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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/04/19
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 19 April 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 20.04.2005 [05:07 ] (164 reads)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 19 April 2005. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Tuesday, 19 April 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Fighting continues in al-Qa’im after US airborne landing inside city.
In a dispatch posted at 10:10am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported from al-Qa’im that, as was earlier reported, the US aggressors staged an airborne assault on the city Monday during which some 700 American troops parachuted into the city. The Americans were able to seize control over central districts of al-Qa’im and they opened the way for US forces on the outskirts of the city to come in.
Intermittent battles continued in al-Qa’im at the time of reporting, breaking out and raging every hour or so, as the Resistance engages US troops coming in from all four directions and in the central parts of the city.
Witnesses in al-Qa’im reported that 13 Americans had been killed this day, among them the four US soldiers who had been taken prisoner last week, one of whom was a major. US aggressor troops found their beheaded bodies on the banks of the Euphrates. A captain in a puppet force called the “Force in Support of the American Forces,” told Mafkarat al-Islam about that discovery.
The captain also confirmed a report that nine US Marines were killed and still others wounded in a Resistance bomb attack on a US foot patrol in the northeast of al-Qa’im at 6am Tuesday morning.
Six US troops reported killed in truck bombing in Hit Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance vehicle bomb exploded by a column of several US Humvees ミ some armored and some not in the city of Hit Tuesday morning, killing six US troops and wouding two more. A source in the Iraqi puppet police told Mafkarat al-Islam that an explosives-laden pickup that was parked by the side of the main road linking Hit with ar-Ramadi blew up as a US column passed by, setting one of the Humvees ablaze and disabling a second. US troops were observed pulling bodies of their comrades from out of the wrecked vehicles. Afterwards, US forces closed the road linking the two cities.
Early morning bomb leaves four US troops dead north of ar-Ramadi Tuesday.
In a dispatch posted at 8:55am Mecca time Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of four American Humvees on the al-Jarayishi Road north of ar-Ramadi on Tuesday morning. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast destroyed a Humvee and killed four US troops.
Afterwards, American soldiers opened fire indiscriminately around the area, wounding a civilian passer by who happened to be in the area. The Americans then encircled the area, closing the road for several hours, according to local residents. The US forces launched a massive campaign of house-to-house raids and searches after the attack, arresting two farmers.
US sniper, six puppet guards killed in battle with Resistance troops Tuesday morning.
One American sniper and six members the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” were killed in a battle that broke out on the main street in al-Khalidiyah, 30km east of ar-Ramadi Tuesday morning.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that US aircraft were densely prowling the skies over the area clash occurred, making it difficult to ascertain exact details of the battle.
Bodies of puppet troops found as Resistance land mine blows up more puppet “national guards” in occupied al-Fallujah.
US occupation troops found the bodies of six members of the puppet so-called Iraqi national guard in the an-Nazal neighborhood of al-Fallujah on Monday. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the puppet troops had been shot in the heads from behind, execution style, suggesting that they had been captured and then killed.
An Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded under a car carrying a number of puppet “national guards” on ath-Tharthar street near the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood in the city. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the car was totally destroyed but that the extent of casualties was as yet undetermined because occupation troops had completely encircled the area of the attack.
Resistance pounds Abu Ghurayb prison camp Tuesday evening.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a fierce bombardment on the Abu Ghurayb prison camp west of Baghdad on Tuesday evening. In a dispatch posted at 7:25pm Mecca time Tuesday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of writing the Resistance was firing surface-to-surface rockets and mortar rounds into the notorious American facility.
At the time of writing the shells were continuing to fall and US forces were responding with an artillery barrage of their own from within the camp, targeting the as-Samilat area north of Abu Ghurayb. Powerful secondary explosions could be heard going off within the camp as Resistance rockets detonated American munitions. Sirens wailed as the blasts continued going off in the facility which was totally blacked out, having lost or cut off electric power.
Resistance group takes responsibility for killing of puppet major general Monday.
An armed Squadron of the Salafi Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Brigades Resistance organization issued a statement in Baghdad on Tuesday taking responsibility for the execution of a counselor to the Iraqi puppet so-called “minister of defense” and his son, a lieutenant colonel in the puppet intelligence service on Monday in the southern Baghdad suburban area of ad-Durah.
In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, the organization announced, “A squadron of the Salafi Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Brigades assassinated the counselor to the minister of defense Major General ‘Adnan Mudhish al-Kharajuli and his son ‘Ala’ ad-Din, a lieutenant colonel in the intelligence service in al-Hillah, in ad-Durah at sunset yesterday.”
The statement, signed by the Information Department of the Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Salafi Brigades, said that the killing was “in revenge for all the blood of women and children that was shed in al-Fallujah while the fatties just laughed.”
Interior ministry issues “correction” in story of murder of puppet official in Baghdad: deceased now identified as someone else.
An official in the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” on Tuesday said that there had been a mixup in how they identified a high official assassinated in his home on Monday. They said that the correct identity of the man assassinated was Major General ‘Adnan Mudhish al-Kharajuli, and that he served as a counselor to the puppet so-called “minister of defense.”
Reuters reported that he was killed along with one of his relatives when 10 armed men entered his house on Monday.
The puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” announced on Monday that Major General ‘Adnan Thabit, an official in the “interior ministry” had been killed just hours after telling the press that the story about Shi‘i hostages in al-Mada’in was exaggerated. Now the puppet ministry says that account was erroneous. (For original story, see “Puppet commander who blew whistle on al-Mada’in hostage hoax shot dead in his Baghdad home,” in Iraqi Resistance Report, Monday, 18 April 2005.)
Collaborationist party shuts down for a day to protest attack by US soldier on top member.
The so-called “Iraqi patriotic group” suspended its activity in Baghdad on Tuesday after a US soldier struck one of the members of the Shi‘i group, ‘Abd al-Fattah ash-Shaykh, who was trying to get into the Republican Palace area known to the invaders as the “green zone” to attend a meeting. Ash-Shaykh tried to get in without showing legal documents.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad reported witnesses as saying that US forces beat up ash-Shaykh, a member in the so-called “Iraqi patriotic group” and of the Shi‘i Bloc. US forces had given members of the group legal immunity in the country after the election farce that they held on 30 January. The group was so trusted by the US invaders that its members were given permission to freely move about American bases. This was the basis for ash-Shaykh’s attempt to get into the meeting in the so-called “green zone” without papers.
The so-called “Iraqi patriotic group” had just resumed its functions after halting them for a time in protest against an earlier attack by US troops.
Hepatitis on the rise in Baghdad due to misrule of US occupation.
Officials in the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of health” reported that the increase in untreated sewage accumulating in the streets of Baghdad has led to a rise in the number of cases of hepatitis raising new fears among health officials that a major outbreak of the disease is imminent.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Jalil, director of the Iraq's Infectious Diseases Control Center, told IRIN, the United Nations humanitarian news service, that there had been a 30 percent increase in hepatitis cases in March 2005 compared to the same period in 2004. He said open sewers and polluted water were causing the problem to worsen. Dr. Jalil said he expects a possible outbreak in the suburbs of Baghdad because sewage systems have not been restored in many neighborhoods. The extreme heat of summer is also expected to intensify the spread of hepatitis and other water borne diseases in the coming months.
According to Dr Haydar Shamari, director of the Iraqi National Centre for Blood Donation (INCBD), hepatitis was the first disease detected in contaminated blood samples. He added that hepatitis C, was very common, followed by type B, which is worrying doctors.
No vaccine is currently available to prevent hepatitis C and treatment for chronic hepatitis C is too expensive for most people in developing countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Dr. ‘Abd al-Jalil said that medicine for the treatment of patients, particularly for hepatitis B, could not be found in the country. He said they had asked Kimadia, the national drug company of the Ministry of Health (as set up before the US invasion) for help but there was a shortage of medicines and funds.
‘Abd al-Jalil added that there had also been an increase in typhoid, tuberculosis (TB) and other water-borne diseases. He called for immediate action to control the situation.
“The system of sanitation in the capital should be fixed quickly,” ‘Abd al-Jalil told IRIN. He said that the puppet so-called “ministry of public works” was moving slowly to solve this problem, and that it is affecting the health of Iraqis.”
Even a report issued by the American State Department recently admitted that reconstruction of Iraq’s sewage treatment systems and other civilian infrastructure is badly behind schedule. The American officials blame the sluggishness on faulty contracting procedures established by the American occupation authorities in Iraq, mismanagement on the part of both contractors and occupation officials, and the dilapidated state of Iraqi facilities after more than a decade of extreme economic sanctions followed by the American invasion.
In addition to those factors, all directly caused by the Americans, the State Department also blamed the powerful Iraqi Resistance for inhibiting the American occupation from adequately controlling the country and developing the infrastructure.
Babil Province.
Resistance attack kills six US troops in armored vehicle south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired rockets into a US armored vehicle on the al-Latifiyah Agricultural Road in the middle of the city, 25km south of Baghdad, when the vehicle stopped to provide cover for an American foot patrol on that road. The Resistance rocket attack set the vehicle ablaze and totally destroyed it. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that six US soldiers were burned to death inside the vehicle in which they were trapped.
For its part the Resistance organization Islamic Army in Iraq distributed a communiqu after the afternoon prayers in several local mosques on Tuesday in which it took responsibility for the attack.
The communiqu said: “At 11am this morning, 10 Rabi‘ al-Awwal 1426 hijri, the equivalent of 19 April 2005, God the Great and Glorious soothed the eyes of a squadron of the Islamic Army with the burning and destruction of an American armored vehicle, killing all those aboard as it was parked by a crossing of agricultural road in the al-Latifiyah area providing cover for a foot patrol of a number of its troops. The force of the fire in the burning vehicle prevented US aid workers from getting to the vehicle. Medevac helicopters were observed hovering around the vehicle disappointedly because they were unable to get the bodies of their dead out.” The communiqu said that the Resistance forces used RPG8 rocket-propelled grenades in the attack.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bombards US base near Samarra’.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five rockets ミ believed to be of the Grad type ミ into the US base located near the road curve near the city of Samarra’ at 11am Tuesday morning. A source in the city’s puppet security administration told Mafkarat al-Islam that the barrage left a number of dead and wounded in the American ranks. The source said that the wounded were taken to Baghdad about two and a half hours after the bombardment.
For its part, the US military acknowledged that the attack took place over its radio station that beams propaganda at the city of Samarra’. As usual, however, the Americans covered up all information regarding their losses.
Resistance attack wounds three US troops in Bayji early Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light machine guns attacked a US patrol in Bayji at about 6:30am Tuesday morning, heavily wounding three US troops. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that two Resistance fighters attacked three US troops who were standing near their vehicle. The Americans received serious wounds and the Resistance fighters left the scene, the witnesses reported.
Afterwards US forces carried out a quick wave of arrests and searches after encircling the area. Their searches, however, yielded them nothing.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance blasts US base in Kirkuk early Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four rockets at the US occupation headquarters set up in Kirkuk International Airport. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bombardment took place at 6am Tuesday morning and that the Resistance fired four Katyusha rockets into the US base. Explosions could be heard going off inside the US-occupied facility, and clouds of smoke enveloped the entire area. US helicopters prowled the skies above the city for a full hour after the attack.
Diyala Province.
Resistance car bomber blasts occupation troop column near Ba‘qubah midday Tuesday.
In a dispatch posted at 1:05pm Mecca time Tuesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before, an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden red Mazda car into a US column west of the town of Shahraban, east of Ba‘qubah. A source in the Iraqi puppet police told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast destroyed on armored Humvee and one other Humvee, killing and wounding several troops of the so-called “multinational” aggressor troops.
The correspondent reported that US forces encircled the area and prevented anyone approaching ミ even their own stooges in the puppet police.
Residents of al-Mada’in tell Mafkarat al-Islam: Badr Brigade collaborators, Iran behind “Shi‘ah hostage hoax.”
Following up on the hoax about the kidnapping of Shi‘ah in al-Mada’in, Mafkarat al-Islam sent a correspondent to the city, who canvassed the opinion of locals regarding the incident.
The correspondent sat down with Shaykh ‘Ali ad-Dulaymi, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Muhsin Muhammad, and Shaykh Naji al-Fiayyad ミ all Shi ‘ah; and Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Abd an-Nasir, Shaykh Kamal al-Badrani, and Shaykh Sa‘d al-‘Ani ミ all of the Sunni community. All of them, both Sunni and Shi‘i agreed that the whole hoax was cooked up by the Badr Brigades, the armed wing of the collaborationist so-called “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI) as well as four Iranian intelligence officers who arrived several days earlier in the city.
The representatives of both communities said that first they told the local puppet police about the matter of the arrival of the Iranian agents, but they didn’t do anything. So then they went to members of the local Iraqi Resistance and its commanders in the city. The Resistance overpowered one of the officers in Iranian intelligence and killed him, whereupon the others fled.
The shaykhs related what happened after that: “We were sitting in the Shabab al-Mada’in, a popular coffee house in the middle of town, when the al-‘Iraqiyah TV station broadcast a report saying that 15 Shi‘i families from our city had been captured by Sunni Arabs. We were shocked. Then that evening the wire services were transmitting the same story. We didn’t know what it was all about. We even asked some of the young men there in the coffee house at the time, ‘Is there a city in Iraq other than our city with the name al-Mada’in.’ They answered, ‘You’re older than we are and you know better that there are no al-Mada’ins other than our al-Mada’in.’”
They all agreed that the aim of the group that cooked up the hoax was to get the city raided by the US occupation forces who would stir up trouble.
Local people were particularly irritated about the fact that coverage of the events ミ both by the western and the Arab media ミ is always skewed in favor of the occupation.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent also met with Major General in the Legal service Faruq Ahamd who had reported the discovery of the body of an Iranian in the city two days before the report about the alleged kidnappings. This indicated that the whole hoax had been cooked up as an excuse to attack the Sunni community in the city in light of the growing appeal of the message of “fundamentalist” Islam in their community.
The Iraqi Resistance, that all along denied that there were any hostages held or any demands being made that the Shi‘ah population leave, said that the whole hoax was an operation by the Iranians and the Badr Brigades, backed by the Iraqi puppet regime which has the secret backing of Iran and has been put in charge by the US occupation forces.
Al-Basrah Province.
Four puppet police killed by Resistance roadside bomb Monday.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb blew up on the main road in the az-Zubayr area south of al-Basrah at 9:30 local time Monday, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported in a dispatch posted Tuesday morning. The blast left four Iraqi puppet policemen dead. The correspondent reported a doctor in al-Basrah Hospital as saying that four bodies of puppet policemen were dead on arrival at the medical facility.