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Bush falls on bike ride
President suffers minor scrapes during jaunt on his ranch
From Dana Bash
CNN Washington Bureau
Saturday, May 22, 2004 Posted: 10:51 PM EDT (0251 GMT) Saturday, May 22, 2004 Posted: 10:51 PM EDT (0251 GMT)
CRAWFORD, Texas (CNN) -- President Bush fell off his bicycle Saturday while riding on his ranch, according to White House spokesman Trent Duffy.
Bush, who was accompanied on his bike ride by his doctor, Richard Tubb, a military agent and a member of the Secret Service, fell about 16 miles into a 17-mile ride.
Bush suffered minor abrasions to his chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees, but was able to ride back home, Duffy said.
Tubb treated the president at the scene. Bush was wearing a helmet and a mouth guard when he fell, Duffy said.
Reporters were told not to be surprised if the president is bandaged next time he appears in public.
Bush is scheduled to deliver an "important speech" Monday night about the transfer of political power in Iraq. The speech will be televised at 8 p.m. from the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Last June in Kennebunkport, the president fell while riding a "Segway Human Transporter." First lady Laura Bush witnessed the spill; a picture of Bush falling forward was published on numerous Web sites. He was not injured.
In January 2002, Bush fainted for a brief time in the residence of the White House while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television.
At the time, Tubb said the president blacked out and fell to the floor from a couch but appeared to have recovered quickly.
Following that incident, Bush had a bruise on his lower lip and a scrape on his left cheek bone about the size of a half-dollar. Bush believed his head either hit the floor or a table next to the couch and that his glasses cut his face.
Despite Saturday's fall, the president and first lady still planned to go to a graduation celebration in Austin for their daughter Jenna.
The White House confirmed that Jenna did not go to her University of Texas graduation ceremony Saturday to pick up her English degree.
Her parents had already decided not to attend, saying they did not want to disrupt the event by their presence and that of White House security.
Jenna's twin sister, Barbara, graduates Monday from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, with a degree in humanities.
Her parents gave the same reason for not attending her ceremony. Aides said they plan to have a private dinner later.
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