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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/02/28
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 28 February 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 01.03.2005 [10:37 ] (19 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Monday, 28 February 2005.
US Marines shoot four American troops dead as they try to flee from Iraq to Syria. Two Iraqi guides also perish in the American attack.
Four US troops were killed at dawn on Monday by other American Marines in the strip of land that links Iraq with Syria. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Qa’im on the Syrian border reported that the four Americans were trying to flee from Iraq into Syria with the help of Iraqi sheep and livestock smugglers. The Americans were dressed in Arab clothing after paying the smugglers large sums of money, according to the son of those who received the payment to smuggle the Americans across the border. The Iraqi smugglers were killed along with the fleeing soldiers when the American military attacked.
The source told Mafkarat al-Islam that four US troops, one of them an officer, came individually to his father and asked him to get them out of Iraqi territory and into Syrian where they could seek political asylum. The American soldiers told the man that he would get US $50,000 for each of them for getting them out of the country, but if he refused, they would make up a charge and have him arrested.
The source said that his father agreed after the threat and being offered the colossal sum of money. They all set off Monday at dawn on the Makr adh-Dhib Road, a rocky trail that winds through a mountainous area where it is hard for helicopters to follow and observe people on the ground. Unfortunately, however, they ran into an American patrol. The Americans believed the six men wearing Arab clothing were Resistance fighters infiltrating into Iraq and shot them all dead.
The source told Mafkarat al-Islam that his father was killed in the American attack. He said he found his father’s body lying on the ground together with that of another Iraqi who was with him. The American troops had taken the bodies of the Americans away somewhere, he said.
A number of local people who gathered at the local mosque for funeral prayers for the slain men said that they had advised the man the day before that he had to turn the Americans over to the Resistance, but, they said, the large sum of money - the equivalent of millions of Iraqi dinars - blinded him. They said, however, that he protested that it wasn’t the money but the Americans’ threats that made him feel obliged to help them cross the border.
The correspondent reported that US forces surrounded and searched the house of the two men whom they had killed near the border, but found nothing to speak of inside.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a correspondent for one of the most popular Arab satellite television stations was present when the bodies arrived in the town and local people asked him to do a journalistic investigation and broadcast a report on the events, so as to inform Iraqis about what had happened. But the correspondent declined, saying “if I were to do so, I’d get nothing but trouble for it. The station won’t agree to broadcast the report, and then I wouldn’t be safe myself.”
The report as carried by Mafkarat al-Islam, however, serves to reinforce earlier reports that they have carried about large numbers of American soldiers fleeing from Iraq to Syria.
American soldier found stabbed to death in al-Fallujah Monday morning.
US occupation forces discovered the body of one of their troops in the al-Wahdah neighborhood of the city. The body, which had multiple stab wounds to the chest, had been dumped on a garbage heap.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported official sources as saying that the US soldier was found dead and that American soldiers also discovered a bayonet nearby that
was used to kill the soldier. In a dispatch posted at11:50am Mecca time Monday, the correspondent reported that US troops were at that hour storming houses in the neighborhood in search of suspects to arrest. The source told Mafkarat al-Islam that they would carry out an investigation into the incident of the killing.
Doctor reports: US dropping deadly toxins on civilian neighborhoods in al-Fallujah.
Fadil Badrani, Iraq correspondent for the Jordanian daily al-‘Arab al-Yawm on Tuesday reported medical sources in al-Fallujah Hospital as saying that US forces have bombed civilian areas in al-Fallujah with ordnance that contained some sort of toxic substance during the past two days.
A doctor in al-Fallujah Hospital, who asked not to be identified, told Badrani that a number of civilian bodies had been brought to the hospital. He said they were in a disfigured state with gray patches that medical tests showed were the result of poisonous or incendiary substances such as mustard gas and napalm dropped by US planes on civilian areas. Because they are aromatic, Badrani wrote, people in the area tend to inhale the affected air after such substances have been dropped, and within seconds they are dead, as the toxins in the weapons interact in lethal fashion with the human body.
The doctor told al-‘Arab al-Yawm that such bodies were found in the neighborhoods of al-Jawlan, an-Nazal, and ad-Dubbat in al-Fallujah. He said that a delegation of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars had been informed of the situation and that they had promised to register it and bring it before international tribunals and human rights organizations to expose the American occupation forces’ atrocities against Iraqi civilians.
Al-Anbar Province.
Fighting in al-Fallujah, elsewhere in al-Anbar on the upsurge after relative quiet. US troops kill over 50 civilians in massive house raids throughout the province.
The Iraq correspondent of the Jordanian daily al-‘Arab al-Yawm, Fadil Badrani, wrote in the Tuesday issue of that newspaper that after a relative calm that lasted more than a month, fighting between the Iraqi Resistance and US occupation troops in al-Fallujah escalated on Monday.
The correspondent wrote that Resistance fighters attacked a joint patrol of US occupation forces and the puppet so-called “national guard” in the city. US forces responded to the attack by firing three rockets at houses in the an-Nazal neighborhood, killing two local civilians and wounding six more.
An American armored vehicle was observed on fire on the outskirts of the al-Jawlan neighborhood after Resistance fighters hit it with an armor-piercing rocket.
For about a week, Badrani wrote, fighting has been escalating in western Iraq’s al-Anbar Province - a large area accounting for about a third of the country’s territory. In response to the rising number of attacks throughout the province, US forces carried out a wave of blockades of cities in al-Anbar, followed by house raids in which American troops backed by puppet Iraqi forces arrested more than 500 local people.
The Americans and their stooges also killed more than 50 people in the course of their house raids, wounding 80 more besides. Most of those killed and wounded, Badrani wrote, were civilians, among them women and children, according to sources in the hospitals of ar-Ramadi, al-Haqlaniyah, Darrawah, ‘Anah, and Hit. In addition, the Americans and their lackeys burned more than 40 private cars, most of those in the city of Hit.
Bloody US house raids terrorize residents of Hadithah and al-Qa’im . . .
Although the US blockades on the cities of Hit and al-Haqlaniyah have been broken, Badrani wrote, the US retains a tight grip on al-Qa’im and Hadithah.
US forces sealed all entrances and exits to Hadithah and have been raiding every house in the city during daylight hours. US footsoldiers carry out the raids with heavy complements of helicopters hovering overhead to keep Resistance fighters from protecting the citizens.
Badrani wrote in al-‘Arab al-Yawm that in the last three days the US troops had killed 13 civilians and wounded 27 more in the course of this campaign of raids and repression in Hadithah. More than 77 Iraqis have been arrested in the city.
US forces also sealed off the city of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border, long a hotbed of Resistance activity.
American forces in those cities have been demanding that local people turn in Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi, the leader of the Resistance organization Base Qa‘idah of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers. In leaflets dropped by aircraft on the encircled cities and in announcements over loudspeakers, US forces demanded that local people produce the Resistance leader by Monday or else the American military would launch full scale armed operations against he cities.
In the course of the American campaigns American forces sent warplanes to bomb a number of points on the outskirts of al-Qa’im on Monday, killing 15 people and woudding 25 - all of them local civilians, according to sources in al-Qa’im Hospital. The Resistance, however, managed to inflict a “large number” of casualties on the American invaders as well, Badrani wrote.
Nevertheless, the US terror tactics have had their effect, driving numerous local families to leave al-Qa’im to seek shelter from the savage American violence in small towns and villages nearby.
In the city of al-Anbar last week, Badrani wrote, Resistance forces were able to inflict heavy losses in men and materiel on Americans, who had few local stooges to help them out. Resistance threats had forced the local puppet police station to shut down three months previous.
Resistance pounds Saddam International Airport with powerful Tariq rockets.
Iraqi Resistance forces unleashed a barrage of seven powerful Tariq rockets into the US base set up in Saddam International Airport southwest of Baghdad at 4pm local time on Monday. The Baghdad correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance barrage targeted thw western part of the airport, according to official sources, setting intense fires and causing damage. Officials would not disclose the extend of losses but said that the barrage forced them to halt the movement of all aircraft inside the airport.
Eyewitnesses confirmed seeing US helicopters coming in over the airport for a full hour after the attack, suggesting a heavy casualty count.
Resistance bombards US barracks in Abu Ghurayb prison camp.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US prison camp in Abu Ghurayb, 30km west of Baghdad, at 4pm Monday afternoon, local time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The correspondent reported that one of the rockets destroyed the first main fence on the south side of the prison. The other three rockets set fires blazing and sent dense plumes of smoke rising into the air over the facility.
A number of relatives of prisoners gathered outside the camp after the attack trying to get information on their loved ones - as they always do after Resistance attacks targeting the facility. Resistance forces put them at ease, saying that the barrage today was aimed at the barracks of the US troops in the southern part of the complex, while the prisoners are housed in the eastern area of the prison camp.
Resistance bomb hits US column in al-Iskandariyah Monday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column west of al-Iskandariyah south of Baghdad at 1pm Monday, local time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. Four US troops were killed in the blast that destroyed a Humvee. Witnesses said the bomb was planted by the side of one of the main roads. Afterwards, US forces sealed off the area and began evacuating the bodies of the dead.
TV run by anti-government Iranians claims Tehran has 40,000 paid spies working in Iraq.
An Iranian opposition television station reported on Monday that the Iranian regime has at least 40,000 agents operating inside occupied Iraq. The Simaye Azadi, which broadcasts in Persian and is run by Iranian National Council of Resistance claimed that it had obtained private documents from a source inside the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that confirm that the Iranian regime has a secret network of spies and agents inside Iraq numbering 40,000.
The Iran Focus news agency reported that the documents were leaked by the Fajr Garrison unit in the Revolutionary Guards which is based in the city of al-Ahwaz.
The opposition television station reported that the Iranian government spies receive monthly salaries, but that these had been reduced by $9 recently, causing considerable discontent among the spies. The station reported that the monthly salaries are smuggled into Iraq by leading members of the great spy network who make regular trips to al-Ahwaz every month in order to obtain the salaries and inform their superiors in the Revolutionary Guard, who are known as the al-Quds Jerusalem Force, of what information the spies under them in Iraq have obtained.
Ba‘qubah - Diyala Province.
Intellectuals in Ba‘qubah demonstrate to reject public holiday on Saturdays.
Hundreds of local people demonstrated in the largely Sunni city of Ba‘qubah to announce their rejection of the resolution passed by the puppet “council of ministers” making Saturdays public holidays in Iraq. The protestors resolved to add their voices to those of the people of al-Anbar Province who earlier announced that they would not observe a Saturday holiday.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in Diyala Province reported that hundreds of local residents - gathered on al-Qadisiyah Square in the city’s downtown and declared that they would not submit to the puppet regime’s decree on Saturday holidays. The protestors, who included men of religion, academic professors, students, and intellectuals, carried signs on which was written a verse from the Qur’an that calls on the Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as their patrons.
The protestors declared that the resolution is rejected because it was a first step on the way to “normalization” of relations with the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine.
The correspondent met one of the city’s school principals who said, “I told the General Director of Education for Ba‘qubah that I would rather resign than sit at home on Saturday like the Jews.”
Mr. Ahmad al-Mandalawi, the Dean of the College of Sciences in Diyala University agreed: “I told the students today that that resolution doesn’t concern us and that the regular hours will continue.” He said that he was very pleased that al-Anbar Province had taken the same stance on the decree and hoped that the rest of Iraq’s provinces would follow suit.
Attack on puppet police station reported.
The Jordanian newspaper al-‘Arab al-Yawm on Tuesday reported that a source in the Ba‘qubah puppet police claimed that armed men opened fire with machine guns on a puppet police station in the west of city killing two “civilians.”
Tikrit - Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance launches mortar bombardment of US base in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired 14 mortar rounds into the US base in the town of ad-Dulu‘iyah, north of Tikrit at 3pm Monday afternoon, local time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The base, now used by American occupation forces, was formerly the headquarters of the Muhammad Forces of the Iraqi Republican Guard.
Eyewitnesses reported that the attack left dead and wounded since US helicopters could be seen in the skies over the facility evacuating casualties. The correspondent himself saw US Humvees and ambulances coming out of the base and heading towards Tikrit where a large American military hospital has been set up.
Later Captain Asad Saddad of the Iraqi puppet army announced that two Iraqis, one puppet soldier and one collaborator translator working with the Americans, were killed in the bombardment that he said consisted of seven mortar rounds and took place after midnight Monday morning, according to a report in the Jordanian daily al-‘Arab al-Yawm on Tuesday.
Resistance mounts barrage with heavy rockets on US base north of Samarra’.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight large surface-to-surface rockets at the main US military base in Samarra’, north of Baghdad at 2pm Monday, setting fires and sending plumes of dense smoke rising into the sky over the facility. US helicopters came in in large numbers to evacuated casualties from a strike that used heavy rockets of a type not previously employed for striking that base. The large number of helicopters suggested that casualties in the attack were heavy.
Mosul - Ninwa Province.
Resistance car bomb kills six US troops in Mosul.
In a report posted at 12:45pm Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before, an Iraqi Resistance car bomb had exploded by a US military column in the al-Ba‘‘aj area of Mosul. Witnesses said that a Resistance martyrdom fighter blasted into the US column, made up of several vehicles, completely destroying one American armored vehicle and killing six US troops who were aboard it. An undetermined number of other US troops were wounded in the attack.
The correspondent reported while standing at the scene of the attack that US forces had encircled the area and called in an Apache helicopter to evacuate the dead and wounded. The wreckage of the armored vehicle was hauled away by a giant crane that took the hulk to a US military vehicle “graveyard” near the al-Ghazlani base in Mosul.
Al-Hillah - Babil Province.
Massive bomb kills 125 collaborators in al-Hillah late Monday morning.
Sources in the Iraqi puppet police in al-Hillah told Mafkarat al-Islam that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded on Monday in the city. The Jordanian daily al-‘Arab al-Yawm quoted Reuters as saying that 125 were killed and 148 wounded in the massive attack.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Hillah reported that the attack took place at 11am local time as hundreds of Iraqis who wanted to join the US-backed puppet police were gathered in a large group. Most of them were between the ages of 20 and 30. The director of the Emergency Ward of al-Hillah Teaching Hospital told Mafkarat al-Islam that the number of dead was at 106 but was still rising.
A commander of the local puppet police told Mafkarat al-Islam that the attack struck a large group of men gathered outside a medical center where they were waiting for pre-induction physical examinations needed for them to be accepted into the puppet police. Colonel Ahmad Jarallah, Deputy Chief of Police in the city, told Mafkarat al-Islam that car was loaded with an extremely large explosive charge.
Al-‘Arab al-Yawm reported that the blast also damaged several commercial stalls in a crowded market near the recruitment center.
The attack was reportedly the deadliest car bombing since the US invasion of Iraq in spring 2003.
Resistance bomb kills four US troops in al-Hillah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US patrol as it was passing through the az-Zuhur neighborhood of downtown al-Hillah, in Babil Province, 110km south of Baghdad. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast destroyed a Humvee and killed four American troops.
Local residents told Mafkarat al-Islam that members of the Resistance knocked on doors along the street five minutes before the arrival of the American column and asked people not to go out for one hour, threatening anyone who tried to go out to inform the US military that they would be killed. The witnesses reported that the Resistance planted a bomb beside the road and that it exploded as the American column was passing, killing four and wounding an undetermined number of other Americans.
Resistance executes informer for collaborating with the US occupation.
Iraq Resistance fighters executed a collaborator working with the US occupation forces in al-Hillah on Monday morning. The sentence of death was carried out after they became convinced that he was indeed working for the Americans and that the information he had given to the invaders led to the arrest and murder of more than nine Iraqi Resistance fighters. A statement issued by one of the armed Resistance detachments in al-Hillah said that the stooge admitted he was responsible for informing on one of the Resistance leaders the week before, an act that led to his arrest by the US occupation when he spent the night at his brothers house.
The people of al-Hillah reported that they found the corpse of the collaborator informer with a piece of paper on which was written a passage from the Qur’an saying, “We did not wrong them, rather it was they who wronged themselves.”
Powerful Resistance bomb blasts British column in al-Basrah.
In a dispatch posted at 6:30pm Mecca time Monday night, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the southern city of al-Basrah reported that a short time earlier an Iraqi Resistance car bomb had exploded by a British column on al-Jaysh ash-Sha‘bi Street in downtown al-Basrah. The blast destroyed several British military vehicles and left a large number of dead and wounded in the ranks of the British occupation forces.
The correspondent indicated that at the time he filed his report, British troops were encircling the scene of the blast.
Al-‘Arab al-Yawm daily newspaper, ‘Amman, Jordan, Tuesday, 1 March 2005.