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■Media Shifts Attention from SAS Screw Up to Iran
September 21st, 2005
Leave it up to the Moonie-owned United Press International to attempt a none-too delicate effort to steer attention away from the fact British covert intel goons killed a cop and bystander and were caught red-handed cruising around Basra in car loaded with explosives and detonators. “Attacks on British forces in southern Iraq may be directed from Iran,” reports the UPI. “The clashes and the arrest of two undercover British soldiers was almost certainly triggered by the arrest at the weekend of Sheikh Ahmed al-Fartusi, the leader of the Mahdi Army, a banned militia loyal to Moqtada al-Sadr.”
英国のドジな諜報工作員が警備兵と通行人を殺害し、爆発物と起爆装置を積んだ乗用車でバスラの街を走り回って現行犯逮捕された。この事実から注意を逸らそうというさほど困難でない情報操作であれば、統一教会に所有されたUnited Press International【UPI】にお任せあれ:
Indeed, al-Fartusi, commander of al-Mahdi’s militia in Basra, was arrested by the Brits in a Gestapo-like raid, thus leading to “the spread of a great number of members of al Sadr Militia in al Basra streets and the gathering of many of these men near a building in the city center, which contains the headquarters of Al Sadr movement,” explains al-Mendhar News. “Eyewitnesses said that they are still in their locations hiding their weapons. Sheikh Mohamed Al Ka’bi, a member of Al Sadr trend in Baghdad, confirmed, ‘Our office in Al Basra ordered us to remain calm and adopt political means to release our Sheikh and his men.’”
Editors on the Moonie payroll grabbed their story from the Times. “Political assassination, murder, smuggling and extortion: the activities of a 50-strong gang of Iraqi policemen in Basra [dubbed the “al-Jameat gang”] whose members seized two British servicemen on Monday were brought to the attention of the Iraqi government six months ago, according to official sources in the city.” claims Anthony Loyd for the Times, not making mention of the fact the arrested “British servicemen” were dressed up as Arabs and driving around in a car packed with weapons and explosives. According to Loyd, this “50-strong gang” of Iraqis, supposedly led by al-Fartusi, is “allegedly connected to a terrorist cell responsible for recent attacks on British units in the city,” a terrorist cell of course linked to Iran.
統一教会から給料を支払われている編集部【UPI】のストーリーは「The Times」から引用されたものだ。
とThe Timesのアンソニー・ロイド記者は書いているが、彼は逮捕された「英国軍人」がアラブ人の服を着ていて、武器と爆発物を積んだ乗用車を運転していたという事実には全く言及していない。ロイドによれば、「この『50人あまりの一団』は、最近市内で英軍部隊に攻撃を続けているテロリスト細胞に結びつくアル・ファルトゥシの指示を受けて」おり、そのテロリスト細胞は確実にイランと繋がっているという:
Al-Fartusi’s terrorist cell is said to be a splinter group of the Mahdi Army, whose followers are loyal to Moqtada al-Sadr, the firebrand cleric at the centre of last year’s Shia insurgency. Now more of a populist, political figure, al-Sadr is not believed to have been aware, or in control, of al-Fartusi’s activities. Al-Fartusi, 32, had been sacked from a command position in the Mahdi Army. Iran, however, was aware of his operations. This year an influx of sophisticated shape-charge devices appeared in southern Iraq. New methods and materiel bore the hallmarks of the Iranian-funded Hezbollah movement.
It should be obvious the two Brits arrested―and subsequently released after British tanks knocked down the building where they were held―are part of a larger plan to destabilize Iraq and foment civil war. Is it possible the Brits are behind a series of suicide bombings in Basra (73 people were killed and 200 wounded, including the incineration of 17 children, on April 21, 2004, and 68 were killed on June 24, 2004, to name but two) or are we to believe it was the work of the Shi’a-hating al-Zarqawi, determined, as we are told in various audio and video tapes released with curiously appropriate timing, to wipe every Shi’ite Muslim off the face of the earth?
“British military intelligence has concluded that Iran has been supporting a local terror group run by Abu Mustafa al-Sheibani, who is blamed for the murder of at least 11 British soldiers. And in a secret report, military intelligence warned commanders that attacks on British forces were being deliberately intensified,” concludes the Moonie Times, excuse me United Press International. Abu Mustafa al-Sheibani is “working for Iran,” warns Time Magazine. “According to a U.S. military-intelligence document obtained by TIME, al-Sheibani heads a network of insurgents created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps with the express purpose of committing violence against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq…. the U.S. believes al-Sheibani’s team consists of 280 members, divided into 17 bombmaking teams and death squads. The U.S. believes they train in Lebanon, in Baghdad’s predominantly Shi’ite Sadr City district and ‘in another country’ and have detonated at least 37 bombs [described as “shaped” explosive charges] against U.S. forces this year in Baghdad alone.” Considering the track record of U.S. intelligence―from overthrowing democratically elected governments (in Iran for example) to customizing lies in preparation for the invasion of Iraq―we can trust the al-Sheibani campfire story about as far as we can throw it. In other words, it has about the same degree of veracity as the al-Zarqawi campfire story―that is to say none, since virtually everything the U.S. and its corporate media disinformation ministries write or report about al-Zarqawi is undocumented fear-mongering.
統一教会タイムズ、いや失礼... United Press International【UPI】は次のように記事を締めくくっている:
「TIMEによって得られた米軍情報部の文書によればアル・シャイバニは、イランのイスラム革命防衛隊によって作られた反政府運動家のネットワークを率いていて、イラク国内で米国および同盟国軍に対する暴力活動に専念するという明確な目的を持っています... 。米国はアル・シャイバニの軍団が280人ほどのメンバーから成り、17の爆弾製作チームまたは暗殺部隊に分かれているとみており、レバノンやバグダッド附近(主にシーア派サドルシティー地区)、及び「その他の国」で訓練を受けていると確信しています。彼らは今年、バグダッドの米軍に対して単独で少なくとも37個の爆弾(「指向性」爆薬を使用と判別された)を爆発させました。」
As should be obvious, the Iraqi resistance has almost completely stalled the Anglo-American effort to pacify the country and reconstruct (or rather deconstruct) it into an acceptable model for the neocons and their carpet-bagging neolib co-conspirators who entertained high hopes to “structurally adjust” the Iraqi economy and steal its natural resources―not simply oil but also its minerals, natural gas, phosphates, sulfur, hydropower, and other resources of commercially exploitable importance, including cheap human labor. In lieu of the neocon promise that Iraqis would welcome this thievery with open arms, the Bushites and their British collaborators are working to split the country into three distinct pieces along religious and ethnic lines through civil war―and thus SAS goons (and their counterparts in the Pentagon who have yet to stupidly blow their cover) are running around with explosives and detonators, pretending to be al-Zarqawi Arabs engaged in a mindless jihad. Of course, it will not work and the Iraqis will eventually be victorious.
Unfortunately, here in America, we have an installed president―not the guy from the fake cowboy ranch in Texas, but the other guy, the chicken hawk from Wyoming―who talks about lobbing around nukes if millions of people (mostly Arabs and Muslims) don’t assume the position. If indeed the Iraqis (and the Iranians) eventually eject the U.S. military from the Middle East (as Hezbollah did in Beirut on October 23, 1983), irradiating the entire region or at least significant portions will become a distinct possibility with the current crew in control of the levers of mass murder. Of course, this would only be an increase in magnitude, since the U.S. has already nuked and poisoned Iraq (and Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia) with depleted uranium (half-life of 4.5 billion years), a crime that rivals anything the Nazis have done in terms of outright viciousness since Iraqis will be getting sick and dying from various cancers for a very long time to come.
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