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モサドが予算倍増を懇願 【エルサレム・ポスト】
投稿者 珍米小泉 日時 2005 年 1 月 08 日 12:41:23:pf4b7l.gG.Nfg


Mossad wants to double its budget

The Mossad wants its budget for 2005 nearly doubled, Army Radio reported on Monday.

According to the report, which quoted anonymous sources present at a meeting of the Knesset's Secret Services Subcommittee, the request for more funding was raised during a recent meeting between the committee members, who are all MKs, and the spy agency's top brass.

The sources added that some members said the requested budget was exaggerated. Committee chairman MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud) held a contrary opinion.

The leaked report caused an uproar in the Knesset on Monday since the Secret Services Subcommittee is considered the most secure forum in the Knesset, and details from its proceedings are rarely leaked to the press.

Shin Bet (Internal Security Agency) head Avi Dichter has repeatedly said that the only place where a Shin Bet chief can speak freely without concern that his remarks would be leaked to the media is not at the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and not even at the cabinet, but only at the Knesset Secret Services Subcommittee.

It appears the increased budget request stems from the growing threat of an ominous Iranian nuclear capability and the growing concern international terror groups may carry out a large-scale attack in Israel or against Israeli interests overseas.

A source at the Prime Minister's Office, who spoke with Maariv's NRG Web site, said in response to the leaked information, "This incident is extremely severe. If this persists, we would consider further scaling back the forum and carrying out debates just with the chairman and not the MKs".

Last week, the Rubinstein Commission, set up to determine the structure of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and its related sub-committees (including the Secret Services one) set the subcommittee's clearance level at the highest possible level - the top notch of the top secret sub-classifications.

The conclusions of the commission, headed by former MK Professor Amnon Rubinstein, have yet to be inked in Knesset regulations.

Speaking with The Jerusalem Post on Monday, Professor Rubinstein reacted by saying, "If the report is true, then I deeply regret it since we recommended giving the subcommittee many responsibilities because we were assured that its proceedings would not be leaked."

Committee chairman Yuval Steinitz refused to comment on the leak from the classified subcommittee, or to a report that he supports the request.

However, Labor MK Ephraim Sneh, who is a committee member, was upset about the leak and said it would undermine the work of the secret panel.

Two months ago, Channel 2's investigative TV program Uvda reported that more than 200 members of the Mossad, including seven department heads, have left the organization since Meir Dagan took over two years ago, many of them because of discontent with his methods.

Dagan's attempts at making the Mossad more operational have led him to "come up with insane proposals," which department heads had to "ward off," according to reporter Ilana Dayan. "Many in the Mossad feel that there is no adult left at the top echelon of the organization," she said.

According to the program, the Mossad recruited three times more agents this year than in previous years. "He wants more agents and he wants them right away; he doesn't realize that it takes three years to train a useful agent," Dayan quoted one Mossad member as saying.

Sources at the Prime Minister's Office recently said that the Mossad "has become all dagger and no cloak."


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