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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2004/12/21
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 21 December 2004
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 22.12.2004 [06:11 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 21 December 2004.
Bloody fighting in al-Fallujah on Tuesday.
The neighborhoods of an-Nazal, al-‘Askari, and al-Jubayl began their day on Tuesday under a hail of American container bombs, each releasing hundreds of anti-personnel cluster bombs. The US forces also unleashed barrages of missiles on the same neighborhoods of the defiant city as well. The American bomb raids and barrages lasted from 6:30am until just before noon local time.
Two columns of US forces entered al-Fallujah on Tuesday. The first column consisted of more than 70 various military vehicles, including tanks, armored vehicles, and Humvees. It came into the city at 9am under heavy US air escort. The second American column consisted of more than 80 US military vehicles of various types as well, and it entered the city at 11:30am Tuesday local time. The columns came to al-Fallujah from the east on International Highway No. 1.
The second column came under Iraqi Resistance attack on the outskirts of the al-Karmah area. One Humvee was destroyed and two Americans aboard it killed.
There was a lull in ground fighting, to allow the American aircraft and rockets to do their work, but after that, battles broke out between ground forces of the Resistance and the US invaders. This fighting lasted from 4:30pm until 9:30pm Tuesday.
A communiqu issued by the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah announced that the Resistance had shot down two unmanned reconnaissance planes. A Small helicopter was also shot down in the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the part of the city under Resistance control.
Fierce fighting raged in the al-‘Askari neighborhood. Resistance fighters mounted a deadly ambush on the Americans that killed dozens of the invader troops. The Americans had withdrawn from a street in that neighborhood, some of them taking cover in the al-Qadisiyah brickworks. They then pulled out of there, but afterwards 28 of them entered the place and barricaded themselves within. But the Resistance had booby-trapped the building and just five minutes after the Americans had settled in, the Resistance blew up the building, sending the bodies of 13 US soldiers flying through the air outside the building. The remainder of the American troops were killed inside. Their bodies were still inside the wreckage of the building when this report, posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Wednesday morning, was filed.
Fighting in the al-‘Askari neighborhood and in the industrial zone destroyed 38 US military vehicles including tanks, armored vehicles, Humvees, and personnel carriers. The number of Americans killed was more than 135. The Resistance was able to kill one of the high commanders of the US forces as he drove a civilian car surrounded by a group of other civilian cars on al-Karinat Street in the east of the industrial zone. The Resistance noticed a crowd of US troops around the commander’s car and therefore targeted it with 82mm mortar rounds, destroying his car and a number of the other civilian cars that were escorting him. The identity or exact position of the commander remains unknown.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that in al-Jawlan neighborhood witnesses said that the fighting was still going on at the time he filed his report Tuesday night. The battles were centered on the al-Isalah area and thick, black clouds of smoke could be seen rising over the area. No further details were available about the fighting or the casualties there.
US snipers in the Khanah fuel station and the old Royal Hospital (the oldest building in the area) were able to shoot into the area between the two bridges in al-Fallujah. The Resistance in ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood fired four large Katyusha rockets into the fuel station, scoring direct hits and setting off a huge explosion that shook the area as the gasoline in the station blew up. More than 25 American troops were killed in that inferno. More than 15 US snipers took up positions atop the old hospital building overlooking wide areas of al-Fallujah. The Resistance fired three rockets at them, killing the 15 American soldiers. The Resistance then advanced and entered the area afterwards.
Fighting was still under way in al-Jawlan and in the east of the industrial zone when the correspondent filed this report. Al-‘Askari had gone quiet, however. More than 200 US troops were killed and 16 Iraqi Resistance fighters were martyred during the day’s battles. Eight other Resistance fighters were wounded, one of them losing his leg when he tried to save two of his brother Resistance fighters who had been surrounded in a hole where they had taken cover. The one fighter on his own attacked the Americans surrounding the beleaguered fighters, drawing their fire upon himself, and shooting his leg off. The two fighters in the hole did manage to escape, however.
According to the communiqu of the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of al-Fallujah, 14 Iraqi Resistance fighters, including nine Arab fraternal fighters from various states ミ the Arabian Peninsula, and Syria, among them. A non-Iraqi spy was able to infiltrate the ranks of the Resistance and planted a metal strip that sent a signal allowing the fighters to be targeted by American fire, killing them. According to the communiqu, by the grace of God, the Resistance was able to apprehend the spy who confessed to his crime. His fate is unknown.
Eighteen US troops were killed Tuesay in the al-‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah area south of the city of al-Fallujah when an Iraqi Resistance fighter driving a car bomb belonging to one of the government departments drove into them. Because the car carried regime markings the Americans made no attempt to halt its approach and the driver was able to detonate the vehicle killing 18 US troops and wounding two. The two wounded men were then captured by the Resistance who took them to an unknown destination.
Resistance frustrates major US attack on Hit, forces US to unblock the city after taking an American prisoner.
At 3am Tuesday, US forces imposed a blockade on the city of Hit in western Iraq. More than 300 US tanks, armored vehicles and Humvees surrounded the city on all sides, closing all approaches to the city.
The American invader troops demanded that the people of Hit hand over six persons to them. The US accuses the six of being “terrorists.” They are: Walid Fahd al-Hitawi, Haytham Mahmud az-Zawbi‘i, ‘Uqayl Jabbar, Shaykh Salman Muhammad (a famous local religious figure), Shaykh Zubayr ‘Abdallah (another well-known religious scholar in Hit), and Rasul Muhammad.
At 4:15am, local time Tuesday morning, Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked one of the US tanks that was closing the western entrance to the city ミ the route leading to Baghdad. The Resistance attack totally destroyed the US tank and killed the four crewmembers in it.
Meanwhile, the puppet police in Hit (who are local men) declared themselves to be in a state of total disobedience, saying that they would refuse to obey any American orders. This announcement came after the US forces demanded that the police take part in their blockade of the city. The police refused, however, and eyewitnesses reported that the Americans arrested a number of the police, including an officer.
At 7am the US forces repeated their demand that the city hand over the six individuals. Afterwards fierce fighting erupted between the Reistance and the Americans on the east side of the city along the road leading to ar-Ramadi. The battle lasted from 7am until 10:15am. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the fighting left 11 US tanks and eight Humvees destroyed. The Resistance also shot down an Apache helicopter at 11am. The craft blew up in the air. Another Apache helicopter caught fire in the sky over the city, causing it to crash into the al-Qiyarah district.
At 12 noon, the US forces broke up their blockade and withdrew carrying with them the burning hulks of wrecked vehicles that they had loaded onto trucks.
On the western side of the city, a US tank was disabled in the Sayyid ‘Ali area. The US base in the city was also attacked by the Resistance. Twenty-eight Resistance fighters and local people were martyred in the fighting, most of them killed by four rockets that the Americans fired at civilian residential homes in the area. Thirteen women and six children were among the dead. The rest were men between the ages of 22 and 66 years.
At 6:30pm Tuesday, eyewitnesses observed the US forces being to issue a declaration that was different from the demand they had issued in the morning. The new declaration demanded that the Iraqi Resistance fighters release a US soldier whom they had taken prisoner and whose name was Thomson. The Americans promised a financial reward and guarantees for the soldier’s release. US troops were attempting to influence opinion to get the man released.
The Americans told one tribal leader in the area that the soldier Thomson was a Muslim, not a Christian in an effort to secure his release. The Resistance refused to release the soldier, however. Thomson had been taken prisoner during the day’s fighting.
Resistance attacks around Baghdad.
At about 10:30pm Tuesday night Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a Humvee and two GMC cars belonging to US Intelligence on Airport Road in the al-‘Amil neighborhood, killing two US troops and three Intelligence officers and wounding one other.
At about 9:20, Resistance forces fired an RPG7 rocket at US troops in the area of the Ibn Taymiyah mosque, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing four US troops. Five puppet “national guards” were killed in the same location when Resistance fighters opened fire on them with Kalashnikov assault rifles.
At about 8:30 Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb under a US Bradley armored vehicle, destroying it and killing three US troops in the Salman Bak area.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a US tank, killing five US troops. The blast was so powerful that it blew the tank down off the Abu Munaysir Bridge onto the highway between Baghdad and the district named an-Nasr wa-as-Salam.
At 10:30am Tuesday Iraqi Resistance fighters hurling hand grenades and firing machine guns attacked US troops on foot on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District, killing three US troops and wounding seven more.
At about 3:15pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance fighters hurled hand grenades at US troops in the al-Fahhamah and al-Mushahadah areas of Baghdad’s al-Karakh district, killing five US troops on foot and wounding six more.
At about 1pm Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked US troops on the highway as it passes through the Sadr al-Qanat area of Baghdad, destroying a US Humvee and a civilian supply truck that belonged to the occupation forces. Three US troops were killed and two other American soldiers injured.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a US Humvee in az-Za‘faraniyah at 4:15pm Tuesday, killing three US troops.
Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets destroyed two civilian supply trucks in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad at about 7:30am Tuesday, killing two occupation troops and wounding one other.
Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed a Bradley armored vehicle, killing four troops aboard it near the river in al-Mushahadah at 1:15pm Tuesday.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded and destroyed two US Humvees in the al-Bu Hishmah area of at-Taji, near the road leading to Balad, killing seven US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in as-Suwayrah at about 10:30am Tuesday destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Iraqi Resistance fighters firing RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a civilian truck loaded with supplies in ad-Dawli‘i, in the al-Hurriyah neighborhood at about 9 o’clock, killing two apparent mercenaries working for the US occupation forces.
Iraqi Resistance forces detonated bombs and attacked with RPG7 rockets destroying two US Humvees and two trucks loaded with spare parts near an arm of the Tigris River at about 9:30 Tuesday, killing seven US troops. One Resistance fighter was martyred in the attack.
At about 7:15am Tuesday an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in ar-Ridwaniyah and destroyed a US Humvee, killing four US troops.
At about 2:30pm Tuesday, an Iraqi Resistance bomb disabled a US Bradley armored vehicle in ar-Ridwaniyah, killing three US troops and wounding two more.
Attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
At about 8:30 Iraqi Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a US Humvee in the village of az-Zaydan in the Abu Ghurayb area, killing three US troops and seriously wounding a fourth.
At about 8:15 Tuesday Iraqi Resistance forces firing RPG7 rockets attacked and destroyed a Humvee and a civilian truck on the highway in the Abu Ghurayb area, killing four US troops.
Resistance attacks in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur al-Basha area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at about 1:30pm Tuesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops.
Four heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under US forces on a dirt road in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of ad-Durah at about 4pm Tuesday, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and killing six US troops and wounding three more.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of ad-Durah at 5pm Tuesday evening, destroying a Humvee and killing four US troops.
Attacks on puppet forces and lackeys in the Baghdad area.
At 11:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on three puppet “national guards” on the highway in as-Sayyidiyah south of Baghdad, killing them.
At 12 noon Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces assassinated a lackey of the occupation troops with Kalashnikov assault rifles in the al-I‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad.
At 10:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb on the Muhammad al-Qasim Bridge in Baghdad, destroying a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet “national guard” and killing four puppet guards.
Candidates in “election” farce are out buying votes. Puppet regime, trying to distribute ballots along with rationed food, faces mass resignations of ration card-ballot agents.
Well-known chiefs of tribal groups in southern Iraq have been reporting that a massive vote buying effort is underway on the part of candidates in the sham “elections” slated to be held by the US occupation authorities and their stooges in January 2005. Candidates are offering more than honeyed promises, they are forking out cash, the Bahrayni daily newspaper Akhbar al-Khalij reported on Tuesday.
Shaykh Hasan al-Jizani one of the tribal shaykhs in the south of Iraq reported that there is a clear effort underway to “win over” the chiefs of tribes who are being paid to deliver their kinsmans’ votes to the “proper” candidate. He said that there are some circles that are pouring vast amounts of money into the campaign to make themselves look attractive to voters.
Hamid al-Kafa’i, a former member of the US-installed “governing council” and a candidate for the so-called “Democratic Society Movement” told the paper that those candidates who do not own newspapers or radio or TV stations must personally go out to the remote rural villages to meet people and win their votes with promises and money.
Although there are religious figures inveighing against the buying and selling of votes, the price of the vote for a family of 10 persons has now reached US$200 (300,000 occupation Dinars) and the people expect the price to double as the “election” gets closer.
Meanwhile, Akhbar al-Khalij reports that the puppet so-called “Iraqi trade ministry” has acknowledged that a large number of ration coupon distributors ミ for it is they who also are responsible for distributing ballots, along with needed foodstuffs ミ have tendered their resignations. The reason for the mass resignations is that they have received messages offering them the choice between death or quitting their jobs, with their role in the “election” farce. Many have opted to quit their jobs. The “ministry of trade” expresses the fear that if a large number of the ballot distributors quit, it will lead to large-scale forgery of ballots during the “election” so that the proper numbers are reached.
Al-Yusufiyah ミ al-Latifiyah.
Bomb attack destroys tank truck.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in al-Yusufiyah at about 8 o’clock on Tuesday, destroying a tank truck loaded with fuel and killing two US troops.
An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter blew himself up in a car bomb at a joint US-puppet checkpoint in al-Latifiyah at about 11:30am Tuesday, destroying two US Humvees and a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet “national guards.” Nine US troops and at least 15 puppet guards were killed and nine Americans and Iraqi puppets were wounded.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area west of al-Latifiyah at 2:15pm Tuesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops and wounding two more.
At about 2:30pm Tuesday, heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded and destroyed a Humvee and disabled a Bradley armored vehicle, killing four US troops and wounding two more in the Imilihah area of al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the al-Karaghul area northwest of al-Latifiyah at about 3:30pm Tuesday, destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops
Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter in 12-ton truck packed with explosives slams into American dining hall on US base in Mosul. Up to 160 American troops killed.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported in a dispatch posted at 10:45pm Tuesday night, Mecca time, that a massive explosion rocked the US military camp in Mosul when a large truck driven by an Iraqi Resistance fighter blew up inside a lunch room (“mess hall”) where the American troops were eating.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the martyrdom fighter was wearing the uniform of a puppet policeman and drove his12-ton Mercedes truck packed with explosives through two barriers and up into the mess hall. The enormous blast that resulted took the lives of about 160 American soldiers.
The correspondent reported that the mess hall could accommodate more than 150 persons and that in addition to the mess hall itself there was a recreation room where troops could get internet access, and another room for international telephone calls and express letter postage. This was formerly called the Officer’s Lounge. Some Iraqi and Lebanese translators who worked at the base reported that there could not have been fewer than 160 Americans in the building at the time of the blast in the lunch room itself, in addition to those who would have been in the internet and telephone recreation rooms. Outside the building was a garden in which the soldiers would take breaks, to lounge or write letters. In the area the US troops would not have been wearing body armor, a factor that brings down the death toll of Resistance bombings outside on public streets.
Eyewitnesses said that the driver of the truck was going fast, about 120km per hour, when he slammed into the glass front of the mess hall and blew up the vehicle inside the facility, reducing the building to a ball of flame and burning ruin.
The witnesses said that the power of the blast sent severed arms and legs flying over a radius of 400 meters from the blast site. American bulldozers worked for six hours nonstop trying to collect all the bodies and body parts scattered amongst the rubble. A giant US Chinook helicopter remained for nearly two hours loading corpses from the scene of the blast.
Witnesses said that an Iraqi puppet officer described the scene, saying “it looked like a small atom bomb exploded.”
An Iraqi Resistance group called the Jaysh Ansar as-Sunnah (Army of the Partisans of the Sunnah) announced that it had been responsible for the attack on the lunch room on the US base in Mosul. A communiqu published on the internet announced that a martyrdom fighter attacked the lunch room on the base of the “infidel occupation in the al-Ghazlani Camp in Mosul.” They said that the martyrdom bomber was a 24-year old local resident of Mosul who had been married almost one month. The American CNN TV network reported that the Jaysh Ansar as-Sunnah promised to distribute a video of the attack shortly.
The American CNN television network reported that the Pentagon announced that a number of explosions rocked the mess hall on the US base in Mosul, killing 24 persons, among them American troops and puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards,” as well as “civilian” Iraqis working on the base to serve the Americans. A Pentagon spokesman said that more than 60 other persons were wounded in the blast. The official spokesman for the US military in Mosul refused to provide any further details on the explosion.
Reuters initially reported a US military statement as saying that at 12 noon an explosion took place in a US military installation in Mosul, casing a large number of casualties. The American television company NBC reported that the explosion was the result of an Iraqi Resistance rocket that struck a lunch room (“mess hall”) when US troops were gathered there to eat.
Northern Iraq.
Huge explosion destroys pipeline network at Bayji.
Eyewitnesses and employees of the puppet regime’s oil administration reported on Tuesday morning that a huge explosion blasted the oil pipeline network in Bayji on Monday night. The employees added that the network includes the main export pipeline leading to Turkey and the port of Ceyhan. The network also includes branch pipelines that transport oil from the Kirkuk refinery to the nearby electric power generating station.
A high ranking employee of the US-installed Oil of the North company said that the huge fires produced by the blast might take two days to extinguish.
The latest massive explosion comes on the heels of a total shutdown of Iraqi exports last week according to the al-Akhbar al-‘Alamiyah news network.
Resistance assassinates puppet official in northern Iraq.
Iraqi Resistance fighters poured a hail of gunfire into the car carrying Hazim al-Bara‘, the Chairman of the puppet Town Council for the as-Siniyah area, 70km west of Bayji on Tuesday, killing the Chairman and wounding his bodyguard. Tamir Kawwan, Administrative Director of Bayji General Hospital told Reuters that the Resistance fighters had assassinated al-Bara‘, and that his guard had received several bullet wounds in his foot.
Five US troops admitted wounded in car bombing in northern Iraq.
A US military announcement admitted on Tuesday that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded wounding five American troops of the Difficult Missions force and one Iraqi “civilian” along with them as they were traveling through the al-Hawfi area near Hawija, 240km north of Baghdad late on Monday night. The American statement, reported by the Iranian al-Akhbar al-‘Alamiyah network, claimed that Resistance fighters responsible for the car bombing were arrested on the scene. It is standard practice, however, for US forces to round up persons who happen to be near the scene of an attack as “suspects.”
Resistance bombing in Tirkit.
At about 10:30am Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded and destroyed a Humvee on the approach to the bridge in Tikrit, killing four US troops.
Bomb attack in Ba‘qubah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in Ba‘qubah at about 11am Tuesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing two US troops and wounding a third.
Bombardments throughout Iraq.
At 11pm Monday night, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 6:30am Tuesday morning, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.
At 8am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad.
At 8:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the US headquarters in the south of Tikrit.
At about 9am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 9:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US base set up in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad.
At 10:30am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the British al-Mahawil basenorth of the city of al-Hillah, south of Baghdad.
At 11am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At about 11am Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the joint US-puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At 12:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”
At 12:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the US base set up in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad.
At about 12:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired three Katyusha rockets into the puppet so-called “Iraqi interior ministry” on Palestine Street in Baghdad.
At 2:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 120mm mortar rounds into the joint US-puppet “national guard” base in at-Taji, north of Baghdad.
At 4pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US airbase at al-Muthanna, in Baghdad.
At 4:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the US base set up in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad.
At about 4:30pm Tuesday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone.”