half months, in 1992, interviewing Michael Riconosciuto, a computer and explosives expert, when he was in the jail in Chicago awaiting grand jury testimony. And he described to us EHT, "Blue Death", which some other explosives experts are now describing as more likely, from the circumstances, was the device used to take down the Murrah Building.
Tell me this: you feel the highest level of our government knows about this. What do you think is gonna be the outcome? In other words, your opinion is that, as part of this problem between the Washington and the Tokyo governments, that our espionage people instigated those poison gas attacks in Japan?
My specific knowledge is that a military team produced that gas attack in retaliation for compromise of White House
communications, which is a military responsibility and was compromised by the Secret Service agent and Robert Goetzman and the CIA employee, Dale Helm, who is still at the White House as we speak
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