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The Lone Gunman
投稿者 The Lone Gunman 日時 2006 年 2 月 01 日 19:19:30: VfKwMBtj/n/c.

TV Show Previews WTC Attack Many
Months Before 911

In February of 2000, The Lone Gunman series aired on FOX TV. The pilot episode was about a commercial airliner being flown into the World Trade Center Towers 19 mos. before 9/11.
[ Click here to download the 3 meg trailer.
Windows Media Player format]http://www.rense.com/1.imagesD/lonegunmanpilo.WMV

From: Ted Hudacko
Note: According to this fan website the pilot aired on 03/04/01. This is still 6 months in advance of the attacks. The website states that the pilot episode was filmed March 20 - April 7, 2000\



From Thora Rasmussen
British Columbia, Canada

Just a few silly comments...

We don't need the Patriot Act, we just need to hire people to watch TV.
- or -
You don't need to watch the "Mainstream" News to know what bad things are happening, just watch TV, it will tell you what's coming.
I used to wonder what kind of strange imagination was needed to come up with programs like the X-Files, now since coming to your website and one other ( http://www.davidicke.com ) I realize that they are getting a lot of their plot lines from real life. Now the question is, what kind of maniacs do we have running the assylum, and what kind of life leads a person to do the things that these people do?

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