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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/02
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 2 January 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 03.01.2005 [07:00 ] (61 reads)
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 2 January 2005.
Al-Fallujah ミ ar-Ramadi ミ al-Anbar Province.
Girl martyrdom driver blasts into US forces in ar-Ramadi.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that a Resistance car bomb exploded amidst a US column in the al-Iskan neighborhood west of ar-Ramadi at 2pm Sunday, destroying two Humvees and killing seven US troops and wounding one more. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported from the scene that the driver of the car bomb was a girl martyrdom fighter who drove the Chevrolet into the US troops and vehicles.
Her body was found 40 meters from the blast site. Her body looked as if she were sleeping, the correspondent wrote; it was not lacerated they way the bodies of the dead Americans were. And her clothing continued to cover her modestly. At the time of initial reporting, the identity of the girl martyrdom Resistance fighter remained unknown.
She was taken away from the scene and buried quickly out of fear that her body might fall into the hands of the Americans who would deface the body as they do with all the bodies of Resistance fighters that fall into their clutches.
Resistance storms governorate building in al-Anbar.
An Iraqi Resistance detachment stormed the main US headquarters in the building housing the governorate offices in al-Anbar at 11am Sunday, driving out all the employees and then seizing a number of rocket launchers and light and medium weapons. They also stormed the map and information room, where they took possession of what was there and then set the room ablaze. That room was regularly used by US forces for meetings with the local puppet police and puppet “national guard.”
Eyewitnesses reported that 20 mortar rounds crashed into the US base in the area at 1pm Sunday sending clouds of thick smoke into the sky.
Resistance pounds US forces north and northeast of al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces poured rocket fire into US positions north of al-Fallujah. The local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that as of 6pm local time Sunday, the Resistance had fired more than 40 Tariq and Grad rockets at US forces in the residential area north of al-Fallujah and the US base in the agricultural area to the city’s northeast.
Two US troops killed in bombing northeast of al-Fallujah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US Humvee in the al-Bu Shihab area northeast of al-Fallujah, killing two US troops on Sunday.
Resistance bomb flips armored vehicle over, but US troops not killed.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded near a US armored vehicle, flipping it over, but not inflicting any deaths among the invader troops.
Resistance car bomb kills five US troops in al-Khalidiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at 10am Sunday at a US checkpoint in the al-Khalidiyah area, 80km west of Baghdad, killing five US troops and wounding six more according to witnesses.
US brings busloads of prisoners and 150 military vehicles to al-Fallujah area.
A US column of more than 150 military vehicles entered al-Fallujah on Sunday, together with three busloads of prisoners, each bus carrying 44 prisoners. The busses went into the agricultural area northeast of the city. It is unknown whether the prisoners are civilians from al-Fallujah whom the Americans intend to release as a good-will gesture towards the city, or whether they area captive Resistance fighters whom the Americans intend to use as human shields in their attacks on the Resistance in the city.
Elderly man dies when US troops fire tear gas at crowd. US prohibits TV from covering story.
US forces on Sunday dropped tear gas on the people of al-Fallujah as they gathered trying to get into their city. As a result, one local Iraqi died. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans unleashed the tear gas after the sound of explosions and intermittent clashes were heard early Sunday morning in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood in the north of the city.
Hundreds of the people of al-Fallujah who had been waiting to get into the city became more insistent prompting the Americans to throw sound grenades and tear gas grenades. As a result a 65-year old local man was killed in an incident also witnessed by the crew of an Arab TV station that claimed to be impartial, but nevertheless failed to report the death due to threats from the Americans that they would not be allowed to cover further events in al-Fallujah if they broadcast that story.
Twelve Resistance bombs explode by US column in as-Saqlawiyah.
Twelve Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded as a US column was passing along the highway in as-Saqlawiyah around midday Sunday. No details on US casualties were immediately available.
Resistance fighters booby-trap dog, kill US soldier in al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces booby-trapped a stray dog and sent it towards a group of US troops at a crossroads on the old al-Atibba’ Street in al-Fallujah. The blast killed one US soldier and wounded another. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city said that they fighters had placed one and a half kilograms of TNT on the dog and wired it to a timer, then sent the dog towards a gathering of US troops. The bomb blew up five meters from the US troops. This tactic has been used several times, on all occasions successfully, by the fighters.
US harasses father of 8-year old torture victim.
The father of Dawud Salman, the 8-year old boy arrested and tortured on Saturday after he threw a stone and US troops, posted a big white sign on the door of his house Sunday on which was written a verse of poetry that read:
“When one of our infants is weaned and becomes a youth,
Tyrants fall down on their knees before him.”
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Qa’im reported that US troops showed up at the boy’s home at 9am on Sunday and found the sign. They asked their translator to interpret it and when they learned its meaning became enraged and tore it up. They then knocked on the door and threatened al-Hajj Salman that they would arrest him on charges of defamation of the US army.
US forces on Saturday, 1 January 2005 arrested Dawud Salman after he threw a stone that hit an American soldier in the head. The 8-year old was tortured all day long and then dumped on a road, according to his father who told the story to Mafkarat al-Islam.
Resistance bombards US base in al-Qa’im.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired four mortar rounds at the US base in the customs section of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border at 7:05pm Sunday night. US forces responded, firing 10 rockets at the area where the Resistance fire originated.
Resistance dummy kills 10 US troops in elaborate ruse.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Mushahadah, north of Baghdad, sewed a dummy out of cotton cloth, filled it with explosives and dressed it in Arab clothing in such a way that it looked like an elderly man. The Resistance fighters placed to dummy by the side of a road in the al-Makarimah area of al-Mushahadah and next to it three gasoline cans filled with fuel, making it look as though it were a man selling cans of gasoline illegally. A column of three US Humvees drew up to the “man” in order to arrest “him” and confiscate his black market gasoline.
But as soon as the US troops got out of their Humvees, Resistance fighters blew up the booby-trapped dummy and the gasoline cans, killing 10 US troops and destroying their three Humvees. About a half an hour later US forces encircled the area and arrested six citizens who happened to be around.
Resistance martyrdom operation using a mule cart leaves US general dead.
An Iraqi Resistance operation has resulted in the death of a US general, according to a report from Mafkarat al-Islam. The website reported Sunday that the attack began with two Iraqi Resistance fighters: one fighter drove a mule cart while the other fighter carried four C5K rockets and lay hidden inside the cart, under a load of clover (fodder). The rockets were rigged so that they could be fired by remote control when the cart was in position. The mule cart road up along a US military column made up of three Humvees, in one of which was riding a US general.
When the mule cart was opposite the generals Humvee it stopped and at that instant one of the fighters fired the four C5K rockets into the American column. The Resistance fighters then completed their guerrilla operation, destroying the three Humvees, including that of the general, and also destroying two Nissan pickup trucks belonging to the puppet “national guards” who were accompanying the American column.
Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the US troops were at a loss when they found the mule and the cart still there, next to the wreckage of the American column. The US troops encircled the spot with dozens of tanks and armored vehicles as helicopters hovered in the sky overhead. Then the Americans “arrested” the mule and led it off inside their base.
The two Resistance fighters were martyred in the attack that also killed nine US occupation troops, including the US general. The number of dead puppet guards is unknown. The story was confirmed by an officer in the puppet “national guards,” who also said that the American general was among the dead.
Resistance bomb attacks in ad-Durah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters hid a bomb in a garbage bag and planted on the side of the highway in ad-Durah at 8:15am Sunday morning. When it exploded, it killed three US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded on an earthen farm road in the Bahur Rajab area of ad-Durah at 1:15pm Sunday. After it exploded, US troops opened fire indiscriminately and then arrested three Iraqis who happened to be in the vicinity.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in a sewer opening in the al-Athuriyn area of ad-Durah exploded at about 12:15pm Sunday, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops. Fifteen minutes later American soldiers removed the wreckage of the Humvee.
Mafkarat al-Islam also reported that at another time on Sunday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the middle of a road in ad-Durah on Sunday, destroying a Humvee.
Resistance bombings in al-Mushahadah and al-Makarim.
Iraqi Resistance forces planted two bombs at a temporary American barrier set up to reduce the flow of traffic out of fear of Resistance attacks. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the two bombs exploded in al-Mushahadah and al-Makarim near Baghdad at about 5 o’clock, destroying two Humvees and killing seven US troops. After the blast American troops surrounded the area and then, a half an hour later, opened the area again, having removed both the wrecked vehicles.
Attacks in al-Mushahadah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Mushahadah at about 3:45pm Sunday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops
Iraqi Resistance forces fired twelve 82mm mortar rounds at a joint US-puppet “national guard” checkpoint at about 12 noon, destroying one Humvee, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle, and killing eight US troops and six puppet guards.
Attack in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a US column, made up of trucks escorted by Humvees, was passing through as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad. One Humvee was destroyed and the column halted. A group of Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked the US column as it halted at about 9:30am Sunday, destroying two trucks and one other Humvee. Witnesses said that six US troops were killed and two others wounded with burns.
Sunday Resistance attacks west of Baghdad.
An Iraqi roadside bomb exploded west of Baghdad at about 9:30am Sunday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops aboard it. US forces opened fire indiscriminately, wounding Iraqi civilians.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the old road at exactly 12:30pm Sunday, killing three US troops and seriously wounding two more. US troops then arrested nine Iraqi civilians who happened to be in the area when the blast occurred.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military column in the al-Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb at about 2pm Sunday. After the blast, Resistance fighters attacked with RPG7 rockets. A military fuel tanker was destroyed in the attack and five American soldiers were killed.
Resistance bomb attack in ad-Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in ad-Duwaylibah, west of Baghdad at about 2:30pm Sunday, killing four US troops.
Resistance attacks in ar-Ridwaniyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on a road in the al-Qatta‘ area of ar-Ridwaniyah south of Baghdad at 7:30am Sunday, destroying a US Abrams tank and killing five US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle in ar-Ridwaniyah at 1:30pm Sunday, killing two US troops. Afterwards, US forces opened fire indiscriminately, but no one was killed.
Iraqi Resistance attacks around Baghdad Sunday.
Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked and killed two US troops, one of them a Lebanese, driving a Blue Jeep Cherokee as they came out of the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” at about 9am Sunday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Ghazaliyah west of Baghdad at about 12 noon Sunday, destroying a Humvee and a civilian truck and killing six US troops.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked a US armored vehicle and a truck loaded with mineral water for US troops in ar-Rashidiyah at 1pm Sunday, killing seven American soldiers.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the middle of a road in al-Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops, one of them believed to have been an officer.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-I‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad at about 10:30am Sunday, killing two US troops and wounding a third.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded as a civilian truck belonging to the US military was passing through Baghdad’s ash-Sha‘b area at about 3:30pm Sunday, destroying the truck and killing one US soldier and severely wounding a second.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad at about 3:30pm Sunday, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier and wounding a second.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-‘Amiriyah, west of Baghdad at about 4:30pm Sunday, disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing or wounding two US troops.
Resistance bomb and landmine attacks in at-Tarimiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the at-Tarimiyah area at 9am Sunday, killing four US troops, eyewitnesses reported.
Four US troops were killed when an Iraqi Resistance landmine exploded on a road leading to a plastic works in at-Tarimiyah north of Baghdad. Eyewitnesses reported that the mine blew up under a US Abrams tank at exactly 10:15am, totally destroying it.
Resistance attacks target puppet forces.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded in the area between Balad and ad-Dujayl at about 8:30am Sunday, killing 29 puppet “national guards.” Earlier, the US military admitted that 18 puppet guards had been killed in Balad.
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah at about 11am Sunday, destroying a pickup belonging to the puppet “national guard” and killing six puppet guards. Other guards then opened fire indiscriminately around the area, disabling some private cars but not killing anyone.
Fighting between the Resistance and the puppet “national gaurds” broke out in as-Sayyidiyah at 3pm Sunday, destroying two pickups and leaving six puppet guards dead. Witnesses said that the Resistance fighters fired RPG7 rockets and machine guns in the fighting.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles attacked and killed a puppet “national guard” in Baghdad’s al-Kazimiyah district on Sunday morning.
Three Americans, six puppet guards killed in Resistance grenade attack.
Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at US troops and puppet “national guards” in the al-Fahhamah and al-Mushahadah area of Baghdad at 12 noon, killing six puppet boards and three US troops.
Videos from Resistance groups show attacks.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV broadcast a video tape in which an Iraqi Resistance organization called the Salafi Group for the Jihad al-Jama‘ah as-Salafiyah lil-Jihad took responsibility for a bomb that blew up under a US foot patrol, destroying a Humvee in a Baghdad neighborhood.
Another video shoed showed the blowing up of four US Humvees near ar-Ramadi. The Brigades of the 1920 Revolution declared its responsibility for that attack. The video showed Resistance fighters firing several rockets at a US base near al-Fallujah and a number of mortar shells at a US base near ar-Ramadi.
Meanwhile the Resistance organization known as the Qa‘idat al-Jihad fi Bilad ar-Rafidayn The Base of Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers, which is led by Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi and associated with al-Qa‘idah under Usamah bin Ladin, claimed credit for several attacks on US forces and the puppet police and puppet “national guards” in the last few days, including two car bombings three days ago in Mosul. A video from the group showed the fighters reading from the Qur’an and their wills, then saying farewell to their comrades. It also showed scenes of the actual bombings themselves of facilities belonging to the US occupation.
Resistance attacks on al-Latifiyah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah at 9:15am Sunday, destroying one Bradley armored vehicle and one Nissan pickup and killing three Americans and wounding one more, and killing five puppet “national guards.”
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets and driving a black car got out of the vehicle in the as-Sayyid ‘Abdallah area west of al-Latifiyah at 10:15am and destroyed two Humvees and killed eight US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area west of al-Latifiyah at 3pm Sunday destroying a Humvee, and then Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked US forces and destroyed a Humvee command car and killed seven US troops, one of them an officer. The US forces halted and arrested 20 local residents, among them children between the ages of 13 and 15.
An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded near a puppet “national guard” point in al-Latifiyah at 3:30pm Sunday, killing 18 puppet guards. The force then withdrew to its base.
Women join men fighters in fierce battles underway in Tal‘afar. Woman martyr buried by husband, sons Sunday morning.
Grueling battles raged in Tal‘afar near Mosul on Sunday, beginning at 4am and continuing through the sunset hours, Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in the area reported in a dispatch posted at 4pm Mecca time Sunday (5pm local time).
Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that more than 19 US vehicles had been set ablaze in the course of the battles, and that US fighter planes had been bombing and rocketing the ‘Anbar Tarah neighborhood which is known officially as the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood where US troops had taken heavy losses.
The correspondent reported that local women were also taking part in the fighting alongside the men, one of them dying a woman martyr in the battle against the US invaders in the city. She was the wife of one of the male Resistance fighters. The husband and his children buried the martyred wife and mother at about 10am local time, Sunday.
Mosques in the city proclaimed the call “God is greatest!” Allahu akbar! and chanted “Arise to jihad, arise to salvation!” Local people think that the US order prohibiting any journalist from entering Mosul or taking pictures there without the permission of the Americans was just the preparation for the offensive that they launched today on Tal‘afar.
Nevertheless, Mafkarat al-Islam wrote that it is determined to cover the events of the battles today in Mosul, whatever the cost, and is sending a correspondent from Baghdad to the city to help the correspondent already there.
Tal ‘afar Update: 50 “national guards” join Resistance during fighting, Resistance captures four Americans, US arrests three journalists for trying to cover the fighting.
In a dispatch posted at 9:10pm Mecca time, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Mosul and the special correspondent sent from Baghdad reported that the fighting in Tal‘afar was still going on at 7pm local time. Resistance fighters had shot down two US Apache helicopters in the al-Ba‘th neighborhood in the center of town.
The Resistance caught three lackeys who had been carrying laser disks for which are used to send signals to US aircraft so that they can target Resistance positions for attack. After their guilt was proved and the laser disks were found in their pockets, the lackeys were executed. One of them was of Kurdish ethnicity, another was of the Christian religion. Al-Hajj Abu Yahya, who spoke to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent, said that US forces had been wiped out of the southern part of the city and that the old fighters will be the ones who will decide how things go in the next few hours of battle.
Abu Yahya said that 21 Resistance fighters had been killed in the battle and that 43 others had been wounded. Among the martyrs was Abu Yahya’s own son ‘Umar, 13, who was killed in an American air raid.
As to US losses, Abu Yahya said that more than 70 Americans had been killed in the fighting as of that hour. Later the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that four US troops were captured by the Resistance and that 50 puppet “national guards” had gone over to the side of the Resistance in the city. US forces, for their part, captured three journalists on the road leading to Tal‘afar, violating the American ban on news coverage.
Japanese news agency closes as-Samawah office.
The Japanese Kyodo News Agency has closed its office in the city of as-Samawah, where the Japanese aggressor contingent is based, 270km south of Baghdad. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the step was taken as a result of recent Resistance attacks on the Japanese base and out of fear that Japanese journalists might be abducted.
Kyodo had opened its office in as-Samawah after the arrival of the Japanese aggressor troops, but had recently retreated to within the Japanese base for protection.
Resistance bombardments throughout Iraq on Sunday.
At about 8am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, sending thick smoke into the sky. Two Black Hawk helicopters were observed landing in the area to evacuate casualties.
At about 9:30am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At 10:15am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At about 10:30am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.” Clouds of smoke rose into the sky over the US facility.
At about 11:30am Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the southern part of the US base in Tikrit.
At about 1:15pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of US intelligence in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district.
At about 2pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three 82mm mortar rounds into the British al-Mahawil base north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq. Smoke rose over the camp and British patrols were sent out to set up check points in the area.
At about 3:30pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.” Three Black Hawk helicopters were observed landing to evacuate casualties.
At 5pm Sunday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” setting off warning sirens as clouds of smoke rose over the facility.
On Sunday Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US camp in the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad, sending clouds of smoke into the sky. US Black Hawk helicopters were observed landing to evacuate casualties.