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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/21
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday 21 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 22.01.2005 [05:27 ] (1 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 21 January 2005.
Resistance forces liberate strategic streets in an-Nazal neighborhood in tough all-night fighting.
In a dispatch posted at 6:30pm Mecca time Friday, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that at 1am Friday morning fierce battles erupted on the edges of the an-Nazal neighborhood of southern al-Fallujah, an area that US forces pushed the Resistance out of about two weeks ago.
The correspondent reported that just after midnight Friday morning, Resistance forces launched an attack across the three-kilometer long street that divides the Resistance-held ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood from the an-Nazal neighborhood. Shaykh Abu Nur, commander of a Resistance detachment in al-Fallujah told Mafkarat al-Islam that the battle, which lasted until the call to prayer just be fore sunrise Friday, left at a minimum 48 American troops dead. He added that more than 21 others were wounded in the fighting, noting that most of the wounds were the result of an incendiary liquid that the Resistance loaded into the mortar shells and rockets they fired.
Shaukh Abu Nur said, “The battle we fought yesterday was essential. We had to regain two important streets in the an-Nazal neighborhood. Thanks be to God, we were able to seize them back and they are now under out total control.” The Shaykh added, “and as I talk to you now, I’m standing on a number of dead occupation troops.”
“We were hesitant last night about launching the attack,” Shaykh Abu Nur admitted, “but by God, my comrades and I thought we could hear the voices of the pilgrims in Mecca chanting ‘We are here, Oh God, we are here! We are here, You have no partner, oh God, and we are here’ A chant used by pilgrims on the Hajj. We were shaken to our very souls and felt a tremendous power that we had not felt before. Some of us even thought that the Americans were broadcasting those voices to provoke us to fight. In the past we heard some lackeys tell them that the Mujahideen ‘get drunk’ when they hear the sound of the Qur’an or prayers.”
“But that sound seemed to be coming from our hearts and into our ears, not from our ears and into our hearts,” the Shaykh explained, “and because of that the ones who had been opposed to the attack ミ former officers in the Iraqi army, who opposed it for purely military reasons ミ became the first supporters of the assault.”
The Shaykh continued: “Brother, when we advanced upon them, by God, by God, by God they were terrified of that call more than they were terrified of us. With our own eyes we saw how the soldiers fled, as the American officers were yelling at them and ordering them to go back and fight.”
Shaykh Abu Nur said that 28 Iraqi Resistance fighters had fallen martyrs during the battle, some of them fraternal Arab fighters, but he did not say from what countries they came.
The Shaykh concluded his interview with Mafkarat al-Islam saying, “Any way, I wanted to tell you that story, for the sake of those who don’t believe what we’re doing, or who, God forbid, doubt the power of God, who doubt that He grants miracles to His servants who fight in His path.” The Shaykh said, “I remembered a verse of poetry that goes:
“Oh servant of the two holy places, if you could see us . . . you would realize that your devotions are but play,
There are those whose horses tire in vain . . . but it is on the day of dawning that our horses tire.”
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam confirmed that the Resistance was indeed in control of the two most important streets in the an-Nazal neighborhood, after having fought throughout the night. After liberating those streets, the Resistance then station sharp shooters and fighters armed with rocket launchers on buildings along those streets, whose name are as-Sadd the Dam Street and the at-Taniki al-Qadim Street.
The correspondent expressed the opinion that the reason why the Resistance felt it needed to seize those streets back was the fact that they provide a view of the movements of the occupation troops from the northern part of the city, which they occupy, to the south for confrontations with the Resistance. Holding those streets allows the Resistance to have an early warning of any US assault on their positions.
Resistance storms, demolishes puppet police station in Hit.
Iraqi Resistance forces stormed and then demolished an Iraqi puppet police headquarters in the city of Hit northwest of Baghdad, preventing its being turned into an “election center” for the sham “election” fraud being perpetrated in the country by the US occupation authorities.
At 12:30pm Thursday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance forces stormed the puppet police station in the main district of downtown Hit. They evicted the puppet policemen, warning them not to return to work and collaboration with the US occupation.
Witnesses reported that the Resistance then seized the weapons inside ミ about 50 anti-tank rocket launchers and light and medium arms - and destroyed the building.
Shaykh Yasin Turki, one of the leaders of the Iraqi Resistance in Hit told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the reason for demolishing this particular building was that the occupation forces and their stooge regime were preparing to turn it into an “election center” for use in the election farce to be staged on 30 January 2005, in order to try to cover the occupation in a coat of “democratic legitimacy.”
Resistance bombing in Abu Ghurayb.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded in the as-Samilat area of Abu Ghurayb at about 5:40am Friday morning, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four American troops and severely wounding four more. US forces then opened fire indiscriminately on neighboring houses, killing one civilian and wounding six others.
Bombing in ar-Ridwaniyah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of a dirt road exploded in the al-Fattuh area of ar-Ridwaniyah, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops. American forces sealed off the area and hauled away the wreckage within half an hour.
Fighting rages in al-Karakh Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters battled US troops and puppet “national guards” starting at about 9:30am Friday on Hayfa Street and in al-Fahhamah and al-Mushahadah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District. Six US troops and nine puppet guards were killed. US snipers shot four Iraqi civilians dead as well. One US Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed when a Resistance rocket hit it, killing about four American soldiers inside and seven US troops on foot outside the vehicle. Eight puppet “national guards” were killed when Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at them and opened fire with BKC machine guns.
Resistance martyrdom bomber blows up Shi‘i place of worship belonging to the Badr Brigades Friday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter drove an explosives laden Opel car into a Shi‘i Husayniyah place of worship belonging to the collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigades in the Abu Ma‘alif area south of as-Sayyidiyah at about 9:40am Friday morning, local time. The explosion in the Husayniyat Shuhada’ al-Lutf left eight persons dead and 15 others seriously wounded. Four women were wounded outside the Husayniyah, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
The Badr Brigades, the armed wing of the so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), joined the US military in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and since then have served as auxiliary forces working with the occupation troops.
Ukrainian invader troops killed in as-Suwayrah bomb blast.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the midst of a group of Ukrainian aggressor troops near the as-Suwayrah bridge in as-Suwayrah, southeast of Baghdad, at 1:30pm Friday. The blast destroyed a Ukrainian armored vehicle and killed all the Ukrainian troops aboard.
The Ukrainian parliament recently called for the withdrawal of the country’s troops from occupied Iraq, following the death of eight Ukrainian soldiers in as-Suwayrah. The Ukraine, however, since the breakup of the Soviet Union has fallen more and more under the domination of Washington.
Resistance bomb kills US troops in as-Suwayrah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded at 8am Friday in the al-Janub Street area of as-Suwayrah, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops and seriously wounding a third.
Resistance bombing in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under two GMC command cars and a Humvee in Abu Ghurayb, destroying the vehicles and killing six US troops and wounding two more.
Early morning Resistance bomb kills US troops in Balad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Balad area, north of Baghdad, at 6:30am Friday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
Puppet guards killed in roadside bombing in Zayunah area.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded as a bus loaded with “national guard” puppet troops was passing through the Zayunah area near the Mal‘ab ash-Sha‘b People’s recreation area at 3:30pm Friday, killing eight puppet “national guards” who were aboard the bus.
Resistance bomb destroys US vehicles in Hur al-Basha.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the Hur al-Basha area at 1:20pm Friday, destroying a Humvee and a civilian truck loaded with fuel. Six US troops were killed in the blast.
Resistance blows up fuel trucks on Airport road early Friday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with rockets opened fire on US forces on Airport Road in the al-‘Amiriyah area and the al-Furat neighborhood at 7am, destroying two fuel-laden tank trucks and killing four US troops.
Resistance fighters ambush US convoy in Salman Bak.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with rockets attacked and destroyed three civilian trucks loaded with supplies in Salman Bak at 10:15am Friday morning. Five US troops were killed in the attack.
Resistance bomb targets puppet police on Palestine Street in Baghdad Friday night.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded on Palestine Street in Baghdad near the al-Muhandisin pump at 8:10pm Friday night as a column of Iraqi puppet police were nearby. Nine puppet policemen were killed and six more wounded. Two Land Cruisers were destroyed and a third was overturned by the blast.
Blast targets election station.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded at 11am Friday at an election center in the Palestine Street area of Baghdad. The Markarat al-Islam correspondent reported that there were no casualties in the blast.
China reportedly warns citizens against going to occupied Iraq.
Responding to demands from the Iraqi Resistance, the Chinese government issued a warning to its citizens not to travel to Iraq. A statement issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry warned Chinese against travel there and called for the release of eight Chinese workers being held hostage by Resistance groups.
The Chinese statement, monitored by the BBC, said that China had previously warned its citizens and the eight Chinese hostages were on their way out of the country when they were abducted.
According to Reuters, the Resistance organization holding the Chinese said it would deal kindly with them provided that the Chinese government prohibits its citizens from going to Iraq.
Collaborator’s son survives assassination attempt.
‘Ammar, the son of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the collaborationist Shi‘i chauvinist Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) survived an assassination attempt when an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District near thegate to the Baratha Mosque. The bast killed 10 puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” who were in the mosque area as well as seven body guards working for ‘Ammar al-Hakim. Three pickup trucks belonging to the Badr Brigades and four civilian cars were also destroyed in the blast.
After the US invasion of Iraq, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim served on the US appointed rubber-stamp puppet council that “governed” Iraq under American proconsul L. Paul Bremer.
Al-Yusufiyah ミ al-Latifiyah.
Resistance fighters with inside information gun down 16 American spies in al-Yusufiyah at noon on Friday.
A detachment of Iraqi Resistance fighters in civilian cars set off in pursuit of a group of civilian refrigerated trucks in the ar-Rashid section of al-Yusufiyah at about 12:30pm Friday. When the vehicles got to the al-Yusufiyah crossing, the Resistance fighters forced the refrigerated trucks to halt.
Witnesses reported that the refrigerated trucks were loaded with Americans dressed in Arab clothing. The Resistance fighters opened fire on the American spies, killing 16 of the disguised US troops. Afterwards, US forces sealed off the area with their vehicles, as usual and arrested 54 local civilian residents.
Resistance ambushes US troops in al-Latifiyah Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with rocket launchers and BKC machine guns attacked US troops in al-Latifiyah at 9:45am Friday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a small ZiL truck transporting troops. Twelve US soldiers were killed and five more wounded in the ambush.
Resistance fighters attack US force in Imilhah early Friday afternoon.
Two Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded under a combined US and puppet “national guard” force in Imilhah in the al-Latifiyah area at 2:10pm Friday, and then Resistance fighters opened fire with rockets and BKC machine guns, destroying a US Humvee and a ZiL truck carrying troops. Also destroyed were two pickup trucks belonging to the puppet “national guards.” Nineteen US troops and eight puppet guards were killed and five more guards were seriously wounded.
Resistance bombs target US troops in al-Jannabiyin.
Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area at 3:35pm Friday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing all aboard.
Diyala Province.
Resistance raids puppet police station.
Iraqi Resistance forces stormed the Dalli ‘Abbas puppet police station and captured 13 puppet police at 2pm Friday. They also seized the weapons in the police statioin and a new unused Land Cruiser.
Italian aggressor soldier admitted killed in Resistance attack on helicopter in an-Nasiriyah.
The British Defence Ministry admitted in a communiqu that Iraqi Resistance fire had struck an Italian military helicopter in southern Iraq on Friday, killing one soldier aboard. The British ministry said that the helicopter had been dispatched to cover a ground patrol that had come under Resistance attack in the city of an-Nasiriyah, 375 km southeast of Baghdad, according to Reuters.
Italy a NATO satellite of the United States has reportedly sent a detachment of 3,200 troops to serve the Americans in occupied Iraq, most of them in the city of an-Nasiriyah.
Massive car bomb in al-Basrah on Thursday night leaves four British troops dead.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at 7pm Thursday night next to a column of British soldiers that was getting ready to enter the main base in al-Basrah, formerly known as the al-Basrah Military Base. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, who was on the scene when the attack occurred, reported that the car bomb produced an extremely massive blast, sweeping up two British armored vehicles, flipping them over and bringing them down several meters away. The correspondent confirmed that four British soldiers were killed in the attack and nine more wounded; three of whom could be counted as dead, since their bodies and faces were crushed.
The powerful explosion totally destroyed five British vehicles and disabled two more armored vehicles. These British losses were confirmed by several puppet officials in the provincial administration, by members of the Iraqi Fire Department, and by two ambulance drivers.
In addition to them, one Iraqi who was working with the British occupation forces was also killed in the explosion.
British occupation forces prevented journalists from getting closer than 500 meters away from the scene of the explosion. British authorities have taken to following the same procedures used by the Americans to conceal their casualties, particularly in the last month, claiming that only nine persons were wounded in the attack, when the total number of dead and wounded was 13 Britons. In addition the British authorities announced only one death ミ that of the Iraqi collaborator.
Meanwhile, the media run by Arab and Islamic states, as well as the western media, of course, report only such “news” as the occupation authorities approve. The western media perhaps simply side with their respective governments, but the establishment Arab and Islamic media are fearful that the occupation forces will enforce their frequent threats that they would expel them from the city should they report any information they do not like, whether in al-Basrah or anywhere else in Iraq.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, together with five other journalists, was beaten by British troops in order to drive them out of the area where the explosion took place.
Resistance bombardments on Friday.
At 9:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the US headquarters in the al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky. US helicopters were seen landing and taking off to evacuate casualties.
At 10:15am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US headquarters set up in the Arab Equestrian Club on Airport Road in Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the air over the occupied facility.
At 11am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 12:15pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Katyusha rocket into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the US invaders as the “green zone.” Clouds of smoke rose over the area.
At 12:30pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five mortar rounds into the US southern base in Tikrit, sending plumes of smoke into the sky.
At 6:45pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” on Palestine Street in Baghdad sending clouds of smoke into the sky.