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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/01/14
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 14 january 2005
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 15.01.2005 [06:33 ]
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Friday, 14 January 2005.
Al-Fallujah ミ ar-Ramadi.
Resistance pounds US positions around al-Fallujah on Friday.
A massive explosion shook the south of al-Fallujah at 4:45pm Friday, shortly before sunset, local time. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that thick black smoke was rising after the blast that could be seen 10km away in the eleveated areas to the north and west of the city.
Resistance forces shelled other positions of the US forces, hitting the US base in the agricultural area northeast of the city at 9am Friday with two Grad rockets.
Resistance forces pounded US troops gathered near the al-Ma‘adid Mosque to the north of al-Fallujah with four Grad rockets at 1pm Friday.
The Resistance also hit joint US-puppet “national guard” check points on the highway north of al-Fallujah at 3:45pm Friday with four 82mm mortar rounds and six 120mm mortar rounds.
The US base at al-Habbaniyah was hit by four Grad rockets at 4:30pm sending thick smoke rising over the large us base.
The American al-Asad base located in the al-Baghdadi area in western Iraq was hit by five Resistance Grad rockets at 2pm Friday, sending thick smoke into the sky for nearly two hours.
Resistance fighters shoot down US helicopter near al-Habbaniyah.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot down a US Black Hawk helicopter in the al-Habbaniyah area, about 15km west of al-Fallujah. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Habbaniyah ミ where the US maintains a huge airbase ミ reported that the helicopter was shot down at about midnight Thursday-Friday night over the village of Kawlikum west of the city. The helicopter went down in a livestock enclosure in the village and the burned bodies of the two-man crew were discovered Friday morning in that area known as ad-Dub which lies west of al-Habbaniyah.
The correspondent reported that US forces rushed to close off the crash site after 2am Friday morning, and then set about raiding houses in the village. No Iraqi Resistance group has claimed responsibility for the attack. One witness told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that he saw a rocket with a powerful bright flame fly towards the helicopter as it was hovering at a low altitude. The rocket blasted directly into the front of the helicopter. Witnesses said they saw four Resistance fighters in a pickup come out of the farm field where the rocket was fired about five minutes after the attack.
More American, Iraqi puppet troop bodies found in al-Fallujah.
US forces discovered a new batch of bodies of US troops and Iraqi puppet guards on the edge of the industrial zone in the eastern part of al-Fallujah on Friday. All had been butchered.
Iraqi Red Crescent medical sources and members of the al-Fallujah Health Department told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans found 11 bodies of US troops and six bodies of Iraqi puppet troops in a garage where cars were washed and lubricated on al-Karinat Street. The sources said that the Americans located the bodies with the help of police dogs who followed the smell of decaying flesh to its source.
The source said that the Americans had difficulty picking up the bodies and putting them in body bags because they were badly decomposed and falling apart.
Resistance barrage pounds US al-Warrar base near ar-Ramadi; Americans in the base fire all Iraqi translators, charging them with leaking information to Resistance.
Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US al-Warrar base west of ar-Ramadi at 12:30pm Friday with a barraged of thirteen 120mm mortar rounds that blasted into the main headquarters in the base, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. Thick clouds of smoke rose from the installation and secondary explosions of US munitions could be heard inside the American camp for two full hours after the attack. US helicopters flew repeated missions into the camp trying to extinguish the flames.
US occupation forces in the camp on Friday expelled all the Iraqi translators working with them on charges of leaking information to the Resistance. One of the dismissed translators told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans told them, “if you weren’t cooperating with the ‘terrorists’ they would have killed you a long time ago.”
The mass dismissal indicates that Resistance attacks on the US facility have been extremely accurate. The translator told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance attack on the camp the previous week scored direct and serious hits, “killing 44 US troops including a high-ranking American commander who was visiting the base at the time.”
Resistance shoots down unmanned US reconnaissance plane near Hit.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot down an unmanned US reconnaissance plane in the al-Baghdad area of the city of Hit, west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the downing actually took place four kilometers northwest of Hit at 7am Friday, local time. Witnesses told the correspondent that the aircraft was shot down in the al-‘Askari neighborhood of the city and that it came down on the rooftop of a house without causing any damage to the building. The correspondent said that he took several pictures of the downed craft but that they did not reach the Mafkarat al-Islam office due to US interference with internet communications inside Iraq.
Resistance attacks in ad-Durah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the Hur Rajab area of ad-Durah at 8am Friday, destroying a US Humvee and killing four US troops. Afterward, US troops encircled the area.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the middle of a dirt road in the al-Bu ‘Ithah area of ad-Durah at 10:30am Friday, destroying two US Humvees and killing seven US troops. Afterward, US troops arrested 21 local people.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the highway in ad-Durah at 1:30pm, flipping over and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle and killing one US soldier and moderately wounding two more.
Friday morning battle in al-A‘zamiyah.
Fighting broke out between US occupation troops and Resistance forces armed with rockets and BKC machine guns in Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district at 8:15am Friday, destroying two Humvees and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle. Eleven US troops were killed and four others seriously wounded. US forces then opened fire at two Resistance attackers but in an indiscriminate way, so that they only managed to kill six civilians.
Resistance attacks on US, puppet guards in al-Karakh.
Fighting erupted between the Iraqi Resistance armed with rockets, hand grenades, and BKC machine guns on one side and the US occupation forces and puppet “national guards” on the other on al-Fahhamah Street and al-Mushahadah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District at about 5pm Friday evening. A US Bradley armored vehicle and a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet guard were destroyed. Two US troops and five puppet guards were killed, four US troops and three guards were wounded. Three Iraqi Resistance fighters were shot to death by American snipers.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with hand grenades killed three puppet “national guards” in the area of al-Fahhamah Street and al-Mushahadah in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District at 1:30pm Friday.
Puppet guards launch raids, rob houses, arrest 65 people in Baghdad district.
Puppet so-called “Iraqi national guards” accompanied by US troops carried out raids and searches of houses in the ash-Sha‘b area of Baghdad at 7:30am Friday, arresting 65 persons and stealing money from the houses.
Puppet “election” officials assassinated in Baghdad.
An official working with the Saddam neighborhood center for the sham American-backed “election” farce was assassinated on Friday by Resistance fighters who opened fire on the puppet official with Kalashnikov assault rifles at 9:30am Friday.
An official working with the al-Bayya‘ area center for the sham American-backed “election” farce was assassinated on Friday by Resistance fighters who opened fire on the puppet official with Kalashnikov assault rifles at 10:30am Friday.
Deadly Resistance ambush in al-Bu Hishmah.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the al-Bu Hishmah area, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee. Resistance fighters then fired two rockets at the armored vehicle and a third at the Humvee to make certain of the destruction. The attack, which took place at 11:30am Friday left eight US troops dead. One Resistance fighter also died. US forces then encircled the area and arrested 19 people who happened to be around.
Resistance attack in al-Mushahadah north of at-Taji.
Iraqi Resistance fighters fired rockets at two civilian trucks loaded with supplies for the US occupation forces in the al-Mushahadah area north of at-Taji at 7:15am Friday, killing two US soldiers and seriously wounding five more.
Resistance bomb targets armored vehicle in al-Ishaqi.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb planted between two streets in the al-Ishaqi area north of Baghdad exploded when a Bradley armored vehicle drove over it at 9:30am Friday. All the Americans aboard the vehicle were killed. US troops encircled the area and opened fire indiscriminately but inflicted no casualties.
Resistance bomb in ar-Ridwaniyah.
Two heavy Iraqi Resistance bombs planted in the middle of a dirt road in ar-Ridwaniyah exploded at 11am Friday, destroying a US Abrams tank and killing four US troops.
Resistance bomb in al-‘Amiriyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb on Airport Road in the al-‘Amiriyah area of Baghdad exploded and destroyed a Humvee and disabled two civilian cars at 1:15pm Friday, killing two US troops and seriously wounding two more. Three civilians were also wounded.
Resistance bomb kills three US troops in al-Mahmudiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in al-Mahmudiyah at 1:15pm Friday, destroying a US Humvee and killing three US troops.
Resistance bombing in ad-Duwaylibah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the ad-Duwaylibah area at 1:30pm Friday, disabling a US Bradley armored vehicle and seriously wounding three US troops.
Bomb attack in al-‘Uwayrij.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the al-‘Uwayrij area south of Baghdad at 2:45pm Friday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops and seriously wounding a fourth.
Resistance attack in as-Suwayrah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on al-Mudakhkhat Street in as-Suwayrah south of Baghdad at 11:30am Friday, destroying a US Humvee and killing all aboard. After the attack, US troops opened fire indiscriminately, killing three civilians and setting a pickup truck and a red 1986 Brazilian car belonging to Iraqi civilians ablaze.
Resistnace fighters assassinat Badr Brigade members.
Iraqi Resistance fighters shot Kalashnikov assault rifles and killed members of the collaborationist Badr Brigades as they drove in a late model Nissan pickup along 60 Street in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 3pm Friday.
Badr Brigade gunmen murder Sunni citizens.
Members of the collaborationist Badr Brigades shot four Sunni Muslims to death near the storage tanks in the al-Hurriyah area at 8am Friday.
Resistance fighters shoot and kill puppet police officer.
Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and killed a first lieutenant in the puppet police at the ad-Darwish intersection in as-Sayyidiyah at 5:15pm Friday.
Resistance attacks in Abu Ghurayb.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded by a US Bradley armored vehicle in the ash-Shihah area of Abu Ghurayb at 6:30am Friday, destroying the Bradley and killing three US troops and wounding a fourth. US troops opened fire indiscriminately on homes around the area but inflicted no casualties.
Iraqi Resistance fighters in Abu Ghurayb fired a rocket at US forces at 11:20am Friday, destroying a Humvee and killing three US troops as well as a Sudanese translator collaborator who was accompanying the Americans.
Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded under a US column in the Ibrahim ibn ‘Ali village in the Abu Ghurayb area at 3:30pm Friday, destroying two Bradley armored vehicles and a Humvee. Resistance fighters then opened fire with rockets from different positions around the American column, killing nine US troop and seriously wounding five more. US forces responded by firing indiscriminately on neighboring houses, killing six civilians.
Resistance operation frees 38 Abu Ghurayb prisoners Thursday night.
A source in the Iraqi puppet police disclosed on Friday that 38 prisoners in Abu Ghurayb were able to escape when Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a bus that was carrying them from the prison into Baghdad.
The source, who works with the Iraqi puppet police and who requested anonymity, told Reuters that the Resistance fighters attacked the Daewoo police bus loaded with 38 prisoners on Thursday night. All the prisoners were liberated and fled. The Resistance fighters seized the weapons of the guards on the bus.
The source said that the Resistance fighters beat the guards up but did not kill them, and then took their the Kalashnikov assault rifles they were carrying.
The source said that the operation was carried out near the Ibn Hayyan Briges on the highway in the al-‘Adl neighborhood of Baghdad. He said that most of the prisoners were Iraqis but some were fraternal Arabs.
Reuters reported that occupation troops had re-arrested 10 of the escapees, but were still searching for 28.
US Defense technology official on secret visit seeks Zionist technology for use in Iraq.
After American technology and the US arsenal failed to defeat the Iraqi Resistance, American imperial military leaders are now seeking more help from their Zionist colleagues.
The Palestine Information Center reports that Anthony Tether, Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), paid a secret visit to occupied Palestine where he held talks with “Israeli” officials concerning the testing out of Zionist technological programs and the development of Zionist technology in ways that might help out the US military occupation in Iraq.
An official US government website reported that, “DARPA is the principal Agency within the Department of Defense for research, development, and demonstration of concepts, devices, and systems that provide highly advanced military capabilities. As Director, Dr. Tether is responsible for management of the Agency’s projects for high-payoff, innovative research and development.”
The Palestine Information Center sources said that Tether and his delegation met with officials of the “Israeli” defense ministry. Their talks centered on technological ways to help the US fight urban guerrilla warfare such as is being waged with great success by the Iraqi Resistance.
Of particular interest to the Americans were various electronic optical visual devices, radars and their accompanying technology, as well as linkages between unmanned reconnaissance planes, helicopters, and other weapons systems.
Iraqi Resistance ambush on bridge.
A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on the al-Jannabiyin bridge in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad, at 2:15pm Friday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and killing three US troops. American forces then encircled the area and within an hour and a half hauled away the wrecked vehicle.
Resistance attack targets puppet “national guard” in al-Latifiyah.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded at the entrance to al-Latifiyah at 8:40am Friday, destroying a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet “national guards,” killing eight puppet guards near a British occupation force headquarters.
Al-Miqdadiyah ミ Diyala Province.
US tank crushes bus full of agricultural laborers, killing eight workers, seriously injuring eight more.
Eight Iraqi agricultural workers were killed and eight others injured when an American tank ran over an Iraqi bus in the village of Shawk ar-Rim near al-Miqdadiyah in Diyala Province, east of Baghdad.
A source in the surgical department of Ba‘qubah General Hospital told Mafkarat al-Islam that the hospital had received the bodies of six people and ten injured persons, some of them in critical condition who were then transferred to the al-Jumlah al-‘Asabiya Hospital specializing in the nervous system in Baghdad, but there they later died.
Witnesses in the city of al-Miqdadiyah said that the American tank struck a civilian bus in Shawk ar-Rim village. The bus was loaded with workers from the neighboring Dalli ‘Abbas area. They come into Shawk ar-Rim village as day labor in the parks and gardens there early every morning. There they earn a daily wage of about US$3.
Al-Jazeera satellite TV reported that everyone aboard the bus was either injured or killed.
A spokesman for the puppet police department of Ba‘qubah confirmed that the accident took place at 6:30am Friday, local time.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the presence of large numbers of foreign military vehicles in Iraqi towns, cities, and villages, results in large numbers of dead civilians because the occupation forces follow exaggerated security procedures and ignore their negative impact on all around them.
Resistance ambushes convoy Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces in Samarra’ attacked a US truck column loaded with supplies for the American occupation troops. An officer in the puppet so-called “Iraqi exterior road protection force” told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the column was made up of seven US trucks and was being escorted by four Humvees. More than 30 masked Resistance fighters, deployed on both sides of the road, attacked the US column.
The Iraqi puppet officer said that the attack took place by the crossing over a branch of the Tigris river at exactly 9:30am Friday. The Resistance fighters detonated roadside bombs that they had planted and opened fire with rockets and light arms on the US column, destroying three trucks and killing all aboard. They also destroyed a Humvee and killed four Americans in that. The rest of the column was able to flee.
The Iraqi puppet officer said that the Resistance fighters “seized some of the contents of the truck ミ weapons and military hardware, but he couldn’t specify what, exactly. He said that they took some of the big boxes and put them in their cars and drove off from the scene of the attack.
He said, “the American helicopters took a whole hour to come. They carried off the bodies of the dead.” He noted that three Resistance fighters had also been killed and two more injured. Their comrades took them with them in their cars after the fighting ended.
Bomb kills British troops.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a British Range Rover in the al-Mahawil area at 8:30am Friday, killing three British troops.
Iraqi Resistance issues notice to Japanese invader troops to leave Iraq or face “black days.”
Notices issued by the General Command of the Islamic Resistance appeared in Baghdad, ar-Ramadi, and as-Samawah on Friday warning the Japanese occupation forces and calling on them to withdraw from the Land of the Two Rivers and the capital of Harun ar-Rashid.
The notice said that the Japanese had earlier been warned, but they had resorted to cutting deals for their protection with local tribal leaders and puppet government departments. The Resistance organization therefore found it necessary to reiterate their warning to the Japanese to withdraw, and added that this was their final notice.
The notice said that a sufficient quantity of powerful missiles, including Ababil and Tariq rockets, some of them with unconventional warheads, had been stockpiled and were ready for use against the Japanese invader headquarters in as-Samawah.
The notice concluded with an oath before God Almighty that they would make the Japanese troops “live through black days,” as they “turn their nights into days and their days into nights if they refuse to leave.”
Bombardments around Iraq on Friday.
At 6am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area in Baghdad, known to the invaders as the “green zone,” setting off sirens and sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At 8:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US Sukkaniya base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At 8:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the US Headquarters 117 Abu Ghurayb, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 11:30am Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired eight 82mm mortar rounds into the as-Saddamiyah palace in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At 12:10pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US base in the former Iraqi Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At 2:20pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired six 120mm mortar rounds into the US al-Bakr base in the Balad area.
At 3:40pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Grad rocket into the Arab Equestrian Club on Airport Road, sending smoke rising into the sky.
At 4:30pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired into three Katyusha rockets into the US Sukkaniya base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.
At 5:15pm Friday, Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 82mm mortar rounds into the US Sukkaniya base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky.