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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/03
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 3 January 2005.
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 04.01.2005 [08:47 ] (39 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 3 January 2005.
Al-Fallujah ミ ar-Ramadi.
Communiqu issued by Consultative Council of Mujahideen of al-Fallujah on two months of fighting.
The Consultative Council of Mujahideen of al-Fallujah issued a communiqu concerning the nature and results of the fighting that took place between the occupation and the Resistance in the city between 6 November 2004 and 2 January 2005. The communiqu, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, gave reasons for the withdrawal of Resistance forces from the northern neighborhoods of the city and from the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the city’s eastern section. It also gave a count of US and British losses as well as those suffered by the Resistance.
The withdrawal of Iraqi Resistance forces from parts of the city, the communiqu stated, was part of a governing military plan that aimed at drawing occupation troops into narrow alleys and streets in the city, where tanks and armored vehicles could be surrounded. The aim was to avert heavy US aerial bombing of al-Fallujah. Such bombing had made it impossible for Resistance fighters to remain on open ground on the edges of the city. On the other hand, it was also easier to attack US tanks and armored vehicles when they were inside the city, where it was also possible for Iraqi sharp shooters to pick off US troops.
The communiqu said that no Resistance fighter had retreated or run from battle. Rather, the Resistance had adopted a kind of hit and run tactic wherein the “run” was designed to draw US troops after the fighters, where they could be “hit” yet again, this time with deadly effect.
The communiqu gave a final count of occupation forces’ losses up to 2 January 2005 as follows:
1. More than 6,500 US troops killed and 700 more wounded.
2. More than 425 British troops killed and about 325 wounded.
3. A large number of Americans and Britons captured, some of whom were killed during escape attempts.
4. More than 1,350 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed.
5. About 800 Humvees and personnel carriers destroyed.
6. 41 aircraft, including three fighter planes, shot down.
7. 200 US light and medium weapons seized, as well as hundreds of scopes, bayonets, compasses, bullet-proof vests, and classified maps of occupation positions in al-Anbar Province.
As to Resistance losses, the communiqu stated that 721 Resistance fighters had been killed, including fraternal Arab fighters from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Algeria, and the Sudan. In addition, 215 others had been wounded, but most of them were now in good health and were once again under arms.
The communiqu criticized and condemned al-Jazeera satellite TV which it called “Silent TV,” and the al-‘Arabiyah satellite TV station which it said preferred to cover the fighting from the side of the enemy rather than from the side of the Resistance. The same goes for all the other stations, the communiqu said. Not only that, but those stations broadcast images of the suffering of the people of al-Fallujah, the tears of its children in the refugee camps, the laments of its women over the loss of their children, but filed to show any scenes of the heroism of al-Fallujah’s Resistance fighters such as would arouse a sense of pride in their children. Those stations, in fact became mouthpieces broadcasting what America wanted and desired. The only exception were certain internet websites, the communiqu said, that covered the heroism and triumphs of the Resistance.
The communiqu promised that the information offices of the Resistance organizations would be distributing pictures and films showing the Resistance fighting against the occupation forces. It also promised that there would be more Resistance operations on every inch of the Iraqi territory in coming days.
Policemen clash with US troops in ar-Ramadi after American soldier tries to unveil an Iraqi girl by force.
Clashes erupted between US troops and Iraqi police at a US checkpoint in the center of ar-Ramadi on Monday morning. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the battles broke out at about 10am when a US solider insisted on searching a veiled Iraq girl who was with her mother. The US soldier was determined to lift her veil, claiming that Resistance fighters could disguise themselves in women’s clothing.
Witnesses reported that the Iraqi girl refused to lift the veil from her face, causing the American soldier to try to pull it off by force. At that point the Iraqi policemen intervened and clashed with the Americans, sparking a battle that lasted 15 minutes.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the fighting ended with the Americans arresting five members of the local police force, while four others escaped together with the mother and the Iraqi girl who was never unveiled. The stand of the ar-Ramadi policemen against the American aggressors earned them the strong sympathies of the local people.
Pushcart bomb kills seven US troops in Abu Ghurayb.
Seven US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up in a food vendor cart on the al-Bu ‘Ubayd Street in Abu Ghurayb at 9am Monday. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in Abu Ghurayb reported that US forces had earlier prohibited cars from entering al-Bu ‘Ubayd Street because it had become a frequent scene of Resistance car bomb attacks on the occupation soldiers. The last such bombing on the street took the lives of 14 American troops.
Monday morning’s bombing, therefore, involved not a car, but a pushcart. Street vendors with pushcarts are a frequent site in the Iraqi capital, and this cart, ostensibly for selling Lablabi ミ a local snack made of cooked hummus ミ aroused no suspicion. But the seemingly innocent cart blew up when a US armored vehicle came near, detonated through a telephone wire, the end of which the Americans traced to a livestock pen 200 meters away from the scene of the explosion.
But even the act of tracing the telephone wire to its end proved to be a costly bit of detective work for the Americans. Witnesses said that one US soldier was killed and another wounded when another bomb on the gate of the livestock pen exploded. The witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US troops had trouble identifying the remains of the dead American since his body parts were mingled with the body parts of one of the animals also killed in the blast.
More Iraqi Resistance attacks on Monday in Abu Ghurayb.
Three Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded on az-Zaytun Street in Abu Ghurayb at about 7am Monday, local time, as a US column made up of three Humvees and two Bradley armored vehicles were passing. The blast totally destroyed two Humvees and killed seven US troops and seriously wounded two more. After the bomb attack US troops opened fire indiscriminately in the area, but inflicted only some material damage on nearby buildings.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US Humvee command car was passing along the Old Road in Abu Ghurayb at about 10:30am Monday, destroying the Humvee and killing four US troops aboard it, one of them an American officer.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US column was passing through Abu Ghurayb at about 1pm Monday. Resistance fighters then opened fire on the Americans with BKC machine guns, setting two civilian trucks belonging to the US troops ablaze and killing four American soldiers.
Resistance bombing in al-Iskandariyah.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the middle of a road as a US force was passing through the al-Iskandariyah area near Baghdad at about 3pm Monday, killing four US troops. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that after the blast American troops opened fire indiscriminately on houses and shops, killing two Iraqi civilians and seriously wounding five more.
Resistance bombs kill US troops in Salman Bak Monday morning.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the path of a US force in Salman Bak southeast of Baghdad at about 10:30am Monday, destroying two Humvees and killing five US troops and wounding three more.
Ambush targets US Bradley armored vehicles in al-Ishaqi Monday afternoon.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under two US Bradley armored vehicles in the al-Ishaqi area north of Baghdad at about 4:30pm Monday, whereupon Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets and believed to be hiding behind trees opened fire on the Americans.
Morning bombing hits Americans in ad-Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the middle of a road in ad-Duwaylibah south of Baghdad at about 8:30am Monday morning, destroying a Humvee and sending parts of it flying through the air. Four US troops who were aboard the Humvee were killed in the attack. Afterwards, US troops opened fire indiscriminately on houses and shops nearby. They then gathered up the scattered parts of the Humvee.
Resistance attacks in al-Mushahadah
An Iraqi Resistance land mine exploded and destroyed a US Abrams tank in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at about 10am Monday, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in al-Mushahadah near a river branch at about 2:30pm Monday, destroying a US Humvee and killing four. US troops closed off the area and arrested five local residents.
Resistance car bombing in at-Taji.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded under a US column at the ar-Tarimiyah crossing in at-Taji north of Baghdad, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee and killing seven US troops. Three Iraqis who were near the US column at the time also died in the explosion. Forty-five minutes after the attack, US forces cordoned off the scene of the attack.
Resistance bombing in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance car bomb planted in the middle of a road in the Hur al-Basha area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah exploded at about 11:15am Monday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops. After the blast, US troops opened fire indiscriminately out of fear of an ambush, then they abandoned the vehicle. After about half an hour, they returned and took away their dead along with the wreckage of the vehicle.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US patrol in the ar-Ridwaniyah area Monday, killing eight US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in a dirt road in the al-Qatta‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah exploded at about 11:15am Monday as a US Abrams tank was passing, blowing the tank apart and sending parts flying through the air. Five US troops aboard the vehicle were killed.
Iraqi Resistance bombs planted in the middle of a dirt road in ar-Ridwaniyah exploded at about 3pm Monday, killing three US troops. American soldiers cordoned off the area immediately after the attack and arrested eight people who happened to be in the vicinity.
Bomb attack in as-Suwayrah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad, destroying a military truck and totally demolishing a Humvee. Three US soldiers were killed in the ambush and two more seriously wounded in the attack that took place at about 2:30pm Monday.
Resistance car bomb explodes near Iyyad ‘Allawi’s party headquarters.
A black car burst through a joint US-puppet “national guard” checkpoint on the road leading to the headquarters of the so-called Accord Party headquarters on az-Zaytun Street in downtown Baghdad and exploded at about 10am Monday. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent that the car blew apart at a checkpoint about 150 meters from the headquarters of the “Accord Party,” which is headed by the US-appointed so-called “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi.
The witnesses reported that the explosion killed eight puppet “national guards” and puppet policemen and wounded 23 more. ‘Allawi was not in the party headquarters at the time of the attack, but four US tanks and a large number of Humvees closed off the area, sealing all entrances and exits to the area as two helicopters prowled the skies above.
Earlier, Reuters reported that an explosives-filled car driven by a martyrdom fighter blew up near two puppet police cars at a check point on the road leading to the headquarters of the political party of the US-installed puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi in central Baghdad at about 9:45am Monday. It noted that an official in the puppet so-called “Iraqi ministry of the interior” claimed that the bomb killed two persons and wounded more than 23 others and that the wounded had been taken to Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk hospital. The official said that ‘Allawi’s party headquarters had not been damaged.
Later on Monday the Iraqi Resistance organization called the Army of the Partisans of the Sunnah Prophet’s Practice took responsibility for the bombing in a statement published on an internet website.
Shi‘i clerical leaders pledge allegiance to the US in bid for Washington’s support.
In a suddenly-convened news conference in Baghdad, Shi‘i clerical leaders strove to reassure the United States of their loyalty in a bid to secure US backing for their “victory” in an election farce that is to be staged at the end of the month. Shi‘i clerical leaders told the press, and in the first place the Americans, that in the event that they win the sham “elections,” they would neither try to establish an Iranian-style religious state, nor would they want the United States to withdraw its occupation troops from the country ミ two primary conditions of American support.
‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the collaborationist so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) ミ an organization that sent its armed wing, the Badr Brigades into Iraq along with invading US troops in spring 2003 ミ stressed that the Shi‘i clerical leaders did not want to copy the Iranian regime in Iraq. Al-Hakim, who has the support of pro-American Shi‘i clerical authority ‘Ali as-Sistani, said that they were determined not to ask US forces to withdraw from Iraq in the event that they win the sham “elections.”
Not surprisingly, long-time CIA agent Ahmad Chelebi who has positioned himself as a Shi‘i secular candidate for “leadership” of Iraq (under American supervision) also wants the US troops to remain in the event that he wins the election. Chelebi told the International Herald Tribune that on a recent visit to Tehran, he told Iranian leaders that a Chelebi regime in Iraq “will need the US forces to continue their stay in Iraq for the foreseeable future.”
Resistance martyrdom bomber picks fight to draw crowd of puppet troops, then detonates his car bomb.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at a check point manned by the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in al-Latifiyah at 12:30pm Monday, killing 14 puppet guards. Eyewitnesses described how the martyrdom bomber drove up to puppet guards and started an argument with them, attracting a crowd of them to his car, whereupon he detonated himself and his vehicle, killing 14 puppet guards and wounding 18 others, most of them critically.
Resistance bombs in al-Latifiyah targets US troops.
Two Iraqi Resistance bombs planted in the middle of a dirt road in al-Latifiyah exploded at about 7 o’clock Monday, damaging a US Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding two more, according to eyewitnesses. US troops afterwards cordoned off the area and evacuated their dead and wounded 15 minutes after the blasts. They removed the damaged vehicle a half hour later.
Bayji “election commission” resigns en masse.
The chairman of the “elections commission” charged with organizing the American-ordered “election” farce in the northern Iraqi city of Bayji has announced that the city’s election commission resigned as of Sunday, 2 January 2005. The decision came after many commission members received threats from the Iraqi Resistance. Reuters reported that Muhammad Shahran, who heads the 12-member “supreme commission for the elections” in Bayji said, “we have all resigned,” adding “they say that the elections are illegitimate because they will take place under occupation,” in an apparent reference to the position of the Iraqi Resistance. Two members of the local commission had actually already resigned two months previous. Shahran gave no further details.
All the 700 members of the “election commission” of Iraq’s third largest city, Mosul, resigned last Friday, 31 December 2004. They too cited threats from the Iraqi Resistance that regards any elections held under US bayonets and tank barrels to be illegitimate and unrepresentative. In addition, the Iraqi Islamic Party, a predominantly Sunni organization, withdrew from the race out of similar concerns.
In addition, 69 Iraqi personalities and organizations representing various political and religious currents in the country, including the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars, have signed a declaration saying that they will be boycotting the sham elections. Another list of 106 persons outside of Iraq have called for a boycott of the farcical vote. The Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ said that it opposed elections in the present conditions, when the country is occupied and free and fair elections cannot be held. The Board said that any elections held at this time would produce an incorrect result, totally excluding the Iraqi patriotic option. The Board said that the intent of the “election” is merely to give a veneer of legitimacy to the US occupation of the country.
US newspaper: 182 Resistance attacks on Iraqi oil infrastructure since June 2003.
The American Christian Science Monitor reported on Monday that “security problems are the main obstacle” to attracting foreign investment in the Iraqi oil industry. Iraqi Resistance forces are determined to prevent the US occupation from plundering their country’s oil wealth and according to the American newspaper, the have been enormously successful in keeping foreign profit seekers out.
According to a report by the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security quoted by the Christian Science Monitor, there have been 182 Resistance attacks on Iraq’s energy infrastructure since Juen 2003. Even Hilal ‘Abbud al-Bayyati, economics adviser for the US-installed puppet “prime minister” Iyyad ‘Allawi admits that the Resistance attacks have cut Iraqi oil output by some 400,000 to 600,000 barrels per day. This has made foreign, mainly American, capitalists reluctant to invest in the Iraqi energy industry, despite the privatization strategy championed by the American-installed rulers in Iraq’s puppet regime.
Al-Bayyati told the American newspaper that his regime “wants to make things easy” for foreign investors, adding that the American-appointed government has “taken steps towards a market economy where the private sector and foreign investors will play a big role in the economy.”
Iraq possesses huge potential reserves of oil ミ estimated at between 45 billion to as high as 100 billion barrels ミ and thus exerts an incredible attraction to western business interests. But even the most greedy are proving unwilling to invest the estimated $2 billion to $3 billion needed to rebuild the oil infrastructure ミ particularly since the Resistance has been singularly successful in setting fire to the oil to keep foreign interests from profiting off the American invasion.
Resistance attack kills two officers in puppet police in Bayji as 11 others quit their jobs.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police reported that two officers in the puppet police, one of them a lieutenant colonel, were killed on Monday in the north of Bayji. Another 11 puppet policemen quit their jobs.
The source in the puppet police station in the west of Bayji said that Lieutenant Colonel Faz‘ Husayn and Major Salam Dahham al-Jannabi, both of the puppet police were killed Monday morning by the Iraqi Resistance when a number of fighters in cars simultaneously attacked a checkpoint in the as-Siniyah section of the city.
Dr. Husayn Khalaf al-Jabburi of Tikrit General Hospital told Reuters that the two “were struck by a large number of bullets in various parts of their bodies.”
Meanwhile, Reuters reported a source in the puppet police in Bayji as saying that 11 puppet policemen from the as-Siniyah district police station tendered their resignations on Monday. Some of those resigning were officers in the force. The source said that numerous members of the puppet police had received messages telling them to quit their jobs serving the occupation and threatening them if they failed to do so.
US falls back after three days of fierce fighting around Tal‘afar.
In a dispatch posted at 5:25pm Monday afternoon Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US troops shortly before had withdrawn from the outskirts of the city of Tal‘afar, scene of bitter fighting between themselves and the Resistance on Sunday. The Americans reportedly pulled back in all four directions from the city, after their efforts to break into the Resistance stronghold for three days ended in costly failure.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that they saw five US trucks hauling away the wreckage of American tanks and armored vehicles destroyed on Sunday and Monday morning.
Al-Hajj Abu Yahya, the commander of one of the Resistance groups, said that more than 70 US tanks and armored vehicles had been destroyed in the days of fighting, and that more than 250 American troops had been killed. Four Black Hawk and three Apache helicopters had been shot down by the Resistance, he said.
Abu Yahya also told Mafkarat al-Islam that 129 Resistance fighters had been martyred in the fighting, including four women fighters and nine youths, all of whom had been buried in a grave yard dubbed the Martyrs’ Cemetery, specially for those killed in the battles.
Resistance attack sparks morning battle in Samarra’.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US armored vehicle in the al-Mu‘tasim neighborhood of Samarra’ at 10am Monday morning, killing five American soldiers and wounding three more.
US troops then gathered at the scene of the attack and Resistance fighters, hidden in the area cleared the street of passers by and got shops to close and then attacked the Americans with rocket-propelled grenades, bazookas and other light and heavy arms. Local residents told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US responded in a big way to the double ambush, starting fighting that lasted for a whole hour. This was in contrast to the more usual American practice which is to withdraw from any place where a Resistance attack takes place, whether the attack was a bombing or a rocket assault.
The battle in the streets ended with nine US soldiers dead and seven Resistance fighters martyred. US troops continued to open fire around themsevles indiscriminately after they left the area and until they got back to their military base west of Samarra’.
Tikrit - Balad.
Resistance roadside bombs blast US, puppet guards Monday morning.
Two Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded as a joint patrol of US and puppet “national guards” was passing along in Tikrit at about 9:15am Monday, destroying a US Humvee and a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet guards, killing three US troops and wounding a fourth and killing six puppet guards.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a truck carrying puppet “national guards” in Tikrit at about 10:15am Monday, killing seven puppet guards and seriously wounding nine more.
Resistance car bomb strikes puppet guards in Balad.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in Tikrit, killing six puppet “national guards” and wounding 14 more in the Balad area, north of Tikrit on Monday.
Three collaborators assassinated.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles killed three persons who were collaborating with the US occupation forces in Tikrit at about 1:30pm Monday
Resistance bombards US, British consulates in al-Basrah Sunday night.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in southern Iraq reported Monday that the US and British consulates in al-Basrah had come under simultaneous Iraqi Resistance mortar attack at 8pm Sunday night. Eight mortar rounds blasted into the US consulate, causing the second floor to collapse entirely and sending up clouds of smoke.
About 500 meters from the US consulate, the consulate of Britain was struck by about 12 mortar shells, killing a number of British personnel. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, who was on the scene of the attacks an hour after they occurred, reported that witnesses described how British helicopters had evacuated a number of bodies from their consulate.
Several Humvees drove into the US consulate area and came out 15 minutes later. It was unknown whether they evacuated any casualties.
US guns fired back in the direction of the source of the Resistance bombardment ミ the al-‘Ashshar area south of the city ミ but no one was killed in that attack. US troops also arrested seven persons who happened to be in a Sunni mosque in al-Basrah, accusing them of being behind the shelling.
Resistance bombardments around Iraq on Monday.
At about 7:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in al-Ghazaliyah, sending smoke rising into the sky. The puppet guards then sent out patrols to search the area for the Resistance attackers.
At 8am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three 82mm mortar rounds into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” sending smoke rising into the sky over the facility.
At 8am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US facility set up in Saddam International Airport southwest of Baghdad.
At 9am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad, sending thick black smoke rising over the target areas in the American camp.
At 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the southern US camp in Tikrit, sending smoke rising into the sky over the camp. A US Black Hawk helicopter was observed landing in the area and then taking off, presumably to evacuate casualties.
At about 9:30am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US facility set up in Saddam International Airport southwest of Baghdad.
At 10am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” setting off warning sirens and sending smoke rising into the sky over the target area.
At 10am Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US camp set up in the former headquarters of the Iraqi chiefs of staff in Baghdad’s al-‘Amiriyah district.
At 12:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a powerful Tariq rocket into the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” setting off warning sirens in the area of the US-occupied facility and sending clouds of smoke into the sky.
Between 1pm and 3pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired 29 Grad and Katyusha rockets and 120mm mortar rounds into the US facility set up in Saddam International Airport southwest of Baghdad.
At 1:30pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in al-Ghazaliyah.
At 1:40pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 3pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired ten 82mm mortar rounds into the Saddamiyah Palace in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district.
At 5pm Monday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the Saddamiyah Palace in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district.