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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/24
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 24 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 25.12.2004 [06:30 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 24 December 2004.
US troops stain their hands with the blood of children in Saddam Hussein’s home town, after losing fierce battles with Resistance forces.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US base that has been set up in the Northern Palace of President Saddam Hussein in Tikrit, located on the banks of the Euphrates River at 10am Friday. The Resistance bombardment left 17 US troops and three Iraqi collaborator translators who worked in the US base dead, according to two other translators who took part in the burial of their three henchmen.
After the attack, US forces sent out intensive patrols through the streets of Tikrit. One patrol entered ‘Adnan Kharallah Street in Old Tikrit, a lane too narrow for large patrol vehicles to turn around or pass on. Fraternal Arab Resistance fighters belonging to at-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad ambushed the US patrol on that street, destroying four tanks and three Humvees. A fourth Humvee remained unscathed, so the Resistance fighters attacked it and killed all those aboard the trapped vehicle. They seized their weapons and ammunition and then set fire to the vehicle.
Eyewitnesses reported that at least 25 US troops were killed in the attack. The only survivors of the attack were two tanks that were at the head of the column and were able to flee.
Then one of the fighters took the flag of at-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad ミ which is decorated with a yellow circle on which is written “There is no god but God. The at-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad Brigades” ミ and ran around the area. Another fighter took the body of one of the dead Americans and hung it upside down on the hooks of an election poster that read “If you divide us you will never prevail.”
Half an hour after the battle US forces got onto the street in order to evacuate their dead and haul away the demolished vehicles. They also took down the body of the dead man hanging on the election poster and took him away as well.
US forces then opened fire indiscriminately on passers by, just as three little girls were leaving their school, the Palestine Primary School, having been excused early that day, as the principal later told Mafkarat al-Islam.
Eyewitnesses reported that one of the American soldiers on purpose pointed his machine gun at the three little girls, despite their screams and cries. After his bullets had cut them down, he went back and opened fire again at close range, killing them for sure. He then emptied the magazine of his machine gun into the head of one of the little girls until it was reduced to little pieces, leaving the girl’s body headless, according to the eyewitnesses.
The three little girls murdered in Tikrit on Friday were: Halimah Sa‘di (the one whose head was destroyed by the American soldier’s gunfire), Shayma’ Sa‘di, and Mariyah Sa‘di.
The principal of the school told Mafkarat al-Islam that the little girls’ father had died nearly two weeks earlier of heart failure in a local mosque. He was only 39 years old. The mother’s anguish at losing her husband has now only been compounded with the death of her three daughters. The griefstricken mother now cries out in shock, “Where have my daughters gone?”
After the killing of the little girls, the people of Tikrit were in a state of grief. They came out to pay their last respects to the girls in a funeral at the Tikrit Islamic cemetery, but US forces prevented them from holding the funeral, provoking clashes between the unarmed citizens and the US forces who were, naturally, heavily armed. Thirteen relatives of the little girls were killed in the clashes with the American occupation troops.
Resistance fighters then attacked rear of the American column that blocked the funeral. The fighters set seven US military vehicles ミ one tank and six Humvees ミ ablaze.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam closed his report by noting that the people of Tikrit are intensely angry at the Arab media for their policy of ignoring big Resistance operations in their city, the home town of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Friday fighting in al-Fallujah.
A group of families of al-Fallujah came back to their city, specifically to the al-Andalus neighborhood of al-Fallujah on Friday. The families later left, describing fierce battles that began at 9:30am and ended at 11am. Explosions and US aircraft raids shook the city and for the first time for awhile, Resistance forces brought the battle to the al-Jaghifi neighborhood and the ash-Shurtah neighborhood in the north of the city where the US invaders are present.
A statement made to Mafkarat al-Islam by al-Fallujah Resistance spokesman Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi said that the Resistance had set seven US Bradley armored vehicles, two Abrams tanks, and five Humvees, and a US crane ablaze. These attacks left more than 40 US soldiers dead. The fighting on Friday, he said, was centered around the al-Jaghifi neighborhood near the at-Tawfiq Mosque and in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood near the bus stop.
At 11am Resistance forces launched a fierce missile attack on US troop concentrations north of al-Fallujah, in particular around the first train station. The attacks were mounted in the context of reports that US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was in the country and might be visiting.
Eyewitnesses reported that the Resistance missile barrage lasted two hours and was extremely violent. The Resistance fired their powerful Ababil rockets at the American positions, as well as Tariq, Grad, and Katyusha rockets, and 60mm, 82mm, and 120mm and other mortar rounds.
Another American crime against civilization: Irreparable cultural loss inflicted when US troops raid and burn ancient books in Islamic Teaching library in al-Fallujah.
In another of their many crimes reminiscent of those committed by the Mongols when they sacked Baghdad some 800 years ago, US forces invaded and burned down the Islamic Teaching Library in al-Fallujah on Thursday, a facility over 500 years old belonging to Shaykh Husayn ‘Awdah, one of the most famous imams and preachers in al-Fallujah in former times.
Cleaning personnel who witnessed the outrage told Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Fallujah that five US occupation troops entered the library in the ar-Rawi Mosque. They barbarously ripped the books off the shelves, threw them all in a pile, poured gasoline on them and set them ablaze. Not satisfied with that, they dug out unburned parts of the books and poured gasoline on them again and set them ablaze to make sure that none of the old and precious volumes would survive.
The historic Islamic Teaching Library of al-Fallujah contained extremely valuable volumes, very old and extremely rare books including works by Ibn Taymiyah (1263-1328), Ibn Kathir (1301-1373), and Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti (1445-1505). Among the library’s rarest holdings was a manuscript by Ibn Taymiyah in that Shaykh’s own hand. The library was full of works on Islamic law, biographies of the Prophet, collections of Hadith literature, and studies in the Islamic creed (‘Aqidah) and jurisprudence.
Refugees return to total devastation in al-Fallujah, pledge to fight America.
Iraqis cried out in rage, anger, and frustration after a group of al-Fallujah refugees returned to their city Thursday and were shocked to find their homes buried under rubble, the neighborhoods in which they used to live nothing but ruins as a result of the activity of the American war machine.
Falluji citizen ‘Ali Mahmud, 35, said, “I have seen my city destroyed. I was hoping to come back and live in my home, but after all the destruction I have seen, I am just going to leave again.”
Mahmud, who is a teacher, explained: “my house has been completely demolished. There is nothing here to help me resume my life. I prefer to live in a camp jammed with tents outside of al-Fallujah rather than to return to the city that the occupation forces have destroyed.”
The occupation forces’ preliminary estimates are that thousands of buildings have been destroyed in al-Fallujah. Some have been completely razed to the ground by savage American aerial bombing raids others by the bombardments from tanks and cannon.
The American ABC company quoted a puppet official in the puppet so-called “Iraqi health ministry” as expressing his worry over the boiling rage that will fill the hearts of the residents of al-Fallujah when they return home and see the extent of the destruction of their homes.
Another resident of al-Fallujah, Yasir ‘Abd as-Sattar, said, “after the crimes committed by the occupation forces in our city, we can’t return to live in a place that even animals cannot live in.” With tears in his eyes, he said, “even animals with no human feelings couldn’t bear to live amidst this ruin and destruction, what do they expect the people of al-Fallujah to do? This is the crime of the century, committed by the occupation forces. The Americans want to wipe out Islam and the Muslims, but we scream in their faces that our rage and our resistance to them will only increase.”
An explosives-laden police car exploded in the US al-Warrar military base in ar-Ramadi at 7:30am Friday, leaving a reported 63 Americans dead.
In a dispatch posted at 10:20pm Mecca time Friday night, the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces were still raiding neighborhoods adjacent to the 7th of April neighborhood and the al-Bu Farraj and the al-Bu ‘Ali Jasim areas. The American troops are stormed the main ar-Ramadi police station where there was an officer on watch and three other officers. The Americans arrested them all. Immediately a large American column made up of 40 vehicles set off from the secondary camp in the Agricultural College on the al-Anbar University Campus to the US al-Warrar Base to the west. A number of aircraft were seen landing and taking off in the base, presumably evacuating Americans killed or wounded in the Resistance car bomb attack.
The Resistance organization known as The First Army of Muhammad Jaysh Muhammad al-Awwal claimed responsibility for the bombing attack on the US base, calling it a New Year’s gift for the American forces.
The Resistance distributed a communiqu about an hour after the attack. The text of that document is as follows:
“In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving.
“‘And prepare for them what you can of armed force and horses tethered that thereby you might terrorize the enemy of God and your enemy.’ Qur’an, 8:60
“It appears that the New Year’s present from Mosul didn’t please Bush or ‘Allawi, so we decided to send them another present from ar-Ramadi, hoping they will like it. One of your Iraqi brothers, Abu Muhammad carried out a martyrdom operation when he drove a pickup belonging to the Iraqi police into the headquarters of the US invader forces in al-Warrar camp, west of ar-Ramadi, specifically amidst celebrations of New Years and Christmas. By the light of candles and to the sound of music, your brother Abu Muhammad died a martyr in order to kill more than sixty-three persons, according to what the eyes of the Resistance inside the camp have reported ミ something that you will see, shortly, not merely hear about.”
This comes as a powerful strike aimed at the US forces after the Mosul operation that took place last Tuesday, leaving more than 160 American troops dead. The significance of these two operations is that they were carried out using cars belonging to the Iraqi department closest to them ミ the police. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent there says that this confirms the overwhelming ability of the Resistance to penetrate into the midst of the occupation forces.
At 6pm Friday the al-Anbar Governorate building was struck by four Iraqi Resistance mortar rounds. After the attack US forces evacuated dead and wounded from inside the governorate building, eyewitnesses said, but Mafkarat al-Islam was unable to ascertain the exact number or nature of the casualties.
Iraqi Resistance blows up bridge near al-Qa’im, shoots down US helicopter capturing American supplies, maps, mail and food and killing 16 US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Soviet-built bridge on the Euphrates river that US forces were monopolizing for their use alone as they shipped in supplies and provisions for the American occupation troops deployed along the border with Syria in the area of the city of al-Qa’im.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Qa’im reported that eyewitnesses said tha the Resistance had totally destroyed the bridge known as the “Soviet Bridge.”
After that attack, US forces intensified their airborne patrols in the skies of the area, using military transport helicopters. Witnesses reported that the Resistance forces fired a Strela rocket at 3pm Friday, bringing down one US military transport aircraft near the Makr adh-Dhib village in the al-Qa’im area.
The crash of the helicopter killed 16 American troops. Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent arrived in the village to find the wreckage of the helicopter scattered around the area. It had been loaded with food, supplies, and weapons, as well as mail, maps and other military necessities. The Resistance seized all these materials.
US troops murder religious figure on his doorstep in al-‘Amiriyah.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported Friday that US forces stormed into the home of a member of the Board of Muslim ‘Ulama’ Scholars in al-‘Amiriyah and shot the religious leader. Al-Jazeera said that the American occupation troops killed the shaykh, Muwaffaq ad-Duri, at about midday Friday, just before he was to go to the Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Mosque in ar-Ridwaniyah to deliver the Friday sermon.
In a telephone interview, the Umm Ayman, the wife of Shaykh ad-Duri, confirmed that her husband had been killed. She said: “It was at 10am. Three occupation troops knocked on the door. My husband went out to ask them to wait a moment until his wife could get covered and ready.” Her voice breaking, she went on, “but I heard nothing more other than the sound of gunshots.”
“After that,” she went on, “I don’t know what was happening in my house.” She was locked in a bedroom. Then an Iraqi translator came and told her that the occupation troops had killed her husband. When Umm Ayman asked the translator why they had killed him since he wasn’t resisting them, he told her, “they say he was resisting them.” Them the woman swore that her husband had not resisted the occupation troops when they raided their house.
Ba ‘qubah.
Fighting in Bahraz.
Battles broke out between the Resistance and US invader troops in the Bahraz area about 30km south of Ba‘qubah on Friday. US forces were fortified in the former Artillery and Warfare Academy that belonged to the Army of the Republic of Iraq before the US invasion, which the Americans have been trying to turn into a base for themselves, bringing in construction workers to construct shelters and buildings inside the compound.
The Resistance, however, got the workers to abandon work for the American invaders for which the US forces were paying them $25 a day, while the normal daily wage for those workers was only $5.
Then at 10am Friday, 50 Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked the Americans in the academy base, setting off battles in which the Resistance forces used C5K and RPG7 rockets and BKC machineguns.
Then the Resistance forces pulled out, bombarding the remaining Americans with mortar rounds from afar. The battle left 23 US troops dead. Resistance forces also pulled out two dead Americans and dragged them in the main streets of the city ミ ar-Rayhan Street ミ as they chanted “God is stronger than America! God is stronger than America!”
Rumsfeld’s helicopter flees Mosul base 15 minutes after arriving amidst withering rocket barrage.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a fierce rocket attack on Mosul Airport at 3pm Friday. Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the missile attack was carried out at the moment that US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld arrived at the airport. All the people of Mosul felt that some personage of high rank would be visiting the airport since they had been observing large numbers of US warplanes circling the airbase.
The US defense secretary landed in a helicopter at the base, whereupon Resistance fighters unleashed a barrage of 83 rockets of various types at the US airfield. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that 15 minutes after its arrival and in the midst of the rocket assault, the same helicopter lifted off again. The correspondent was unsure as to whether Rumsfeld was in the helicopter when it took off that time or not, but the helicopter left under heavy US air escort.
The correspondent reported that blasts echoed from every part of the American base as a result of the intensive Resistance rocket barrage fired into the facility.
Meanwhile, 9am Friday was zero-hour for Iraqi Resistance attacks on the five main bridges of the city that have been closed by US occupation authorities for seven straight days. Witnesses reported that the Resistance attacks struck the command posts on three of the bridges, setting a tank ablaze and destroying four Humvees on Baghdad Bridge, destroying a tank and a Humvee on az-Zaytun Bridge. Then all the bridge were opened. Each of the bridges had had four US tanks and four Humvees stationed on them.
Under these Resistance attacks on the ground and by missiles from the air, US forces retired to outside the city, giving the Resistance control of about 60 percent of the city of Mosul ミ Iraq’s third largest city ミ just days after a martyrdom attacker killed some 160 Americans when he drove a 12-ton Mercedes truck into the US mess hall on the local base, and just hours after Donald Rumsfeld fled the city amidst a rocket barrage.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the Resistance had advised the local puppet police and “national guards” not to pick fights with the Resistance or to challenge them in areas under Resistance control. The puppet police forces responded to this advice by pulling out of those areas at 4pm Friday.
In his report posted at 8:55pm Friday evening Mecca time, the correspondent noted that until the time he filed his report, the US forces had not bombarded any Resistance positions, even though they know very well where they are.
Resistance attack on US-controlled fuel station.
US forces on Friday prevented a black taxi cab or private car from entering the fuel station in Mosul and taking on fuel. According to eyewitnesses, an hour after US forces prevented the car from filling up, a Kia bus arrived and approached the station carrying 12 heavily armed Resistance fighters. An unarmed man got off the bus and walked towards one of the US officers and told him: “You must move your forces from this spot, or else you will be attacked.”
The American commander arrested the man who had given him the message, and at that moment the Resistance opened a firestorm on the US Humvees that had surrounded the fuel station.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in Mosul reported that in the course of the battle four Iraqi Resistance fighters and one Iraqi civilian were martyred. Eight US troops were killed, one of them stabbed to death. The Resistance also destroyed two Humvees and took away with them the bodies of the dead Americans, for which the US forces were still searching when the correspondent filed his report, posted at 9:27pm Mecca time Friday night.