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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/04/06
Iraqi Resistance Report From Mafkarat al-Islam For April 6, 2005
Apr 07, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice
Wednesday, 6 April 2005.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance bomb kills five US troops Wednesday morning in ar-Ramadi.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol as it passed through the as-Sufiyah area north of ar-Ramadi at 10am Wednesday. A source in the local police told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast destroyed one US armored vehicle and killed five American troops, all those who were aboard the vehicle.
Witnesses to the attack reported that Resistance fighters planted the bomb by the side of the road, hiding it under one of the piles of rubbish. They confirmed that it exploded at 10am as the US patrol was passing.
Iraqi Resistance pounds US base near ar-Ramadi midday Wednesday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired more than 16 rockets and mortar rounds into the US al-Warrar Base located west of ar-Ramadi at 1pm Wednesday afternoon local time.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source who works as a translator on the American base as saying that the bombardment left 13 US troops dead and 18 more wounded. Two meeting halls that formerly were known as halls of the al-Furat Palace and are now occupied by US troops were destroyed.
The source said that the bombardment was targeted on those two halls. Other missiles, however, did explode in various places around the base.
The correspondent saw smoke rising over the US-occupied facility as American helicopters hovered in to evacuate casualties. No word on the attack was initially provided by the Americans. The Resistance organization The Base [メQa ヤidahモ] of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers, led by the Jordanian Islamist Abu Musヤab az-Zarqawi, issued a statement after midday prayers in mosques in the city in which it took responsibility for the attack.
Resistance bomb kills three US troops Wednesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the village of al-Halabisah, 6km west of al-Fallujah, at 3pm Wednesday local time. Witnesses who live in the area told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast killed three US troops and wounded one more. After the attack US forces called in a US Cobra helicopter to evacuate the casualties. American troops also arrested five local people, charging them with involvement in the attack.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police confirmed that the attack left three American troops dead and one other wounded, adding that the blast also destroyed an American Humvee.
Resistance shoots down US helicopter near al-Baghdadi.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down a US Black Hawk helicopter, killing its two-man crew over the date syrup (dibs at-tamar - a food sweetener) factories east of al-Baghdadi, 210km west of Baghdad. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance fired a Strela rocket at the helicopter.
Guards at the factory confirmed to Mafkarat al-Islam that the helicopter was blown up in the air and crashed in an area called メthe quarryモ where refuse from the factories is dumped.
Afterwards, US forces surrounded the area and prevented the owners or workers in the factories from continuing their work for the rest of the morning, until they found the wreckage of the helicopter and extracted the remains of the crew.
The Army of the Partisans of the Sunnah posted a communiqu on the door of a local mosque Wednesday morning in which it took responsibility for the downing of the helicopter.
Resistance bomb in ad-Durah leaves three US troops dead.
In a dispatch posted at 5:10pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded in the ヤArab Jabbur area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at about 5:15 local time Wednesday.
A Baghdad correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the area as saying that a column of four US Humvees was proceeding down the main street in the area when a roadside bomb exploded, totally destroying one Humvee. Three American troops were killed and two more were wounded.
US admits: Wednesday morning Resistance ambush leaves American dead.
The US military admitted in a statement that one of its invader soldiers had been killed in a Resistance attack with grenades and light arms in Baghdad on Wednesday morning. According to the American statement, reported by Agence France Presse (AFP) an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by an American patrol and Resistance fighters then opened fire on the Americans with light arms.
Beheaded bodies of 14 Iraqi puppet troops found south of Baghdad.
The Iraqi puppet army announced on Wednesday that together with puppet so-called メnational guardsモ they had found the beheaded bodies of 14 puppet troops in an abandoned building in the Jarf as-Sakhr area south of Baghdad.
The announcement was made at a press conference held at the headquarters of the US occupation in the area of the Republican Palace, known to the invaders as the メgreen zoneモ in the occupied Iraqi capital. The spokesman for the puppet forces said that it appeared that the puppet troops had been beheaded several days earlier. The latest find brought to 31 the number of Iraqi puppet troops that puppet authorities admitted finding in the Jarf as-Sakhr area since March.
Resistance group sets Sudanese prisoners free after their repentance.
In a video broadcast on the Internet Wednesday, the Iraqi Resistance group The Islamic Army in Iraq stated that it had decided to release two Sudanese truck drivers who had been abducted in Iraq after they announced that they had repented. The Agence France Presse (AFP) reported the organization as saying on the tape that メthe necessary investigation had been completed regarding the accused Muhammad Harun Hammad, of Sudanese citizenship; and Mahir ヤAtaya, of Sudanese citizenship. After the legal committee of the Islamic Army closely investigated their case and the period during which they worked and the nature of their work, the committee decided to rebuke as they deserve and call on them to repent. After the honesty of their repentance before God became apparent and for other reasons, it was decided to set them free.モ
The organization had announced on a video on 9 March that it had abducted two Sudanese collaborators with the US occupation, noting that their fate would be decided by the legal committee. That statement said that the two had worked at the US al-Bakr base in ad-Duluヤiyah north of Baghdad ミ the largest US base in Iraq.
In the video the two captives read a text in which they stated who they were and said that a Turkish company had duped them into working as drivers on the al-Bakr base.
US places ads in Turkish newspaper for 5,000 security officers to guard American installations in occupied Iraq.
The United States put advertisements in Turkish newspapers on Tuesday calling for the hiring of 5,000 Turkish security men to guard US forces in northern occupied Iraq.
The advertisements announce that the US is seeking Turkish security men of high ranks to protect US bases, headquarters, and buildings belonging to US forces in occupied Iraq. Conditions for employment are that the candidate must have a good knowledge of either Arabic or English and that he must have previous experience in the Turkish army or General Security Apparatus or in private Turkish security companies.
The Turkish newspaper Radikal reported that the advertisement was printed after obtaining the consent of Turkish ministries.
The American appeal comes amid growing concerns over the rising level of Resistance attacks and the continuing inability of US forces to cope. George Bush himself recognized on Tuesday that the Resistance assault on Abu Ghurayb prison was an indication that the Resistance was メstill strong.モ
Puppet メcourtモ sentences four Arab men to life in prison.
An Iraqi puppet メcourtモ sentenced a Saudi, a Libyan, and two Syrian citizens to terms of life imprisonment for belonging to the Iraqi Resistance and for entering Iraq メillegally.モ Lawyers for the two Syrians confirm that their clients are civilian truck drivers who had no connection with the Resistance. The Saudi was reportedly captured by the Americans and their stooges during a battle on Hayfa Street in March after he was wounded in the shoulder. The Libyan citizen had a similar background.
US investigating 20 American soldiers who fled before attacking Resistance fighters in Abu Ghurayb.
High-ranking sources in the Iraqi puppet army that asked to remain anonymous told Mafakrat al-Islam that the US military on Wednesday opened an investigation into the flight of more than 20 US troops from combat with the Iraqi Resistance during their assault on the Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
Two sources in the Iraqi puppet forces said that US intelligence revealed that a number of American troops descended from the prison campユs four observation towers, fleeing from Resistance attacks and gunfire.
In a report to the Pentagon the Americans blamed the measure of success scored by the Resistance attackers on the flight of the troops charged with guarding the main gates of the prison. Those soldiers allegedly ran away when the Resistance attacked, leaving their weapons behind. Those were then confiscated by the Resistance fighters, and, according to the report, that facilitated the Resistance attack on the prison camp.
The Iraqi puppet army sources were highly pleased with the American investigation, because they said it was the first time that the Americans ever placed blame for a failure on their own forces. In every other instance, the Iraqi puppet officers complained, メthey say, ヤmembers of the [Iraqi puppet] army, or the [puppet] police were unqualified for the responsibility laid upon themユ.モ But メfor a change this time it is as clear as day,モ the sources gloated, メthat it was American troops who fled before the armed men.モ
US recently arrested more than 80 Sunni religious leaders throughout Iraq.
The Board of Sunni Pious Endowments (Diwan al-Waqf as-Sunni) in Iraq declared that US forces have arrested more than 80 imams and preachers in Sunni mosques throughout the country. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad reported a source in the Sunni Waqf Board as saying that the Americans in recent days have arrested the Sunni religious leaders in Baghdad, and the provinces of al-Anbar, Diyala, Salah ad-Din, at-Taユmim (Kirkuk), and al-Basrah, charging them with belonging to the Iraqi Resistance and inciting worshippers to fight the US occupation of the country.
The correspondent noted that Dr. ヤAdnan Muhammad Salman ad-Dulaymi, the Chairman of the Sunni Waqf Board in Iraq, recently called on the Iraqi puppet メgovernmentモ release immediately and unconditionally those religious leaders. He said that keeping them in prison was only increasing tension in the Sunni provinces.
Babil Province.
Three US troops killed in Resistance bombing in al-Latifiyah Wednesday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in al-Latifiyah, 25km south of Baghdad at 3pm Wednesday afternoon, local time. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported people from the meat market area where the attack took place as saying that the bomb was planted by the side of the main road in the city and that it blew up by a US column, disabling an American armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding another five more.
At-Taユmim Province.
Resistance attack on puppet police patrol wounds three.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a puppet police patrol in Kirkuk, 255km north of Baghdad, seriously wounding three puppet police. Major General Nurhan Yusuf, the puppet police chief in the city announced that the Resistance fighters, armed with machine guns, attacked the puppet police patrol in the ad-Dubbat neighborhood to the south of the city on Wednesday morning. The wounded puppet police were taken to Kirkuk General Hospital, he said.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance bomb kills three US troops in Mosul Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US column near the al-Yarmuk neighborhood crossing in the middle of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul at 8am Wednesday morning. An official source in the puppet police told Mafkarat al-Islam that a high-explosive bomb went off by an armored vehicle in the US column, disabling ti and killing three US troops. Another four American soldiers were wounded in the blast, he said. US forces afterward encircled the area and began a campaign of searches that local residents described as メprovocations.モ For all that, the Americans found nothing in their raids.
Resistance martyrdom car bomber blasts US column in western Mosul Wednesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove a car bomb into a US column in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Wednesday morning inflicting a number of American casualties.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Mosul reported a lieutenant in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that a white Daewoo car blew up by an American column that was stopped by the side of a road to the west of the city at 11am local time Wednesday morning. The blast destroyed three US Humvees and killed メa numberモ of American troops and wounded others. The source described their injuries as ranging from moderate to serious.
US forces summoned three helicopters in to evacuate the bodies and the wounded. It is known that helicopters are called in when the numbers of casualties are relatively large.
Al-Basrah Province.
In confirmation of what Mafkarat al-Islam reported earlier, the US military on Wednesday admitted that four of its soldiers were killed and an undetermined number of others wounded in the Camp Bucca prison rebellion that took place Monday night. The Americans also said that 16 prisoners were wounded in the battle.
The Americans blamed the prison rebellion on several prisoners who burned tents of American soldiers and attacked them with stones. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent noted that the American admission came in a statement issued from the headquarters of the US occupation in the occupied area of the Republican Palace in Baghdad ミ known to the invaders as the メgreen zone.モ
On Tuesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported an officer in the Iraqi puppet forces as saying that four Americans were killed and five more injured in the Monday night rebellion that occurred when American guards set out to torture an Iraqi prisoner. The officer said that 16 Iraqi prisoners were wounded when US troops opened fire on them. (See: Iraqi Resistance Report: 5 April 2005, メPrisoners rebel, kill four US guards in Camp Bucca prison camp Monday night.モ)
Sunni religious scholar assassinated in al-Basrah.
ヤAbd ar-Rahman al-Farih, a professor of education and Islamic preacher was assassinated Tuesday night in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported that al-Farih, who was the senior supervisor of Islamic education in the city was assassinated in the al-ヤAshshar district in the center of the city as he came out of a meeting of his department. Unknown gunmen opened fire on him. Two bullets struck al-Farih in the head, martyring him instantly.
Al-Farih, whose supervisory post was within the al-Basrah Directorate of Education, in which he worked since 1991. He was a resident of the az-Zubayr section of al-Basrah. Born in 1954, he had six children. He was buried in the al-Hasan al-Basri Cemetery (the local Sunni cemetery) Wednesday morning amidst a large gathering of mourners and prominent members of the local Sunni community. Numerous armed men took part in the funeral procession. For their part, puppet police took up positions atop rooftops lining the route to the cemetery as a British patrol observed the funeral from a distance.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam, who took part in the funeral, reported that after the interment, a spokesman for the Board of Muslim ヤUlamaユ [Scholars] addressed the mourners, saying that martyrs are not dead, but rather live on. He called for pursuing the assassins and inflicting vengeance upon them. A spokesman for Sunni pious endowments mourned the loss of a religious scholar who served the Qurユan.