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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/06
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 6 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 07.01.2005 [07:49 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Thursday, 6 January 2005.
At sunset Thursday, US pulls back from edges of Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods in al-Falluja after the fiercest fighting yet.
In a dispatch posted at 8:59 Mecca time Thursday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that after extremely hard and bloody fighting, US forces had withdrawn from the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods in al-Falluja, which they had intensively assaulted since early morning. Fighting raged there from 8am until around sunset at 5pm, and before that, the Americans had overrun Resistance positions in an-Nazal neighborhood, from which the Resistance withdrew.
The correspondent reported that before they pulled back at sunset, US troops used loudspeakers from a distance of 500 meters to call on the Resistance fighters to surrender themselves to the occupation, after claiming that Resistance commanders ‘Abdallah al-Jannabi and ‘Umar Hadid had “fled from the battlefield, leaving their fighters to face death,” as they put it.
Resistance forces responded to the US verbal assault with a barrage of forty 82mm and 120mm mortar rounds. After that the Americans pulled back towards the an-Nazal neighborhood.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam spoke to the commander of a Resistance organization, Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah Amir who confirmed that the commander ‘Abdallah al-Jannabi was alive and that the commander ‘Umar Hadid was with him, and both of them are at the head of their fighting men at this time.
Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah added that the Resistance fighters were at that time burying the martyrs in the courtyards of houses and car parks, noting that the losses inflicted on the Americans had been extremely heavy, compared with those suffered by the Resistance, despite the disparity in the number of fighters and amount of equipment on the two sides.
Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah said that more than 450 US troops had been killed and 200 more wounded according to Resistance military estimates. More than 140 US tanks and armored vehicles have been destroyed, in addition to more than 53 Humvees set ablaze and destroyed. In addition five US helicopters had been shot down, including three Apaches, and one fighter airplane, as well as six unmanned spyplanes.
“We also succeeded in capturing 18 US troops, three of them wounded,” said Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah. This followed 26 who were captured early in the day in the an-Nazal neighborhood who were later killed when the Resistance was forced to evacuate that area, since it would have been extremely difficult to transport them out of there.
Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah said that as to Resistance losses, “in the an-Nazal neighborhood that the occupation troops dropped gases on and fired internationally banned weapons into, we lost 145 fighters, including 33 fraternal Arab volunteers. We also lost quantities of light and heavy weapons in the battles when US aircraft bombed and rocketed the area. But then we seized twice that amount afterwards, thanks be to God.”
As to the prisoners, Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah said, “we will once again try to exchange them for our prisoners. If the occupation forces refuse, then we will kill them, for we will have no choice.”
Shaykh Abu ‘Abdallah said that this night will be full of surprises for the American forces inside the an-Nazal neighborhood. The Resistance forces have prepared themselves for an expected battle tonight, after having bid farewell to their martyrs.
Resistance blows up booby-trapped houses over Americans in an-Nazal neighborhood.
In a dispatch posted at 3:20pm Thursday afternoon, a correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah reported that four booby-trapped houses in the city had exploded a little while earlier with US occupation troops inside. The bombings occurred in the an-Nazal neighborhood, from which Resistance fighters withdrew at 8am Thursday morning.
A source in the Iraqi Resistance told Mafkarat al-Islam that 45 US troops were killed in the blasted houses, which had been prepared for the Americans in various parts of the neighborhood (near the large water storage facility, near the ash-Shuhada’ school, in front of the al-Qadisiyah Block Works).
After the blasts, US troops stopped raiding houses in the neighborhood that they had taken over. The Americans remained instead outside in the streets and lanes.
Meanwhile, Mafkarat al-Islam reports that the Jami‘ al-Anbiya’ Mosque is the only large mosque in the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood from which the call Allahu akbar! God is greatest! can still be heard. Even there it is being called out in a lowered voice lest US aircraft target it. The volume on the loudspeaker has been set so that the fighters alone can hear it, raising their morale and spirits as they fight, encouraging them not to turn back.
At the moment of the report, the correspondent wrote that the mosque was broadcasting Allahu akbar! and praised God and calling on Him to defeat the enemy and give victory to the Resistance fighters.
The Mafkarat al-Islam representative at the time of reporting was stopped on the outskirts of the al-Jubayl neighborhood on the side of the Resistance. He described the Resistance fighters’ situation as being good. They have reorganized their ranks, while the aggressor troops have been continuously trying to storm into the neighborhood for three hours. But until the moment of writing, they said, thick clouds of smoke could be seen rising from the occupation troops’ vehicles and aircraft. But the Resistance fighters refused to allow the Mafkarat al-Islam representative into al-Fallujah out of fear for their safety as the battle is extremely fierce. They promised to provide him details of the battle as it continues.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Muhammad, one of al-Fallujah’s Resistance commanders, martyred Thursday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 12:35pm Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while previous, the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah had announced the martyrdom of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Muhammad, the commander of the Salafi Forces of Muhammad the Messenger of God in the battles in ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood Thursday morning. He was killed when the US bombed a rocket launcher with which his group was bombarding US forces in the northern part of the city.
The communiqu that announced the commander’s martyrdom, a copy of which Mafkarat al-Islam obtained, said “Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim was 60 years old and was one of the ‘Ulama’ religious scholars famous for his uprightness. Townspeople used to call him “the little Ibn Taymiyah.” His eldest son was martyred three weeks ago in fighting in the old city of al-Fallujah.”
The communiqu said that more than a week ago, the Shaykh had rejected the latest letter from Usamah bin Ladin that called for putting the control of the fighting units in the hands of one man. The Shaykh believed that this would slow down the fighting operations throughout Iraq.
The communiqu noted that Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim left behind a number of books that he had written, one being “at-Tariq ila Allah” The Way to God, and the latest entitled, “al-Jannah fi Zilal as-Suyuf” Paradise is in the shade of swords in which he outlined the ethics of the holy warrior and the Islamic rules and ethics of jihad. He commented on the Prophet Muhammad’s battle plans, their meaning and implications for contemporary warfare, and how the fighter in the path of God today can learn from them.
The communiqu said that Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Muhammad said shortly before the Battle of al-Fallujah, “Paradise has exposed itself to you in all its beauty, so who will buy it with your lives?” This has become the song of the Resistance fighters.
The Resistance communiqu concluded: “May God have mercy on our illustrious Shaykh and give him a home in the expanses of His gardens.”
In massive assault, US forces burst into southern part of al-Fallujah Thursday morning. Most intense fighting under way. Resistance commander calls for the prayers of the Muslims.
In a dispatch posted at 10:45am Mecca time Mafkarat al-Islam reported that extremely massive and fierce fighting was under way in the neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada’, and al-Jubayl in al-Fallujah. US aggressor troops broke into the southern part of the city and seized control of the an-Nazal neighborhood as Resistance fighters withdrew from that district into ash-Shuhada’ where they were at the time of reporting waging extremely grueling combat with the American attackers on the edge of the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods. US troops are backed by F-18 and F-16 fighter bombers and are using heavy artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, and laser-guided missiles.
Shaykh Abu Nur, a Resistance leader, told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam there that “the battle broke out when the US army attacked the an-Nazal neighborhood at 3am this Thursday morning. Grueling battles along all possible approaches, with the Resistance fighters inflicting great losses on the enemy. The battles continued until 8am, after which they the Resistnace pulled back based on orders from the military command after the attackers threw internationally prohibited gases on the Resistance fighters, including mustard gas, nerve gasses, and burning gasses in addition to the use of cluster bombs. Most likely on al-Kubaysat street they used a “nuclear tinged” weapon after they had been unable earlier to break in.”
Shaykh Abu Nur said that Resistance observers reported that the Americans pushed more than 4,000 soldiers and 700 tanks and armored vehicles forward. “We have been able to destroy 80 vehicles and killed dozens of soldiers and took 26 American prisoner. The Resistance killed them after we resolved to withdraw from the neighborhood, since transporting them would have been extremely difficult. Among them were seven high-ranking officers. The occupation forces now control an-Nazal but this is not the end.”
Shaykh Abu Nur went on, “We have lost 132 fighters who were all martyred in the fighting by aircraft attacks. Four of the Resistance commanders were among the dead. But we harvested as much as we wanted of them the enemy troops and their losses were very heavy.” He added, “We shot down a fighter plane with a SAM9. We also downed three Apache helicopters and five unmanned spy planes.”
“Right now we are fighting on the edges of the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods. I don’t know whether they or we will win, because their attack is as close as it can come to a suicidal assault. They haven’t taken losses such as they’ve taken today on any previous day without giving up and withdrawing. The battle today is radically different though. Our one concern is to preserve the fighters in all ways, and to kill or capture as many of them the enemy as we want.”
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam asked Abu Nur whether he thought the Americans could break into the areas now held by the Resistance. Abu Nur replied, “if they get in there, you won’t hear my voice any more, because I will have departed this world, and I hope to hear your voice in Paradise, God willing.”
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam and eyewitnesses report that al-Fallujah now is a flaming ball of fire and smoke, where one can’t see anything.
Abu Nur concluded his interview with an intense call on Muslims: “We ask you not to forget us in your prayers. We ask you not to forget us in your prayers. Today is your day, so don’t be stingy with us. We have no people except you, and our brothers with us. God! God! God be with us!
US admits one Marine killed in al-Anbar Province.
The US military, concealing the true extent as well as the circumstances and nature of their casualties, admitted on Thursday that one American Marine was killed somewhere in al-Anbar Province ミ the province in which both ar-Ramadi and al-Fallujah are located. As usual, the Americans offered no further details on the time, place, or circumstances of the reported death.
Resistance sharp shooters kill three US soldiers, one Lebanese collaborator in ar-Ramadi.
Iraqi Resistance sharpshooters killed three US troops in a street in ar-Ramadi Thursday morning. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the American soldiers were shot down on al-Kass Street in the city a short time before the correspondent filed his report, posted at 3pm Thursday Mecca time. In the same attack Resistance sharpshooters shot and killed a Lebanese translator collaborating with the Americans who was broadcasting American warnings to the local population on their behalf. The correspondent wrote that the three Americans were killed instantly, and that he saw the blood flowing from their faces and that of the Lebanese collaborator.
American aggressors use small children as human shields in assault on ar-Ramadi.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in ar-Ramadi reported that US occupation forces on Thursday morning drove into the western neighborhoods of ar-Ramadi, arresting 32 small children.
Local residents told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US troops lured the children from in front of their houses with candy then put them in tanks or armored vehicles and then attacked the al-Bu Farraj Neighborhood and the 17 April Neighborhood to raid and search houses there.
The correspondent wrote that the Resistance was in an extremely anguished situation, for they could not attack the Americans out of concern for the children whose relatives appealed to the Resistance not to attack the US column for fear that their children would be killed.
US troops stormed into the city at 9am Thursday and were still there when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent sent in his report, posted at 12:25pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon. The Americans arrested 12 persons on charges of being with the Resistance, as the children, being held on the tops of the tanks, were reduced to tears in their terror.
The Resistance did not dare attack the American column which drove around the city however it wanted, taking advantage of the Resistance fighters self-imposed restraint out of consideration of the captive youngsters.
One father agreed that the Resistance should attack the American column even if is son, Hudhayfah, aged 3 would die. But the Resistance rejected his offer.
Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed two military trucks belonging to US occupation forces on the highway in Abu Ghurayb at 9:30am Thursday, killing three US troops.
Two Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at a US column in the adh-Dhahab al-Abyad village area of Abu Ghurayb at about 11am Thursday, disabling two Humvees and killing three American soldiers and wounding five more. The Resistance attackers left the scene in a small car.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted under a cement block in an-Ni‘amiyah near the famous US prison camp in Abu Ghurayb exploded and disabled a US Bradley armored vehicle, killing two US troops and wounding three more.
Resistance attacks in al-Karakh district of Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at US troops on foot near the large Jami‘ al-Musa on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district at about 8:30am Thursday, killing two American soldiers.
At about 12:30pm Thursday, four American Humvees entered al-Mushahadah Street and the al-Fahhamah area of al-Karakh without any escort of armored vehicles. Resistance fighters, therefore met them with hand grenades, damaging them. One of the Humvees was badly disabled and had to stop, the others continued on their way. Three US troops were killed in the attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces hurled hand grenades at puppet “national guards” on foot on Hayfa Street in al-Karakh at about 3:15pm Thursday, killing six puppet guards. After that, puppet guards opened fire indiscriminately but inflicted no casualties.
Resistance attack kills three US troops in al-Ishaqi.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in al-Ishaqi, north of Baghdad at 8:30am Thursday, destroying a Humvee and killing three American soldiers. The blast sent parts of the wrecked Humvee flying over a wide area. Afterwards US troops cordoned off the area.
Resistance bomb blows Bradley armored vehicle apart in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in a dirt path (used by US military vehicles) that lies between two roads in as-Suwayrah exploded at 9:30am Thursday, destroying a US Bradley armored vehicle. Two US Humvees passed over the bomb without it exploding but when the Bradley armored vehicle passed over, the bomb went off, disabling the vehicle and sending parts of it flying around the area. Four US troops were killed in the blast. US troops then opened fire indiscriminately, wounding two local civilians.
Resistance attack in ad-Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in ad-Duwaylibah at about 7:30am Thursday, disabling a Humvee and killing two US soldiers and wounding a third.
Resistance bombing in ar-Rashidiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb on the highway in ar-Rashidiyah exploded at 10:15am Thursday, disabling a US truck and seriously wounding two American soldiers.
Resistance attack kills five US troops in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle and a fuel tank truck belonging to the occupation troops in the Third Bridge area of ar-Ridwaniyah at 11:30am Thursday, killing five US troops. Witnesses said that two Resistance fighters were wounded but they were taken away by their comrades.
Double bombing in al-Mahmudiyah.
Two heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in al-Mahmudiyah at 12:30pm Thursday, destroying a US troop transport. The attack left eight American soldiers dead and five more seriously wounded.
Resistance bombing in al-Makatib in Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the al-Makatib area of Baghdad, destroying a Humvee and killing three American soldiers. US troops then sealed off the area and arrested 14 local innocent people, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.
Resistance attack in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded on the highway in Baghdad’s southern suburb of ad-Durah at about 6:15am Thursday, as a US force including a Humvee and a GMC were passing. The Humvee was destroyed in the blast, and the American column halted. The Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed the GMC command car, in which a US officer was probably riding. Eleven American troops were killed in the attack. Other US forces then opened fire indiscriminately, inflicting material damage on shops and homes in the area.
Resistance bomb targets US troops in al-Bu ‘Isa.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of a road in the al-Bu ‘Isa area exploded at about 2pm Thursday, setting a Bradley armored vehicle ablaze and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth.
Meanwhile, fighters armed with BKC machine guns ambushed puppet “national guards, killing eight of them. Mafkarat al-Islam commented that it did not know the identity of the attacking force.
Resistance fighters ambush US column in al-Ghazaliyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets destroyed a Humvee and a military truck in al-Ghazaliyah at about 4pm Thursday, killing five American soldiers. US troops then sealed off the area and arrested more than 15 persons.
Resistance attacks target US forces in at-Taji.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Mushahadah in at-Taji north of Baghdad at 7:40am Thursday, destroying a truck and killing one US soldier and wounding a second.
Iraqi Resistance fighters detonated bombs under a US force that included a truck and a Humvee in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji at about 10am Thursday. The fighters then attacked the Americans with RPG7 rockets and BKC machineguns, killing four US soldiers. American helicopters then opened fire indiscriminately, killing three local civilians and wounding six more, in addition to disabling two private cars and killing some animals in the area.
Resistance fighters assassinate lackeys.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked and killed two lackeys of the US occupation in the al-I ‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad at 3pm Thursday.
Resistance bomb attack targets US, puppet guards in al-Latifiyah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US and puppet “national guard” forces in al-Latifiyah at 10:30am Thursday, and then Resistance fighters attacked firing RPG7 rockets, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and two late-model Chevrolet cars belonging to the puppet guards. Four US troops and 10 puppet guards were killed and four more guards wounded. Three Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred. Afterwards, the aggressors arrested more than 15 persons.
Seven US troops reported killed in bridge bombing near Tikrit.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded on the bridge that lies at the entrance to the city of Tikrit at 1:30pm Thursday, destroying a Humvee and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. Seven US troops were killed and a number more were wounded. Witnesses said that the Americans did not evacuate their dead or the wrecked vehicle until an hour after the attack.
Iraqi Resistance bombardments throughout Iraq on Thursday.
At 5am Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad, sending flames into the sky.
At 8am Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US camp in Saddam International Airport, sending smoke rising into the sky over the facility for half an hour. Two US medical Black Hawk helicopters landed in the camp to evacuate the casualties.
At about 12:15pm Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.” Smoke rose into the sky after the attack, as sirens wailed inside the facility.
At 12:30pm Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the British base in al-Mahawil, north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq. Smoke rose into the sky after the attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Thursday bombarded the US base in Tikrit in the north of Iraq with Katyusha rockets and 60mm and 82mm mortars, setting off 15 explosions within the US facility.
At 1pm Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At about 4pm Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US camp in the military academy in Baghdad’s ar-Rustamiyah area. Twenty minutes after that attack, a large American column of trucks that was heading for the former military academy came under Resistance rocket attack sending smoke rising from the stricken vehicles for more than half an hour.