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□イラク西部ヒートのアメリカ軍基地に向けてIRが砲撃 航空機が炎上か 他
バグダッドの西方80キロ,ハバニアにあるアメリカ軍基地([the Falcon])の
また,レジスタンスは同基地の西側部分([the Hights])に対しても,
この[the Hights]と呼ばれる基地は,イラク西部地域のアメリカ軍司令部となっている。
Attacks Increase In Iraq's Al-Anbar Province; Several US Solders Reported Killed
Mar 10, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice. Edited For Publication By JUS
Al-Anbar province, along with the rest of Iraq, is again seeing an increase in attacks that US officials expected would reduce after the elections were held. Here are just some of the attacks that took place in Al-Anbar province yesterday.
Car Bomb Reportedly Kills Nine US Troops Outside US Base
A car bomb exploded by a US command post at the western entrance to the American base known as メas-Saqrモ (メthe Falconモ) where US Marines are stationed in the city of al-Habbaniyah west of Baghdad. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 6:19pm Mecca time Wednesday evening that witnesses said that a white Oldsmobile exploded at the US checkpoint, destroying the station completely and killing nine American troops. Seven more American soldiers were said to have been severely injured in the explosion.
Resistance Bombards US Headquarters At Al-Habbaniyah
In a dispatch filed at 1:50pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before Muhaideen had begun bombarding the western parts of the US as-Saqr (メthe Falconモ) base in al-Habbaniyah, about 80km west of Baghdad. The western parts of the base are known as メal-Hadbahモ (メthe Hightsモ) and it is there that the headquarters of the US forces in the western regions of Iraq are located.
The correspondent reported that at the time of writing the Americans were replying with artillery fire at the source of the Resistance attack and the Mujahideen were still firing Katyusha rockets and 120mm mortar shells into the US base.
Resistance Pounds US Base In Hit Early Wednesday
Mujahideen fired seven Grad rockets into the US base west of Hit at 6am Wednesday morning Mafkarat al-Islam reported. Local eyewitnesses said that the rockets blasted into what was formerly the al-Qadisiyah Iraqi Airbase now occupied by the American forces.
The attack was concentrated on the southern parts of the American base. Witnesses saw extremely dense smoke rising in clouds over the area after the bombardment and heard nine very powerful explosions shake the American-occupied facility. Those blasts were believed to originate on the runway in the base where US warplanes were parked.
In a dispatch posted at 1:55pm Wednesday, the correspondent reported that fires were still burning and that US occupation forces had brought in helicopters at about 7am to help fight the blazes and they were still working at it. Seeing this, local residents speculated that the rockets must have hit the US aircraft on the runway in the southern part of the base.