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また、現在、いくつかの州で捜査が進められており、この情報提供のキーパーソンであるもとCIA Division 4の工作員デルバート(Delbert)氏からの最終的な了承を得たので、このリポートを公表するにいたった。
Grand jury investigations of White House crime familes
From: Tom Flocco ( Tom Flocco .com ) -- Sept. 6, 2005
Who killed John-John?
Date: Wednesday, August 31
Topic: News Media Control
Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in JFK Jr. assassination
by Tom Flocco
“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John during the years before he died. We liked each other and hit it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed to trust me regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton for the Senate or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000. John had many conversations with my relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his political aspirations with friends so this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me he was pretty sure he could win either of those races.” ("Delbert," former Interpol operative and CIA Division 4 team member)
Caldwell, New Jersey -- August 31, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com -- “I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and indictments regarding the White House, so now is the time. I‘m tired of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the murder of an innocent and good man without seeing justice. John’s death has caused tremendous trauma throughout the Kennedy family,“ said a 40ish ex-operative who consented to discuss the investigation and his part in writing the JFK Jr. plane crash preliminary and final reports authorized by the FBI.
“Just refer to me as ‘Delbert.’ That’s good enough,” he said, adding, “If they will kill ‘John-John,’ they’ll kill anybody.”
ビル・クリントン元大統領、H,Wブッシュ元大統領、ジョージWブッシュ現大統領、上院議員ヒラリークリントンによるジョンFケネディ・Jrの暗殺に関して、長年にわたり特殊部隊要員であり、その後CIAのDivision 4の諜報部員であった人間により曝露された衝撃的な証拠、目撃証言さらにこの事件の隠蔽された極秘(Classified)リポートは、米国特別検察官パトリック・フィッジェラルドに対し、ジョンFケネディJrの死について証人喚問を行い、現在進行中のホワイトハウスの犯罪一家の大陪審による捜査の一部として、この事件の捜査を要求することになるであろう。
The long-time Special Forces and Division 4 operative’s explosive evidence, witness testimony and his team’s suppressed and classified final report naming former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton among others as being involved in orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. will require U.S. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to hear testimony to investigate John Jr.’s death as part of his ongoing grand jury probe involving White House crime families.
1999 piper saratoga II TC
....similar to JFK jr. plane
During three exclusive interviews with TomFlocco.com, the ex-operative told us the final classified report specifically said “JFK Jr.’s plane broke in half just aft of the cabin. The damage was caused by a plastique (C-4) shape charge which was formed along the bottom of the fuselage and up along both sides of the walls. The charge was caused to be set off or exploded with a large spark generated by a barometric switch device triggered by the altitude of the plane. In other words, the assassins chose the altitude for the explosion of the plane--a standard procedure to make the target’s murder look like an accident.”
Delbert said his team and their witnesses and families have been in physical jeopardy since 1999 “because the media did not report the truth about what happened;” and that all involved are now placing their lives in the hands of Fitzgerald and his deputies to prosecute the evidence--charges that will serve to mitigate compromised media outlets now protecting the White House with spin and insinuations that Fitzgerald is using the “perjury trap” to manufacture crimes instead of genuinely seeking evidence.
Sources close to one grand jury indicate the spin will not work this time. The U.S. intelligence community is monitoring the work of all the prosecutors and grand juries. Serious crimes with supporting evidence involving three branches of government and the media have already threatened the long term survival of the Republic.
We learned that scores of witnesses were interviewed by Division 4: a) at the scene of the explosion off Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, b) when the plane and bodies were recovered, c) in the White House regarding the assassination plot prior to the crash, and d) at the airport concerning what witnesses saw three days before Kennedy’s plane took off. Collectively, they tell a different story than the media--one that might ultimately rival the political intrigue surrounding ancient Rome’s ruling Caesars.
The decision to come forward
After observing that the Division 4 JFK Jr. preliminary report (filed three days after the crash, but later leaked within the intelligence community for a number of years) had remained online for the last six months, contact was made with stewwebb.com where we first saw the document. Webb had already faxed the document to more than 300 top electronic and print media outlets which collectively ignored it.
We inquired whether it would be possible to interview one of the active or retired Division 4 members who conducted the actual investigation and wrote the reports, given the rapidly gathering swirl of secret grand juries.
A former member of the Division 4 International Murder Investigative team named Delbert, who helped write the reports and interview witnesses, was asked to come forward by Stewart Webb and was subsequently contacted by TomFlocco.com, consenting to several interviews to discuss his findings in the leaked preliminary report and reveal specific names and evidence details contained in the final classified report which has been withheld from the American people.
Delbert told us today that he cringes when he reads the report and thinks about it being in ‘general’ circulation: “It was NEVER meant for general dissemination and consumption; and frankly, I’m somewhat appalled when I think of it being ‘out there.’ The final report was cleaned up grammatically and the actual facts presented in a much clearer, concise manner leaving out any speculation. But I regret this report ever getting out.”
Grand jury activity notwithstanding, what piqued our initial interest was a feeling that the Division 4 team, with experience tracking murderers across the globe and placed on loan to assist an overwhelmed FBI for the JFK Jr. probe--had apparently conducted an investigation far more complete than what the mainstream media was telling its trusting viewers and readers.
Not unexpectedly, the team was told to “back off,“ since its leaked preliminary report written by Delbert and another team member revealed specific contradictory evidence, calling JFK Jr.‘s death to be a “political assassination of the highest order.”
Division 4 investigative team’s past exploits can currently be seen on the Discovery Channel in “The Hunt for the Serpent,” about a serial killer they chased through Nepal, India, Pakistan and China; but the team also became well-known for a chase through the Hudson Valley into Canada before capturing the Green Valley killer who had murdered 43 young prostitutes. As part of this international version of the FBI, the team specializes in tracking serial killers and pedophiles across foreign boundaries.
The ‘Phoenix Project’ and assassinations
Years prior to serving on this team for three years, Delbert said he was a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, attached to the Phoenix Project / Operation, on orders to “destabilize targeted governments by murdering government officials, elites, professionals, bankers, military leaders, teachers, professors and medical professionals."
“This started in Vietnam and then moved to Central America,” said Delbert, adding “I was part of what we called the Bush-Clinton New World Order takeover to place in power selected individuals who received their marching orders directly from the U.S. government. Plain and simple, Project Phoenix required Americans to kill off innocent people to place in power those selected by the U.S. ruling elite; but I left, finding it very objectionable.”
“These activities are still going on today,” said the intelligence insider. “America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA Division 4, and elements from within the Department of Defense (DOD) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for its dirty work. Five-man Delta teams made up of nationals from Mexico and Ecuador are being trained for house-to-house extraction and murder of American citizens--when the day comes that Martial Law is declared and what little is left of our Constitution is scrapped.“
"These (elements) are counter-intelligence goon squads of trained assassins which engage in covert operations both inside and outside the United States--with or without the knowledge of Congress which is supposed to be restraining them from actions against our own citizens. They’re out of control--just a marvelous group of human beings,” said the former intelligence veteran.
With a measure of insight into Delbert’s background and credibility, we asked him to talk about Division 4’s JFK Jr. findings, the specific content of the team’s written accounts and the details of the assassination plot.
The preliminary and final reports
The preliminary report and our three interviews with Delbert provide an open window template through which to view previous evidence that could point to prosecutable obstruction of justice by a grand jury regarding past FBI probes of major political figures who also died in plane crashes or in another manner. Ample evidence indicates that Congress has permitted the Bureau to serve as a private taxpayer-funded political cover-up arm for each White House.
A grand jury itself presents what amounts to a citizen-controlled fourth branch of government, set aside by founding fathers as a necessary precaution against corruption, obstruction of justice and/or treason on the part of the Supreme Court, White House and Congress -acting separately or in concert. Individuals talking to sources close to the grand jury told us that citizen panelists are currently reviewing powerful evidence with explosive documents and are dead-serious about cleansing the government.
A case in point for a grand jury to become operational would occur if, for example, Fitzgerald had witnesses who could corroborate that members of the Supreme Court received financial bribes in 2000 to install George W. Bush in the White House [ Part 1 / Part 2 ], or if Florida’s elected officials destroyed voter ballots to prevent Al Gore from becoming the duly elected president for the same reason. In short, evidence would be collected and the grand jury would hear testimony.
While John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was reported to have died in an accidental plane crash on July 16, 1999, Division 4’s preliminary report reveals careful details dissimilar to those reported by news outlets, indicating what the team described in its report as “classic media disinformation, if not outright lies” pertaining to suspect circumstances surrounding the death of the only son of President John F. Kennedy who was himself assassinated on November 22, 1963 under a similar investigative cloud.
Most families of well-known politicians killed in “accidental” plane crashes were not afforded the opportunity of having a separate outside agency like Division 4 to investigate the evidence of their loved one‘s death as in the case of the son of an assassinated president. The prelim report summary is revealing:
“Subject was a qualified pilot, in control of his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind, calm. All indication from Forensics and Physical evidence investigations lend themselves to a violent explosion, either from an altitude or barometric pressure device, or from a Particle Beam laser. [Delbert said Particle Beam laser was left out of final classified report] Aircraft ‘broke up’ in mid-air, as evidenced by wide spread debris gathered from the ocean and several different beaches. This can only be caused by an onboard explosion, or an attack by a missile or Laser. [Delbert said missile and Laser were left out of final report] Considering the nature of current political leanings of subject and today’s political atmosphere in America, and the before-mentioned facts, there is little doubt that subject was assassinated. In fact, team [Interpol Serial Killer Alpha Team] considers this a Political Assassination of the highest order. It was meant to alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite. And it succeeded.” [From the JFK Jr. preliminary report, filed on July 19, 1999. This document has been authenticated by several intelligence agents; and we were told copies have been passed around the intelligence community for several years.]
Four team members and two from another U.S. law enforcement agency who jointly participated in producing the final classified report, filed on August 5, 1999, revealed startling evidence which will prevent a continued cover-up.
The six members of the Division 4 team and others will have to be protected and then subpoenaed for sealed testimony; and the grand jury will also need to hear the testimony of scores of the team’s interviewed citizen witnesses who have thus far remained understandably silent about what they saw and heard regarding JFK Jr.’s tragic death.
Delbert said the team's probe was rigorous. We found it staggering:
“a) 30-40 witnesses were thoroughly interviewed
b) Ten individuals said they actually saw JFK Jr.‘s plane explode in mid-air Essex County Airport in Caldwell, New Jersey
c) Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.’s Cessna--all four were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took off with JFK, Jr., his pregnant wife and her sister
d) Several witnesses testified they overheard the murder plot being discussed in the White House oval office
e) One ‘company’ (CIA) witness at the scene saw the bodies and the damaged plane and told the team a mid-air explosion caused the crash
f) Approximately 150 witnesses gave individual depositions and signed statements for the final report
g) Three flight instructors who worked with JFK Jr. testified he was an excellent pilot and had logged a huge number of flying hours since being licensed--he loved to fly and was that good.”
Delbert told us “At the end of July, 1999, during the final phase of our investigation, we talked to several individual sources in the White House who consented to be interviewed as witnesses.”
“We included their testimony in the final draft of the report which was classified until 2025--not currently available to any living individual,“ said the former operative.
“Since concrete evidence of a plot involving three presidents and a current senator in the assassination of John F. Kennedy’s son--who the report said they perceived as a political threat and future rival--would not exactly inspire public confidence in the government, it’s probable that the American people will never see our final un-redacted report,” said Delbert, “unless there are grand jury murder indictments and a public trial.”
The Players
“The White House sources we interviewed overheard conversations involving individuals who made the decision to murder JFK, Jr.,” said Delbert, who joined three Division 4 fellow operatives and two other federal agency officials in alleging the following names in the final classified report as having participated in planning the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. after the team had interviewed all the witnesses involved in the case:
The Division 4 team member told us “The meeting to discuss the murder occurred in the White House oval office. The subjects named in the report who participated in ordering the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were President Clinton and his wife Hillary--both in the room, former Attorney General Janet Reno--also in the room and who JFK Jr. had publicly called to task for her role in Waco and Ruby Ridge operations, FBI Director Louis Freeh--in the room, and former President George H. W. Bush, Lawrence Rockefeller (now deceased), and three Inner Circle Council of Thirteen members who were all teleconferenced into the oval office discussion via secure White House phone lines.“
Quietly taken aback by the revelations, we asked Delbert to summarize the content of the alleged oval office murder plot overheard by the team's interviewed witness sources, including witnesses assigned to White House domestic security:
“a) Conversation about JFK Jr.’s magazine GEORGE becoming a political vehicle which could threaten ruling elite families and expose past White House crimes
b) Discussions about blowing up his Cessna, John Jr.’s vulnerability and even carelessness about his plane’s security when warned that suspicious individuals had previously been seen lurking around his plane at the airport
c) Attorney General Reno’s problems with JFK Jr. criticizing Waco and Ruby Ridge
d) Speculation about who John Jr. would pick to run against in 2000--Hillary Clinton or George W. Bush
e) Discussion about political family factions and relationships between federal law enforcement, national security and intelligence agencies
f) Discussion about how the assassination would take place, starting at the airport--with specific Mossad agents named by the subject conspirators without mentioning the actual Israeli agency
g) General agreement that John, Jr. had become over-zealous in planning to employ GEORGE to circuitously expose those who were behind the assassination of his father.”
White House-controlled foreign assassination teams in America
As we listened without comment, the Division 4 operative continued: “We were told by the same White House sources we interviewed that FBI Director Freeh left the oval office after the murder plot was discussed and met with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari who then met with his supervisor, General Rafael Eitan, considered to be one of the most dangerous Israeli agents who ever lived,” stated Delbert.
Delbert explained that testimony by White House and airport witnesses and others will provide outrageous but credible grand jury evidence that three United States presidents have their own private Israeli Mossad assassins--as well as assassins from several American federal government agencies--and will use them to commit treason and murder against other Americans perceived to pose a political threat to their power, a fact surely to horrify Jewish-Americans and all U.S. citizens.
“I had heard that even our own FBI agents literally trembled at the fear of being assigned to watch General Eitan’s movements, since collaborating congressional oversight allowed him to freely enter the United States at any time, using passports under a different name,” the Division 4 special investigative team member said.
[One of the most outrageous documents this writer has ever seen, confirming the existence of Michael Harari and his nefarious Bush-connected activities, was the Colonel Cutolo / Colonel Corone Court Deposition, which we found on www. stewwebb.com.]
Delbert continued his shocking narrative, “About three days before John’s plane took off and exploded in mid-air, Michael Harari, and another Mossad agent were seen with former President George H. W. Bush and his son Texas Governor George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport where John Jr. kept his plane.” This fact was also confirmed by separate U.S. intelligence sources who are also willing to testify before a grand jury.
[click here to read more about Harari’s U.S. activities in the Cutolo Affadavit.htm also found at stewwebb.com]
“All four were positively identified by an aircraft mechanic and a maintenance worker we interviewed for the final classified report; but we didn’t include their names or the names of some other key witnesses so that there would be citizens left to testify in case the Clintons or Bushes started having people murdered,” said the former Special Forces member.
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