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ジハド:Blackwater USAは凶悪な私兵で民間人ではないことを明白にせよ!
Dispelling The Myth: Blackwater "Employees" Are NOT "Civilians"
Apr 25, 2005
By Omar al-Faris, JUS
While mainstream news reports continue to spew terms like "barbaric acts
against innocent civilians" in there ongoing hype of last Thursday's attack
by Al-Jaish Al-Islami who downed a helicopter carrying Blackwater "hired
guns", its time to set the record straight.
Blackwater USA is in the business of hiring and training killers. With the
US and allied forces casualty toll ticking ever upward and troops stretched
thin on the ground, the Bush administration has increasingly looked to
mercenaries to aid their occupation of Iraq and their control over the
civilian population that wants the illegitimate occupiers off their land..
These soldiers-for-hire are in some cases veterans of some of the most
repressive military forces in the world, including that of the former
Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and South Africa's apartheid regime and in
other cases, former US, British and European special forces operatives.
Private armies have become ubiquitous in Iraq, supplying everything from
support services to mercenary soldiers to interrogators. During the Abu
Grhaib scandal, two other mercenary firms participated in the abuses,
including two CACI employees and so-called "contractors" from Titan
While Halliburton's contracts for logistical support has been widely
reported, until the firefight in Fallujah in late March, 2004 that left four
Blackwater operatives dead and sparked the massacre of an estimated 10,000
Fallujah residents in Fallujah 1, the public knew little about the extent to
which by conservative estimates place 20,000 private military forces in Iraq
participating in direct military action.
Make no mistake - Blackwater is in the private militia business.
While the company bills itself as a private corporation providing qualified
and trained "Protective Security Specialists" to the US State Department,
the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, the firm also engages in a variety of
military activities from espionage and intelligence gathering, protecting
and guarding high level US officials to direct military action.
Although Blackwater USA is not nearly as well known as Halliburton or
Bechtel in October 2003, according to Mother Jones magazine, the company won
a $35.7 million contract to train more than 10,000 sailors from Virginia,
Texas, and California each year in 'force protection.' Business has been
booming for Blackwater, which now owns, as its press release boasts, "the
largest privately-owned firearms training facility in the nation." The
company also maintains a terrorist training camp in Virginia.
The company hired the well-connected Alexander Strategy Group to help
influence the US Congress on whatever rules are generated to govern private
militias in war zones, according to the Hill newspaper. Blackwater also
works other angles. One of the firm's founders is Michigan native Erik
Prince, a former Navy SEAL. His father, Edgar Prince, helped religious right
leader Gary Bauer found the Family Research Council in 1988. Erik Prince's
sister, Betsy DeVos, is the chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.
In April 2004, four Blackwater operatives were gunned down in their vehicles
in Fallujah. The outrage that ensured was yet another example of the war of
deception being waged by 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and 10 Downing Street. The
"savage massacre of civilians" that headed the world's newspapers failed to
mention that Blackwater operatives are trained killers who were on a covert
operation. What evolved from there we are all too familiar with; the US
launched an all out attack on the city, with Iraqi civilians killed in the
Blackwater's operatives, once completing their training facilities, are
shipped off to Iraq and other global hotspots for short term deployment at
high salaries; $4000 USD is the starting wage and to those who lack
conscience or care for the civilians that are always killed in war, are
signing up by the dozens.
In the Gulf War, 1 out of ten soldiers were mercenaries. That ratio is now
is off the map, with the latest figures estimating that 5 out of ten
soldiers inside the Iraqi quagmire are working for private militias.
Of course the spin of the unbelievers comes as no suprise to us, as Allah
tells us in His Holy book:
{The parable of those who reject faith is as if one were to shout like a
goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: Deaf, dumb,
and blind. They are void of wisdom}, 2:171
However, amid all the hype and misrepresentation about last Thursdays attack
by Al-Jaish Al-Jaish Al-Islami, there are several important facts that have
failed to surface in censored press:
. The Mi-8 helicopter Al-Jaish Al-Jaish Al-Islami shot down owned by the
Bulgarian company was retrofitted for both military and civilian use, with
firepower on board. As the Al-Jaish Al-Jaish Al-Islami statement indicates,
a great deal of intelligence gathering went on before the aircraft was
targeted but it should be known that all security aircraft in Iraq carry
. Those on board were not civilians - they were mercenaries. Six were
Blackwater operatives, three were Bulgarian and two were Fijian hired guns.
. Any individual that is providing "support", be it through direct military
action or providing good and services to the illegal occupiers of Iraq are
legitimate targets. Since the fall of Baghdad, not only have so-called Iraqi
Muslims but Muslims and non-Muslims the world over have flooded into the
country to garner their share of the big bucks being spent by American
forces. This may be understandable for gold digging Americans, but the laws
of Allah early prohibits Muslims from any kind of affiliation with the
. The verdict of Allah for killing Muslims is death. The film released by
Jaish shows the Mujahideen in a brief discussion before the state the
verdict of Allah in Arabic "Hadu Allah" before carrying out the prescribed
The next two front page news items you are about to view are intended to
make absolutely clear who are the innocents in this war and who are not and
to issue a clear warning to all of those, whether they be assembling
components for aircraft, constructing bombs, working as mercenaries, or
Iraqis aiding the occupiers with intelligence supplies or goods, that the
verdict of Allah is not altered by the wearing of a uniform.
InshaAllah, the graphic material you are about to see will be a deterrent to
those who are participating in support of the US aggression against Muslims
in Iraq and who justify their actions because they are not wearing a US
military uniform, or they are wearing an Iraqi uniform, or they are
providing contracted services for profit. The spilling of Muslim blood in
whatever capacity results in the same verdict.
On a final note, as of press time, we have received no confirmation that any
of Al-Jaish Al-Jaish Al-Islami have been arrested.
May Allah open the eyes and ears of those who continue to support this
unprecendented aggression against our Iraqi brothers and sisters. Ameen.
For more information on Blackwater, please see:
The original statement from Al-Jaish Al-Jaish Al-Islami can be accessed