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少し古いが、9月4日付けのCTV Newsによると、アメリカにおける黒人ラップ歌手としては、現在、最高にホットなカニエ・ウエストが行った、ハリケーン被害に対するブッシュ政権の行動批判が、アメリカのテレビ・ネットワークの一部で検閲にあい、放送されなかったということだ。
彼が検閲を受けたのは、9月2日夜に行われたハリケーン犠牲者のための救済コンサートで、NBCのインタビューに対して答えたもので、放送はライブ放送で行われたが、西海岸だけは検閲により、放送されなかった(私の注:東海岸と西海岸では4時間の時差があるため、例えば東海岸ではライブ放送でも、西海岸では録画放送にすることが多い。また、西海岸はブッシュに対して、非常に批判的。特にサンフランシスコ・ベイエリア では、住民の約85%以上がブッシュに対して反対票を投じている。そういうこともあって、ブッシュは、サンフランシスコだけには遊説ツアーで来ていない。こういったことも理由か?)。
また新ブラック・パンサー党(黒人政治団体)のオシリス Xは、「我々は、この光景を4日間も見続けている。アフリカ系アメリカ人たちは泣いており、死んでいっている」とコメントしている。
Kanye West criticizes Bush on TV benefit show
CTV.ca News Staff
Hip-hop star Kanye West added his voice to those from the U.S. African-American community who see race as a reason for the poor emergency response to the disaster in New Orleans.
"(U.S. President) George Bush doesn't care about black people," he declared Friday night on a benefit concert broadcast on NBC -- before the camera cut away from him.
West also said America is set up "to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible."
His voice trembling with emotion, West said: "I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, they say they're looting; you see a white family, it says they're looking for food.
"It's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black," West said. "And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch.
"I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give ... . I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way -- and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!"
Canadian comic and actor Mike Myers was paired with West for the segment, which opened with Myers talking about the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans on Friday.
The show was aired live on the east coast of the U.S. by NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and Pax. On the west coast, West's remarks were censored out.
An NBC spokeswoman said later that while there was a tape delay, the person in charge "was instructed to listen for a curse word, and didn't realize (West) had gone off-script."
In a statement, NBC said, "Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him, and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks."
The White House dismissed West's remarks as "ridiculous."
Bush's defenders in the conservative media noted it is up to a state to ask for federal help in a disaster, and claimed Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco didn't ask until Wednesday.
However, others in the African-American community share West's general view.
"He (Bush) came in five days late with platitudes," the Rev. Jesse Jackson said. "In the case of 9/11, he came in two days later and embraced all those who were involved."
"There's a sense of alienation, a sense of distance, and we don't feel good about it," he told reporters.
"We've been seeing this four four days," said Osiris X of the New Black Panther Party. "It's African-American people crying and dying."
The victims
"National Guard is the worst people in the world. They treated us like animals," said survivor Brenda Collins on Saturday when interviewed at Houston's Astrodome.
If victims like her were white, "they'd be in apartments," she said.
When asked why, she said: "Because of the colour of their skin ... that's just the way it is."
Gail Reaben, a white volunteer helping the evacuees, echoed that view: "If New Orleans was 99 per cent white instead of 99 per cent black, I think on that second day Tuesday, George Bush would have had all kinds of help going in there to get those people out."
New Orleans is a city of 485,000 people. About two-thirds of the population is African-American, and about one-third lives below the poverty line.
While the evacuation order was issued Sunday morning, an estimated 100,000 people were left behind.
They were overwhelmingly the poor, the elderly, the sick -- and African-American.
However, disaster planning and response is also a state responsibility.
In a Friday New York Times article, Brian Wolshon, a Louisiana State University engineering professor who served as a consultant on the state's evacuation plan, said not much consideration was given to New Orleans's "low-mobility" population -- those too sick or poor to evacuate themselves.
When the issue came up at disaster planning meetings, he said, "the answer was often silence."
With a report from CTV's Graham Richardson
2005年 6月29日 (水) 17:20
[ロサンゼルス 28日 ロイター] 米黒人向けテレビネットワーク、BET(ブラック・エンターテインメントTV)主催の第5回BETアワードの授賞式が28日、ハリウッドのコダック・シアターで行われ、ラップ歌手カニエ・ウエストが男性ヒップホップ賞と年間最優秀ビデオ賞の2部門を制し、今回ただ1人のマルチ受賞者となった。
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