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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/03/03
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 3 March 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 04.03.2005 [08:00 ] (92 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Tursday, 3 March 2005.
Al-Anbar Pronvice.
Iraqi Resistance ambushes, wipes out US column east of ar-Ramadi Thursday afternoon. Troop of 17 Americans wiped out.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a rocket attack on a US column in the village of as-Sajariyah, east of the city of ar-Ramadi at 3pm Thursday.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported that the Resistance fighters, who had taken cover behind the earthen slopes on both sides of the road, surprised the Americans when they opened fire with machine guns and rocket launchers on a US column made up of four Humvees that was headed towards the center of the village.
All four of the Humvees were completely destroyed in the ambush that also left 17 American troops dead.
The battle lasted for about half an hour in which the Resistance had the initiative from the start, since they surprised the Americans and attacked from all sides, making it difficult for the US troops to set up a defense or even to return fire.
A member of the Iraqi puppet forces who arrived in the area before the American reinforcements told Mafkarat al-Islam that the American column was completely wiped out to the last man. The correspondent himself saw the four wrecked vehicles at the scene and the bodies of the dead US troops strewn about in the middle of the road.
Iraqi puppet forces surrounded the area where they awaited the arrival of the American reinforcements.
Fighting in ar-Ramadi reported.
Fighting broke out in downtown ar-Ramadi when Iraqi Resistance forces armed with machine guns and rocket launchers attacked a US patrol on 20 Street and in the playing field (al-Mal‘ab) area. The Egyptian-based Islamic News Agency reported that one Iraqi was killed and three others wounded. Numerous houses were damaged and a number of civilian cars set ablaze.
Resistance car bomb strikes US column between ar-Ramadi and al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb struck a US column on the road to Mosul between al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi, the Egyptian-based Islamic News Agency reported Thursday. Witnesses reported that a US military vehicle was seen on fire in that area, but there was no word on the extent or nature of casualties or losses because they had closed off the area
US troops wake up to Iraqi Resistance rockets blasting into their camp in al-Qa’im.
Beginning at dawn on Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the American A22 base in the city of al-Qa’im on the border with Syria with eight Katyusha and Grad rockets. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the eight rockets blasted into the US base at 6am.
The correspondent, who arrived in the area around that base an hour after the attack saw dense plumes of smoke rising into the sky as swarms of helicopters hovered at low altitudes above the American-occupied facility.
Resistance launches fierce rocket barrage on US airbase early Thursday night.
In a bulletin posted at 6:52pm Mecca time Thursday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US ‘Ayn al-Asad airbase in the city of Hadithah, west of Baghdad had come under a fierce Resistance barrage of Grad and Katyusha rockets starting about 15 minutes before.
The correspondent wrote that dense clouds of smoke were at that moment rising over the base as US helicopters were attempting to get into the air over the facility, but with no success, for fear of continuing rocket attacks.
At the time of reporting, the correspondent wrote that US artillery could heard shooting at the sources of the rocket fire, but despite that, the Resistance barrage on the US base was still continuing.
Resistance car bomb kills five US troops in Abu Ghurayb.
A high-explosive Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in Abu Ghurayb, west of Baghdad on the Old Road leading to al-Fallujah at 8am local time Thursday morning. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast totally destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and killed five American troops who were aboard it. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam asked a member of the local puppet police force about the attack and received the same information as to US losses from him.
After the attack, American forces completely encircled the area of the attack for two hours and imposed a curfew on the surrounding area which was still in force when the correspondent filed his report, posted at 1:03pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon.
Resistance martyrdom bomber blasts into US column in ad-Durah Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US military column in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 9am Thursday morning, destroying a Humvee and killing several American troops. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a Resistance martyrdom attacker slammed his white Chevrolet loaded with explosives into the rear of a US column by the Saddam Bridge on the ad-Durah Highway.
The blast destroyed the vehicle and killed a number of US troops aboard it. US Marines and puppet troops refused to divulge any information about the attack or the number of dead to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent or to any of the journalists who gathered at the scene after the bombing.
Resistance car bombs target puppet police near “interior ministry” early Thursday.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police reported Thursday morning that two Iraqi Resistance car bombs had exploded near the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of the interior” in Baghdad. Reuters reported the puppet police source as saying that the two car bombs killed at least two puppet policemen and wounded five more.
George Bush, Iyyad ‘Allawi discuss what kind of puppet regime to form in Iraq.
A spokesman for the US White House announced that US President George W. Bush held talks Thursday with the outgoing US-installed puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi on the formation of the next puppet government in occupied Iraq.
On 30 January the United States held a sham “election” in Iraq to try to throw a cloak of “democratic legitimacy” over its continued occupation of the country. Not content with rigging the “elections” themselves, which were illegitimate as they took place under US gun barrels and were widely scorned and boycotted, Bush and his last hand-picked puppet are now deciding what to do with the sham “election returns” and how to arrange their “display windows” for the next media shopping season.
Mafkarat al-Islam quoted Agence France Presse (AFP) as reporting the White House as saying that the talks focused on the “the nature of the makeup of the coming Iraqi puppet government.”
The White House spokesman said the two men discussed Syria and Iran. The US “made it clear,” the spokesman said that Syria had to “do more” to cooperate with the US in cracking down on Resistance fighters coming into Iraq via Syria. As regards Iran, the US said that it had “increasing fears” about Iran’s effort to influence the nature of the coming puppet regime in Baghdad, but the White House took a more indulgent tone with respect to Iran, saying that “we must leave this to the will of the Iraqi people.”
Since the US occupies Iraq and represses the Iraqi people by force, the only meaning to such an expression as the “will of the Iraqi people” in White House vocabulary can be that Washington intends to work with those pro-Tehran clerics with whom it has cooperated since America invaded Iraq in 2003, and whose followers took part in large numbers in the sham “election” farce staged by the US occupation in Iraq on 30 January.
US admits two soldiers killed in Baghdad.
The US military announced on Thursday that two US soldiers were killed when a Resistance roadside bomb exploded near them as they were on patrol in one of the streets of Baghdad late on Wednesday, at-Tajdid al-‘Arabi reported.
Babil Province.
Resistance bombing in al-Yusufiyah leaves three US troops dead Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in al-Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad, at 4pm local time Thursday. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that the bomb went off by an American patrol made up of four vehicles - two Humvees, a tank, and an armored vehicle. The blast disabled the armored vehicle and killed three US troops and wounded four more.
The correspondent reported that a member of the local puppet police reported that the bomb had been planted by the side of the road leading to the al-Jannabiyin area. He also confirmed the toll of three Americans dead, four wounded and one armored vehicle disabled.
Iraqi Resistance bomb kills three US troops in al-Iskandariyah Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column near the Department of Water and Sewers in al-Iskandariyah, south of Baghdad at 4:30pm Thursday afternoon. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast destroyed one Humvee and killed three US troops and probably mortally wounded a fourth. A member of the fire department, who arrived on the scene because the bomb ignited a fire in an electricity generator, told Mafkarat al-Islam that the explosion killed three American troops and completely blew the leg off of a fourth.
“Somewhere” in Babil Province.
US admits American Marine killed in Babil Province Wednesday.
The US military admitted Thursday that one American Marine belonging to the 1st Marine Division was killed in fighting in Babil Province on Wednesday, the Egyptian-based Islamic News Agency reported. The American statement gave no further details about the time, place, or circumstances of the death.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance car bomb kills seven American troops in Samarra’.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter detonated a powerful car bomb by a US military column in the al-Mu‘tasim neighborhood of Samarra’ at 9am Thursday morning. The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a Resistance martyrdom fighter driving an explosives-laden pickup blew himself up next to a US column, completely destroying a US military vehicle and killing at least seven American soldiers. The witnesses said that the force of the blast blew one of the soldiers onto the roof of a store 25 meters away.
Afterwards, as usual, American forces encircled the attack site and brought in two helicopters to haul away the bodies of their dead.
Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter, killing crew Thursday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 5:31pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had shot down a US helicopter over Balad a short while earlier. The correspondent wrote that the Resistance fired a Strela rocket that struck the Apache helicopter from below and caused it to burst into flame on the right side. It then plunged to the farm fields below. The farmer who owned the property where the Apache crashed said that the crew was killed instantly.
At the time the correspondent filed his report, US forces had completely encircled the crash site and called in a giant helicopter to raise the wrecked Apache and haul it away. The bodies of the crewmen, meanwhile, were taken away from the field. US forces also found the pipe from which the Strela was launched not far from the where the helicopter fell.
Diyala Province.
Resistance martyrdom car bomber wounds chief of puppet police in Ba‘qubah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded near the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in the city of Ba‘qubah, killing at least one person and wounding 14 others. An official in the puppet police told Reuters that one of the injured was the puppet police chief of the city, located 65km north of Baghdad, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance car bomb kills seven US troops in Mosul early Thursday.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column of four armored vehicles in the al-Islah az-Zira‘i neighborhood in Mosul at 6am local time Thursday. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported members of the puppet police as saying that the bomb was planted by the side of the main road in the neighborhood and that the explosion destroyed one new-type of American armored vehicle, killing six American troops and wounding two more. The source said he arrived on the scene with the puppet police to find the completely crushed bodies of the American soldiers strewn about the ground.
Al-Basrah Province.
Resistance bomb strikes puppet “national guard” vehicle in al-Basrah Thursday.
Iraqi Resistance forced detonated a roadside bomb by a puppet “national guard” patrol in al-Basrah, according to a dispatch from Mafkarat al-Islam posted at 7:40pm Thursday night. The correspondent reported witnesses as saying that the blast took place on Baghdad Road and damaged a “Waz” vehicle belonging to the puppet guards that was passing along the street. The correspondent reported that the Resistance organization called the al-Hasan al-Basri Brigades took responsibility for the attack in a statement issued on an Internet website.
Resistance, puppet secret police fight gun battle in al-Basrah Wednesday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces and puppet secret policemen exchanged gunfire in a battle that erupted in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah on Wednesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported Thursday. The correspondent reported eyewitnesses as saying that the battle took place at 9pm local time after Resistance fighters attempted to plant a roadside bomb. The correspondent noted said that there was an exchange of gunfire between the two sides on Baghdad Street and that some witnesses reported that one of the secret policemen was wounded in the engagement.
Resistance bomb Wednesday night targets British military intelligence patrol in al-Basrah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded by a British military intelligence patrol on Aviation Square in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah at 8:45pm Wednesday night local time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported Thursday. The blast - in an area now known as “Death Square” for the frequency of attacks on British and puppet police forces - targeted a British military intelligence patrol made up of three Landcruisers. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent confirmed that the blast destroyed one of the vehicles and wounded the British personnel who were aboard it.
The Resistance organization al-Hasan al-Basri Brigades took credit for the operation in a communiqu they posted on an internet website.