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(回答先: Re: HAARPさんへ・・・教えてください 投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2005 年 5 月 26 日 19:57:22)
Sun Shineさん はじめまして。 横入り失礼します。
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About the Author
"Sir" Miles Davis was inducted into the Knights of Malta in November 1988.
自叙伝共著者 クインシー・トゥループ Miles and Me から
Quincy Troupe -MILES AND ME
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75 That same year, on November 13, Miles was inducted into the Knights of Malta at
the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain.
Topic: Knights of Malta
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta, better known as the Sovereign Military Order of
Malta or SMOM, is a Catholic lay order and claims to be a sovereign
entity and which has permanent observer status at the United Nations.
For one-upmanship, check out the grave of "Sir" Miles Davis.
Although the famed trumpeter was inducted into the Knights of Malta in 1988,
three years before his death, most members of the order rarely use
the honorific "Sir." Davis' family, however, chose to inscribe "Sir"
on the headstone so he wouldn't be outdone by Duke Ellington, who's
buried across the road.
The Order of Knights Hospitalers, St. John, Rhodes and Malta
The Knights are also sworn to instantly forsake everything and everyone and
hasten to the aid of the Pope should they be called. They are sworn to
absolute and total obedience to the Pope forsaking all other allegiances or
duties or obligations whatsoever.
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta
The case of SMOM is similar to the Vatican's case in this sense.
The Vatican also has citizens (1500 persons), but there is nobody with
only Vatican citizenship. For example, the Pope is citizen of both the
Vatican and Poland. The other peculiarity is that the Vatican issues
only diplomatic passports, so this is a country, where all the citizens
are diplomats. SMOM has the same practice.