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by Brian Downing Quig
by Brian Downing Quig
If you have not seen Oliver Stone's 72 million dollar movie reenactment of the the JFK murder cover-up, don't waste a heart beat. This is the first movie in American history to receive bad reviews before it was made! Discover why for yourself. The answer is more than obvious. Next issue I will devote to this last ditch effort to redirect U.S. history. If JFK dose not turn this country around nothing else will. Next issue I will reveal the identities of Mr. X, General Y, the Williams couple and the higher-ups that Oliver Stone dared not mention.
This month's article addresses matters left unsaid in 1991. OPERATION DESERT IGNORANCE dominated the landscape of last year's events, propelling us ever closer to the NEW WORLD ORDER. In as far as I have seen no analysis which comes close to doing justice to this strategic event in any underground publication, let alone in any major media, let me repeat an analysis of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty given 1-17-1991 when the war was 2 days in progress.
The Mid-East war was a war fought over too much oil! To be more precise it was something that looked like a war. Bush, Gorbachev and Hussein planned the war together for their mutual benefit. In the 2 years preceding the war the known oil reserves (the numbers upon which the futures market is calculated) increased 30% in Iraq, 40% in Kuwait and doubled in Saudi Arabia! A virtual glut of oil had appeared on the world's market which was having disastrous impacts on those oil companies pumping oil elsewhere in the world. Something had to be done to take this oil glut off the market. Iraqi oil was embargoed and 600 wells in Kuwait were set on fire. How did this effect world oil prices? Not at all. Despite this, after the war prices fell just below the pre-war price.
Following the invasion of Kuwait in August of 1991 oil prices doubled. Who was the world's principal beneficiary? After the massive parade of Mid-East experts before the major media it remained unsaid that the Soviet Union at this time was pumping 4 times the quantity of oil as the world's next largest producer, Saudi Arabia. All the while these exact figures were published in the futures section of the WALL STREET JOURNAL. After this extraordinary windfall we are expected to believe that the Soviet Union is suddenly bankrupt. Prouty revealed that the largest oil reserves in Iraq are those of the Rockefeller interests and that Saddam is merely a puppet who would not think of acting contrary to the wishes of David Rockefeller (currently the chairman of both the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and the North American TRILATERAL COMMISSION.)
Sherman Skolnic (HOTLINE NEWS 312-731-1100) has petitioned the Federal District Court in Chicago to release bank records from the BCCI affiliate there which disclose enormous joint business ventures of George Bush with Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega and 3 other repugnant world dictators. Skolnic has also uncovered the list of 105 congressmen and senators bribed by BCCI. This list begins from the most influential and goes down. BCCI contributed lavishly to both the Bush and the Dukakas presidential campaigns. This should explain why (so obviously) Dukakus never tried to win.
Funding for a full scale congressional investigation of the OCTOBER SURPRISE (the allegation that the Reagan)Bush campaign cut a weapons deal with the Iranians in exchange for the delay of the release of U.S hostages) is soon to come to a vote on the House floor. Barbara Honegger, author of the best selling book OCTOBER SURPRISE, was told that if she could prove the CIA background of Spencer Oliver, the Chief Council for the Senate committee investigating OCTOBER SURPRISE, that he would be replaced. Guess what? She did and a new chief council was appointed.
During the 1975 PIKE COMMITTEE investigation of the untoward events surrounding the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon, I had an opportunity to question John Dean, Nixon's personal attorney. A chill fell over the room when I started asking about the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and the shooting of George Wallace. It was clear everyone else there thought I was out of line and it would have been easy for Dean to duck this line of questioning. His answer was most direct. He said that "Bob Bennett and Spencer Oliver should be investigated in this regard" and that "all the similar CIA types connected to WATERGATE had since dropped out of sight in all media coverage".
I was a bear cub back then and it was not until the investigations of the SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS two years later that I was to learn who these men were. Bob Bennett was the direct superior of Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt at the CIA's public relations firm, MULLEN AND COMPANY and Spencer Oliver's office at the DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS was the target of the bread)in. The U.S. intelligence community is so incestuous that what we had was the CIA working with the REPUBLICANS breaking into the office of the CIA working with the DEMOCRATS! Add to this the disclosure that Alexander Butterfield, who sealed Nixon's fate by revealing the existence of the White House tapes, was in fact the highest ranking CIA official in the White House (unknown to Nixon) and it is easy to conclude that the CIA is enormously significant and should be watched with the utmost care.
There never was a diversion of funds from the Iranian weapons deals to the Nicaraguan Contras. The administration was faced with two very serious problems back then. Millions of dollars were disappearing from the Iranian weapons deals in the Middle East and millions of dollars were miraculously appearing to fund the resupply of the Contras in Latin America (after congress had turned off all funding via the Boland Amendment).
The Mid-East money was disappearing into the accounts of Secord\Hakem and company and the Contras were being funded by major cocaine trafficking into the United States. Someone in the Reagan administration (probably Ed Meece) had the brilliant idea that the two birds could be killed with one stone. La voila! The diversion of profits from the weapons deals to the Contras.
The puffed up wimps on the IRAN\CONTRA COMMITTEE complied with this contrivance by adopting two ground rules for their well televised hearings. First they would examine nothing that happened before 1985. Second, they ruled that narcotics trafficking would be outside the mandate of their investigation.
A national news black-out continues in the case of the nine murdered Buddhists monks in Phoenix, Arizona. This international outrage and bazaar law enforcement treatment raises many red flags and indicates cover-up at the highest levels of state and federal government. After my September article, NARCO TERRORISM AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT indicating the most probable motive for this crime to involve the PHOENIX BANGKOK HEROIN CONNECTION, the spokesperson for the Thai community here, Smith Thongkam, was extradited back to Los Angeles on a 1978 flight to avoid prosecution for major heroin possession.
He was found with $10 million of China White heroin back then when he was the president of the Los Angeles Thai community. No newspaper, radio or TV in Arizona has put forth one word of speculation that there could be a connection here to the murders! If there is a mention of these murders in your newspapers please send a copy to me.
The 4 kids from Tucson who were arrested for the Buddhists murders that I indicated were obviously innocent in my October article have been released by law enforcement for lack of evidence. No one here seems to be bothered by the fact that the MARICOPA COUNTY SHERIFF extracted confessions from innocent people. Two juveniles have since been arrested with supposed connections to the weapons used for the murders. It is doubtful these juveniles are the murderers.
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