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9月21日付けの公益団体「Judical Watch(司法ウオッチ)」のHP記事によれば、司法ウォッチは、黒人指導者・上院議員のジェシー・ジャクソン師、彼の息子、ジョナサン・ジャクソン氏、それにこの二人から暴力・暴言を受けたとされている黒人団体の指導者・聖職者のジェシー・ピーターソン師及び両者の関係者達を、2006年1月17日、ロサンゼルス上級裁判所での裁判に召喚するとのことだ。
2001年5月、ジャクソン師は 「全米のマイノリティにトヨタのボイコットを呼び掛ける」と脅しをかけ、「トヨタへのボイコット実現を8月1日まで延期する」と発表した。その後、トヨタは、アフリンカ系アメリカ人が経営する広告会社と契約。 ジャクソン師はトヨタに対し、従業員にもっとマイノリティを採用すること、広告宣伝にマイノリティ経営の会社を採用して人種偏見的な広告を行わないこと、などをボイコット回避の条件とした。(http://response.jp/issue/2001/0627/article10046_1.html)
その際、会場にいたロバートソン師がミラー氏に「トヨタの雇用プログラムに参加するためには、自分の団体のような共和党・保守系の黒人団体[Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND)]もジャクソン師の団体[レインボー推進連合(Rainbow/PUSH Coalition)]のような手段をとらなければ、仕事はもらえないのだろうか?」と質問した。
司法ウォッチ代表のトム・フィットン(Tom Fitton )は、「ジェシー・ジャクソンはこの件を巡っては、あらゆる方策を施して逃れようとしているが、今回こそはそうはいかない」と言っている。
Sep 21, 2005 Contact: Press Office
Court Rules Jesse Jackson Must Face Civil Trial for Assault and Civil Rights Violations
Judicial Watch represents Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson in claims against Jackson
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes corruption, today announced that on January 17, 2006, Jesse Lee Peterson, et al., v. Jesse Jackson, et al. (BC 266505) will go to trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court after a ruling last week by Judge George H. Wu. Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit against Jackson, his son Jonathan, and others on behalf of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who was the victim of a physical and verbal assault at an event hosted by Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. in December 2001. Rev. Peterson is an ordained minister, who has dedicated his life to working with underprivileged black youth and men in our society.
The Jacksons and the Rainbow/PUSH coalition, who had sought to have the case dismissed, will now face multiple civil charges, including: Assault, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and a California Civil Rights Claim. Jonathan Jackson also will face the additional charges of Battery and False Imprisonment.
Judicial Watch’s lawsuit stems from a public meeting held in Los Angeles, California on December 10, 2001 to discuss participation in Toyota’s “21st Century Diversity Strategy,” which had been announced after Jackson and Rainbow/PUSH threatened to boycott Toyota. After remarks from Jackson and Toyota representative Irving Miller, the meeting was opened up to questions from the audience. Rev. Peterson asked Miller if black Republicans and conservative groups like his organization, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), would have to go through Rev. Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH in order to participate in the Toyota program.
Jackson told the crowd, “And the issue, for the record…is not conservative or liberal. The issue is certain parasites trying to pick up fruit from trees they didn’t shake.” Rev. Peterson testified that after the “parasite” comment, the crowd became “more hostile….Some of the words I can’t even mention here.”
Within minutes following adjournment of the meeting, Jonathan Jackson struck Rev. Peterson and Rev. Peterson was physically threatened and verbally assaulted by both Jesse Jackson and Jonathan Jackson. Incited by Jackson’s earlier remarks, an angry crowd gathered, cursing, shoving and encircling Rev. Peterson and one of his associates. “I feared for my life,” said Peterson.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “Jesse Jackson attempted to use every legal trick at his disposal to have this case dismissed, and he failed. This trial is a major step in holding Jackson accountable for his actions.”
“I’m pleased the court ruled in our favor,” said Reverend Peterson. “I am looking forward to taking my case to court and to forcing Jesse Jackson to answer for his actions.”
Jesse Jackson
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