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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/24
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 24 January 2005 and Tuesday, 25 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 26.01.2005 [06:26 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 24 January 2005.
Resistance destroys US supply truck, killing Turkish, Jordanian collaborators.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired RPG7 rockets at a Mir truck that was being driven by a Turkish driver and was loaded with supplies for the US occupation forces in the city of ar-Ramadi at 10am Monday. The truck was destroyed and the driver and a person of Jordanian nationality who was with him were killed in the attack took place on Five Kilo Road west of ar-Ramadi.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance fighters confiscated the cargo on the truck which consisted of medical supplies specially for the US occupation forces.
Resistance bomb in al-Qa’im kills four US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US foot patrol on al-Wahdah Street in central al-Qa’im at midnight Monday morning. Four US troops and one Lebanese translator collaborator were killed. Five other troops were wounded in varying degrees of severity. A local traffic policeman in al-Qa’im, which lies near the Syrian border, confirmed the casualty count to Mafkarat al-Islam.
The source said that the Resistance planted a roadside bomb next to a section of broken up sidewalk and ordered the policeman to tell passers by not to go to al-Wahdah Street until the US column had passed.
After the attack, US forces closed the street and began large-scale raids that continued until the correspondent filed his report (posted at 1:25pm Mecca time Monday afternoon). Iraqi police have refused to take part in the American patrols that crisscross the streets of the city.
Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the local police and US-formed Iraqi army in al-Qa’im all resigned en masse last week, forcing the US troops to bring in a large number of puppet police and puppet troops from outside the city. But they hide their faces lest they be recognized by members of the Iraqi Resistance. As to the policemen and puppet troops who resigned, some of them are being held as prisoners by the Americans who are attempting to force them to return to work. Others fled the city.
Al-Anbar Province.
Iraqi Resistance pounds US al-Hadbah base in al-Habbaniyah at dawn Monday.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired a barrage of three Grad rockets and more than fifteen 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Hadbah airbase in al-Habbaniyah, west of Baghdad at dawn on Monday. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam, who was one kilometer from the US base at 6am local time witnessed the missiles raining down on the American facility, and observed clouds of smoke rising into the sky from various places within the camp as a result of direct hits on US vehicles and equipment.
Witnesses reported that US helicopters and fighter airplanes could be seen circling over the area after the Resistance attack. Two hours after the bombardment, the correspondent met Lieutenant Khalid al-‘Ayni, a puppet officer seconded to the base, who said that the attack inflicted serious damage to the runways for helicopters and fighter airplanes. He said also that five US troops and three Iraqi collaborators working in the base were killed in the attack.
Resistance group reports executing Iraqi collaborator working with US CIA.
The Iraqi Resistance group Army of the Partisans of the Sunnah Prophet’s Practice broadcast a video tape over the internet on Monday saying that they had killed an Iraqi collaborator working with a US security company in occupied Iraq.
The Resistance group said that the Iraq was “working with US force in the Sandy Security Group,” and noted that he had been captured in an ambush south of Baghdad. Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the organization said, “after investigation it became clear that he worked as a guard with members of American Intelligence (the CIA) and that he went out with them in their military vehicles and that members of that company provided protection for the columns and supplies of the Americans as well as guarding members of American intelligence and the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards.”
Resistance ambushes US column in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column in the ad-Dulu‘iyah area north of Baghdad on Monday, setting a US Humvee ablaze and killing all aboard it. A US military fuel tanker was also set on fire and its driver killed in the attack, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
Heavy fighting around Saddam International Airport forces two Jordanian airliners to turn back.
The area of Saddam International Airport was the scene of fierce fighting between the Iraqi Resistance and US occupation forces Monday morning, according to the American Associated Press (AP). AP reported a spokesman for Royal Jordanian Airlines as saying that “fierce fighting erupted outside Saddam Airport today, Monday, preventing two flights from landing in the Airport.
The spokesman, who refused to reveal his name, said that the approaching aircraft circled Baghdad but the Airport tower refused to allow them to land because of the violent gunbattles that were under way nearby. The two flights, one during the morning and the second at midday were forced to return to Jordan.
A US military base located in the airport area came under intense mortar attack Monday morning.
Lawyer representing Saddam Hussein receives repeated death threats, goes into hiding.
Khalil ad-Dulaymi, the Iraqi lawyer defending Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, has repoted that he has received death threats in the last three weeks, prompting him to go into hiding.
Ziyad al-Khasawinah, a leading representative of the Saddam Hussein Defense Committee in Amman, Jordan, said that ad-Dulaymi had informce the committee that he had received death threats after meeting with his client, President Saddam Hussein on 16 December2004. He said that ad-Dulaymi informed the committee in a letter that several threatening messages had been delivered to his home, telling him, “a number of suicide cells have been formed to eliminate him so that he can serve as an example for all the lawyers who volunteered to defend President Saddam Hussein.”
In view of the threats and concerned for the safety of his family and himself, ad-Dulaymi has resolved to go into hiding, al-Khasawinah said.
The meeting of ad-Dulaymi with Saddam Hussein on 16 December lasted for more than four hours. It was the first time that the Iraqi President was allowed to meet any of the legal team that has volunteered to represent him in the mock trial that the US occupation forces and their stooges have planned for him.
Sunni Religious leader has received “death threats from official quarters.”
The President of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ [Scholars] in Iraq, Shaykh Harith Sulayman ad-Darri, said on Monday that he had received death threats, “some of them in an official capacity.”
In an interview with the Egyptian newspaper al-Ahram published on Monday, was asked whether he had received assassination threats. He responded, “Yes. And the threats are not coming from one source either, but from several, and some of them came to me in a directly official capacity.” The Shaykh, a prominent Sunni leader, did not name the source of the official threat to his life.
Shaykh ad-Darri said, “About four months ago I receive a [threatening] letter from the occupation forces via the secret police. Threats have been conveyed from numerous quarters that one could not expect.”
The Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’, the main organization representing Sunni Muslims in Iraq which is responsible for hundreds of mosques throughout the country, has been instrumental in securing the release of numerous western hostages. Several of its members have been assassinated, however, some by unknown assailants in what appear to be attempts to stir up sectarian violence, and others by occupation troops’ gunfire. The US invaders have also arrested dozens of scholars members of the Board.
Resistance car bombing targets headquarters of ‘Allawi’s party.
The US-installed puppet so-called “prime minister” of Iraq, Iyyad ‘Allawi, survived an assassination attempt on Monday morning when a martyrdom Resistance fighter blew up an explosives-laden car near the headquarters of the so-called “national accord party,” of which ‘Allawi is the head.
Officials in the collaborationist party said that the martyrdom fighter attacked near a checkpoint on Baghdad Street that leads to the party headquarters. The car exploded at the entrance to the road leading to the party headquarters on az-Zaytun Street in Western Baghdad. Seven puppet policemen and at least three civilians were wounded in the attack, they claimed.
Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the blast shook central Baghdad and sent smoke rising into the sky over the area as US forces and their Iraqi stooges encircled the scene of the attack and American helicopters prowled the skies above.
Ahmad Chelebi calls for separate Shi‘i region.
Long-time CIA agent, convicted embezzler, and head of the so-called Iraqi National Congress, Ahmad Chelebi on Monday called for the formation of a separate Shi‘i region in the south of Iraq, like that which the Americans have created for the Kurds in the north of the country. Chelebi, speaking at an election meeting with representatives of “civil society” said that he was calling for the establishment of a region made up of the three provinces of al-Basrah, Maysan, and an-Nasiriyah and that this separatist region be guaranteed by the “constitution” to be finalized after the sham election.
There have been frequent calls by American imperialist and Zionist spokesmen for the partition of Iraq as one way to keep the country from posing a threat to the Zionist entity and as a tactic to try to divide patriotic opposition to the American occupation. Chelebi’s latest appeal shows him as a part of that same lobby.
Death toll at seven British troops, two Singaporean engineers in Thursday evening bombing.
In a follow up on reports of Iraqi Resistance attacks on British aggressor troops, the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Basrah reported that the death toll from a Thursday attack on a British base in the ash-Shu‘aybah area of al-Basrah had risen to seven British soldiers in addition to two Singaporean engineers. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam was unsure as to whether the Singaporeans were military or civilian collaborators. A loaded fuel tanker and three military Jeeps were also destroyed in the Resistance attack.
In the attack on Thursday night a Resistance car bomb exploded just outside the base immediately killing four British troops and wounding nine others. Three of those later died, in addition to the Singaporeans.