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ブッシュ家のまわりにはテロリズムと国家に対する重大反逆の悪臭がする。欧州の諜報機関がWMR(ワイネマドセンリポート)に確認した情報によると、オサマビンラデンは1991年以来のヨーロッパと北米への麻薬密輸の主要人物であり、91年に彼はスーダンとサウジアラビアに主要な麻薬密輸ネットワークを確立した。1996年にビンラデンがアフガニスタンに移ったとき、もともとソビエトとのムジャヒディン戦争中にCIAが作ったこの麻薬ネットワークをビンラデンは再構築した。ビンラデンの為にアフガニスタンのヘロイン供給ネットワークの先頭に立った麻薬豪族はコードネームで「カンダハル」と呼ばれていた。この麻薬密輸はパクティア地方にあるハルデン(Khalden)のビンラデンの「アラブ領土」において、彼のテロリスト訓練と大量破壊兵器入手活動とともに同時並行で行われていた。フランス諜報部の「極秘 国防 / フランス国内使用のみ」と記されているこのリポートによると、米国と英国諜報部はオサマビンラデンと彼のハルデンのテロリスト部隊を1995年時点までコントロールし続けていた。これは「アルカイダ」が1992年の世界貿易センタービル爆破事件の丁度2年後であり、サウジアラビアのコバール(Khobar)タワー爆破の1年前のことであり、亡くなったもとFBIのカウンターテロ専門家のジョン・オニール氏がアルカエダとサウジ王室、そして米国の「「利益を共にする関係者たち」を結び付け始めた時点である。
アルカイダの麻薬供給ネットワークは活動し続けており、何百万ドルもの収益をビンラデンのグローバルオペレーションにもたらし続けている。タリバンが政権についていた時期中ずっと、海外からのヘロイン需要をひきつけたアフガニスタンの麻薬は片目のタリバンのリーダーであったモハメッド オマール師からの援助を要請するスタンダードな手紙を受け取った。オマール師はワシントンDCに特派使節を何人もおくり、911以前にはシニアブッシュ政権の人間との会合を持った。彼らは全員同じ援助を要請する手紙を携えていた。オマール師の援助要請の手紙は以下である。(本文中の写真:訳者)
2001年8月21日に「インテリジェンス ウィスパーズ」に報告したように、911アタックのわずか数週間前にUBSウォーバーグ・ペイン・ウェバーのチュン・ウーと呼ばれるブローカーが彼の投資家達にエンロン株を売るようにアドバイスしたが、直後にUBSは彼を解雇した。さらに、「インテリジェンス ウィスパーズ」によると、ブッシュと関連する、ジュネーブとチューリッヒからテキサスへのミステリアスな資金移動が1000万ドルと100億ドル、それぞれ1995年と1996年にリポートされている。これら2つの送金はアルタクワ(Al Taqwa)というアルカイダに結びつく組織に関連している。1995年の資金からは5万ドルがチェックで引き出され、、911ハイジャッカーの一人であるファヤッド・アーマドに支払われた。1996年の100億ドルはエンロンの不正なLJMケイマン島のフロントに送金され、タリバンとのトランス・アフガン・中央ガス(セントガス)パイプライン建設ディールをファイナンスするためのものであった。(エンロン、ハリバートン、ユノカル、ザルマイ・カリザド、ハミド・カルザイそしてオマール師は全員1996年のこのセントガス交渉に加わっており、会合はタシケントとヒューストンで行われた)。WMRはエルンストヤングからの会計監査レターを入手したが、この中で、クエートにある「アルカイダ」の慈善事業団体、ラジュナット・アル・ダワ・アル・イスラミーヤという、実際にはアフガニスタンとパキスタンで、タリバンとアルカイダに援助による兵力を供給した団体なのであるが、その団体が財務的に健全であるいうお墨付きを与えている。
There is a stinking air of treason and involvement with terrorism surrounding the Bush family. Additional European intelligence provided to WMR confirms that Osama bin Laden has been a major kingpin in drug shipments to Europe and North America since 1991, when he established a major drug smuggling network in Sudan and Saudi Arabia. When Bin Laden moved to Afghanistan in 1996, he re-established the drug smuggling networks initially set up by the CIA during the Mujaheddin war against the Soviets. The drug baron who headed up the Afghan heroin supply network for Bin Laden was code named "Kandahar." The drug smuggling operations were based alongside Bin Laden's terrorist training and weapons of mass destruction procurement activities in Osama Bin Laden's "Arab enclave" located at Khalden in Paktia province. According to a French intelligence report marked "CONFIDENTIEL DEFENSE/USAGE STRICTEMENT NATIONAL" (Defense confidential, "French Eyes Only"), U.S. and British intelligence elements continued to control Osama Bin Laden and his Khalden-based terrorist corps as of 1995, fully two years after "Al Qaeda" was found to be involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and one year prior to the Khobar Tower bombings in Saudi Arabia, the point at which the late FBI counter-terrorism agent John O'Neill began linking Al Qaeda to the Saudi royal family and certain American "interests."
The Al Qaeda drug supply network remains in operation and continues to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Bin Laden's global operations. All during the rule of the Taliban, Afghan drug mules hauling heroin abroad received a standard request for assistance letter from Mullah Mohammad Omar, the one-eyed Taliban leader. Mullah Omar dispatched a number of envoys to Washington, DC to have talks with senior Bush administration officials prior to 911. They all carried the same assistance request letter. The Mullah Omar assistance request letter is below:
The Bin Laden drug network also intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States. Bin Laden and Bush money are held in some of the same financial tranches in Switzerland, the Isle of Man, and the Bahamas (see following story). The Bush family off-shore money tranches originated with gold bars and jewels spirited out of the Philippines upon the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986. The Marcos fortune was the price exacted by Vice President Bush for his being granted asylum in Hawaii. The gold bars were transported from the Philippines to the International Diamond Exchange Vaults near Rockefeller Center. A CIA proprietary firm called Oceaneering International of Houston procured barges to move some of the gold from secured warehouses to a specially-configured Boeing 747 which then flew the cargo to New York. Oceaneering sealifted the remaining gold to Oregon. After George W. Bush’s victory in 2000, the last of the gold and jewels stored in New York was moved to UBS Bank in Zurich. Marcos and Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi set about to create Five Star Trust in 1983 as a means to create a vehicle to use the Philippine wealth to create and funnel fungible assets abroad. In 1989, Five Star Trust was officially established in the Isle of Man by a Houston-based attorney who was a close friend of the Bush family.
WMR is now in possession of a UBS letter to the Swiss Federal Police, dated October 30, 2001, which was in response to an October 2, 2001 request by the police to look for Bin Laden family "terrorist funds" (Terroristengeldern).The UBS letter states that two terrorist-related financial activities were detected with regard to the movement by Osama Bin Laden of suspicious funds in 1990 and 1991. [This was shortly after Bush's Philippine tranche of gold and jewels was established at UBS]. On 20/08/90, there was a $450,000 transfer of funds into Osama Bin Laden's account. The deposit included "jewels." On 28/10/91, there was a $482,000 transfer of funds into Osama Bin Laden's account from the Saudi American Bank in Jeddah, the same bank Israeli intelligence directly tied into Saudi terrorist funding in the West Bank. (See "Intelligence Whispers").
As reported in "Intelligence Whispers," on August 21, 2001, just a few weeks before the 911 attacks, a UBS Warburg/Paine Webber broker named Chung Wu advised his investors to sell their Enron stock, whereafter UBS quickly fired the broker. In addition, the "Intelligence Whispers" report regarding the mysterious Bush-connected Geneva and Zurich money mover who transferred $10 million and $10 billion in Saudi and other funds to Texas in 1995 and 1996, respectively, has been positively linked to Al Taqwa, a Swiss entity tied to "Al Qaeda." A $50,000 check drawn on the 1995 funds was written to Fayyaz Ahmed, one of the 911 hijackers. The 1996 $10 billion transfer was for Enron's fraudulent LJM Cayman Islands front and was to finance a deal with the Taliban to build the trans-Afghan CentGas pipeline. (Enron, Halliburton, Unocal, Zalmay Khalilzad, Hamid Karzai, and Mullah Omar were all involved in the 1996 CentGas negotiations, which were held in Tashkent and Houston). WMR is also in possession of an audit letter from Ernst & Young giving a clean bill of health to an "Al Qaeda"-affiliated "charity" based in Kuwait, Lajnat al Dawa al Islamiya, which, in reality, supplied Taliban and Al Qaeda forces with assistance in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
WMR can also confirm that the Bush administration's cozying up to the Sudanese government (which once provided Osama Bin Laden safe haven) is another indication that the Bush family continues to engage in joint financial activities with Osama Bin Laden. It is likely that Sudan's southern Christian rebel leader John Garang was encouraged to enter into a peace agreement with Khartoum in a ploy for him to let down his guard. Just days after Garang became Sudan's Vice President, he was killed in a suspicious helicopter crash along the Ugandan-Sudanese border, an area where Pentagon Special Operations forces are present. As Vice President, Garang was in a position to discover Bin Laden's past and present activities in Sudan, including those that involve Bush family interests. While Sudan claims it no longer has any relations with Osama Bin Laden, it can now be revealed that Osama Bin Laden continues to operate the Al Shamal Islamic Bank in Sudan that was identified by the State Department in 1996 as being linked to Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. The "Al Qaeda" leader invested $50 million in the bank. The bank was used in 1993 to transfer $210,000 to a bank in Tucson, Arizona to finance the purchase of a plane to fly Stinger missiles from Pakistan to Sudan. The plane was flown to Khartoum. (According to the French intelligence report, Bin Laden was still under U.S. and British intelligence control at the time of the plane purchase and in 1993 Sudan was on the State Department's state sponsors of terrorism list). It is significant that Al Shamal's assets were never frozen by the United States nor was it designated a terrorist-related organization. The Sudanese claim that Al Shamal is no longer in operation and the Bush administration has not countered these claims. However, in October 2004 this photo (below) was taken in Khartoum (the bank was open for business and very busy):
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