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見つけた資料の中から、いくつかご紹介します。最初はJane and Burt Boyarが書いた「Hitler Stopped by Franco」という本の紹介記事の一部です。
Hitler Stopped by Franco
By Jane and Burt Boyar
Thoroughly documented, these facts also spell out Franco's effort on behalf of Jews, an effort that saved perhaps as many as 60,000 from the Nazi concentration camps. In 1940 he refused to submit to Hitler's demand to institute anti-Jewish legislation in Spain. Instead, several months after meeting Hitler on the Spanish border of occupied France, Franco facilitated the founding of Instituto Arias Montano, a scholarly organization devoted to the study of Hebrew, Sephardic and near-Eastern cultures in Madrid, as well as the establishment of the scholarly journal Sefarad (Hebrew for Spain and the Iberian Peninsula), one of the world's finest Jewish publications. He opened the Spanish border to Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, ordering Spanish embassies and consulates to provide asylum and Spanish passports.
Furthermore, beginning in 1945, Franco helped the Jewish Agency smuggle the survivors of concentration camps to Palestine, against the wishes of the British. Starting in 1956, he opened the way for Moroccan Jews to travel en masse to Israel via the Spanish Sahara. He signed the document of abrogation of the 1492 Edict of Expulsion of Spanish Jews. During all the wars that Arabs states waged against Israel, Franco personally intervened with Arab governments to save Jews from persecution.
The authors have countless positive things to say about Franco, yet one should not overlook a questionable fact about his background that they include. The family name Franco is rare in Spain. Some Spaniards with this name believe that they are descendants of Spanish Jews, the Marranos, who converted to Catholicism in 1492 to escape expulsion from Spain. Whether this is true and whether Franco believed this, as the authors maintain, is impossible to ascertain. What is certain is that further historical review of the man is long overdue, both to prove that he was not only a Spanish patriot of great wisdom but also a friend and benefactor of the Jews.
Furthermore, beginning in 1945, Franco helped the Jewish Agency smuggle the survivors of concentration camps to Palestine, against the wishes of the British. Starting in 1956, he opened the way for Moroccan Jews to travel en masse to Israel via the Spanish Sahara.
次は、米国のユダヤ人団体によるものですが、このページの表題はHOLOCAUST 'MISCONCEPTIONS'、つまり『ホロコースト「思い違い」』です。当然ですがホロコーストを否定しているわけではなく、また「600万人」という数字をそのまま使っています。しかしなかなか興味深い内容です。
Sinai Heritage Director Rabbi Yitschak Rudomin argued that the Axis powers were not entirely responsible for the deaths of the six million Jews during the World War II.
"Japan did not have a policy of genocide against the Jews," said Rudomin. "When they took over Shanghai - a city where many Jewish refugees fled to - the Japanese continued to allow free passage to the city."
"Also, Spain under Franco helped save more Jews than any other county during the war," he added. "Anyone who could make it to Spain or one of its embassies survived. This is a fact."
The Jewish Professionals Institute (J.P.I.) was established in the 1980s to provide mature, sophisticated Jewish adults engaged in modern professions the opportunity to get acquainted with their heritage.
¿Fue Franco un antisemita?(フランコは反ユダヤ主義者だったか?)
De la misma manera, a partir de 1943 Franco permitió que un número nada despreciable de judíos cruzara España huyendo del Holocausto. El número de judíos salvados por ese medio quizá no pueda evaluarse nunca con exactitud, pero con certeza se trató de una cifra de cinco dígitos al menos. Naturalmente, se puede objetar que Franco limitó formalmente la protección diplomática española a los judíos de origen sefardí, pero lo cierto es que, en la práctica, el auxilio humanitario se hizo extensible a todo tipo de judíos. Así, nadie puso reparos a que diplomáticos como Ángel Sanz Briz con destino en Budapest ampliara la protección a los judíos askenazíes.