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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/02/05
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 5 February 2005 and Sunday, 6 February 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 07.02.2005 [06:39 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Saturday, 5 February 2005.
Powerful Resistance martyrdom car bomb blasts US column early Saturday.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US column made up of seven military vehicles was passing through Hit, west of Baghdad, at 4am Saturday morning. The blast destroyed three Humvees and killed 14 US soldiers and wounded five more, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Hit reported that a local fireman who came to the scene to help extinguish the huge blaze ignited by the vehicles said that a four-ton Kia car loaded with 200kilograms of explosives. The martyrdom driver of the car raced at a crazy speed at the spot where the American column was halted and blasted into it. The correspondent said that five US bodies remained unidentified because they were so torn apart in the powerful blast.
Ukrainian invader soldier killed in bombing in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of az-Zahra’ Street in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad exploded on Saturday, disabling a Ukrainian military vehicle and killing one Ukrainian invader soldier and variously wounding two more. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Ukrainians found a detonating device for the bomb 100 meters away from the blast zone.
Iraqi Resistance forces assassinate Badr Brigade death squad leader.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the house of the commander of an armed wing of the collaborationist, Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigades at about 4pm Saturday, killing the commander, Rida ‘Abd al-A’immah, along with four of his aides. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad reported that the attack took place on the commander’s house in the al-‘Amil neighborhood of south Baghdad. ‘Abd al-A’immah was responsible for the assassination of a number of Sunni religious leaders in the country, most prominently Shaykh Mahmud al-Hadithi who was assassinated in al-Anbar Province in January. Puppet police forces surrounded the house of the dead Badr Brigade murderer and launched a search for the Resistance attackers, but found nothing.
Resistance bomb kills seven puppet troops in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah as an Iraqi puppet patrol was passing through the city at about 1pm Saturday, destroying two pickups and killing seven puppet troops. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters planted a bomb by the side of the road leading to Baghdad, and detonated the device when the patrol passed by. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the Iraqi puppet army issued a communiqu admitting that the attack had occurred but making no mention of their losses.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the Jarf as-Sakhr area near al-Hillah in southern Iraq at about 3:15pm Saturday. The blast occurred on a branch road leading to the al-Wahdah primary school and left one Humvee destroyed and two US troops dead and two more wounded. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that one of the American wounded men had his right arm blown off.
The Salafi Brigades of ar-Rahman Resistance group issued a communiqu in which they declared their responsibility for the attack and pledged that the town of Jarf as-Sakhr would become a hell for the Americans from now on. It said that the streets of Jarf as-Sakhr would be an inferno for the occupation forces and it warned collaborators against continuing to work with the Americans, saying that they were “sentencing themselves to violent death,” if they continued to do so.
Balad - Salah ad-Din Province.
Six Americans killed in operations near Balad. Iraqi Resistance forces shoot down Cobra helicopter.
The Iraqi Resistance shot down an American Cobra helicopter in Balad, about 40km north of Tikrit at 9am Saturday morning, killing its two-man crew. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Salah ad-Din Province reported that as of the time of reporting, no Resistance group had claimed credit for the operation. Witnesses confirmed to the correspondent, however, that a Strela rocket was fired at the helicopter when it took off from a village in which it had landed to evacuate the bodies of four US troops who had been killed at midnight Saturday morning.
A puppet police officer confirmed this report to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, saying that they found four soldiers bodies in bags about half a kilometer from the downed helicopter.
Resistance launches offensive on Korean invaders in northern Iraq with deadly grenade attack.
At least one south Korean aggressor soldier was killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a south Korean patrol in the Nawruz area of central Irbil, 350km northeast of Baghdad. The Irbil correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with hand grenades attacked a column of south Korean troops, tossing a hand grenade at a car carrying three south Korean soldiers. The blast destroyed the car and killed at least one of the Korean soldiers, blowing him out of the vehicle.
The correspondent wrote that the fate of the other Korean troops was unknown, but it was probable that they too had died, though some local witnesses said they had been mortally wounded.
The attack marked the end of a kind of calm as it was the first attack of its kind on the south Korean troops in the north of the country. Local residents are talking about the arrival in the area of significant numbers of Resistance fighters, with the intent of launching an offensive on the Koreans in the north of Iraq, just as an offensive has been opened against Japanese aggressor troops in the south of the country.
Resistance bomb kills three British troops, one local collaborator.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded beside a British military column near the deep port of al-Basrah. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast destroyed a British armored vehicle and left three British troops dead and one other seriously wounded. An Iraqi collaborator working for the British as a local guide - a particularly disgraceful type of collaboration - was also killed.
The correspondent, who arrived on the scene half an hour after the blast, said that the explosion was the result of a bomb planted under a traffic sign for large vehicles that unload cargo in the port. The bomb went off as a British column was passing. Local television in al-Basrah announced that a bomb had gone off and killed three British troops and wounded another, but apparently made no mention of the collaborator who also died.
Resistance bombs kill five puppet “national guards” in al-Basrah.
Two Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded near Sa‘d Square by the al-Jumhuri Hospital in the ar-Risalah district of al-Basrah at 8:15am Saturday morning, destroying a Nissan pickup and killing five members of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard.” Occupation troops encircled the area after the blast.
Resistance bombards British consulate in al-Basrah Friday night.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired about five 82mm mortar rounds into the British consulate inside the British occupation base in the al-Barradi‘iyah area of al-Basrah Province on Friday. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that after the barrage, the invader troops fired incendiary rockets and sent helicopters up to search for the Resistance attackers, but failed to find anyone. Witnesses mentioned that the Resistance bombards the British base virtually on a daily basis.
Special Report: al-Jazeera Satellite TV interviews Muhammad ad-Duri.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV’s English-language page recently published an interview with the Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations (before the US invasion of his country) Muhammad ad-Duri. The Iraqi Resistance Report reprints the interview as published on al-Jazeera’s website due to its interest.
Wednesday 02 February 2005, 14:19 Makka Time, 11:19 GMT
Note by al-Jazeera: When Baghdad was occupied on 9 April 2003, the last Iraqi ambassador of Saddam Hussein's government to the UN, Muhammad al-Duri, declared that the game was over.
A journalist, university professor and statesman who served as an Iraqi delegate to the UN from 1999 to 2003, he left Iraq in 1999 to act as Iraq's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, before he was moved to New York where he remained until he resigned after the occupation of Iraq.
Aljazeera.net: How do you feel about the elections?
Muhammad al-Duri: Despite everything that has been said about its incompetence, it is still a democratic practice. It is part of a well-thought out US plan to implement its strategy in Iraq.
But one must be aware that last Sunday's elections establish sectarianism in Iraq. So many Iraqis entered the electoral process whether as candidates or voters on a sectarian and/or ethnic basis and motives. It is very dangerous and Iraqis should reject sectarianism.
A: But according to many Iraqi voters who talked to reporters on election day, they did so because they wanted to end the state of chaos in their country and restore security and stability. Isn't that the case?
MD: I do not agree with that concept, these elections are not designed to restore security and stability. The US administration has been desperate to legalise its occupation of Iraq, but it has failed so far. This mission has become an obsession for it; especially that the war on Iraq is still protested against by EU and Arab countries.
Therefore the US is trying to legitimise its existence in Iraq by bringing in an elected parliament and a government which are fully loyal to it, and as such it will be able to conclude long-term agreements that secure its interests and influence in Iraq.
A: As a politician and a professor of politics, do you think the Iraqi Sunni Arabs' boycott of the elections could put the legitimacy of the process at risk?
MD: It is wrong to say that Sunni Arabs boycotted the elections. It is an attempt to ridicule a national Iraqi position that opposes the division of the country, by labelling it as a sectarian position.
The US occupation has encouraged the virtual division of Iraq into three entities. The first one is in the north, it is ethnically motivated and works to separate itself and establish an independent state (Kurdistan).
The second in the south plans to split and establish a sectarian entity backed by Iran. The third is central Iraq which for some reason carries a national vision for the future of Iraq.
Obviously the US works hard to destroy this entity, which happens to be Sunni and exists in central Iraq. But as a matter of fact, the people of central Iraq are Arab Iraqi Muslims in addition to being Sunnis. This part of the country holds a sense of national identity that rejects the foreign occupation and separation bids.
A: But boycotting elections would have delayed the formation of a national Iraqi government, parliament and constitution, don't you agree?
MD: All that you are talking about was approved by the former US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer.
A: And what is wrong with that if it would benefit the country?
MD: A country's constitution must be national, while Iraq's interim constitution which laid the foundation for Iraq's future constitution was put forward by Noah Feldman, a Jewish American university professor.
All the documents that rule Iraq today were made in the US, translated to Arabic and forwarded to Iraqis who could not even discuss them properly. How can a country adopt a constitution imposed by a foreign power?
Even the elections were set by Feldman's document, and thus the elections have no legitimacy because it is based on illegal documents written by an occupying force.
A: The interim Iraqi interior minister has said the US could pull out of Iraq in 18 months. What do you think of this statement?
MD: Initially, I would like to ask why this statement came on the eve of the elections? It was obviously part of the election campaign.
However, this is part of the US' exit strategy. This notion is being widely discussed in the US, not because the US genuinely wants to pull out from Iraq, but because of unexpected urban fighting.
They are spending hundreds, millions of dollars on Iraqi security forces in order to put them face to face with the resistance. Actually, this money is supposed to be for the reconstruction of Iraq, but I can assure you that nothing has been reconstructed, absolutely nothing, not even in the oil sector.
At the end of the day, Iraqi officials do not speak for themselves, they just echo the US' desires and instructions. The real ruler of today's Iraq is not the president of Iraq, nor the interim prime minister; actually it is the US embassy in Baghdad.
It is unlikely that the US would voluntarily withdraw from Iraq; it has spent nearly $300 billion up to now, how is it going to get this money back if it withdraws? The US has captured a goose with golden eggs, why would it let it go? That cannot be.
The US did not go to war with Iraq because of WMD, or links with al-Qaida. I am fully convinced that it has an agenda in my country. It also did not come to establish democracy in the country. On the contrary, if we look at what is in today's Iraq we will find nothing but division, hatred, and sectarianism.
If the US were to pull out, it will not do so unless it secures powerful bases in Iraq.
A: US bases exist in Japan and Germany; I think no one can argue that US bases hindered the development of those two countries in the post-second world war era?
MD: It is very strange that some Iraqis accept this idea. US bases in Germany and Japan were set up in different international conditions. It came after a world war involving Germany and Japan who waged an aggressive war and occupied foreign countries, and the US and its allies fought to drive out German forces from occupied Europe.
That was not the case with Iraq. There were no Iraqi forces out of Iraqi soil, and the war took place on its soil with forces which came from overseas to occupy it. How can we compare what has happened in Iraq with Nazi Germany?
A: Regardless, why don't anti-US Iraqis wait and see?
MD: You have to choose either bread with dignity or bread without dignity. Why should we wait? What does Iraq need from the US?
It is a country rich in resources, located in a strategic position, and with a highly educated people. If the US really wants to help, there are dozens of poor and undeveloped countries out there, let it help them instead of helping a country which possesses the world's second largest oil reserve and which has achieved high rates of development before it occupied it.
A: When Baghdad fell to US forces on 9 April 2003, you said the "game is over". What did you mean by that?
MD: Many people interpreted my words that what happened was a game between Saddam Hussein and the US; actually I meant that during the 13 years of UN sanctions on Iraq, the UN was acting like a theatre.
All players were not sincere in finding a way to end the sanctions that killed millions of Iraqis. The proof for that is when the US decided to attack Iraq, everyone backed off and the US did what it wanted.
A: But there were protests around the world, and many countries did oppose the war.
MD: That was not enough.