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何故2度なのでしょう? 何が爆破燃焼したのでしょう。
> on the morning of september 11th, 2001 the FBI visited at least two private businesses near the pentagon and confiscated several security camera video tapes.
business #1 is the cigto gas station with several security cameras aimed in the direction of the pentagon. flight flew directly over the gas station at an altitude of roughly 50 feet, less than 3 seconds from impact.
business #2 is the sheraton national hotel. it is known, based upon a prior FOIA report filed by CNN which requested the tapes - that the sheraton's security cameras DID capture the plane - however because of national security, the FBI won't release the video.
no one can say for sure why the FBI is reluctant to release the videos. it could just be a matter of policy, or it could have to do - as many suspect - with the notion that keeping the videos from the public is helping to fuel wild conspiracy theories. these theories - that no 757 hit the pentagon - helps discredit the 9/11 truth movement in general, and keeps people's focus away from such topics as WTC building 7. <
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