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(回答先: 911陰謀説をポピュラーメカニックス誌が解明 投稿者 H2 日時 2005 年 3 月 07 日 11:23:40)
▲Alex Jones Responds To Ben Chertoff, Popular Mechanics 9/11 Debunking Campaign
Alex Jones responds to the Popular Mechanics 9/11 debunking exercise. Popular Mechanics featured a so-called 'serious analysis' of alternative explanations behind 9/11 in their March issue.
In actual fact, the entire article was a straw man exercise. Popular Mechanics attributed false arguments to researchers and then attacked them. On top of that they lied outright by claiming that there was only one intercept of errant aircraft before 9/11.
Alex also addresses the issue of Ben Chertoff, the chief editor of the piece, being cousins with Michael Chertoff, the new Secretery of Homeland Security, an agency which owes its very existence to the establishment version of the 9/11 attack.
This page will be updated as and when new information arises.
Related: Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man
Related: Chertoff's Cousin Penned Popular Mechanics 9/11 Hit Piece
We are asking our readers to make a transcript of this audio and E mail it to subscribers@prisonplanet.tv, Popular Mechanics must be challenged face to face and forced to make retractions to their sloppily researched article.
Click here to leave a message at the Popular Mechanics blog site. We are getting reports tha
they are deliberately censoring comments which challenge their hit piece.
This letter for example was never published
Call Popular Mechanics at 212-649-2000 or fax them at 212-586-5562. Ask for Meigs or Chertoff's office. Please be polite when making your point.
Alex Jones also interviewed Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press. Bollyn blew the whistle on the cosy Chertoff Homeland Security family. Click here for the interview.
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