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以前にもBob Chapmanの記事をご紹介しましたが、以下の抜き書きは2月26日の記事(http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/ptrainwreck.php?Id=66)からです。欧米の支配層が何を企んでいるかを良く理解してください。何度も言っていますように、日本に住んで在外資産を持っているのは危険です。欧米経済の崩壊が起これば全部没収される可能性があります。後半に書いてあるCato Instituteの成り立ちにご注意。アメリカの金融業は不良債権の激増で崩壊寸前ですので国民の年金を横取りする必要があるのです。前に彼らは3兆ドルの不良債権をSPEに隠していると私が書いたことを思い出して下さい。多分、日本人の貯蓄を略奪するのに時間が掛かりすぎて間に合わなくなったからでしょう。
Political globalism began in 1948. Commercial globalism got underway in the 1950s. You can remember the book and the movie"The Ugly American". It was not called regime change in those days but the CIA was busy at its work via AID and other organizations. The European Common Market and EFTA were evolving and then GATT followed by WTO, the European Union and NAFTA. Many nations did not like the ultimate goal of world government. They protested and were either liquidated or their governments were overthrown. In the early 1970s, the IMF and the World Bank used loans to nations that they knew they could never pay back to entrap them and push them to the edge of bankruptcy, so that these two agencies could drag these nations into the new world order. London and New York also took aim at the currencies of these nations to bring them into line. The most vulnerable countries were in Africa, some in Asia and many in Central and South America and Mexico. These nations lost in many ways their ability to develop their own economies. The way out was to use slave labor to allow transnational corporations to loot their natural resources and their people. How it works is the bankers go into the country first and if that did not work the CIA would follow. In recent years, we have had the slave labor countries competing with each other bringing even cheaper goods to the US and Europe and a lower standard of living for the cheap labor. At the same time this cheap labor and that of illegal aliens have brought wages and purchasing power down in the US and Europe. This process over the past 20 years, and particularly over the past ten years, has closed factories and service companies and caused them to move overseas to the sites of cheap labor. Americans and Europeans did not realize it yet, but their countries are in a state of collapse and that is being done by design. The US and Germany, the engines of the Western World, are bankrupt; they just do not know it yet. No matter the quality of your products and your productivity growth, you cannot compete with slave labor. That means in the not too far distant future they will officially be bankrupt. They can no longer compete. Either third world wages have to rise to their levels or tariffs have to be imposed. It is as simple as that.
We envision the bankruptcy of many nations. In Europe and the US, we see debt repudiation, which will affect every nation in the world, as they hold 70% of our debt. We see worldwide currency controls instituted by the US. The dollars and debt outside the US will be frozen. The currency inside the US will be changed. Interest rates will rise to 20%, and as the system is purged unemployment will rise to 35%, but will be somewhat offside by a Selective Service draft of some five million young Americans, who will fight our foreign wars as our volunteers have for the past four years, as our elitist leadership engages in seizing control, financial control and ownership of raw materials assets commodities. This is a race for power. The EU, UK and Japan will be forced to join in this endeavor to meet the challenge from Russia, China and others.
The elitists are not interested in the human race, only themselves and the exercise of total power. They want to manage the earth's resources to their ends. The US and Europe have squandered their technological superiority. They must retrieve that leadership if they want to stand any chance of financial survival. The bill for our future, which we have mortgaged, has finally come due. Once the public finally perceives that the system is coming down hopefully there will be a commonality of interests. If that does not occur, the whole world will be in revolution. The price will be stupendous and the elitist power will be eliminated.
As we pointed out previously, Wall Street expects to make more than $1 trillion on the investment of Social Security funds. This infusion of cash would provide 25% of all cash flows into Wall Street stock and bond funds in the foreseeable future. Needless to say, Wall Street is directly financing the anti-Social Security campaign. Part of that effort is channeled through the free trade think-tank Cato Institute. In antiquity, Cato was known as Cato the Carthage hater. In response to his propaganda, Rome invaded Carthage and totally destroyed it. Republicans under the direction of Bush, Cheney and Rove, House Speaker Hestert and Senate minority leader Frist have launched a nine-month campaign to bring about Social Security partial Privatization Legislation. One hundred million dollars will be spent on TV-AD propaganda against Social Security and for corporatist privatization. The message will be, particularly to the young, that Social Security is broke. The privatization plan is based on massive benefit cuts while adding as much as $2 trillion to federal debt. You would think Congress could spend the effort more effectively by helping to find a solution for the more than $450 billion shortfall in under-funded private pensions. Cato is an arm of the Mont Pelerin Society formed in 1947 in Vevey, in France, across Lake Geneva, in Switzerland at the Hotel du Parc. Attending were Friedrich A. Von Hayek, founder of the Austrian School of Economics, Ludwig Von Mises, monetarist Milton Friedman, philosopher Karl Popper and journalist Walter Lippman. The most powerful elitist oligarchical families were in attendance as well. Sir John Clapham of the Bank of England who was president of the Royal Society, which was the model for the Council on Foreign Relations, Otto Von Hapsburg, Max Von Turn und Taxis the second most powerful and rich family in Europe, and bankers from the City of London and Wall Street. In forming this group they controlled both sides of the debate. The boards and commissions were staffed by who's who at the CFR and Trilateral Commission. The funding comes from JPMorgan Chase, Citicorp/Solomon Brothers, American International Insurance, that is AIG run by the Maurice Greenberg crime family, the Chicago-Mercantile Exchange, the Bond Market Association, the Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation, the Harry and Lynde Bradley Foundation, Olin Foundation, the Koch Foundations, Charles G. and David H. Koch Foundations and the Claude Lamb Foundation. The group has recommended a change in indexing of initial Social Security benefits from the wage-based system that would hedonically slash retiree benefits over several decades down to about 20% of the average wage. This would be done to offset the money being poured into Wall Street. The conspiracy desperately needs this Social Security change to keep the stock market from collapsing. The vote on this issue will be the most important legislative vote in the last 100 years. If Bush and the elitists are defeated, it will permanently damage their effort to soon bring about world government.
Social Security gives workers no binding rights to their payments so those benefits can be cut or changed, or even taken away at any time. The government could at anytime default on the $1.5 trillion Treasury bonds held by the Social Security Trust Fund. This argument will be used to try to arrange for the diversion of the entire 6.2% of a worker's payroll tax into Individual Accounts. Cato has organized fake fronts to attack the system and make it look like popular support. Now, as well Congress is being "educated" (paid-off and threatened) about how the changes will benefit the country, that is elitist money and power interests.
Thus, Cato is a propaganda mechanism. One of its offshoots is "For Our Grandchildren". This is supposed to be a grassroots organization of grandparents who are concerned that their grandchildren will not get Social Security and targets propaganda at young people. One of the members of FOG's National Advisory Council is Jose Pinera, the elitist who gave Chile their disastrous privatization plan. Another agitprop is United Seniors Association, Cato's main elderly "constituency group for privatization". Cato's senior Social Security analyst, Andrew Biggs, is running a covert operation inside the Social Security Administration. He dispatched a "policy brief" internal document that mandates that all Social Security managers are required to present the idea "that Social Security faces dire financial problems requiring immediate action". These same groups also want to decriminalize drugs and have espoused that position since 1947.
The privatization of Social Security is a vast looting operation for the benefit of Wall Street and others. Mont Pelerin-Cato oligarchs directing the looting are former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger, as well as William F. Buckley. As you can see the entire program is another elitist charade. It also spotlights how the elitists infiltrate and/ or create opposition how people such as in Von Hayek, Ludwig Von Mises and Milton Friedman get sucked or sucked us in.