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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/18
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 18 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 19.01.2005 [05:36 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 18 January 2005.
Al-Fallujah resident, outraged at loss of his home, shoots two US soldiers to death before American troops gun him down.
Two US soldiers were killed in al-Fallujah at 9:15am Tuesday morning by an outraged Iraqi citizen who had returned to the city and found that his home had been totally demolished.
A neighbor of Mr. Ahmad Hudayb, who was gunned down by US occupation troops after shooting two of them, said “Shaykh Ahmad Hudayb, may God rest his soul, returned to his house in the ad-Dubbat neighborhood in the east of al-Fallujah and found it totally destroyed. He started to cry, and to think of his house as a sacrifice for which God might reward him, and he called American soldiers over to talk to them about what happened to his house and why it was demolished.”
The neighbor went on, “Two of the soldiers were sitting in a house next door to Shaykh Hudayb’s but they arrogantly ignored him and didn’t even glance at him. He appealed to them again and again, wanting to ask them about how he might get compensation, how much it might be, and when he might get it. But one of the soldiers only screamed in his face and told him to get out into the street.”
“Then suddenly,” the neighbor continued, “we saw Shaykh Ahmad running at the soldiers and we thought he was going to have words with them after they had refused to come up to him and talk. But as soon as he got near them, he saw one of the soldier’s guns lying on the ground about five meters away from them. He snatched it up and fired off 30 rounds into the heads of the two Americans, killing them instantly. Then a bunch of soldiers who had been standing in a nearby street came running in and shot him to death.”
Resistance executes spies in ar-Ramadi.
Iraqi Resistance forces executed four lackeys collaborating with the US occupation in the city of ar-Ramadi on Tuesday. The Resistance ambushed two collaborators, who were Shi‘i on a street in the city and killed them according to the Irish “Breaking News” website. A hand written note left by the Resistance attackers on the two corpses said that the attack took place as the two collaborators were returning home from the US base in ar-Ramadi.
The two, Ahmad ‘Alwan Husayn and ‘Ali Husayn Jasim, were from the so-called Madinat as-Sadr section of Baghdad and admitted to being spies for the American occupation forces. The note left by the Resistance on the bodies warned anyone who becomes a lackey of the Americans that their fate will be death.
Earlier on Tuesday, four other bodies were discovered and a note with them confirmed that they had been collaborators with the occupation forces.
Stunning Resistance assault on US forces at Hadithah dam Tuesday evening.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US military column made up of several armored vehicles, Humvees, and personnel carriers in the city of al-Hadithah, 300km west of Baghdad on Tuesday. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the attack took place near the al-Hadithah hydroelectric dam at 6:15pm Tuesday and that 24 US troops were killed and more than 30 others wounded.
The witnesses, members of the Iraqi police and the dam guard force, told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that about 40 Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked the column with rockets, bazookas, hand grenades, medium weapons, and anti-personnel rockets as the Americans were moving towards the dam. The correspondent reported that the Resistance waited until the Americans were going through the narrow entrance to the dam and at that point opened up on them from behind the earthen embankments that were thrown up to keep the Euphrates River contained at times of high water.
A member of the dam guard force told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance had sent the dam guards and the local police emphatic warnings that they not interfere in any way in the expected fighting. The source said, “One of the attackers told me that they were waiting for this column since morning and they had to carry out this attack but that they didn’t want to kill any innocent policemen.”
The source went on, “So we went far away and watched what was going to happen. Then, within 10 minutes we saw the lights of the American vehicles in the distance. They were coming towards us. The Resistance fighters charged forward shouting “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! (God is greatest!) and calling for God’s help and they opened fire very heavily with various weapons. The Americans responded violently but it didn’t do them any good because the Resistance fighters were all behind the cover of the embankments.”
The source said that US vehicles began to catch fire one after the other under the Resistance barrage. “The fighting lasted for about half an hour and left two troop transports with all aboard in flames. One American armored vehicle and three Humvees were also destroyed.”
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam wrote that he personally saw the smouldering vehicles, but that the American forces had sealed off the attack site by the time he got there, preventing him from taking any pictures except from afar.
Witnesses told the correspondent that nine Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred in the battle, and this was confirmed by a commander of the Brigades of the 1920 Revolution when he told Mafkarat al-Islam, “we buried nine martyrs a little while ago.”
The correspondent reported in a dispatch posted at 8:05pm Tuesday, Mecca time, that the US forces had sealed off the city of al-Hadithah and were carrying out thorough house-to-house searches looking for the Resistance fighters who carried out the attack and their weapons. He said that the Americans came into the city in a state of hysteria, broadcasting calls over loudspeakers saying, “to the terrorists, if you are men come out to us and don’t hide like women. Let there be a face off between us.”
The Resistance did not respond to the US forces’ provocations and that caused the crazed Americans to open fire indiscriminately on the houses of local residents. US aircraft meanwhile dropped noise bombs into the city.
Resistance bomb attacks in ad-Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 6:30am Tuesday, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah at 12:30pm, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded on the highway in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 8:30am Tuesday, disabling a US military truck loaded with supplies for the occupation troops, and wounding the driver.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of a dirt road in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah exploded at 3:30pm, destroying a US Humvee and killing four American troops. US troops then encircled the area and arrested 18 local residents.
Resistance bombing in ad-Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Khan ad-Darri area of ad-Duwaylibah at 9:10am Tuesday, destroying a US Zia truck loaded with US troops and a US Humvee. Eyewitnesses said that the blast left 14 American troops dead, one of them an officer. US forces opened fire indiscriminately on surrounding houses, wounding nine civilians. The US troops also arrested seven local people.
Resistance bombing near al-Mahmudiyah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of a road in the as-Sayyid ‘Abdallah area west of al-Mahmudiyah exploded at 10:30am Tuesday, destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops.
Resistance bombing in az-Za‘faraniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in az-Za‘faraniyah southeast of Baghdaad at 1pm, disabling a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding three more.
Bomb attacks in al-Mushahadah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded on a main street in al-Mushahadah at 7:15am Tuesday, destroying two civilian trucks loaded with supplies for US occupation troops. One US soldier was killed and three more wounded in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in al-Mushahadah in the area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at 2:30pm local time, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and killing seven US troops and wounding two more.
Resistance bombings in ar-Ridwaniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in ar-Ridwaniyah at about 7am Tuesday, destroying a Humvee command car and killing three US troops, one of them an officer.
Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded near the Zaynab works in ar-Ridwaniyah at 7:30am, destroying two US Humvees and killing six US troops and wounding two more. US forces encircled the area searching for the Resistance fighters and arrested 11 people. It took two hours for the Americans to remove their wreckage from the area.
Resistance bombing in al-Khalis.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in al-Khalis at 10:15am Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops and seriously wounding two more. US forces closed the road for an hour and a half during which time they hauled away their wreckage.
Resistance bombing in as-Suwayrah.
Two heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs that were linked together exploded on al-Janub Street in as-Suwayrah at 7:30am, destroying a US armored personnel carrier and killing five US troops and wounding three more. US troops then encircled the area and within two hours hauled away the wreckage.
Resistance bomb attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded on the Old Road in Abu Ghurayb at 11:40am, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops. A civilian car was also set ablaze and its driver killed.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the ash-Shihah area of Abu Ghurayb at about 8:15am Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops. US forces opened fire indiscriminately at houses in the area, killing two people believed to be Resistance fighters and wounding five other people. Within an hour of the attack, the Americans had hauled their wreckage away.
Resistance bomb attack in Hur al-Basha.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area at about 4:15pm, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops and seriously wounding one more.
Resistance bomb in az-Za‘faraniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the az-Za‘faraniyah area at about 5pm Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing all aboard the military vehicle as well as two civilians. A civilian car was also disabled.
Battle in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District.
Fighting broke out on Hayfa street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 8:30am Tuesday. Iraqi Resistance fighters fired rockets and light weapons and hurled hand grenades at US troops and puppet “national guards,” destroying a pickup belonging to the puppet guards and disabling one US Bradley armored vehicle. Two US troops and six puppet guards were killed and three guards severely wounded. Two Resistance fighters were martyred and four others seriously wounded when the were shot by American snipers.
Car bomb targets SCIRI headquarters.
Iraqi puppet police sources reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in front of the offices used by the Shi ‘ chauvinist collaborationist “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI) and their armed gang known as the Badr Brigades in al-Jadiriyah in Baghdad at about 8:30am Tuesday.
The car passed through the checkpoint at the front gates and exploded within the concrete barricade wall set up around the headquarters. The blast killed seven Badr Brigade gunmen and wounded five more. Four Iraqi puppet police were also killed, as were four passers by, according to Mafkarat al-Islam.
According to the puppet police who spoke to Reuters, one person was killed and seven wounded in the bombing.
The SCIRI is led by the American lackey ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim and its Badr Brigade gunmen joined US troops for the invasion of Iraq in spring 2003.
Resistance assassinates SCIRI collaborationist official.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles killed an official in the so-called collaborationist, Shi‘i chauvinist “Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq” (SCIRI) as he came out of his house in the al-‘Amil neighborhood Baghdad at 9am Tuesday. Two aides who were accompanying the collaborator official were wounded.
Four more Iraqi tribes announce boycott of sham US-backed “elections.”
Four Iraqi tribes have recently announced that they will be boycotting the US-backed election farce set for 30 January, in protest against the US occupation and the lack of security in the country.
The al-Bu Rashiah, al-Bu Hasan al-‘Ali, al-Bu ‘Alwan, and al-Bu Fahd tribes issued statements in Amman, Jordan, confirming that they were joining the Sunni ad-Dulaym tribes in declaring their boycott of the sham election. The ad-Dulaym tribal confederation is easily the larges of Iraq’s Bedouin tribes.
The statements of the tribes said that the foreign forces present in the country are going to be occupation forces even if the name “multinational forces” is applied to them by order of a UN Security Council resolution.
The tribes, according to a report in the Egyptian al-Ahram newspaper, announced that they do not recognize the government of US-installed “interim prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi, “considering it nothing but a tool in the hands of the occupation.”
The tribes pledged to ignore all resolutions issued by the ‘Allawi regime, accusing it of violating its obligations to the Iraqi people and not respecting them.
Observers regard this new boycott declaration to be another powerful blow to the sham election, following the announcements by most Sunni political parties and groups that they would be boycotting the event as well.
Chinese workers constructing facilities for US occupation forces abducted. Resistance group demands explanation for their presence from Beijing.
The Chinese embassy in Baghdad confirmed on Tuesday that eight Chinese working in Iraq had been kidnapped last week The confirmation came after an Iraqi Resistance group called “the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, the an-Nu‘man Brigades” released a video tape on the internet showing the eight Chinese hostages who were employed building installations for the US occupation forces.
In the video, parts of which were broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite TV, a spokesman for the Resistance group called on the Chinese government to clarify its position in Iraq, as it says that it opposed the US invasion and opposes the US occupation while it sends workers to occupied Iraq to build installations for the American occupation forces.
The American Associated Press (AP) reported that Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said the eight hostages were ordinary Chinese citizens who went to Iraq individually seeking employment. He said they failed to find work and were leaving Iraq in a rental car when they were kidnapped. But the official New China News Agency Xinhua reported that the men were construction workers helping to rebuild a plant in the southern Iraqi city of an-Najaf.
The AP reported that in a handwritten note delivered with the tape, the Resistance group said it abducted the men as they were on their way out of the country. “After interrogation, we found that they are working for a Chinese construction company that is working inside American sites in Iraq,” the note said.
The note indicated the group might release the hostages because China did not participate in the war. “The movement decided to free these Chinese soon on condition that they will not go back to their work with the occupation forces. And we hope the Chinese company will not deal with these forces,” the message said.
Reuters reported that the Resistance spokesman on the tape said that “The position of the Chinese government toward our cause was clear - not taking part in invasion forces and their aggression against our country.” Therefore the presence of the Chinese working for the American occupation required an explanation.
“We call on the Chinese government to clarify its position on them and other Chinese. We will kill them 48 hours after their pictures are televised unless that is done,” Reuters quoted the Resistance spokesman on the tape as saying.
Resistance assassinates “election candidate” in Baghdad on Monday.
The American Associated Press (AP) reported Tuesday that masked Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed Shakir Jabbar, a Shi‘i representative of the Constitutional Monarchy movement led by ash-Sharif ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn. Jabbar was a candidate in the sham “election” farce being staged by the US on 30 January to try to give their occupation a coat of democratic legitimacy.
Fighting in the Baghdad area on Monday.
Fighting broke out on Hayfa Street and in al-Fahhamah and al-Mushahadah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District at about 1:30pm Monday. The Resistance fighters fired BKC machine guns and hurled hand grenades in their attack. Five US troops and 13 puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” were killed and five other puppet guards wounded. Four Resistance fighters were martyred.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in the al-Ghazaliyah area on Monday at 1:15pm local time, destroying a GMC command car belonging to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and killing and wounding Americans.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing rockets attacked US troops on Airport Road in the al-Furat neighborhood of Baghdad at 2pm Monday, destroying two Humvees and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. The attack left six US troops dead and a seventh wounded.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Salman Bak area at 8:30am Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Yusufiyah at 9am Monday, destroying a Humvee and killing one US soldier and wounding three more.
Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at US troops in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah area at 9:30am Monday, wounding four puppet “national guards.”
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in a dead dog exploded on the highway in the al-Hurriyah ad-Dawli‘i area at about 7am Monday, destroying a GMC command car and an armored vehicle and killing three US intelligence officers.
Several Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in Abu Ghurayb at about 10:15am Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and killing five US troops and wounding three more.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by the side of a road in a US military vehicle crossing in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb at 4:10pm Monday, destroying two US Bradley armored vehicles and killing five US troops and wounding three more.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US military column in the al-Karaghul area of ar-Ridwaniyah at about 10:30am Monday, and then Resistance fighters attacked the Americans firing C5K rockets, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and killing eight US troops. Three Resistance fighters were also killed in the fighting.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated bombs and then attacked US forces with rockets near the third bridge in ar-Ridwaniyah at 3:15pm Monday, destroying a Zia truck loaded with US troops and a Humvee. Fourteen American soldiers were killed and five more wounded.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Qatta‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah at 4:30pm Monday, destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the middle of a road in Dawlibah at about 2:30pm Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops. American forces encircled the area and opened fire indiscriminately but did inflicted no damage.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the middle of a road in the ‘Arab Jabbur area at 2:15pm Monday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and cutting off the leg and hand of a fourth soldier.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb blew up at a joint check point in al-Latifiyah at about 12:30pm Monday, killing 11 US troops and wounding four more of them and killing eight puppet “national guards” and wounding 10 more of them.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded on al-Janub Street in as-Suwayrah at 3:15pm Monday, destroying two US Humvees and killing at least three US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ‘Uwayrij area opposite the silo past the US Sukkaniya headquarters south of Baghdad at 4:30pm Monday, killing one US soldier and wounding two more.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired rockets at US forces and destroyed two US military trucks loaded with supplies for the occupation troops in the Balad area north of Baghdad, killing two US troops and wounding a third at 4pm Monday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters at the ad-Darwish intersection on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah at about 11:30am Monday attacked and killed a lieutenant colonel and a major in the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards.”
Resistance bombing in al-Latifiayh.
Several Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded in al-Latifiyah at 7am destroying a US Humvee and a pickup belonging to the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” and killing three US troops and seven puppet guards. One US soldier was also wounded.
Powerful Resistance bomb targets US column in Samarra’ Tuesday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US vehicle was passing through the ash-Shurtah neighborhood in central Samarra’ at about 10am Tuesday, killing three US troops and seriously wounding two more. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, who was near by at the time of the blast, said that the blast was very powerful, and that it destroyed one American armored vehicle and flipped over the Humvee that had been right behind it. No one in the Humvee was killed, however.
Resistance bombards US southern base in Tikrit.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US southern position in Tikrit in Salah ad-Din Province at 11:40am, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky.
Resistance bomb targets US troops on “safe” Kirkuk street.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the ad-Dibs area north of Kirkuk at about 3pm Tuesday, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth. The road where the bomb exploded had been regarded as one of the safest roads in the area.
Mafkarat al-Islam received confirmation of the report of the attack from Mr. ‘Isa Hammud, a member of the collaborationist Kurdish chauvinist Peshmergah militia, who commented that what he called “Sunni terrorists” had come to Kirkuk and begun attacks on the occupation forces, whom he called the “multinational forces.”
Archbishop released by abductors. Kidnapping thought linked to his “blessing” American occupation troops.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul reported that a number of armed men on Monday evening kidnapped the Archbishop of the Syrian Catholic Church Basil Jurjis (whose name is also listed as Basile Georges Casmoussa) from his house next to the church in the city. On Tuesday he was released, according to the Missionary Service News Agency MisNA.
According to the correspondent, the people of Mosul believe that the Resistance abducted the churchman in order to punish and educate him. During the Christmas period Jurjis gave “blessings” to some of the US occupation troops in their al-Ghazlani base north of Mosul according to local residents.
In an interview with MisNA, Jurjis was quoted as saying, “I was treated with huge respect,” and added that he thought his abduction was “a case of mistaken identity.” MisNA quoted Jurjis as saying of his abduction on Monday afernoon: “I was on a pastoral visit in the city and I had just left a house following a blessing when, at 17:05 local time, I saw a car in the middle of the road; two gunmen got out and took hold of me and forced me into the boot of the car.” Confirming that his captors were Iraqi, the archbishop said he spent the night in hostage before being asked to give his personal details ミ particularly his name and address ミ this morning.
MisNA reported: “The prelate then told his captors to contact his brothers using his mobile phone. They called Monsignor Petros Mouch, vicar-general of the diocese of Mosul; during the telephone call monsignor Casmoussa spoke briefly with monsignor Mouch, reassuring him that he was in good health.” The missionary agency reported that at 12.30pm Tuesday the kidnappers took the archbishop to al-Wahdah Street in east Mosul and left him there. The prelate then took a taxi and returned home. “Now I am at home and I am fine,” the agency quoted him as telling them.
MisNA also quoted monsignor Emmanuel Delly, the Caldean patriarch of Baghdad, as saying of the Archbishop’s kidnapping and that of another priest some days earlier “are not deliberate attacks against Christians.”
Earlier, the Iraqi Resistance in Mosul had issued a statement that was distributed to mosques and four churches in which they declared that they were not behind the attacks on churches that had taken place in the city, accusing the Zionist Mossad and the US forces of being behind bombings that have targeted those Iraqi Christian establishments. The Resistance statements said that the aim of such sabotage was to sow sectarian discord and conflict between Iraqi Muslims and Christians. The statement did warn, however, that if the Resistance sensed that local Christians were sympathizing with or growing close to the occupation, that would wind up with their turning into lackeys of the aggressors.
The statement therefore warned Mosul Christians against any such collaboration and indicated that their fate depended on that, saying “we will strike with an iron hand an Christian who is tempted to join the entourage of the Americans.”
Polish invader soldier killed in Resistance roadside bombing.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported from al-Hillah in southern Iraq that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a Polish invader column at 6:30am Tuesday, killing one Polish soldier and wounding a second.
The correspondent reported that the blast occurred outside al-Hillah on the main road to al-Iskandariyah north of the city as the column was heading towards the Polish aggressor base in that area. The explosion also disabled one Polish Jeep. Witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that the blast came from a Resistance roadside bomb planted beside a rain-water drain.
Resistance attack on Bulgarian aggressor patrol leaves three dead.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter wearing an explosive belt threw himself at a patrol of Bulgarian aggressor troops on al-Husayn Street near a hotel in the southern city of Karbala’ at 2pm Tuesday. The Resistance fighter detonated his belt, killing three Bulgarian invaders and seriously wounding two more.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the local puppet police and the Bulgarian troops have doubts that the attack was carried out by a martyrdom fighter because they say they have found his body and was not torn apart like those of the targeted aggressor troops. The wounded Bulgarians identified the body as being that of the attacker, however according to eyewitnesses who spoke to Mafkarat al-Islam.
The Iraqi puppet police and Bulgarian invader forces have slapped a lid of secrecy upon the attack, declining to report it or to allow journalists to approach the scene. Even the so-called “Iraqi news agency” which is supervised by the Americans was not allowed near the scene.
Candidates in sham elections assassinated in al-Basrah.
A candidate running on the list of puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi in the sham “elections” to be held on 30 January was assassinated in al-Basrah. The American Associated Press (AP) reported that ‘Ala’ Hamid was shot to death on Monday in front of his family, according to members of ‘Allawi’s political party. Hamid also was the deputy chairman of the Iraqi Olympic Committee.
Another candidate killed in al-Basrah was Riyad Radi who was running in the elections with ‘Allawi’s support. Masked men opened fire Radi as he drove his car with his family on Sunday, killing him.
The US is pressing for the theatrical election farce to be held under their bayonets in order to throw a coat of “democracy” over the occupation regime it has installed in the country.
Iraqi Resistance bombardments.
At 6am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US Sukkaniya headquarters in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky.
At 7:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 120mm mortar rounds into the US base in Baghdad’s ar-Rustamiyah area, sending clouds of smoke into the sky.
At 7:45am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” sending smoke rising into the sky, as usual.
At 11am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in at-Taji, north of Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky as helicopters landed and took off evacuating casualties.
At about 11:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the US al-Bakr base in the city of Balad, north of Baghdad, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
Around 3:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 16 various missiles, including four Katyusha rockets, two Grad rockets, four 120mm mortar rounds and eight more mortar shells at the area of Saddam International Airport.
At 4:45pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 82mm mortar rounds into the US headquarters in Sukkaniya in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending smoke into the sky.
At 5:30am Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US Sukkaniya base in the ad-Durah area, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 11:30am, Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Bakr base in the Balad area north of Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 12:15pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the US base in the former headquarters of the Iraqi chiefs of staff in the al-‘Amiriyah area of Baghdad, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky for half an hour.
At about 3pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five mortar rounds into the US base at Saddam International Airport, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 3pm, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the southern and northern US bases in Tikrit simultaneously, sending smoke into the sky over both.
At about 6:30pm Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 60mm rockets into the US headquarters in the as-Saddamiyah Palace in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District. After the attack, US forces opened fire indiscriminately at neighboring buildings, but failed to inflict significant damage.