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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/26
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 26 December 2004, and Monday, 27 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 28.12.2004 [05:49 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 26 December 2004.
Seven hundred civilian bodies recovered from al-Fallujah ruins to date; 504 of them women and children.
Dr. Tamir Salih al-‘Ani, who is in charge of the morgue in al-Fallujah General Hospital has reported that emergency teams in al-Fallujah Hospital have recovered 700 bodies of Iraqis from the ruins of houses destroyed in the course of the US aggressors’ offensive on the city. Dr. Salih confirmed that among the 700 bodies were 504 bodies of women and children. The rest are the bodies of elderly and middle aged men.
Dr. Salih explained that the bodies were dug out from the ruins on the streets of al-Fallujah, recovered from rooftops, and dug out of gardens. Many of the dead perished in barbarous ways, their bodies burned by American chemical weapons. A number of others had been stabbed. The body of one woman showed that she had been bayoneted in her thigh, chest, and head.
Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reported that these findings were the result of work done in just six of al-Fallujah’s neighborhoods. There are in all 27 residential neighborhoods in the city. The death toll is thus constantly rising as there are still large numbers of reports of buried bodies on which the medical teams have not yet had a chance to follow up.
Resistance ambushes US column south of al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column on a dirt road leading to some date palm groves in the Zawbi‘ area, 30km south of al-Fallujah at 9:30am Sunday. The attack totally destroyed an Abrams tank and a Humvee. Nine Americans were killed and two more injured.
Heavy fighting in western al-Qa’im.
Fierce fighting broke out in al-Qa’im on the Syrian border at 8am and lasted until 11am local time Sunday between the Resistance and US occupation troops. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the fighting raged in the al-‘Ubaydi neighborhood of the western part of the city near the western Customs Department offices, and left 19 US military vehicles ablaze: as well as five tanks, two Humvees and personnel carriers that were transporting American troops to the US base west of the city. The Resistance also shot down a Cobra helicopter in the center of the city as it was on its way to rescue the US column that was under attack.
Puppet police sources told the witnesses that 49 American troops had been killed as a result of the fighting, since the troop transport vehicles were full of men when they were destroyed.
The witnesses said that 34 Resistance fighters were martyred in the fighting. Some 90 to 120 Resistance fighters took part in the attack. They swooped down on the American troops, taking advantage of the fact that the area was free of passersby and civilian cars. The area is known for its rough, hilly terrain. The Americans had set up towers to keep watch over their forces as they passed through the area, but today, Resistance fighters attacked the towers and destroyed three of them. The puppet police reported that nine American troops were killed in the Resistance attacks on the observation towers.
Resistance mortar barrage on US base in al-Qa’im.
Iraqi Resistance forces pounded the US headquarters in al-Qa’im from the north and south at 1pm Sunday, setting blazes inside the camp that still burned when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent submitted his report posted at 8:25pm Sunday night Mecca time. US aircraft also were still prowling the skies and attempting to extinguish the fires whose smoke filled the skies.
Resistance bomb attack in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded beside a US column in ar-Ridwaniyah at 6am local time Sunday morning, destroying two Humvees and killing six US troops aboard them, according to eyewitnesses cited by Mafkarat al-Islam.
Puppet police commander assassinated in Baghdad.
A source in the puppet police announced that Resistance fighters had liquidated a prominent commander of the puppet police in an armed attack Sunday southwest of Baghdad.
Colonel Sa‘d ‘Abd ar-Razzaq of the puppet police said that Colonel Yasin Ibrahim Jawad was on his way to work at 8am Sunday when Resistance fighters in a white Opal car opened fire on his car in southwest Baghdad’s al-Bayya‘ neighborhood. The puppet police colonel Jawad was killed and two of his bodyguards wounded.
Dr. Nadiyah Khalid, a physician at al-Yarmuk Hospital in Baghdad reported that one of the wounded men is in extremely grave condition. She said that the hospital received three bodies with wounds, one of them dead on arrival, one in grave condition and the third in moderate condition.
Video of resistance attack on “high-ranking US officer” broadcast on al-Jazeera.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV broadcast a video tape made by a Resistance group called the Brigades of Islamic Rage ミ ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Squadron, that showed a fighter preparing the bomb, that was apparently large inside a donkey cart. The video showed two masked fighters driving the donkey cart on a farm road in the at-Tarimiyah area north of Baghdad, a road used by US military vehicles. Later it showed the bomb exploding and destroying a US Humvee in the area. The statement that accompanied the video said that the target was a high ranking US officer and that the attack took place at 3:59pm Friday.
Ba‘qubah ミ Diyala Province.
Battle in Bahraz.
Fierce fighting erupted in the Commercial City al-Madinah at-Tijariyah section of Bahraz, 30km north of Ba ‘qubah in Diyala Province on Sunday morning. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the battles broke out at 6am local time and left 27 US vehicles on fire.
Resistance forces used pipe rocket launchers and rocket-propelled grenades, as well as various machine guns. Resistance car bombs also were employed in an attack on one of the US tanks. The correspondent reported seeing a US tank on fire throughout the entire nearly four-hour period of time when the battle raged.
Fighting ended when US aircraft raided the area in which the Resistance fighters had entrenched themselves. The correspondent reported that the Resistance withdrew from their strongpoint under the US aerial bombing, leaving behind 61 US dead and 47 Americans wounded. The Brigades of the Martyr Ahmad Yasin Resistance organization declared that it lost 24 of its fighters in the battle, and 14 rocket launchers either destroyed or seized by the Americans.
The fighting also blasted open the southern approach to the city after it had been closed by the Americans for seven days.
Resitance ambushes puppet governor’s motorcade in Ba‘qubah.
Iraqi Resistance forces in Ba‘qubah attacked the motorcade of puppet governor ‘Abdallah ar-Rashid at 2pm Sunday as it was heading towards the governorate building. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reported that the attack left four body guards of the puppet official dead. One of the Resistance attackers was also killed. Some sources in the Iraqi puppet police said that the governor was wounded in the attack.
Puppet official abducted near Mosul.
Resistance forces abducted the puppet official in charge of the district of ash-Sharqat in Mosul Province, Muhammad al-‘Ayni at 8am Sunday as he was leaving his home to go to work. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the official’s body guard did not fire a shot after the Resistance attackers asked him not to get involved, threatening to kill him.
Al-‘Ayni had received several warnings previously, threatening him if he did not abandon service ‘as a tail to the occupation’ as their warnings phrased it. But in response, al-‘Ayni ordered raids on the homes of families of Resistance fighters and arrested many of their relatives.
Resistance assassinates translator collaborators who failed to heed warnings to quit their jobs.
An Iraqi translator collaborator and his wife, also a collaborator translator, were assassinated in the Sumar neighborhood of Mosul at 9am Sunday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported tha the Resistance had previously sent numerous warnings to all the translators and contractors working with the American occupation, telling them to leave their jobs and giving them a grace period of seven days in which to do so. That grace period ended Sunday morning.
Seven collaborator translators several days ago announced that they were quitting their work with the Americans, but the couple killed on Sunday failed to quit their jobs and were therefore killed.
Resistance rocket attacks avenge religious leader’s murder by US forces.
US forces stormed into the home of the professor of Islamic sciences and Islamist activist Dr. Mahfuz al-Qazzaz in Mosul’s al-Asatidhah neighborhood and shot him to death in a hail of bullets. A medical report issued by the Main Hospital of Mosul listed the cause of death as direct bullet wounds to the head. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in Mosul reported that local people attribute the assassination of Dr. al-Qazzaz to his insistence that it was obligatory for people to fight the US occupation, and the fact that he regarded anyone collaborating with the American invaders as an infidel.
In response to the murder of Dr. al-Qazzaz, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces carried out a major attack from 1pm to 4pm Sunday on several occupation positions, firing off fifty-four 120mm mortar rounds, as well at Grad and Tariq rockets. Explosions could be heard and flame could be seen inside the US al-Ghazlani camp in northern Mosul.
Resistance attack on US column in Mosul.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column in the al-Masarif neighborhood east of Mosul at 3pm Sunday, killing three US troops and wounding one more who was burned by gasoline by passers by who chanted: “You burned our library; we will burn your hearts!”] ミ a reference to the US burning of the Islamic Teaching Library in al-Fallujah. The remainder of the column fled before the Resistance attack, leaving their beleaguered colleagues to fend for themselves in the street.
Resistance group plays video of Mosul martyrdom attack.
The Resistance organization Jaysh Ansar as-Sunnah (The Army of the Partisans of the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad’s Practice) broadcast a video showing the martyrdom attack on the US military camp in Mosul that took place on Tuesday, killing a reported 160 US troops. The video, broadcast on the organization’s website showed the blast which occurred when a truck driven by a martyrdom fighter rammed into the lunchroom on the base.
Tirkrit - Salah ad-Din Province.
Massive Resistance bombardment of US “southern base” in Bayji.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired forty-three 120mm mortar rounds into the so-called “southern US base” Bayji, north of Tikrit, setting massive fires inside the base. Terrorstricken US troops rushed out of the camp into the areas surrounding the facility where they remained until the end of the Resistance bombardment, which lasted from 4pm until 5:15pm Sunday.