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(読売新聞) - 5月23日12時28分更新
A Letter to Our Readers
May 30 issue (前略)
One of the frustrating aspects of our initial inquiry is that we seem to have taken so many appropriate steps in reporting the Guantanamo story. On the basis of what we know now, I've seen nothing to suggest that our people acted unethically or unprofessionally. Veteran reporter Michael Isikoff relied on a well-placed and historically reliable government source. We sought comment from one military spokesman (he declined) and provided the entire story to a senior Defense Department official, who disputed one assertion (which we changed) and said nothing about the charge of abusing the Qur'an. Had he objected to the allegations, I am confident that we would have at the very least revised the item, but we mistakenly took the official's silence for confirmation.
初期の内部調査において苛立たしい側面の一つは、グアンタナモ米軍基地の記事を報道するにあたり我々は多くの適切な手順を踏んでいたと思われる事だ。我々が今現在知りうる事実に基けば、弊社社員が非倫理的だったりプロ精神に悖るような振る舞いをしていると暗示させられるようなものは見当たらなかった。ベテランリポーターMichael Isikoffは適所に所属していた歴史的にも信頼できる政府情報筋を信頼していた。我々は(却下されたが)一人の軍のスポークスマンからのコメントを求め、国防省上級職員に報道内容の全てを渡した、その上級職員は内容のうち一つの主張に異議を唱え(記事中では変更済み)コーランの冒涜に関する告発については何も述べなかった。もし彼がコーランに関する申し立てに反論したら、最低限でも我々はその個所を変更しただろう。しかし我々は誤まって職員の暗黙の了解と理解してしまった。
It now seems clear that we didn't know enough or do enough before publication, and if our traditional procedures did not prevent the mistake, then it is time to clarify and strengthen a number of our policies.
In the weeks to come we will be reviewing ways to improve our news-gathering processes overall. But after consultations with Mark Whitaker and Jon Meacham, we are taking the following steps now:
数週間内に我々の取材過程全般を改善する為の方法を検討する予定ですが、(件の記事を書いた)Mark WhitakerとJon Meachamと協議の結果、即日下記の処置をとる事とします。
We will raise the standards for the use of anonymous sources throughout the magazine. Historically, unnamed sources have helped to break or advance stories of great national importance, but overuse can lead to distrust among readers and carelessness among journalists. As always, the burden of proof should lie with the reporters and their editors to show why a promise of anonymity serves the reader. From now on, only the editor or the managing editor, or other top editors they specifically appoint, will have the authority to sign off on the use of an anonymous source.
We will step up our commitment to help the reader understand the nature of a confidential source's access to information and his or her reasons for demanding anonymity. As they often are now, the name and position of such a source will be shared upon request with a designated top editor. Our goal is to ensure that we have properly assessed, on a confidential basis, the source's credibility and motives before publishing and to make sure that we characterize the source appropriately. The cryptic phrase "sources said" will never again be the sole attribution for a story in NEWSWEEK.
When information provided by a source wishing to remain anonymous is essential to a sensitive story-alleging misconduct or reflecting a highly contentious point of view, for example-we pledge a renewed effort to seek a second independent source or other corroborating evidence. When the pursuit of the public interest requires the use of a single confidential source in such a story, we will attempt to provide the comment and the context to the subject of the story in advance of publication for confirmation, denial or correction. Tacit affirmation, by anyone, no matter how highly placed or apparently knowledgeable, will not qualify as a secondary source.
These guidelines on sourcing are clearly related to the Guantanamo story, but this is also a good time to reaffirm several larger principles that guide us as well. We will remain vigilant about making sure that sensitive issues receive the discussion and reflection they deserve. While there will always be the impulse to get an exclusive story into the magazine quickly, we will continue to value accuracy above all else. We are committed to holding stories for as long as necessary in order to be confident of the facts. If that puts us at a competitive disadvantage on any particular story, so be it. The reward, in accuracy and public trust, is more than worth the price. Finally, when we make a mistake-as institutions and individuals inevitably do-we will confront it, correct it quickly and learn from the experience.
I have had the privilege of being part of NEWSWEEK's proud editorial tradition for nearly 35 years. I can assure you that the talented and honorable people who publish NEWSWEEK today are dedicated to making sure that what appears on every page in the magazine is as fair and accurate as it can possibly be. Based on what we know now, we fell short in our story about Guantanamo Bay. Trust is hard won and easily lost, and to our readers, we pledge to earn their renewed confidence by producing the best possible magazine each and every week.
Richard M. Smith
Chairman and Editor-in-Chief
− 記事に匿名情報源を使用する際は編集長等任命された特定の編集幹部の許可制にし責任の所在を明確にしたり、
− 必ず別のソースを探すことで「消息筋」だけが唯一の情報源にならないようにして、
− もし匿名情報しかソースが無い時は必ず報道の対象者に事前に内容を伝え確認・否認・修正を行ってもらい
− しかも「暗黙の了解は情報源にならない」という報道指針を決めた。
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