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America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden, 9/11...AIDs, Anthrax, Iraq...
by R. Joseph (Editor) "Naturally, the common people don't want war..." (more)
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Edition: Paperback
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Editorial Reviews
From the Publisher
In researching and writing this book, we relied on numerous sources, including those within the intelligence community. Prior to and after 9-11, hundreds of pages of secret documents were provided, including reports written by the FBI. However, rather than asking the reader to accept the word of "confidential sources," Dr. Joseph and his research team have sought out and he has cited corroborating evidence that is either part of the public record, or buried within government files that can only be accessed with the help of the Freedom of Information Act. Every chapter in this book is extensively referenced.
Much of the information in this book was obtained prior to 9-11-2001. We at University Press, had been working on an academically oriented text, called: Terrorism, Future Wars Against America. Based on the data collected, Dr. Joseph began predicting, in the weeks prior to 9-11, that we could expect a major terrorist attack on New York or Washington before the end of 2001.
Because we at University Press had so much advanced information related to 9-11, we hired several New York journalists, and were able to publish, within 30 days of this tragedy, a rather extensive account of what led up to 9-11 as well as what transpired on that horrible day. Indeed, long before the mass media found out, we obtained and provided details on the Zacarias Moussaoui case and the inexplicable behavior of top FBI and CIA officials who failed to heed the warnings of lower level FBI agents. We also detailed how the CIA and FBI allowed Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi to enter and move about freely in the U.S., despite their connections to al-Qaeda. Indeed, this material appeared in our book, America Attacked, which was published on October 11, 2001--30 days after 9-11. Six months later, the American mass media and the joint Congressional committee examining the so called intelligence failures leading up to 9-11, confirmed our reports.
We beat the media again in March of 2002, when we published the book, John Walker Lindh, American Taliban, and revealed that John Walker Lindh was "gay" and that he may have been seduced and recruited by an older man, who we named. Six months later, our observations were confirmed by Time magazine.
Yet another source of information that found its way into this current book, was the research conducted on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. This research was for a future book, and a future documentary film, titled: Hitler's Diaries. We learned, a long time ago, that the Bush family fortune traces its roots to Hitler's Germany. Doing business with murderers, terrorists, and the enemies of America, seems to be a Bush family tradition.
Product Description:
Prescot Bush and Rockefeller's Standard Oil had been in business with the Hitler regime and the Nazis since 1933, and in 1942, three Bush businesses were seized by the U.S. government, for violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act.
Three generations of the Bush clan became members of a German secret society: the Yale chapter of the "Order of Skull and Bones." In Germany, the Order of Skull of Bones --also known as "The Brotherhood of Death"-- gave rise to Hitler and the dreaded SS. Prescot Bush, through his shipping company, became a special "Friend" of Himmler's SS--the same SS which, in conjunction with IG Farbin, ran the concentration and slave labor camps.
The Bush clan and Rockefeller's standard Oil, were in business with IG Farben, as well as with the Saudis who had also partnered with Hitler.
At the conclusion of WWII, and Germany's defeat, thousands of high ranking Nazis and SS agents were recruited, by Bush-Rockefeller lawyer, Allen Dulles, into what would later become the CIA. Allen Dulles, and later, George Bush, would become directors of the CIA...
...IG Farbin, a consortium of companies that included Bayer, conducted horrible experiments on concentration camp inmates to discover an "ethnic biological weapon" --a deadly disease that would target specific ethnic groups... Drs. funded by the Rockefeller foundation directed this research.
In 1957, a scientist who completed his medical training in Nazi-occupied Poland, and who was funded by the Rockefeller foundation, injected 300,000 Central African men, women, and children, with an experimental polio vaccine--a vaccine that contained a deadly AIDS-like virus, monkey HSIV. Years later, Central Africa would become "Ground Zero" for the AIDS/HIV epidemic...
...Three generations of the Bush clan have been in business with governments and people who kill Americans, and on the morning of 9-11-2001, Bush Sr. was in business with the bin Ladens and other Saudis who had helped fund Osama bin Laden and the attack of 9-11-2001...
The attack of 9-11, would transform an inept, seemingly incompetent president into a war time leader who would attack not Saudi Arabia but Iraq and then steal its oil...as well as attack American Civil Liberties and the U.S. constitution...
"Key FBI Headquarters personnel had to be spies or moles ... who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden....Key FBI HQ personnel... continued to, almost inexplicably, throw up roadblocks and undermine Minneapolis' desperate efforts... to stop terrorists...." who planned "to take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center." --FBI supervisor, and Coleen M. Rowley, FBI Special Agent & Chief Division Counsel...
...and it goes on and on...
Product Details
Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: University Pr (January 15, 2003)
ISBN: 0971644578
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 5.5 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds.
Average Customer Review: based on 3 reviews. (Write a review)
Amazon.com Sales Rank in Books: #743,716
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Citations (learn more)
This book cites 106 books:
The Two Faces of Islam : The House of Sa'ud from Tradition to Terror by Stephen Schwartz on 6 pages
The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations by James A. Bill on 4 pages
The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century by Christopher Simpson on 4 pages
Body of Secrets : Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency by JAMES BAMFORD on 4 pages
See all 106 books this book cites
Customer Reviews
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:The Truth About 9-11. Bush Knew and Let it Happen., April 11, 2004
Reviewer: A reader
The Truth About 9-11. Bush Knew and Let it Happen. This is the conclusion of America Betrayed: Top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush Administration knew in advance that al-Qaeda was going to highjack commercial jets and crash them into targets in New York and Washington. "It was as if Usama bin Laden, hidden in some high mountain redoubt, were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush." --United States Counterterrorism Chief, Richard A. Clarke. The Bush team allowed it to happen not because they were incompetent but for the sake of power and money. Consider: In June of 2001, Osama bin Laden openly boasted of a horrific attack that would soon take place in the United States. In July, Kenneth Williams, an FBI agent in Phoenix reported that Osama bin Laden's followers were training in U.S. flight schools. In July, 2001, Attorney General Ashcroft quit flying on commerical jets. On August 6, 2001, Bush received a memorandum titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," and which warned of hijackings and that New York might be a target. Two weeks later, CIA Chief Tenet and his top deputies received a briefing paper labeled "Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly." Bush and Cheney were notified and did nothing. They knew in advance and welcomed the attacks. They let it happen in order to make Bush into a war-time leader, to take away our rights, and to justify a war on Iraq. They did it for power and money: Billions of dollars would flow into the coffers of companies directly linked to the Bush family, the Cheney family, the bin Laden family et al. They not only knew and allowed 9-11 to happen, but they knew in advance about the anthrax attacks. Bush, Cheney, the White House staff, began taking Cipro, the anti-anthrax medication on 9-11-2001. Three weeks later, the nation would be under anthrax attacks. The Bush team lied about Iraq and they lied about 9-11, and they did it for power and money.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:The Future is the Past. Those Who Don't Learn from the Past, March 23, 2004
Reviewer: A reader
The Future is the Past. Those Who Don't Learn from the Past Are Condemned to Repeat it.
In the second half of this farsighted book, the author levels some hard hitting charges backed up with some pretty incriminating data indicating that the Bush administration ignored warnings about 9-11, and then allowed 9-11 to happen in order to attack Iraq. AND THIS BOOK WAS PUBLISHED BEFORE THE IRAQ WAR! And it was published before the recent revelations of Dick Clarke and O'Neil which have sent the Bushies into a tizzy...shocking revelations which were also detailed in this rare and difficult to find book, months before O'Neil and Clarke went public. A real eye-opener! Because it opens eyes, some might consider this a dangerous book, especially since it is election time--which may explain why it is so hard to come by.
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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful:It's All Here, April 9, 2003
Reviewer: J. Holland (Sonoma County, CA USA) - See all my reviewsAmerica Betrayed provides an in-depth look at what lurks behind the facade of the United States government. I've had unanswered questions regarding bits of information that occasionally slip through the filter of the U.S. media, but are never followed up.
This well researched and documented book fills in the blanks. It gives a comprehensive overview of where we've been, where we are now, and what "influential" people have been there all along. It gave me an eye-opening tour through three Bush generations, and how the political stage has evolved into what it is today.
I highly recommend America Betrayed to anyone who wants to see beyond the smoke and mirrors of the United States government, and get a clear view of it's role in world politics.
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