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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/02/22
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 22 February 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 23.02.2005 [05:53 ] (99 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 22 February 2005.
Ar-Ramadi - al-Anbar Province.
Translator turned martyrdom bomber blows up US soldiers’ internet lounge on American base near ar-Ramadi. Forty US troops reported killed in massive explosion.
A powerful explosion shook the US base known as al-Warrar located west of ar-Ramadi on Tuesday morning when one of the translators who was working inside the American facility carried out a martyrdom bombing attack on the US occupation troops, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in ar-Ramadi reported that the martyrdom fighter entered the Net Shop in the al-Warrar base, the largest US base in al-Anbar Province and blew himself up. The Net Shop was an internet caf and lounge for the American troops that was located in the southern part of the base. The powerful blast killed more than 40 American troops and wounded more than 20 more.
A new organization called the Squadrons of the Lions of the Arabian Peninsula announced its responsibility for the strike in a communiqu entitled The Earthquake, a copy of which was received by Mafkarat al-Islam.
The correspondent reported that a commander of the Squadron of the Lions of the Arabian Peninsula told him, “one of the translators who announced his repentance before God a month ago smuggled out important intelligence information about the base and the positions in which the American troops are located inside. We were able to direct crushing blows at them in their sleeping and lounging quarters, killing dozens and wounding hundreds of them.”
The commander continued, “Afterwards Brother Abu Diya’, who used to work as a translator for the occupation, resolved to carry out a martyrdom operation, making use of his knowledge of the situation within the camp and the locations in which the occupation troops are to be found, in addition to the fact that he knew that he would not be subject to search by the guards. So after the sun of Jihad, self-sacrifice, and Islam entered his hearth, he decided to bring his consultation to its culmination with an operation that would gladden friends and exaspirate enemies. May God have mercy on him, he went into the base wearing an explosive belt and blew himself up in the midst of US occupation troops, tearing them to charred lacerated shreds.”
The commander said that the information available to them indicated that more than 40 American troops had been killed and another 20 wounded.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in ar-Ramadi reported that American helicopters were flying around the base in unusually high numbers for two whole hours beginning at 7:20am Tuesday and until exactly 10am, immediately evacuating a large number of American casualties from the facility.
The Americans also arrested all the Iraqi translators working in the base. In his dispatch, posted at 10:51am Mecca time Tuesday morning, the correspondent reported that they had not yet been released. At 9:30 local time, a large detachment of American troops swooped down on the home of the martyrdom fighter Abu Diya’, where they arrested his mother, who, according to the martyr’s 13-year old brother, is blind.
Resistance bomb kills four US troops in ar-Ramadi Tuesday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb by a US military column in the at-Ta’mim neighborhood of western ar-Ramadi at 4pm Tuesday, local time, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
In a dispatch posted at 5:10pm Mecca time the ar-Ramadi correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces completely encircled the attack zone and launched a wave of raids and arrests in the area, but found nothing.
Powerful Resistance bomb kills a reported seven US troops in al-Hadithah.
A high-powered Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded by a US military column made up of four armored vehicles in downtown al-Hadithah at 9:15am Tuesday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast destroyed one American armored vehicle and killed seven US troops, in addition to wounding another four more.
After the blast, US forces encircled the area and called in helicopters. The aircraft, however, were unable to land, due to the narrowness of the street, forcing the Americans to evacuate their dead and wounded by Humvee to the nearby US base.
Three US troops reported killed in roadside bombing in al-Qa’im.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol near the Customs Departmemtn in the western area of the city of al-Qa’im located on the Iraqi border with Syria at 10am Tuesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The al-Qa’im correspondent reported that the blast disabled a US tank and killed three American soldiers, wounding another five more.
Witnesses said that the explosive was a high-powered bomb planted by the side of the road. In addition to inflicting death, injury, and destruction on the Americans the force of the blast also smashed window glass in houses and destroyed one private car. There were no civilian casualties, however, as the car’s driver was not inside the vehicle at the time.
Iraqi Resistance car bomb targets Iraqi puppet troop column as it leaves “green zone.”
Sources in the Iraqi puppet police and Iraqi hospitals reported that a car bomb exploded near an Iraqi puppet force convoy as it was leaving one of the main gates to the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.” Mafkarat al-Islam quoted Reuters as reporting that the blast occurred around midday Tuesday near the neighborhood of al-Mansur.
The Iraqi puppet police reported that the car blew up as a puppet commando unit was passing, spewing shrapnel over a wide area and shaking whole sections of the city.
The so-called “green zone” on the west bank of the Tigris River in the Iraqi capital is the most tightly-guarded site in Iraq. It is surrounded by a high wall and is under round-the-clock heavy guard.
Released Indonesian journalists carry message to their colleagues.
Two Indonesian journalists who were captured and held prisoner by the Iraqi Resistance announced on Tuesday after their arrival in Amman, Jordan that the Resistance had given them a message to convey to their fellow journalists.
Television reporter Muti‘ah Hafiz, 26, arrived in Amman together with her cameraman Budiyanto, 38 one day after their release by the Resistance. Muti‘ah Hafiz told the press in the Jordanian capital, “The told us that we must inform journalists that they should not enter Iraq and that it is not safe for them. They also said that they are dissatisfied with some reports made by some journalists that discredited them.”
The two, who work for Indonesia’s Metro Television, said that three men abducted them after they stopped at a petrol station near ar-Ramadi as they were on their way back to Jordan from covering events in Iraq.
Reuters reported Muti‘ah Hafiz as saying that the Resistance fighters who captured them repeatedly reassured and calmed them. She said, “they didn’t harm us in any way.”
She said, “we had breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and they did not take a cent from us. They were very attentive to our needs.”
Muti‘ah Hafiz said, “somehow I believed them when they said ‘we have nothing against you . . . we are mujahideen fighting for Islam and we don’t want money’.”
A Resistance organization calling itself the Army of the Mujahideen publicized a video tape in which they demanded that the Indonesian government explain what the two journalists were doing in Iraq.
Australia to send 450 additional occupation troops to Iraq.
With the Iraqi Resistance on the upsurge, the Australian primeminister John Howard announced on Tuesday that his country would be sending another 450 Australian troops to occupied Iraq. He said their mission would be to guard Japanese engineers serving the US occupation in the south of the country and that they would fill the gap left by 1,400 departing troops from the Netherlands.
At the present time officially maintains a force of 850 troops in the US-occupied country.
US secures unanimous NATO pledge to help train Iraqi puppet forces for the Americans.
It appears that the US President has succeeded in breaking European opposition to taking part in the US occupation of Iraq. On Tuesday the 26 member nations of the NATO alliance agreed in Brussels, Belgium, to take part in training Iraqi puppet troops to serve the American occupation. The American Associated Press reported that all the NATO states agreed to work to aid in the training of the puppet army.
At the same time, the resolution solidifying this agreement betrayed some differences. France, Germany, and some other countries refused to send their trainers to occupied Iraq, pledging instead to train the puppet forces outside Iraq or to confine their efforts to financing the training.
The US-led alliance also set up a 4.55 million dollar fund to cover expenses of the training efforts that will take place outside Iraq.
In fact already prior to this agreement NATO countries had already sent 110 trainers to work with the US run Iraqi puppet forces in the headquarters of the US occupation set up in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.” Half of the 110 were Americans, however.
Tall ‘Afar - Ninwa Province.
Iraqi Resistance fired deadly barrage at US base in Tall ‘Afar as Americans raise flag inside the facility.
A barrage of five Iraqi Resistance rockets blasted into the US military barracks located eight kilometers west of Tall ‘Afar at 7:30am Tuesday morning, the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The attack coincided with the ceremony of raising the American and Iraqi flags over the facility, something that townspeople know every day is accompanied by gunfire every day.
The correspondent reported that the attack left dozens of US and Iraqi puppet troops dead or wounded and sent plumes of smoke and flames rising into the sky over the post. US helicopters flew in over the barracks and landed in order to evacuate casualties.