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9/11 Commission's Zelikow grilled
Dr. Zelikow gave a lecture at the Miller Center at UVA on September 10, 2004, titled, "The Road to 9/11," and another on October 14, titled, "The Road From 9/11." I attended the second of the two lectures and had an opportunity afterwards to have a conversation with him for several minutes. Among other things, I asked him why the Commission did not report more evidence that would answer the specific conspiracy concerns and questions that have been circulating regarding 9/11. I asked him why the Commission would let these concerns go unanswered and cause unnecessary doubt and dissent in the country.
I pointed out to Dr. Zelikow that one of many reasons this conspiracy talk about 9/11 continues is that there have been no photos released of the Boeing 757 wreckage inside the Pentagon, or outside either, as we normally see after a civilian plane crash. I asked if he has seen photos that show the wreckage of the 757. He said, yes, they have photos, and that he has seen them, and he also said that there are eyewitness reports from a dozen or so rescue workers at the Pentagon who confirm seeing those airplane parts in the wreckage. Well, I asked, can I or some other ordinary person see these photos? He said no. I asked if I could see the rescue worker's statements, and he said no. I told him I had seen photos of the exterior Pentagon wall before it collapsed, and the hole where the plane entered appeared to be only about 20 feet in diameter, with unbroken window frames on either side of it where the wings and engines would have hit. This hole was much too small for a 757 to enter, and no wreckage of the plane is shown on the ground outside. He said those photos might have been "adjusted" in scale by someone to give the wrong impression. I asked if I or anyone else could see the National Transportation Safety Board report about the crash, or even about the 757 being picked up by radar as it approached Washington, and he said no. He said that the air traffic controllers at Dulles saw on their radar that a plane was approaching, without its transponder turned on, but they could not identify it just by radar. It was not one scheduled to come into Dulles, so they assumed it was landing at Reagan National, and when it dropped off their radar at the Pentagon they knew something was wrong. This was 35 minutes after the second World Trade Center Tower had been hit. I told him this explanation defied reason, but he said it is proven in the NTSB Report, which I can't see.
I told Dr. Zelikow that this secrecy of the 9/11 Commission is still fueling conspiracy theories and distrust throughout the country and around the world. Then I asked him why he and the Commission and the staff don't simply release photos and other information to the public so that we can rest assured that the Commission has fully investigated and answered these and other persistent questions. His answer was that the staff, including himself of course as Executive Director, made a conscious decision not to dignify these "outrageous conspiracy theories" by investigating them or reporting on them. In my opinion, this statement by Dr. Zelikow lends credence to Professor Griffin's charge that Zelikow's staff acted as a filter of what would be investigated and reported. Dr. Zelikow then told me he could see my point about the public wanting to know more, and he said he would go back to the Commission staff and re-visit the question of what to release. We're still waiting.
Former GW Bush admin official questions physical evidence
To explain the unanticipated free-fall collapses of the twin towers at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001,mainstream,experts (also see The American Professional Constructor, October 2004, pp. 12–18) offer a three-stage argument: 1) an airplane impact weakened each structure, 2) an intense fire thermally weakened structural components that may have suffered damage to fireproofing materials, causing buckling failures, which, in turn, 3) allowed the upper floors to pancake onto the floors below.
Many will nod their head, OK, that does it and go back to watching the NBA finals or whatever, but I find this theory just about as satisfying as the fantastic conspiracy theory that "19 young Arabs acting at the behest of Islamist extremists headquartered in distant Afghanistan" caused 9/11. The government’s collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its own terms, but its blinkered narrowness and lack of breadth is the paramount defect unshared by its principal scientific rival – controlled demolition. Only professional demolition appears to account for the full range of facts associated with the collapses of WTC 1 (North Tower), WTC 2 (South Tower), and the much-overlooked collapse of the 47-story WTC building 7
The engineering establishment’s theory has further difficulties. It is well-known that the hole in the west wing of the Pentagon, less than 18-foot diameter, was too small to accommodate a Boeing 757, but the North Tower’s hole wasn’t big enough for a Boeing 767 either, the alleged widebody airliner used on AA Flight 11 (officially tail number N334AA, FAA-listed as "destroyed"). A Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 155’ 1" (47.6 m) yet the maximum distance across the hole in the North Tower was about 115 feet (35 m), a hole undersized by some 40 feet or 26 percent. "The last few feet at the tips of the wings did not even break through the exterior columns," comments
Hufschmid(p. 27). But 20 feet on each wing? I’d call that a substantial difference, not "the last few feet," especially since aircraft impact holes tend to be three times the size of the aircraft, reflecting the fact that fuel-laden airliners flying into buildings send things smashing about in a big way. The small size of the holes in both towers casts doubt on the airliner-impact hypothesis and favors professional demolition again. There were no reports of plane parts, especially wings, shorn off in the collision and bounced to the ground on the northeast side of the tower.
The WTC 1 and Pentagon holes were not alone in being too small. Photos show that the hole in WTC 2 also was too small to have been caused by the crash of a Boeing 767. In fact, the South Tower hole is substantially smaller than the North Tower hole.
Momentous political and social consequences would follow if impartial observers concluded that professionals imploded the WTC. If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an "inside job" and a government attack on America would be compelling. Meanwhile, the job of scientists, engineers and impartial researchers everywhere is to get the scientific and engineering analysis of 9/11 right, "though heaven should fall." Unfortunately, getting it right in today’s "security state" demands daring because explosives and structural
expertshave been intimidated in their analyses of the collapses of 9/11.
Just a few excerpts from a much longer article there...
It turns out this isn't as groundbreaking as may seem at first glance. Reynolds covered much of the same points in an article focusing on the NORAD standdown more than 14 months ago.
Reality bites: Garofalo dips toe in 9/11 truth
From911TruthActionJun 5, 2005
I'm not a big fan of Air America radio, as most of it is just the same old left-gatekeeper stuff.
But I have to say I've been highly impressed with Janeane Garofalo lately! She's on from 6 - 9pm central time with co-host Sam Cedar. Their show is called Majority Report.
For several weeks now, Janeane hasn't let a show go by without some criticism of the official 9/11 story. And she keeps getting more & more critical of it. She's discussed the CIA insider trading/Airline put options, she's discussed NORAD being ordered to stand down, she's discussed Bin Laden being CIA, she's discussed PsyOps and mind control, etc. She's had guests on from
Guerilla News Networkwho've been producing 9/11 skeptic material for years now. She's done everything but come out & shout: "9/11 was an inside job!" A couple weeks ago she said; "I think I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist". Then, a couple days ago she said: "Maybe the conspiracy theorists aren't crazy after all." She even promoted William Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse"!
But guess what? Her show is in danger. In a recent Rolling Stone article, they said that her show had the weakest ratings on the network. Probably bullshit. They probably just want an excuse to cancel her.
She's almost a 100% toward coming on board the 9/11 truth movement. Help her out by sending good 9/11 info & writing the show athttp://majorityreportradio.com/
It will be interesting to see how far Air America lets Garofalo push the inside-job meme before they axe her.
The second is that the motive for the resultant oil grab by these villains would be spun as something done to get the last remaining energy reserves. In fact, the opposite is the case. The game of the NWO crowd is to control all energy sources, (which are plenty plentiful), so as to turn the spigot to the fuel of the world economy off and on as they please.
One person who understood this was Col. L Fletcher Prouty, the JFK-assassination whistleblower and inspiration for the "Mr. X" character in Oliver Stone's JFK.
Here is a commentary on the matter left behind by the late hero, from prouty.org
Greasing the Palms of the Oil Barons
In the first place what is oil? Is it 85% carbon, 13% hydrogen and 0.5% oxygen with traces of sulfur and nitrogen. Most geochemists ( in the pay of oil companies) believe that the oil originates from the decomposition of organic matter. They would have us believe that because organic matter - that is, formerly living organisms - is quantifiably a very limited source, the supply of oil itself must be limited.
It is not.
Oil is often called a "fossil" fuel; the idea being that it comes from formerly living organisms. This may have been plausible back when oil wells were drilled into the fossil layers of the earth's crust; but today, great quantities of oil are found in deeper wells that are found below the level of any fossils. How could then could oil have come from fossils, or decomposed former living matter, if it exists in rock formations far below layers of fossils - the evidence of formerly living organisms? It must not come from living matter at all!
Furthermore, if all the plants, insects and animals that ever lived were all squeezed into a massive ooze, there is no way they could have amounted to the volume of oil that has been found to date. They just would not make that much juice. On top of this, oil geochemists will admit, if pressed, that if all the oil wells ever drilled by their so - called scientific methods of divining had been drilled totally at random, they would have found as much oil with random drilling as by " educated " drilling. In other words, there is a lot of oil down there.....most everywhere. Just drill for it - and if you don't strike it, drill a little deeper.
There can only be one answer to the misinformation we have about oil. The oil men have always wanted a monopoly control, and with it, they want to charge as much money as they can for every gallon of gasoline. With this, they gross hundreds of billions of dollars per - year. They want us to believe that our present rate of oil consumption, we have possibly 20 to 30 years before we run out. They make this sound credible with their " decomposed organic matter" fable.
By bursting this bubble and pulling the plug on this scenario, we discover that petroleum is a natural organic product that is rising, in enormous quantities , from deep within the earth; with deeper drilling, as wildcatters are already doing, there will adequate oil for a long, long time, even at the present rate of consumption.
From 1956 to 1971, the number of giant oil fields more than doubled as drills go deep into the Paleozoic strata and below. Today, there is a glut on the market, and those who control oil are doing all they can to limit production in order to keep the prices very high. To do this, they get a lot of government help.
Shortly before William J. Casey became the head of the CIA, he made a speech before the American Bar Association during which he advocated " international agreements to establish commodity reserves and maintain prices". This is the kind of policy oil men like. At the same conference, Hans Heymann, one of Casey's deputies at the CIA, talked about the "enormous oil inventory building that we've had", and that " we (CIA) developed a system of institutions and codes of conduct that make it far easier for those who influence the international marketplace to exercise that influence". It is " those who influence the marketplace" who are the oil barons, and they are taking us for hundreds of billions of dollars every year - with the aid of almost all Western governments.
L. Fletcher Prouty
Flight 93 Story Crumbles Apart
In addition to the likelihood that Flight 93 never existedwe now have good reason to call bullshit on the whole operation: The "plane" was not flying East but West and here's why this is important.
White House, NY Dems squabble over 9/11 ca$h
New York has yet to spend $125 million for workers injured in the attacks of September 11, 2001, and their aftermath. Tired of waiting, the federal government wants the money back.
New York lawmakers are trying to hold on to the funds ahead of a House committee meeting next week to consider reclaiming the money, as the Bush administration has proposed for the budget year that begins Oct. 1.
Twenty-one lawmakers from the state, including Democratic Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles E. Schumer, want the White House to redirect the money toward health programs for ground zero workers affected with long-term lung problems that might not appear for years.[...]
The federal government agreed to give more than $20 billion to help New York recover from the attacks. The money included $175 million for the state's workers' compensation program. But as the claims were processed, the bulk of the money was not spent.
A report last year by the Government Accountability Office found that New York spent $44 million to pay out money quickly through other state agencies.
C-SPAN callers slam 9/11 WarrenCommissioner Hamilton
Lee Hamilton, Former Vice Chairman of the September 11 Commission and Former
U.S. Representative (D-IN), discusses "government progress in following the
recommendations of the 9-11 Commission".
5/26/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 45 min.
Here are some highlights, expanded from notes posted by Nico Haupt to 911TruthAction
~13:44 -- Female caller from NYC asks why the Commission gave a free ride to Gen, Myers and Sec. Rumsfeld... regarding the five wargames the morning of 9/11
~19:30 -- A caller mentions Hamilton's long history of covering up for the Bush family and points out that when in the House, he fired investigators who were digging in to the October Surprise scandal. The caller cites Robert Parry of consortiumnews.com forhis research on the Hamilton-Bush cover-up connections.
~ 27:14 -- A female caller asks why the Commission report didn't mention WTC7, considering that WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein statement admitted they decided to "pull it" on PBS, mentioning the URL http://prisonplanet.com/011904wtc7.html
~ 30:58 -- A caller from Columbia asks about Transportation Sec. Mineta's Commission Testimony on Cheney screaming that "the order still stands" as information came in of a plane being 50 miles out, 10 miles out, etc. from DC. Why didn't the Commission look further into what Cheney was doing and where he was in the chain of command at that time?
~ 34:16 -- Call about David Ray Griffin's recent lecture on C|Span/Book TV on
"...government engineering 9/11...", supported by "standing ovation"
Hamilton responded, in part, "I'm not familiar with Griffin's work...His claims are extraordinary... I'm very skeptical about this..." (Hamilton did admit to having heard about the Griffin book). Hamilton claims he has seen "no evidence" of an inside job!
~ 37:56 -- Caller from Wisconsin asks why was no one in the govt was held accountable for 9/11?
Flynt's Hustler runs 9/11 truth expose
Uploaded to IndyMedia
Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State
We're also glad to note that Jones used this website's research in two instances in the film -- the 1976 Rolling Stone interviewin which Arnold Schwarzenegger discusses his childhood dreams of being a Hitlerian dictator, and a still from our video document of the exterior of the Bohemian Club in downtown San Francisco.
You can order the DVD form Jones, or, if you're cheap, someone is hosting a copy for free download here.
Make sure to catch Jones' confrontation with Michael Moore during the second hour. Jones asks why "Farenheit 9/11" whitewashed the NORAD standdown.
9/11 witness/whistleblower says no Boeing at WTC
9/11 witness, whistleblower and financial analyst Andrea Psoras recently launched this broadside against people attacking 9/11 truth philanthropist Jimmy Walter for including questiopns of physical evidence on his ReOpen911websiteand European truth tour.From911truthalliance mail list May 27, 2005
Have we all seen 'wag the dog'? And considering no one else on the list was there that morning except me, I am telling you, the motor on the craft I heard was not a passenger jet motor and the sound of the crash didn't carry to the building just accross the street where I was standing, about four or so blocks away. So again like the Pentagon, we aren't looking at anything as large as a passenger jet.
Given how likewise on some of the films, the aircraft does appear to disappear in the buildings, it is easy to argue against the Bush crime team's pathetic excuse about 'passenger' jets. It was definitely something smaller, given some of the actual photos as these objects crossed in front of the both towers. As I was in the WFC across the street in order for it to come over me then hit WTC 2, what I heard contradicts the official account.
Choice is yours: Believe the sociopath Bush crime team Fourth Reich/Zionista/neocon cabal of mass murderers or give credence to what I am explaining, who from day 1 has known that it is an inside job, down to having heard the demolition in the complex...
I was there that morning and I'm not far from giving credence somewhat to holograms, scalar weapons, and a fairly slick charade with some sort of aircraft, which i do not believe were really boeing 7*7 or whatever is alleged.
Considering Lockheed Martin ("LMCO") has a seat at the table with Mineta as Secretary of Transportation and his former LMCO underling LMCO had installed as head of the FAA and LMCO was then given the air traffic control contract, give me a break. They've been planning this since at least 1997 with PNAC. So feel foolish to doubt if in fact far more sophisticated areo strategies were used than passenger jets, and besides, the passenger jets alleged were Boeing and that was a contractor who was on the 'outside' while LMCO - LOCKHEED MARTIN, had and has had the inside track with much of this plan.
New book covers-up real Mohammed Atta
Mini-review: 'Perfect Soldiers is perfect dreck... But dreck which speaks volumes about the state of the 9.11 cover-up."
With almost nothing new, McDermott's book is instructive only in what it leaves out: who Atta was and who recruited him. McDermott deals with the stickier facts, even ones reported by numerous sources, through the simple expedient of blithely ignoring them.
McDermott, in a curious oversight, doesn't even mention secretive flight school financier Wally Hilliard or sidekick 'Magic Dutch Boy' Rudi Dekkers....
In an interview on Hardball with Chris Matthews McDermott tries to dismiss reports of the hijackers high-living ways. But Matthews already knew otherwise. "It seems like they (the hijackers) came to America and hung out in sort of the underworld," he said. "They hung out at the fast- food places, the strip bars-- the sleazy side of American life..."
"I don't think it's true to say that most of these guys did that," McDermott retorted. "I mean, Atta, for instance, never went in a strip club in his life. This guy was so repressed that I don't think he ever had an impure thought."