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オオハシさんが今回入学を許可されたのは、ジュリアード音楽院のプログラム・ディレクターであるニューオリンズ出身のビクター・ゴイネス(Victor L. Goines)との電話によるオーディションによるものだった。彼は9月11日にオーデションを受け、その翌日には合格通知を受け取った。
バッハ・ストラディバリウスとヴィンテージ1964 は持ち出したが、2本のトランペット、ピッコロ、フルーゲルホーンや借りていたソーサホーン、何千枚ものCD、写真、ビデオ・テープなどはニューオリンズの中心部にある彼の自宅に置いたままで、どうなったか分からないという。
ビクター・ゴイネス(Victor L. Goines)氏の以前の同僚であるニューオリンズ大学の教授の紹介により、ワタナベ・マリさんの自宅での電話によるオーディションが実現したとのことだ。
Satoru Ohashi of New Orleans will attend the Juilliard School.
NY Times
Published: September 17, 2005
The telephone receiver lay on a desk. A 7-year-old girl, daughter of the pianist, twirled about. Satoru Ohashi was playing his horn: Several choruses of "Struttin' With Some Barbecue." Then a ballad, "I Can't Get Started." Finally, some chord changes from "I Got Rhythm."
The gig is in New York, where Mr. Ohashi arrived yesterday morning, ending his journey from New Orleans jazz trumpeter to graduate student at the Juilliard Institute for Jazz Studies.
Listening on the other end of that telephone line last Sunday was Victor L. Goines, the program's artistic director and New Orleans native, who for obvious reasons was auditioning Mr. Ohashi at long distance. The next day, the trumpeter got the word: he was accepted into the institute's tuition-free professional training program.
"I totally kind of lost my mind or something," said Mr. Ohashi, 34. "I was like, 'Wow, wow!' I never dreamed this kind of thing would happen."
Mr. Ohashi's trip began with his evacuation the day before Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, but the odyssey really started in his native Japan. While studying Japanese literature at Hosei University in the early 1990's, he took up jazz seriously and blossomed, playing in a semiprofessional student orchestra with some success. He attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston from 1997 to 2001, and took himself to New Orleans to practice his craft.
There, he sat in with bands and jazz orchestras and won a position, which was to start this month, with the Louis Armstrong Jazz Quintet, a graduate program at the University of New Orleans. With the hurricane's approach, he fled with a jazz pianist friend, Mari Watanabe, and her 7-year-old daughter, Maya, driving to the home of an acquaintance in Vicksburg, Miss.
"I didn't pack anything, just my ax - my trumpet - and my passport and a sleeping bag," he said.
His ax is a Bach Stradivarius, and he also took a vintage 1964 instrument. But two other trumpets, a piccolo trumpet, a flugelhorn, a borrowed sousaphone, thousands of CD's, photographs and videotapes remained at his New Orleans home, in the Mid-City section, their fate uncertain.
A faculty member at the University of New Orleans who is a former colleague of Mr. Goines alerted Mr. Ohashi to a trumpet opening at Juilliard, which led to the audition at the Vicksburg house, with dancing by Maya.
"That was an audition that was not too fierce," Mr. Ohashi said. "It was a very happy atmosphere."
Mr. Ohashi said his chops were weak after the enforced layoff. He also forgot to bring valve oil.
"My horn got stuck," he said. "I had to look for a music store in Vicksburg. Fortunately I found one.
"So I am lucky."DANIEL J. WAKIN
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