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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/02/25
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 25 February 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 26.02.2005 [08:12 ] (69 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 25 February 2005.
Resistance fighters engage US troops in hand-to-hand combat in al-Qa’im.
Iraqi Resistance forces armed with light machine guns and knives and clubs clashed with US Marines in the west of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border at around 9:15am Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The fighting left 11 US troops dead and four Resistance fighters martyred.
The correspondent reported eyewitnesses and some Resistance fighters who took part in the fight as saying that a US foot patrol entered al-Qa’im and began house raids and searches under air cover from an Apache helicopter that hovered overhead at a low altitude. The helicopter made it impossible for Resistance fighters to attack the Americans from some distance, as they usually do, with rocket launchers and medium weight machine guns. As a result the Resistance fighters had to engage the Americans in very close combat. They attacked them from behind and between houses in narrow lanes. The sources said that the fighting lasted 45 minutes and the helicopter was unable to fire on the Resistance fighters because they were intermingled with the American occupation troops. One Resistance fighter said that some American troops were stabbed to death with bayonets.
The Resistance forces withdrew when another US column came running in from Humvees to reinforce the first. The Resistance fighters left the area very quickly taking the bodies of their four martyrs with them. They used ruses to evade the helicopter, witnesses and fighters told Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Qa’im.
Resistance battles US troops in al-Hadithah. Americans cut off city from Hit.
Iraqi Resistance forces in the city of al-Hadithah ambushed a US Marine foot patrol near the wooden bridge in the al-Haqlaniyah area of the middle of the city. The Resistance fighters used light medium weight weapons in their attack that left nine US occupation troops dead and four Resistance fighters martyred, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
The correspondent reported that witnesses said that the US warplanes carried out four air raids on the city, bombing a number of areas but without inflicting any significant damage.
US troops also have surrounded the city now, the correspondent wrote in a dispatch posted at 11:01am Mecca time Friday, cutting it off completely from the nearby city of Hit. This is obviously an attempt to isolate the Resistance fighters in both cities from each other, to try to break them up and attack them separately.
Resistance bombards US warplane runways in American base in Hit.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired nineteen 120mm mortar rounds into the US ‘Ayn al-Asad base where only the runways for warplanes and a small gang of American troops remain after frequent Resistance bombardments drove most of the personnel out. The latest barrage was fired at about 4am Friday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the bombardment, which lasted half an hour, and set fires blazing and sent dense clouds of smoke rising into the air, covering the base.
No information was available on the extent of casualties or damage caused by the bombardent, but Resistance sources said that the target of the attack was the runways used by A55 fighters.
Resistance mounts unprecedented rocket barrage on Ukrainian base south of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted an unprecedented rocket attack on the Ukrainian occupation base in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in as-Suwayrah - a predominantly Shi‘i town - reported that 21 Katyusha and Grad rockets blasted into the Ukrainian base just north of the town on Friday morning.
The barrage sent flame and dense black smoke into the sky over the facility. Powerful secondary explosions went off inside the base after the bombardment had concluded, indicating that the Ukrainians’ munitions had begun to explode. US helicopters raced to the camp to hover over the base as Iraqi puppet police helped the occupation troops surround the camp entirely. The correspondent wrote that he saw the helicopters evacuate Ukrainian casualties. Meanwhile, Iraqi puppet police arrested several tribal leaders of the Sunni Shamar tribe about 15 minutes after the attack. The puppet police accused them of involvement in the assault.
Resistance attacks car carrying correspondents of US propaganda TV station in al-Iskandariyah.
An Iraqi puppet security source announced that three masked Resistance fighters opened fire on a car carrying a group of employees of the al-Hurrah TV company on Friday, killing the driver and wounding a correspondent for the station. CNN reported that the attack took place in al-Iskandariyah, 50km south of Baghdad at 9:30am local time. The sources said that the Resistance car drove near to the car carrying the TV crew and opened fire, killing the driver instantly.
The correspondent for the company, Muhammad Sharif, was taken to nearby al-Hillah hospital for treatment of his wounds.
The al-Basrah correspondent for the TV company, ‘Abd al-Husayn Khaz‘al, and his son were killed in a similar Resistance attack at the beginning of February. There was also an attack on the residence of the al-Hurrah correspondent in Baghdad, ‘Umar Muhammad Husayn in October 2004.
Al-Hurrah TV, which broadcasts in Arabic from Virginia in the United States and is funded by the American State Department, was launched in February 2004. The United States founded the station with the aim of improving the image of America in the Arab region and in order to try to reduce the impact of the al-Jazeera and al-‘Arabiyah satellite stations, which have also come under strong American pressure to conform to US propaganda dictates.
Massive Iraqi Resistance explosive kills reported 13 US troops north of Baghdad Friday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded under a US foot patrol in the ash-Shatt area of at-Tarimiyah, north of Baghdad, at 4pm Friday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported, killing 13 US troops.
The correspondent in at-Tarimiyah said that an official statement issued by the puppet so-called Iraqi “rapid deployment force” in at-Tarimiyah said that a high-explosive land mine - made of four giant artillery shells linked to a remote-detonation device - blew up under the US patrol inflicting “dead and wounded.” The correspondent reported that the blast left a massive crater, estimated as seven meters deep (about 22 feet deep). He said that most bodies of the US troops in the area were blown apart and that witnesses confirmed that most of the corpses were strewn about in the form of small body parts.
Later on Friday, the Qatar News Agency Qana reported official US occupation spokesmen in Iraq as admitting that three of its troops were killed and six more wounded when a bomb exploded under a US patrol in the at-Tarimiyah area.
Resistance rockets blast US base south of Baghdad at midday Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired 17 Grad and Katyusha rockets as well as mortar rounds into the US base known as the Base of Meat (in a former meat company facility) in al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad, at midday Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying. The attack sent dense clouds of smoke rising into the sky. Secondary explosions could also be heard after the bombardment as US munitions began blowing up inside the base. US helicopters flew in after the attack and American artillery returned fire a the Resistance.
The US barrage destroyed two houses and killed five and wounded nine local citizens, most of them women, since the men at the time were away at the Friday congregational prayers in the mosques.
Resistance bomb kills five Iraqi puppet “national guards” in al-Yusufiyah who came to spy on mosques.
Five Iraqi puppet troops were killed when a puppet “national guard” vehicle was destroyed by a Resistance bomb in al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast occurred by a patrol of the puppet guard at 1:20pm Friday, Baghdad time. A source among the puppet guards who survived the attack told the correspondent that the explosion came from a bomb that went off by their four pickup convoy. The bomb had been planted in the middle of the road on which the puppet guards were traveling with the intent of observing Friday prayer sermons in the city as is their habit every Friday.
The US-installed Iraqi puppet government issued decrees several months ago ordering that sermons be supervised and that any preacher or imam who “incites” worshippers to what it called “violence” or fighting the occupation troops would be punished with imprisonment for not less than six months. Such preachers would also be expelled from their mosque.
After this order was issued Iraqi puppet forces and sometimes US troops themselves would listen to Friday sermons in Sunni mosques to watch the preachers and see if they were inciting worshippers to jihad or fighting the occupation .
Ba ‘qubah.
Turks targeted in attack in Ba‘qubah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked three Turkish citizens in Ba‘qubah, wounding one of them, who was later admitted to hospital. The other Turks were able to flee, according to a Friday dispatch by the Qatar News Agency Qana. The Iraqi Resistance has repeatedly warned all foreigners that contributing to the occupation regime’s so called “reconstruction effort” as well as other forms of profiteering in occupied Iraq are illegitimate and persons engaged in such activity are targets of the Resistance.
Tikrit - Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bomb targets US column Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in Samarra’ at 10am Friday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The correspondent in Samarra’ said that a member of the local puppet police who was on the scene during the attack said that a homemade bomb planted by the side of the road under a vegetable oil can (of the sort distributed as rations) blew up by the US patrol, destroying a Humvee and killing three American troops and wounding one more.
Turkish truck driver killed in attack in Tikrit.
The Qatar News Agency reported Friday that officials in Ankara, Turkey, had announced that a Turkish truck driver was killed on Friday when his vehicle came under attack by an armed group who opened fire on him and then set his truck ablaze in the city of Tikrit.
Kirkuk - at-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance car bomb blasts US column in Kirkuk Friday evening.
In a dispatch posted at 6:08pm Friday Mecca time, the Kirkuk correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while before a Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into a US military column in the 1st of March neighborhood near the Petroleum Institute in western Kirkuk.
The correspondent reported that the attack destroyed a US armored vehicle and killed six American troops and wounded two more. The attack took place as the US column was stopped at the end of a main street. At that point, the martyrdom fighter blasted into them from the opposite direction. US troops opened fire at the car as it closed in on them but their bullets did not deter the attacker who slammed into the armored vehicle at very high speed.
After the attack US forces encircled the area and imposed stringent security measures in the area. The correspondent reported that US forces and Iraqi puppets arrested one religious scholar in the city after receiving claims that the attack car had been parked earlier in the day in front of the mosque where that scholar leads the prayers on Friday.
Massive Resistance car bomb hits Polish base in al-Hillah Friday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at the headquarters of the Polish occupation forces located east of the city of al-Hillah, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The correspondent in al-Hillah said that a source in the local puppet police reported that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives-laden car into the first gate of the Polish camp at 2pm Friday afternoon, local time. He said that the driver then blew himself and his car up in front of the Polish troops, inflicting dead and wounded in their ranks.
The source told Mafkarat al-Islam that the extent of casualties was still unknown to him, but eyewitnesses told the correspondent that the first gate to the Polish base was totally destroyed, despite the fact that it was a massive concrete construction.
After the attack, Polish troops aided by the US military encircled the camp and began raids and searches of Sunni Muslims’ houses in the area.
Qana: Qatar News Agency