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副大統領 George H. W. Bush (左から2番目)、 Nicholas F. Brady (左から3人目)当時ディロンリード会長、後の Secretary of the Treasury.
More motive to destroy WTCs on 9-11: $120 Billion gold debt
due THAT DAY; interview w/9-11 author Karl Schwarz
It takes in the issues of the artificial lowering of gold prices (to keep the U.S. paper economy afloat against the global mass rush to gold), (2) it takes in the gold heist foiled on 9-11 that was going on simultaneously in the basement of the WTC's COMEX exchange, foiled because WTC2 was brought down early, and they escaped--leaving the gold in an unmanned truck that was already halfway down a security tunnel, (3) and it takes in this information about why Cantor Fitzgerald was the only one to take the serious hit--Cantor Fitzgerald owners likely assured by this 9-11 alibi that they would get to postpone for a while the required payout, to keep them afloat. 9-11 was in short a win for them, (4) it takes into federal evidence of court suits against major U.S. banks for gold price manipulation, etc.--paper evidence destroyed in the federal offices in the WTCs/WTC7, etc.
WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS? Financial terrorism towers over 9.11 (Part II)
Evidence points to attack on America by White House crime families
by Tom Flocco
Crusing the Florida Keys (1984) Then VP George H. W. Bush (second from left) and former CIA Director who led the National Security Council during Iran contra, with Nicholas F. Brady (third from left) then chairman of Wall St. Investment firm Dillon Read and later Bush 41 Secretary of the Treasury.
Sioux City, Iowa -- July 25, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.
The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham. During multiple interviews, Durham told TomFlocco.com that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994.
Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds--purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001--the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm [whose offices on floors 101-105 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) were destroyed on 9.11 along with the Brady bond evidence].
Durham told us that a Central Intelligence agent said Cantor-Fitzgerald held the 10-year Brady bonds; and her secure family trust was the owner of BONUS COMMODITY CONTRACT 3392 AND CERTIFICATE OF DEBT NUMBER 181 OF MAY 1, 1875 [Special Bonus Certificate No. 3392 / 181], originally issued by the government of Peru in 1875 and illegally used by the U.S. government as the collateral to purchase the bonds which secured the currency transfers--all of which came due in the middle of the September 11 attacks.
Durham’s note is due and payable in "American gold coin, gold bullion and/or coin of the realm," having multiplied in value well into the trillions but its fraudulent use as collateral by Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials was unauthorized by her family trust, she told us.
There was no investigation of the suspicious circumstances surrounding her husband’s death, said Durham; and Bush, Greenspan and North were never subpoenaed and interrogated regarding the substance of their conversations with Herman just prior to his torture and murder.
Durham said she has continuously been denied social security payments, her husband’s service records were shredded in her presence so that she would not be afforded access to Hermann’s substantial military pension, and all paper trails were eradicated by Clinton and Bush 41 officials to obstruct justice regarding any future investigations.
Several U.S. intelligence agents spoke privately with Durham, informing her that the Cantor-Fitzgerald files identifying the bogus bonds were lost in what suppressed 9.11 television news footage in slow motion shows was a controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7; moreover, ONI officials themselves--some of whom were probing the fraudulent 10-year debt instruments allegedly held by Cantor-Fitzgerald in the doomed North Tower--also perished along with the investigation files, all of which were curiously in the path of the 9.11 Pentagon impact.
Durham told us that Colonel Hermann had offices in the Northwest corner of the Pentagon and that he worked with David Rose of the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s office for the Queen of England. She said that Keith Johnson, the Queen’s signatory at Wachovia Bank told her about the Office of Naval Intelligence being hit at the Pentagon on September 11--that there had been an ongoing investigation of money laundering.
Several other intelligence sources who spoke to longtime federal whistleblower Stewart Webb, alleged that the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was called "Operation Code Angel," also known as Tripod II--a U.S. Department of Justice "war games" exercise involving the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)--which Webb alleges was run by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s Police Chief Bernard Kerik at Pier 29 on the New York City waterfront, according to Webb’s intelligence sources who asked not to be named until subpoenas and testimony commence.
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