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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/15
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 15 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 16.01.2005 [06:01]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Saturday, 15 January 2005.
Details of Saturday’s battle in ar-Ramadi.
In a dispatch posted at 6:40pm Saturday evening Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the morning battle in the city ended at exactly 3pm in those neighborhoods where it had raged after US forces pulled out of the city, taking with them the wreckage of 11 American military vehicles, including three armored vehicles. The correspondent reported seeing those vehicles with his own eyes as they were pulled out of the neighborhoods on huge transport trucks. US warplanes continued to prowl the skies above the city until the time he filed his report.
The correspondent met Dr. Taha Ahmad of ar-Ramadi General Hospital who showed him the bodies of the dead fighters and local people. He said that 22 martyrs had fallen, among them 13 Resistance fighters and nine civilians, including a woman who was with the Resistance and was killed when she was trying to recover the body of her son, one of the fighters. The doctor said, “we found her with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in her hands, which we could only extract with difficulty since she died clasping it so tightly.”
The General Command of the Islamic Resistance announced in a communiqu issued an hour after the fighting ended that 11 US vehicles had been destroyed, one helicopter shot down, and 30 US troops killed. The Resistance also seized a number of US weapons.
The communiqu called on the people of ar-Ramadi to pray for God’s mercy on the martyrs who fell in the battle today, saying that there were 19 of them, among the fraternal Arab fighters, whom the communiqu did not identify.
Most of the dead Americans were killed in front of the al-Haqq Mosque in the west of ar-Ramadi when they tried stubbornly to storm the building but the Resistance was even more stubborn in its defense. It was there that the toughest fighting raged, and the occupation troops failed to get into the mosque where they expected to find fighters.
Other American soldiers fell in the al-Mal‘ab neighborhood near the ar-Rahman Mosque. The US aircraft mentioned in the communiqu went down in the as-Sufiyah village on the edge of town.
The correspondent saw one of the Resistsance fighters during the battle raising the black flag of the Prophet Muhammad to encourage the fighters not to flee from the fight when it got toughest at around 2pm.
Three houses were destroyed in the battle Saturday when US aircraft bombed them. US forces arrested four journalists who were taken pictures of dead Americans on 17 April Street in the center of ar-Ramadi.
Earlier dispatch: Battle rages in downtown ar-Ramadi.
In a dispatch posted at 1:05pm Mecca time Saturday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance fighters were at that time engaged in grueling battles with US troops in the streets in the central ar-Ramadi neighborhoods of 17 April, al-Mal‘ab, at-Ta’mim, and in the area of the governorate office building.
The correspondent reported that the fighting began in the al-Mal‘ab neighborhood at 12 noon local time, and expanded and intensified after that.
He reported that another battle raged in the al-Iskan neighborhood with sticks and knives between the Resistance and US troops, and despite the weaponry, the reporter said that nine thick plumes of smoke were rising over burned out US vehicles in that area, the smoke enveloping the battle scene there
Witnesses and people coming from the al-Mal‘ab battle zone told the correspondent that bodies of dead Americans were strewn about the area, intermingled with the bodies of dead Resistance fighters. They reported that a large number of Resistance fighters had been killed, but said that the initiative was still in the hands of the Resistance.
The correspondent reported that local mosques for the first time had openly ordered believers to go out and fight in the jihad, calling Hayy ‘ala al-Jihad! Hayy ‘ala al-Jihad! From the minarets, where in the past they had only chanted prayers for victory.
The correspondent reported seeing women getting up on rooftops carrying light arms. So far they had not opened fire, but were preparing to open fire on any US soldier who might venture to take cover in their houses.
US troops badly disfigure body of Resistance fighter.
One Resistance fighter went missing during the fighting with no firearms that took place in the al-Iskan neighborhood of ar-Ramadi on Saturday morning. His body was later discovered after US troops had badly defaced it. Mafkarat al-Islam interviewed a doctor at ar-Ramadi General Hospital who said that the body was badly disfigured: the Americans had cut off its hands, plucked out its eyes, cut off its penis, and gouged big gashes in its chest spelling out a message in English saying something to the effect of “we will have no mercy, wait your turn.” The doctor said over the telephone that the abdomen had been completely torn open.
The doctor noted that this was not rare for the Americans. “This isn’t the first time that doctors have found bodies like this,” he said. He noted that the religious leaders of al-Anbar Province had forbidden the Resistance fighters from disfiguring the bodies of their enemies, as that is contrary to Islamic ethics of war.
The doctor said that the martyr was buried in the Martyrs’ Cemetery west of ar-Ramadi, and that Resistance fighters pledged to kill ten US troops in revenge for this brutality.
Resistance bombardments of US positions to the north of al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 11:40pm Saturday night Mecca time Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at 10am Saturday Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US forces in their base north of al-Fallujah in the agricultural area and near the old train station in the residential area and the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the north of the city.
Then at about 1pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US forces north of al-Fallujah.
Then at 4pm Saturday, local time, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 10 Grad rockets into the US forces north of al-Fallujah.
Elsewhere in al-Anbar Province.
Resistance bombards US position near as-Saqlawiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets at 10am Saturday local time into a house near the al-Bu Shahad Bridge north of as-Saqlawiyah, 15km north of al-Fallujah. Local residents said the strikes were accurate, as they saw two US Chinook helicopters transporting dead and wounded Americans out of the position towards the large US base in al-Habbaniyah, near by. The Chinooks were covered by two Apache helicopter gunships.
The US forces usually use the huge Chinook helicopters when there are large-scale losses; Black Hawks are used when the losses are more moderate.
Iraqi Resistance bombards base in al-Habbaniyah a second time on Saturday.
In a dispatch posted at 9:10pm Mecca time Saturday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance had launched a new attack on the US al-Hadbah base in the city of al-Habbaniyah east of the city at 6:30pm Saturday night.
More than twenty mortar rounds blasted into the base and the sound of secondary explosions continued inside the US facility for some time afterwards, as American forces evacuated the base by sending troops out into the surrounding hills.
From afar the correspondent described the base, saying that there had been tongues of flame rising over the facility for a whole hour after the second such barrage by the Resistance Saturday. The attacks were brought on by news that a high-ranking US commander was in the base on a visit.
Resistance pounds US base at al-Habbaniyah in the first of two such attacks Saturday.
In a dispatch posted at 12:40am Saturday, the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance had been bombarding the US base in al-Habbaniyah, west of al-Fallujah, known as al-Hadbah, since 10:50am Friday morning. The Resistance was firing into the base from four directions after hearing a report that a top commander of the US military was paying a visit to the facility.
US artillery were intensely replying to the Resistance fire, but there were no reports of it inflicting any losses on the Resistance. The correspondent described the US base as like a cradle being rocked by the power of the Resistance bombardment, which was sending plumes of smoke into the sky, totally enveloping the facility and the city as US fighter aircraft and helicopters prowled the skies overhead and sirens wailed inside.
Local primary and secondary schools closed and sent children home because of the bombardment and many shops also closed their doors. The correspondent reported that the Resistance appeared to be using powerful Ababil and Tariq rockets as well as 120mm mortar rounds.
Resistance bomb attack near al-Hadithah.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated bombs under a US column in the al-Hadithah area of Haqlaniyah west of Baghdad at 11:30am Saturday, destroying three Humvees and killing 12 US troops, including an officer. The Americans afterwards encircled the area and arrested 23 local people.
Fighting in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District.
Fighting broke out between the Resistance and US troops accompanied by puppet “national guards” on Hayfa Street and in al-Mushahadah and al-Falhhamah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District at 10:30am Saturday. Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades and fired light arms, killing three US troops and wounding two more. Five puppet guards were killed. After they left the area, one citizen was killed by a bullet fired by the occupation troops.
Resistance forces battled US troops and their puppets on Hayfa Street and al-Mushahadah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District around 4:30pm Saturday. Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades and fired light weapons, killing five puppet “national guards and seriously wounding four more. Two American soldiers were killed and a third was seriously wounded.
Resistance assassinations of collaborators.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed two lackeys working with the US occupiers in Baghdad’s al-I‘lam area at about 4:30pm Saturday.
Resistance attacks in at-Taji.
In a dispatch posted at 8:50pm Mecca time Saturday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US column in the at-Tarimiyah area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad at exactly 6 o’clock, local time, killing a US soldier and wounding a second and nearly totally destroying a Humvee. A witness said that a land mine had been hidden in an old car tire and thrown in the middle of the road. It blew up as soon as the US vehicle passed.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded in al-Mushahadah in at-Taji, north of Baghdad, at 11am Saturday, destroying a US military truck loaded with supplies for the occupation troops and a Bradley armored vehicle, and killing five US troops aboard them. Two more American soldiers were seriously wounded.
Resistance attack in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur Rajab area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 12:30pm Saturday, destroying a Humvee command car and killing three US troops, one of them an officer. US troops then encircled the area with vehicles and arrested nine local residents.
Resistance attack in as-Suwayrah.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed two US military trucks and an armored personnel carrier (APC) on al-Janub Street in as-Suwayrah at about 2:30pm Saturday, killing seven troops and seriously wounding five more. American forces encircled the area and hauled the wreckage away within two hours.
Resistance ambush in Salman Bak.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated bombs and fired rockets and BKC machine guns at a US column in Salman Bak at 8:30am Saturday, destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle, a Humvee, and a civilian truck loaded with supplies and killing eight US troops, and seriously wounding three more. US forces then encircled the area and opened fire indiscriminately on homes, killing two civilians and seriously wounding 11 more. They also arrested 34 local residents.
Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb at 8:15am Saturday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops. US forces hauled away the wreckage within an hour.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded in the as-Samilat area of Abu Ghurayb at about 2pm Saturday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and killing eight persons. After the attack, American troops opened fire indiscriminately on civilians, seriously wounding five. US forces hauled away the wreckage of the vehicles within two hours.
Several Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the az-Zaydan area of Abu Ghurayb at about 4:15pm Saturday, destroying a Humvee and a Bradley armored vehicle and killing six US troops and seriously wounding two more.
Details of Thursday’s Abu Ghurayb prison break.
Sources in the Iraqi puppet police and puppet “national guard” told Mafkarat al-Islam on Saturday that US forces had ordered the execution of 38 Iraqi and fraternal Arab Resistance fighters for committing “terrorist acts” and they were ordered taken to Baghdad to be killed and their bodies handed over to their relatives.
A high ranking puppet police commander in Abu Ghurayb and the brother of a prison guard killed while transporting the prisoners told Mafkarat al-Islam that 20 prisoners ミ Iraqis as well as Jordanians, Syrians, and a number of Saudis, Yemenis, and Egyptians ミ were brought by special Daewoo transport vehicle with puppet police license plates on Thursday. The van was equipped with opaque windows. The prisoners were taken out of Abu Ghurayb at 8am Thursday and driven towards a prison inside Baghdad proper.
The correspondent reported that armed Resistance fighters prepared an ambush for the Daewoo bus by the Ibn Hayyan Bridge, known as the Central Markets Bridge in the al-‘Adl neighborhood, the first neighborhood reached as the bus traveled into western Baghdad. More than 15 Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons sprang at the bus when it came past their position. The were able to set free the prisoners and kill three of the guards and a number of US troops when they destroyed a US Humvee. They brought a small car and very quickly got away from the scene with the prisoners.
A puppet police officer said that among the prisoners who made good their escape was a leader of the First Army of Muhammad Resistance organization, and an aide to Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi, of whose capture the puppet prime minister of Iraq had recently boasted.
Another official in Abu Ghurayb prison denied claims that the puppet police had found and re-arrested some of he escaped prisoners on Friday.
Al-Yusufiyah ミ al-Latifiyah.
Attacks in al-Latifiyah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah at about 4pm Saturday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area west of al-Latifiya at about 4:30pm Saturday, destroying a command Humveea dn killing four US troops aboard it, one of them an officer.
Resistance ambush in al-Yusufiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Qasr al-Awsat area of al-Yusufiyah at 9:45am Saturday, destroying a small ZiL truck and killing six US troops. American forces encircled the area and opened fire indiscriminately.
Resistance car bombing hits US-puppet joint checkpoint.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at a joint US-puppet guard checkpoint in the Shahrban area east of Ba‘qubah at 4pm Saturday. The Diyala Province correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi ambulance driver said that the attack left five US troops dead and seven more seriously wounded. Four Iraqi puppet troops were also killed. Witnesses said that two Humvees that were parked by the side of the road were destroyed by the blast as well.
Powerful Resistance bomb destroys Humvee kills four US soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance high-yield roadside bomb exploded in Mosul, destroying a military vehicle and killing several US troops. The blast occurred on the road leading to the tomb of the Prophet Sh杯 as a US Humvee was passing by. The blast destroyed the Humvee and killed four US troops at 10:35am Saturday morning.
Witnesses said the explosion was so powerful that it blasted the Humvee half a meter in the air before bringing it down in a pile of wreckage. A visitor to the tomb of the Prophet told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans had trouble recovering the remains of one of the four dead soldiers because his body parts were blown all over the place.
Resistance bombing in Tikrit.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Salah ad-Din area at the entrance to Tikrit at about 3:10pm Saturday, destroying a US truck and a Humvee and killing six US troops. American forces then encircled the area with military vehicles and arrested 12 local residents.
Resistance sharp shooter kills British soldier in al-‘Amarah.
An Iraqi Resistance sharp shooter shot and killed a British soldier in the as-Sadiq area of northern al-‘Amarah on Saturday. Witnesses said the sharp shooter opened fire from a building opposite the position of the British soldier, and that the bullet apparently hit him directly in the head.
British troops immediately closed off and searched Sunni (only Sunni!) homes in the city. They arrested two persons in the as-Sadiq area after finding a hunting rifle in the home of one of them.
Witnesses said British troops also found ammunition for sniper rifles on the roof of the building along with a message apparently to the people of the city on which was a famous quotation by the fourth Caliph, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib saying that No people ever gave up jihad but that God afflicted them with decline and humiliation.
Resistance bombardments around Iraq on Saturday.
At about 5:30am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired four Katyusha rockets into the US Sukkaniya base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending smoke rising into the sky. Two helicopters were observed landing and taking off from the base 25 minutes later, evacuating casualties.
At about 6:15am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the US invaders as “the green zone,” sending smoke rising into the sky.
At about 6:30am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 60mm mortar rounds into the building of the puppet so called “Iraqi defense ministry” in Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky and damaging the building.
At 10:30am Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky. Two medevac helicopters were seen landing and taking off from the facility.
At 1:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three 82mm mortar rounds into the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of the interior” on Palestine Street in Baghdad, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At about 2:45pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds and four more mortar rounds into the US camp in the military academy in Baghdad’s ar-Rustamiyah district, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky.
At about 3:30pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US base in Saddam International Airport.
At about 4:10pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired several 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the US invaders as “the green zone,” sending smoke rising into the sky.
At about 4:45pm Saturday, Iraqi Resistance fighters fired two Katyusha rockets into the US Sukkaniya base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending smoke rising into the sky.